Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main REENACTMENT OF THE CRUCIFIXION Sarah Bjornstad, Pastor Bjornstad and Ky Betts upon the cross. The crowd gathers to witness the crucifixion. Women at the cross: Lillian Colbert, Ramona Brown and Nora Betts. Photo: Jake Danna Stevens, Scranton Times Photographer
From the pastor’s heart: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you
“Fear not, I am the first and the last,
and the living one.
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose
I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys
on earth will be loosed in heaven.” - Matt. 16:19
of Death and Hades.” - Revelation 1:17-18
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I used to carry quite a few keys around with me everywhere. A few months ago my wife suggested (she is so very helpful and sensible much of the time) that I should take off the keys I didn’t use very often so I wasn’t lugging so many around all the time. “But then I won’t look so important!” I objected! I was speaking in jest, of course, but there is an underlying truth to the matter. Keys often do give us great power. They give us the power to keep something safe, to keep someone from something, AND/OR they can give us access to something precious and important to us. The scriptures contend that our Lord Jesus Christ has in his possession the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as Death and Hades. That means that he has power over them. In His glorious death and resurrection he has defeated our “last enemy” - death (1Cor. 15:26). That is why we love to say “He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! Amen!” But then we come home from Easter worship - and somehow get distracted from the melody of heaven. Easter joy somehow has this terrible tendency to devolve into something trivial in our “Normal Operating Procedures” of life. We drone on day after day trying to eke out a living and staying ahead of disaster, rarely
experiencing the thrill of following Jesus and giving and receiving forgiveness and healing in our lives. Let it be not so! Jesus save us! Let us not forget that this victory over sin, death and the devil is to be the melody of our daily lives, blessing us now in every way - and preparing us for that day when it all becomes perfectly clear, the day we breath our last and then see our Lord with our own eyes at the Resurrection! The blessed thing is that although I have a great tendency to lose my keys, the keys over death and heaven are never lost by our Lord. And even as he holds them safe, he also continually GIVES His church (you and me) the same keys over death and heaven. This is a great and beautiful mystery! Join us this Easter season as we journey through the book of Revelation to experience and know of the victory Christ has accomplished for us, and to be blessed in our daily lives by its promises. In Easter Joy,
Pastor Bjornstad
The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
Making a Joyful Noise
Lutheran Schools Week- March 6-13th Students celebrated all week with Spirit week and ended Lutheran Schools week with singing at the March 13th worship service at Immanuel and a Potluck after. Thank you to all who supported the schools in attendance at the worship service and who celebrated the joys of Christian Education at the potluck.
The students at Immanuel Preschool & Kindergarten offered their musical gift of joyous song. SPORTS TEAM TUESDAY
On Sunday March 13th, the Academy students led the music and readings for the 9:30 worship service at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Continue to pray for the Academy and for all the ways their music can/will bless others.
Preschool PAJAMA DAY
School websites:
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS NEEDED for Frank Schulze and the Woolverton family. Frank grew up in Peace Lutheran, and is loved by many of us who know him and his whole family. We have been praying for him and the family since early February when, as an off duty police officer, he shot and killed Joseph Molinero. This past Thursday Pastor Bjornstad was with the family at the courthouse as Frank was taken into custody and charged with criminal homicide. Kevin and Meredith plead for your prayers and support, and we are able and willing to do this - no matter our feelings about his actions. Justified as self defense or not (judgment really needs to be reserved until all facts are known), a terrible thing has happened and the family needs our love and the love of Christ in their lives. Our prayers need to be for Frank, the family of Mr. Molinero, and importantly the Justice system - that it does its work well.
+ NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING Please continually pray for the following Peace Lutheran Church youth who plan to attend the convention this summer: Kiana and Kobe Sauter, Andrew Harsche, and AJ Hackenberg.
+ PEACE HOUSE APARTMENT The Peace House has a new tenant -Ginny Perriano! Pictured is Ginny along with the two men of our congregation Rich Hellard and Jerry Cornog, who worked almost daily to restore the apartment to ideal living conditions.
+ 100th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE PROJECTS As we approach the 100th Anniversary of Peace Lutheran Church, there is a desire to tackle anniversary projects. One project to improve the church and one to impact the community around us. Below are some proposed ideas. We are asking you to review the list, share with Pastor or Amy Betts additional ideas to be considered. A vote will be held at the April 17th Congregational Meeting to determine which projects we will raise funds for and complete before our 100th Anniversary year (2017) comes to a close. Church Improvement Project Ideas: * New sound system * Create a Church Ad campaign * Increase narthex area for welcome/fellowship activities * Handicap accessibility for Church basement Community Improvement Project Ideas: * Rejuvenate/beautification of corner lot across from church * Plot playground rejuvenation (on Grace Street) Be sure you give your input and come vote on April 17th.
+ SAVE THE DATE: Congregational Meeting, Sunday April 17th after the 10:30 am service. Gather for a potluck lunch and congregational meeting. Items on the agenda: youth fundraisers, presentation of a strategic plan for Peace, and a vote on the 100th Anniversary project(s). Utilize this opportunity to stay in the know about the work of YOUR church.
+ FEEDBACK In this age of technology we encourage you to be connected to Peace Lutheran Church via our website and if possible on the Facebook page. We highly encourage you not to be afraid to give feedback and respond on Facebook posts. Your participation speaks volumes to visitors to our church and our page. + IMMANUEL CALLING PROCESS Please pray for wisdom and for God’s hand to continue to be on the calling process for Immanuel Lutheran Church.
