NEWSLETTER February 2018
Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:12-14
From the Pastor’s Heart "Love is our destiny. Suffering is love's method. And heaven? Why heaven is love triumphant. Heaven is at last freedom to love as God loves, as Jesus loves, as we long to love in the moments that we call our best.” - Berthold von Schenk The Christian Life is characterized by so many astounding and opposite truths. We strive for all that is Godly, but we hate that which is evil. We are sinners and saints at the same time. We are to live in the world, but yet not be members of it. We experience joy and peace in abundance, and yet, we cannot escape that our lives are also pain and suffering in Christ’s name. The cross at the center of our Christian lives is God’s love - a love which overcomes and contradicts everything else in our foolish and sinful world - all our vain desires and lusts, all our pride and selfishness. As we share Jesus with our friends, family and neighbors, inviting them to Friendship Sunday (Feb. 11th!) and know the amazing life and love of Jesus, we could tremble at what might come of it - or what we might be blamed for if faith in Christ is joyfully taken up… Jesus says, in fact, that in order to gain your life you must lose it! Is it not unethical to invite someone to follow this Jesus when in fact He leads them to a cross? You are inviting them into a relationship with the Lord and His church that is not going to be a bowl of cherries! The Christian life almost always looks like a loosing proposition. Take Jesus as example A. Take your life as example B. Right? But this is what is also most certainly true: If anyone is to desire a life that is worthy of living, it must be a life that is taken over, loved, forgiven, and lifted up by the very person of Christ Jesus our Lord. It is He that dwells within us and makes us His temple. It is God’s perfect love which is our destiny. Praise be to the Lord! In Jesus’ love,
Pastor Bjornstad If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.
News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
Meet Mrs. Jan Wells A little Q & A with our new principal and teacher . . . What is your favorite subject to teach? I love languages so Latin and Literature. What are you most excited to accomplish this year? With the teachers, I would say I look forward to the training and mentoring. With the students, I look forward to bringing more classical methods into the learning experiences. What are you most enjoying about The Lutheran Academy so far? I love the atmosphere at the school. I was welcomed warmly and feel very comfortable and at home there. Any last thoughts? I thoroughly enjoyed the installation on January 7th and getting to meet some of the Peace congregation. I look foward to getting to know more as the weeks and months go on. On February 11th, from 9:45-10:15am in the sanctuary, Mrs. Wells will be sharing some information on the classical model of education - called the trivium. Come and find out what that is and how we use it in the education of our youth. Mrs. Wells plans to visit Peace Lutheran Church over the coming months and it is our hope you will enjoy getting to know her AND encourage her as she leads the charge in educating our students and mentoring our staff and volunteers.
$20,000 in Matching Funds
The Lutheran Academy Daytime Open House Wednesday, February 21 9:00-11:30am Perfect opportunity for prospective families to come and see the school in action, ask questions and consider the Academy for the fall.
In December, a gift was given to The Lutheran Academy for up to $20,000 in matching funds. The encouragment is to have these funds matched by other donors. We are well on our way, and to date have received over $8000. Please continue to consider your contribution to the Academy as we reach to match this generous gift. All gifts large or small help make the ministry of the Academy possible. Donations can be made in the offering plate, online at the church website, or via a check in the mail. A huge thank you to those who have already contributed!
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Supporting The Lutheran Academy can be as simple as saving Box Tops for Education. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. These Box Tops can really add up. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops. Spread the word and turn them in!
Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS For Pat Williams in Greenridge Nursing Home after a fall. For Frank Schulze who has spent 2 years in jail without a trial. Prayers for due process and hopeful changes to be made with the election of our new DA. For Bonnie Cornog as she continues to navigates the tests, surgery, treatments and ultimate recovery for her medical issues. For Ed Smith has he will begin treatment for his cancer. For Beverly Gedrimas as she is still looking for part-time employment. + GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING Nora Betts and Monica Fornaszewski were both honored in a ceremony on Jan 31st for receiving academic scholarships to attend Holy Cross High School in the upcomign 2018-19 school year. + 45th annual
March for Life The 2018 March for Life, the largest pro-life gathering in the world, takes place in Washington, D.C., took place on Friday, January 19. Pastor Bjornstad and Amy Betts took 4 young adults down to be part of this event. Pictured: Amy Betts, Malachi Hunt, Sam Stein, Nora Betts, Sarah Bjornstad, Pastor Bjornstad. + 2019 NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING Youth and adults from across the Synod will come together July 11-15, 2019, in Minneapolis for the next LCMS National Youth Gathering under the theme “Real. Present. God.” The theme is rooted in Psalm 46. The trip is open to youth 14-19 years old, or entering his/her 9th grade year as of July 2019. Youth that would be of age to attend, now is the time to talk with your parents. Parents and youth are invited to an upcoming planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for after the 10:30 worship service on Sunday, March 4th. REMINDERS:
Every Sunday Evening at 6:00pm there is a short Devotional Service at the Lutheran Ministry Center. A beautiful evening of quiet if you missed the morning worship. Deacon Babbitts has an official church email:! Feel free to email him here with any church business.
