Peace talk, February 2015

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NEWSLETTER February 2015

Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

Pray without ceasing!!! •

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Our Peace Church Our parents and children! Our elderly and homebound! Our community and nation! The whole world!

That all would come to Christ and be saved!

Pictured here: A New Home for The Lutheran Academy and Ministry Center

God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

Pastor’s Message Nothing like having our church highjacked by the Lord! The Christmas rush was over and this pastor wanted to get his office cleaned. He was looking for some time off - as well as getting settled as the vacancy pastor at Immanuel. Everything was well in order and calm. We were supposed to have a congregational meeting in January to establish some plans and goals for our 100th Anniversary, so he was going to be doing a lot of thinking and praying on that… But then a discussion with a Pastor Daubenhauser took place. She shared her strong leading from the Lord that Peace needed to purchase a building she was charged with selling. It was an amazing property of a church and education building - perfect for our Academy. Suddenly life for this pastor and the congregation took an amazing turn! Literally in a matter of 3 1/2 weeks (there was a deadline of Feb. 1!) everything fell into place to have the congregation vote to purchase this building on January 25th. It was definitely a miracle of the Lord as the vote was almost unanimous. The property we are purchasing is the former Trinity Baptist Church in the Greenridge section of town, about 1 mile away from Peace. It was most definitely an answer to prayer for the board of The Lutheran Academy who had just defined plans in November to expand our Academy to two teachers and increase our student body - but had no where to expand TO. Incredibly, Pastor Daubenhauser convinced her church body to let us purchase it for $75,000 - even though there was a cash offer of $160,000. Her fervent desire was that the house that God’s people built would continue as a house of God and a center of wonderful ministry and outreach (instead of apartments or a Hindu Temple). She had sent her daughter to The Lutheran Academy several years ago and knew about Peace Lutheran Church and how The Lord was working through us. She was convinced that our church and Academy - with God’s grace and mercy - would accomplish God’s will there. The vote on January 25th was quite emotional. Not everyone had been

in favor the week before in our meeting together. It was plain that this was a very large endeavor and that we are inadequate in an of ourselves to take this project on. In the end congregational members were finally convinced that enough measures were taken to keep Peace church safe from any troubles with the project. Amazingly it was reported before the vote that $21,000 had been pledged by individuals and that Grace Lutheran Church in Hop Bottom, PA (30 minutes north of Scranton) had just voted to pledge another $5000! Ballots were filled out and we all gathered together holding hands as the results of the vote were announced by Chad Tyk our church president. We all sang the Doxology with true thanksgiving in our hearts. On the ballots voters could make additional pledges as well, and it was also announced that ANOTHER $9000 in pledges had been made (for a total of $35,000!) To God be all the glory! Nothing more to say! Please keep praying for everything to fall into place. There are a few hurdles that have to be overcome to reach a hopeful April 1st closing date, but our bid and earnest money have been submitted! Remember also in thanksgiving all those who were instrumental in getting this all put together, including the Academy Board, Chad Tyk, Roger Borchin, Amy Betts, and many others! If you want to know more details about the project, you can find an internet link on our website in the “News” section. From there you can view a document that will give you a good grasp of the scope of the project and all the financing details. Last month I introduced the themes I had put together for the next three years. “Ready”, “Set”, “Go!” I suppose what has happened here in the last month is a very high demonstration of how God is getting us “Ready” for the next 100 years. Only heaven knows all the glorious things the Lord has in store for us! He sends His Holy Spirit and all things necessary for us to proclaim His name and glory to all peoples! Praise His Holy Name! In Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad

The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Academy Board Update

LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK March 15-22, The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool will participate in Lutheran Schools Week. The week begins with students attending the 10:30 am service at Peace Lutheran Church on March 15th. Throughout the week, students will enjoy themed dress down days and on Tuesday, March 17th the Academy and Preschool will host an Open House for prospective parents/families to visit.