+ MARRIAGE RETREAT Attention Married Couples: Thousands of couples have learned that taking some time to “tune-up” their marriages pays huge dividends. Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends are designed to strengthen and revitalize marriages whether you have been married a year or 60 years. There is currently still room for couples at the April 22-24 Weekend at State College’s premier conference center, the Penn Stater. Registrations are also being taken for the two fall Weekends: September 16-18 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in the Poconos or October 21-23 at Olmsted Retreat Center in Ludlow, PA. All costs for 2 nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and supplies are covered by a $100.00 per couple registration fee plus a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish that you are given the opportunity to make toward the end of the weekend. To register online, go to:, or for further information, contact Fred & Julie Schamber at: or 724-325-3166. + 100th ANNIVERSARY The Church Council is happy to announce Beverly Gedrimas has been appointed the head of our 100th Anniversary Committee. To get the ball really rolling, a Peace History Party is planned for Sunday, April 17 at the conclusion of the Congregational Meeting. The hope is for as many folks as would like to stay, look over the pictures and history of Peace Lutheran Church, to talk and reflect, and to record the events of our church. If you are unable to make it on April 17th but would like to be included in future Peace History gatherings, please let Beverly Gedrimas know.
+ ESL CLASSES ESL classes are held 5:45-7:15pm each Thursday at the Lutheran Ministry Center. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED. If you are available on Thursdays, the ESL program can use you!
Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607
Worship with Holy Communion Sunday School (ages Kindergarten to Adult)
10:30 6:00
Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday Church of All Nations worship service at the LMC
Additional Services at Immanuel: 5:30 pm Saturday Evening and 9:30 am Sunday Morning
SPONSORING FLOWERS If you would like to sponsor the flowers for a particular Sunday, please note that it is the sponsor’s responsibility to provide/order the flowers. Please sign up on the calandar at the back of the church to indicate your sponsorship! To order from McCarthy’s Flowers, please call: 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol. Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there!
April 17th Agenda
April 3: The Promises of God in Revelation: Jesus the Glorious King. April 10: The Promises of God in Revelation: Jesus the Lamb of God- Worthy to Open the Scroll April 17: The Promises of God in Revelation: Jesus the Good Shepherd April 24: The Promises of God in Revelation: Jesus the Heavenly Groom
“The Gathering Place”
A Congregational Meeting with a potluck is planned for after church on Sunday, April 17th. A signup sheet is located at the back of church, please take a moment to indicate you plan to attend and if possible what potluck food item you will bring. The intent of this meeting is to keep you, the valued parishioner, informed; and to allow you the opportunity to ask questions and to vote on the 100th Anniversary service project(s). See page 3 of this newsletter for the project ideas. Here is the proposed agenda: * Potluck Food & Fellowship * Presentation of Youth Fundraising for April-June * Presentation of the Strategic Plan * 100th Anniversary planning committee update * Vote on proposed 100th Anniversary capital campaign projects
THE POWER OF A YEAR! Give praise to God for the completion of our first year of
An anoynomous donor has pledged $5000 to give the Lutheran Ministry Center fellowship hall a makeover. And with this update, comes a new name for the fellowship hall - The Gathering Place.
ownership of the LUTHERAN
An update to this space is much needed to make the hall a desired location for events, both for the church and as a rental revenue source for the LMC budget.
who have contributed time, talent,
Proposed updates to the hall include * Rewiring and installation of new lighting * Mini blinds and valances to replace the outdated curtains * Strip, repaint and seal the floor These projects come with an estimated price tag of $13,000. Even with the inital pledge of $5000, we are in need of additional pledges to complete the project. Please prayfully consider whether you can support this building project and make “The Gathering Place” a desired event venue.
MINISTRY CENTER! Many thanks to SO MANY people
and treasure toward this facility and the operation of the school and the Church of All Nations. Special thanks really do go to Jerry and Bonnie Cornog, and Rick Hellard, as they continually volunteer immense amounts of time and talent to its smooth operation. God has done amazing things through all of us, and He is not done with us yet! April 1, 2015 the day Peace Church acquired the building now known as The Lutheran Ministry Center.
Sunday, April 17th from 10:00 - noon
Saturday, May 14th
Saturday, June 25th
Church Parking Lot
Time to be announced
Time to be announced
Free Will Donation
Peace Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church
Welcoming People to the Church Tips of the Month: ✿ Tell people you are glad they are here. ✿ Pray for them throughout the week. ✿ Be yourself. You are loving! You have the capacity to love more people, and to love more deeply. Practice making people feel special, and what you give to others will be returned to you. NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? The Peace van is available to pick you up for Sunday School and worship service on Sundays. Call the church office to arrange.
An All Night Prayer Meeting is scheduled to be held one Friday night a month. It will start at 9:30pm until usually 11:30pm or 12am. We pray for many of the congregation, family, friends, the nation and the world. During the Prayer meeting there is scripture, testimonies, and lots of singing. Please join us when you can! The April Prayer Meeting will be Friday, April 22nd and as always will be held at the Lutheran Ministry Center.
Church of ALL Nations
The April 2016 Cottage Fellowships will be on Friday, April 15th beginning at 6:30pm. The fellowship will be hosted by Sam Ebenezer at his home 17 Throop Street (around the block from Peace). Please come with a dish to share (if possible) and look forward to wonderful fellowship, dinner, spiritual songs, and scripture. Come or go as you need. Please see Sam, Pastor or call the church office if you have questions or want to RSVP.
Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607