NEWSLETTER January 2014
Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
Prayer for the new Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Martin Luther had some very famous quotes about prayer: To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon. Certainly one of the most beautiful aspects of our Christian life is the discipline and privilege of conversation with the God of the Universe. Why would we think that the
God of the universe would care what we might want to say to Him? Or that He actually would hear us? And why would we even imagine that he would actually promise to respond to our supplcations? Amazingly all these things are true for us as the children of God! He most certainly cares about each and every single one of us. Because of Jesus Christ and His work of salvation, we certainly are able to approach the throne of God - and He actually hears us! And finally, He most definitely promises to answer our prayers that are offered up in true faith. There is only one thing about our prayer life that is needy: our practice of it! This past Fall the pastor's conference at Camp Pioneer focused on prayer and its rich benefits to our church and people. I would
like very much to grow in my prayer life. I have always considered my whole life and my day long murmering as a prayer to the Lord, but I am certainly not disciplined in my prayer. I do need to grow in this area of my faith - and I invite you to come along in this "Year of Prayer" here at Peace. May we be in 2014 a beautiful House of Prayer FILLED with beautiful People of God. Let us be THRILLED to be called into a relationship where there is actual communication between us and the Lord! Let our congregation be a congregation that PRAYS WITHOUT CEASING! God will always bless us in our praying! Your servant in Christ, Pastor Bjornstad
Remembering Ann
my Lutheran Acade Christmas Tea
Beautiful Christm
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The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people.
The Blessings of the Lord shower down upon the Academy!
The Academy Board of Directors put together a December fund drive to raise $3000 of the necessary $7500 to cover student scholarships for students of the Academy. We praise the Lord as we can now report that we exceeded our goal - almost reaching $6000! This is so very exciting for us - and is affirmation that God is very pleased with this beautiful mission to make a difference in the lives of our children and families! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Student presents a memorized Bible verse at the Christmas Tea
Cecelia shares a moment at the Tea with Elsie, her neighbor in the Plot!
Stewardship Note:
with ANY stocks! Remember: We give in proportion to how God has given us. The problem IS that, generally speaking, it is the case that we are not prayerful or conscientious about our giving. We do not have the natural discipline to set aside the first fruits of what God gives us for His kingdom work. We are much too satisfied with giving whatever happens to be in our pocket on Sunday morning. What God desires is PLANNED and willful and generous giving.
Last month it was noted before worship that several large donations were received by the congregation (actually totaling $19,000 worth of cash and stocks. It is a difficult thing to speak about donations without making people either uncomfortable or feeling bad. First of all, if even a dollar comes into the church in a donation, it is ONLY because of the work of God in our hearts and lives. It is never because any of us are "good" people. Secondly, we should always remember that God commands us to give in PROPORTION to what he has given us. Can the majority of us give $13,000 in stocks? No, because he has not blessed us
Our 2nd Sunday of Christmas has a reading from Luke 2:49: And he said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" What a privilege the Lord has giving to us by calling us to
Student Rachel with her father and brother before they traveled to Malaysia!
come to His house! It is not a burden but rather an honor and a blessing for us to always be able to come to a place where we know God is present for us in His gifts of Word and Sacrament. Likewise, the Lord has honored us by allowing us to support the work of His house with our tithes and offerings. May it be that THIS year we all can be conscientious and prayerful about our giving. Pick a percentage of what God blesses you with and set that money aside and give it as an offering back to the Lord before you spend it in other ways. It is a sign of your true faith when you can give generously and TRUST God that he will supply your needs out of what is left. And he will!
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Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 God invites us to pray - and blesses us in our prayers!
Member Brenda Colbert, Elder Care lawyer, offers this reminder about....
Planning for Incapacity ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES By: Brenda D. Colbert, Esquire, CELA* We do not want to contemplate a time when we are unable to make our own decisions due to a mental incapacity, but unfortunately one in seven people in America over the age of 70 have some form of dementia. How do we protect ourselves, our spouses, our family, and our estates from the devastating consequences that arise when someone suffers from dementia? One course of action is to have an effective estate plan that includes an Advance Health Care Directive. Advance Health Care Directives in General Advanced Health Care Decision-Making planning is a very important part of estate planning to ensure that health care decisions will be consistent with your philosophy, values, and wishes. The foundation of health care decisionmaking lies in your right to make your own medical decisions, including your right to refuse medical treatments or to withdraw consent to treatment once begun. This right to self-determination does not end if you become unable to make your own decisions. An Advance Health Care Directive, which is the term used to describe a Health Care Powers of Attorney and Living Wills can ensure that your wishes are respected even if you become incapacity. You must be of sound mind at the time you sign your Advance Health Care Directive. Therefore, the time to execute an Advance Health Care Directive is now while you have the mental capacity to do so. Health Care Power of Attorney The Health Care Power of Attorney is a document that allows you to appoint someone else, an Agent, to make medical and personal care decisions on your behalf. Your Agent must make decisions in accordance with specific instructions provided by you and those decisions are effective without court approval. As such,