The Academy Board is hard at work exploring options to expand the Academy to include 7th Lutheran Schools Week will conclude March 22 with a church service at Immanuel Lutheran and 8th grade. With the Church followed by a Potluck lunch and art display in the fellowship hall. offer put in on the Monsey Ave property, the TLA Board waits to hear To learn more about the Academy, you can visit the Academy Facebook page at if the offer is accepted. In the meantime, work is being done in preparation for the annual Chocolate Pancake Breakfast. This event is a fundraiser for the Academy and is a hit every year. The Board kindly asks you to either participate and come have breakfast on Feb Pajama Day 2014 Western Day 2014 8th, and/or help spread the word to friends, family and neighbors. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Supporting The Lutheran Academy can be as simple as saving Box Tops for Education. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. These Box Preschool and Academy Tops can really add up. In the past, the school has purchases gym equipement and other essential supplies. This year the Academy is OPEN HOUSE UPDATE planning to use the money raised to purchase either curriculum or On January 27th, interested supplies for the school such as antibacterial wipes, plastic silverware, etc. families were invited to stop A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please begin saving the Box Tops, or if you by the Immanuel Preschool are already doing so we thank you and ask for continued support. Spread the word and turn and/or The Lutheran them in! Academy. Three families visited the preschool and one family visit the Academy. GIANT REWARDS PROGRAM They meet the teachers, and Another simple way to support The Lutheran Academy is through the Giant learned out how a ChristFood Store’s A+ School Rewards Program. centered school can benefit All you have to do is: their children. *Log on to select CUSTOMER REGISTRATION to register your Giant Card. * The Lutheran Academy code: #06016 After you register your card, each shopping trip at Giant using your Giant Rewards Card, earns CASH for the Lutheran Academy. You can track the amount of points you earn our school by checking the bottom of your grocery receipt. The Lutheran Academy will receive a check at the end of the program and can be used for any of the school’s edcational needs. Please be sure to encourage your friends and relatives to register as well. Every point matters. School websites:


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Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"

HAPPY NEWS AND NOTES: + ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE After a Christmas break, we have started up classes again. It is always important to have english speakers there to be real friends with our immigrants. We also need child care workers! Please call Pastor to say you can come and help! One of our faithful volunteers has not been able to make it due to health concerns lately and we definitely need at least one more volunteer. + ST. PATRICK’S DAY FLOAT In the past, Peace Lutheran Church has participated in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Scranton. This year the parade is Saturday, March 14. We are looking for someone (or two) to organize the float preparation. Please see Pastor or call Amy at the office 570-851-6744 if interested. Deadline to secure a spot in the parade is approaching. + END OF YEAR TITHING RECORD Be sure to pick up your 2014 record of tithing from the back table. Envelopes are clearly marked by name. If you are unable to get to church, please let Amy in the office know so we can make arrangements to get it to you.

+ THREE CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING A historic meeting will be held Sunday February 8th at 12:30 pm at St. Stephens church. This is a meeting for the church councils of our three local churches to come together (for the first time in history we think!), get to know each other, share a word of prayer, and begin to imagine how we could actually work together to better share the Gospel in our communities! If other leaders of the church besides church council members would like to attend, that would be welcome! + NEEDED: DRIVERS on Sunday mornings to pick up for Sunday School and Church!!! PLEASE PRAY FOR:

+ For Immanuel Lutheran Church (without a pastor) + For Pastor Vomhof of St. Stephens Lutheran Church + For The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool. May God call new families to these schools. + MARCH 15th - INGATHERING AND BLESSING OF PLEDGES FOR MONSEY AVE. CHURCH! Please be sure to have your pledges for the purchase of the Monsey Ave property turned in to the church before or on the morning of March 15th. Pastor will be saying a blessing over the pledges during the worship service.

MARCH FOR LIFE Once again I was able to participate in the activities of January 22nd's March for life. Thanks to a generous donation of her time share from a member, I had some lush accommodations. At the same time as the March, our church was conducting a Life Conference. Registrations for this conference were up from last year at around 300 people. Many of the attendees were high school students who had raised their own funds to come from across the country. I was able to share the Lord's Body and Blood with them. The March from the Mall to the Supreme court building was exhilarating. It is powerful to see hundreds of thousands of people showing our government of its error. It seemed to be larger. The weather was beautiful. There was also a little drama as the March was stopped for a while by some pro-choice protesters.

Picture of the LCMS banner marching

Please continue to keep this vital(pun intended) issue on your "radar", and pray for the sanctity of all of life. Rev. Kim E. Bode Hop Bottom, Pa.

Church website: email:

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WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: 8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion every Sunday. (We encourage you to come to this auxiliary service if you are unable to come to the 10:30 worship.) 9:30 Education Hour - for all ages! 10:30 The Main Worship Service with Holy Communion twice a month (usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays)

February’s Sermon themes: February 1: In Consideration of our Brothers and Sisters February 8: Friends for the Sake of the Gospel February 15: The Transfiguration of Our Lord

Friendship SundayFebruary 8th Invite a friend, or two (or three) to come hear God’s Word and be filled with Christian fellowship. This is also our Pancake Breakfast Sunday, a perfect opportunity to enjoy breakfast before or after service with friends.

February 22: A Sacrament: What does this mean?

NEW! TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY 6:30 pm every Tuesday evening Peace Chuch Led variously by pastor and lay persons

Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday Services:

10 am Peace Lutheran Church 7pm Immanuel Lutheran Church

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