Church website:
+ FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY Sunday February 11th is Friendship Sunday. This is a perfect opportunity to invite your friend, neighbor or coworker to join us for worship. YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS VITAL TO OUR CHURCH AND SCHOOL! This year’s budget is going to take intentional giving to attain. Thank you to all who have been so exceedingly faithful in their support. If you have not had the opportunity to share back to the Lord what is actually His, please count 2018 a good year to start! There is no specific amount that anyone can say you should tithe, but whatever it is, it is to be made in prayer, with joy and thanksgiving. You might start by asking questions like: “If my cable TV bill is more than my offering, what does that say about what I value in my life?”
Saturday, Feb 10th 4pm Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall Bring your favorite pot of chili - ANY variety Whether you want to bring your own creation or just sample a few and vote for your favorite, we invite everyone to come enjoy a hearty meal and great fellowship. There are no limits to the chili varieties – vegetarian, meaty, hot, mild, etc. FREE TUMS!
+ LENTEN WORSHIP CLARIFICATION Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14th. Pastor will be holding his normal 10:00am Midweek Worship Service at Peace beginning Feb 14th and ending March 21st. ALL midweek evening lenten services will be hosted and held at St Stephen’s Lutheran Church located at 25 Hillcrest Dr in Olyphant. Please consider attending one of these services as we embark on the Lenten journey together. A LOOK AHEAD . . . Congregational Meeting - Sunday March 18th after the 10:30 worship service. Please mark your calendars now to attend and hear about the options available as we make a Pastoral transition this June. SEDER MEAL - Thursday, March 29th 6pm at Peace Lutheran Church. More to come in the March newsletter. Congregational Voter’s Meeting - Sunday May 6th after the 10:30 service. This will be the meeting to cast your vote for the future.
LMC: 570-703-0607
From the Deacon’s Desk Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth. I do not ask for these only but those who will believe in me through their word, that they may be one, just as you Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:18-21 These verses are part of Jesus’ High Priestly prayer spoken in the Garden of Gethsemane. As Jesus awaits being arrested, tried, condemned and crucified, He prays. This portion is an intercessory part of the prayer. Simply stated a prayer for others. We often say these types of prayer for others when they are dealing with some challenge or crisis in life. Every Sunday, the Pastor or person leading us in worship prays on behalf of the congregation members. Jesus here prays for the resolution of a crisis we often overlook and yet it constitutes the most serious crisis that any person can face, the crisis of unbelief. Jesus prays for those who will come to believe in Him by OUR words. Not just that they will believe in Him but that we, His followers will spread the Gospel and will become one with those with whom we share the Gospel, even as He and the Father are one. Why is unbelief such a crisis? Because it does not carry with it just consequences for this life but eternal separation from God. It is why He, Jesus, was sent to save sinners, and why we sinners redeemed and dead to sin have been sent by Him to continue His work that no one would left behind. So that we would work diligently that not one would be lost. Jesus paid the price for those who still do not know Him. Such a steep price should never be paid in vain. We will soon be entering Lent. Where we will focus even more on Jesus’ journey to the cross. It is common practice, knowing it does not earn us salvation, for many of us to give up something during this season of the church year. I would like to challenge you, rather than give something up, to take something on. Each day pray for at least one person who doesn’t know Jesus. Pray for that person every day for all forty days of Lent. Add that person’s name to the prayer list that we can pray for them in church and at our prayer vigil next month that they would be brought to Faith in Christ. For as Christ prayed for his disciples and those who would believe through His word we too need to pray for those we will reach and those who will be reached through them, until the whole world has heard. I will be praying for Amy from California, an atheist. I look forward to seeing the names of those you will add to our prayers this Lenten season. ~ Deacon John
Calling All Married Couples A new study called “Power of We” will be held the first Thursday of each month in the fellowship hall at Peace. Dinner and study begins at 6pm. Dates are as follows: February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7. Call the church office to register.
Adult Bible Study There is a simple way to support Peace Lutheran Church when you shop online. If you have an account you can chose to have 0.5% of the purchases you make go to a charitable organization of your choice. Good news, Peace is now on that list! * Log on to your account * Click the “Your Amazon Smile” under the Your Accounts tab. * Search for “ Peace Lutheran Church Scranton” * Confirm your choice and you are done. Now you are all set to impact Peace with every purchase you make. To be sure Peace gets the 0.5%, you will need to begin your shopping experience at If you have any questions or need assistance setting this up, please call Amy at the church office and she will be more than happy to help you. If you plan to shop with and don’t have an account set up, she can also assist you in the process. Thank you for your part in support the work of Peace Lutheran Church.
Luther said of the Epistle to the Galatians “That is my Epistle.” It may have been Luther’s favorite but Paul doesn’t seem too happy with the churches in Galatia. Hmmm wonder why that is? What did they do that got him fired up? Then there are the gifts of the Spirit that Paul rattles off in the fifth chapter. Love, Peace, Patience, etc. Do they have to be in that order? If so Why? Join the Adult Bible Study as we explore Galatians and dig deep, really, really, deep into those gifts God gives.
NEW SELF-PACED BIBLE STUDY OPTION Want to learn more about the Bible but don’t think you have the time? What if the study was tailored according to your busy and changing schedule? Deacon John will be leading a Overview of the Bible Bible study from the Lifelight series via e-mail. Read and respond at the pace that suits your schedule. All you have to do is give us your e-mail and your all set. You’ll receive your first e-mail shortly thereafter. So don’t let that crazy rat race get in the way, join us now! Email Deacon John directly at or sign up at the back of the church.
Parsonage Repasts Pastor and Monica have begun hosting a meal in their home to spend time with YOU. Sign up sheets are in the back of the church and all members are encouraged to sign up for one of the dates. All meals will be held from 6-7:30pm at the parsonage. In addition to food and fellowship, there will be time for reflection on Pastor’s time at Peace, prayer and discussion for the future. These special repasts are a wonderful opportunity to spend time in small groups with the Bjornstad’s and we hope you will not miss out. The remaining dates are as follows: Feb 10, 19 March 5, 24 If you are unable to be at church in the upcoming weeks to personally sign up, please call the church office. Also,if none of these dates work for you, we want to hear from you. As we consider the future of Peace . . .
WHAT IS A VACANCY PASTOR? The question is an interesting one because as with most things in life, ok everything except God, things have changed over the years. In the past a vacancy pastor was seen as a man who would keep the congregation together in a bit of a holding pattern until a call was issued to a new pastor. Author Lyle Schaller, who studied congregations, suggested that a congregation experience a vacancy for one month for every year the previous pastor served. So I believe in the case of Peace that would be at least 17 months. During that time of vacancy the congregation would do self study to determine what their needs were in a new pastor. The vacancy pastor would remove himself from any consideration of being called by the congregation. This was because the man currently serving the congregation was seen as having an unfair advantage over any other potential candidate. Many congregations would see a decline in attendance as members saw this time of vacancy as a low budget time period. Some members would leave because they had only stayed because of the previous pastor. Many would sit on the fence and wait to see who the new guy was. The vacancy pastor was prevented from giving a lot of guidance so as not to make it more difficult for the newly called and installed pastor who would undoubtedly have new directions and ways to lead the congregation for their spiritual growth. That has all changed. A vacancy pastor is now expected to lead, to build, to encourage, to minister and care so that the next pastor issued a call receives a healthy, vibrant congregation that has experienced new ministry paths and a different persons approach. In this way, the congregation will break comfortable old patterns and will be open to the new pastors guidance. Experience has shown that a vacancy pastor who fulfills this role grows the congregation. In many instances this will be a retired pastor with a wealth of prior experience but it is no longer considered unethical or unusual for a candidate to be placed in a vacancy with the intention that he may receive a regular call to the congregation he serves.
EVENT SPACE FOR RENT!!!! Birthday or Anniversary Party . . . Family Reunion . . . Baby Shower. . . Retreats . . . and more Please consider the Lutheran Ministry Center Fellowship Hall (with spacious kitchen) for your next event. Did you know members of Peace get a “member” price on the rental? Share the news of this great space. Priced to fit even the tightest budget. Reservation form available on the website and at the back of church. Call the church office to reserve your date. The lights stay on and the heat flows when we have revenue coming in to the LMC, so please help by spreading the word about our lovely space at 1546 Monsey Ave!
Veterans Bible Study We are incredibly grateful to the men and women who serve and have served in our armed forces. We would like to start a special Bible study just for Veterans and those currently serving in the military in our area. That study is Warriors of Faith created by Lutheran Hour Ministries. The description from their website is: Warriors of Faith -- Military Men, a Men's NetWork Bible study written especially for these servicemen and women, explores the issues of anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness and love, as they impact the lives of those who have served, or are now serving, their country. Study leaders have been selected and the location for this Bible Study should be set up very soon. If you are a veteran who might like to attend, or know current soldiers or veterans who might like to attend, please let Pastor Bjornstad, Deacon John or Amy Betts know. Also, if you think a daytime, evening or Saturday morning would be best for you and the veterans you know, please let us know so we can best plan for the study. We hope to have this study started by late February.
Here is a new a fresh presentation of the Strategic Plan created for Peace Lutheran Church. The Goals and Objectives were outlined at the January 16, 2016 Congregational Retreat and were recently structured into this handy one-page sheet. The hope is you will be able to reference this sheet and see how the actions, activities and missions of Peace help accomplish the goals outlined. As you review this plan, consider how YOU can be a part of the Membership, Outreach, Stewardship or Youth Development of YOUR church.