the Health Care Power of Attorney spares your family and loved ones from the emotional and financial expense of guardianship. Your Health Care Power of Attorney may express any limitations that you wish to impose upon the authority of your Agent and indicate your wishes regarding lifesustaining treatments, specifically in regards to any forms of artificial or invasive nutrition or hydration. Your Health Care Power of Attorney may contain any provisions regarding how health care decisions should be made for you. Your Agent does not have the authority to act under your Health Care Power of Attorney until it is determined by our attending physician that you are incompetent. Incompetency, for these purposes, is defined by statute as a condition in which an individual, despite being provided appropriate medical information, communication supports, and technical assistance, is determined to be unable to understand the potential material benefits, risks, and alternatives involved in a specific proposed health care decision; is unable to make that health care decision; or is unable to communicate that health care decision to any other person. Your Agent is authorized to make any decisions regarding your care, custody, and health care treatments that you could have made and exercised, if competent. This authority may extend beyond your death for the purposes of making anatomical gifts, disposing of remains, and consenting to autopsies. Your Agent is obligated by law to consult with your health care providers and to base decisions in the following order of priority: (1) In accordance with the Agent’s understanding and interpretation of your instructions; (2) in conformity with the Agent’s assessment of your preferences and values; and (3) in accordance with the Agent’s assessment of your best interests. Living Will The Living Will is a writing made in accordance with State law that expresses your wishes regarding life-sustaining treatments at the end of life. A lifesustaining treatment as any medical procedure or intervention that, when administered to a patient who has an end-
stage medical condition or is permanently unconscious, will serve only to prolong the process of dying or maintain the individual in a state of permanent unconsciousness. An End-Stage Medical Condition is an incurable and irreversible medical condition in an advanced state that will result in death, regardless of medical treatment. To be permanently unconscious means to be in an irreversible vegetative state or irreversible coma. Your Living Will becomes operative only when your attending physician has determined that you are incompetent and that you have an end stage medical condition or are permanently unconscious. Thus, a Living Will does not take the place of a Health Care Power of Attorney as it only provides authority over end-of-life decision-making. Conclusion The Health Care Power Of Attorney should be a part of every estate plan. If you include your wishes regarding lifesustaining treatments at the end of life, you give your family a gift of certainty. The Health Care Power of Attorney provides the best safeguard to ensure that you receive the medical treatments and only the medical treatments that you desire.
Brenda will be glad to be of service to you personally in this! Please call her at her office:
◊ Pittston ◊ Moosic ◊ Hazleton 570-299-7909 ++++++++++
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
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Great letter to the Editor in the paper by OUR VERY OWN MICHAEL EVANS!!!!! Take action against bullying Editor: It is sad we forget at times that bullying is still a very active epidemic in today's society. That is why I am writing this letter. Unfortunately, this subject is only heard when it becomes a media frenzy, when one goes too far and can't handle the torment any longer and decides to try to take or does take his life. As a victim of bullying, I feel there is never time to stop and forget because there are always countless individuals who need help and their voices heard. Let's come together as a community and help where we can. There are several ways all of us can help those in need, those who are too afraid to speak up for themselves.
Students: If you see your friend or another person being verbally or physically bullied in your school or university, bring it to a higher authority's attention. Ensure it is brought to light. For cyberbullying, if you see a post, blog, or comment, flag it. If you continue to see material that you believe is cyber-bullying one person, again, bring it to light and ensure someone knows. Also, many schools have a "zero-tolerance bullying policy." This policy is a great tool for parents and children. Use it. Children should not be afraid to go to school, but many are and are too afraid to speak up. We have a great community and we should all be able to enjoy it without worry. Don't be a bystander; say something. You can save a life. For information & resources, visit: index.html. MICHAEL EVANS JR.
PEACABLE HOUSE UPDATE: Praise the Lord! Progress and work on our new house purchase has been ongoing even through the holidays! MANY THANKS go to a faithful crew including Rick Hellard, Judy Herie, Bonnie Cornog, and Dale Newhart... all headed up by Jerry Cornog. We are still waiting for some expert advice as to how to proceed with making the bathroom on the first floor wheelchair accessible, but in time everything will be completed and ready to be moved in! We still need for our committee to sit down and sift through all the specifics of a rental agreement and make final decisions on who will be able to live there, but hopefully we can meet very soon. If you would like to serve on that committee, please speak with Jerry Cornog! Technically, the applications to rent either of the apartments is still open, so please speak with Jerry at 1-334-655-0682 if you are in need of housing.
Let us plan for a house blessing after church with a congregational picture in front of it on January 12th!!!!
The Bjornstad Family would like to thank everyone who came and shared fun and fellowship with us at our Open House on Dec. 29 after worship! It was a great time for us to show you how much we appreciate your friendship and support of us as a family! Erika traveled to Irvine California and is moved in to her new dorm room at the Concordia University in Irvine. Before she left she wrote this note to the congregation: "Hello everyone! As many of you know, I am in California continuing my schooling to become a Director of Christian Education (a church worker). Thank you for all for supporting me in all my endeavors to do God's work. I am excited to be in this new place - and as always your prayers are welcome and needed. I can't wait to come back and see you all again - and the ministry being supported here. In Christ's love, Erika" She doesn't actually mention that the reason she is transfering her school from MN to CA is because she has a boyfriend whose name is Caleb Keith! She met him this past summer at Camp Pioneer. Caleb is in the same DCE educational program and they still both like each other after a Fall semester apart. :)
THANK YOU NOTE FROM ONE OF OUR SHUT-INS: "The Christmas card that was sent to us that was signed by all the congregation was truly a blessing and it touched our hearts! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" CAROLING: The Friday after Christmas we were able to scrounge up a few of the kids for youth night and we went caroling in the neighborhood! And it was a grand time singing to the third floor open window of the DePaul apartments for Ray Stumff who was recovering from a broken hip! We sang at SEVERAL other homes and were received so well! AS WELL WE REJOICE that the Sunday School was able to present their Christmas Pageant at the Greenridge Nursing Home immediately following their presentation here at church to the congregation. It was such a blessing to have our Audrey Russell in attendance as she too is recovering from a broken hip! Praise the Lord! Special thanks to Beverly Gedrimas for arranging the presentation at the nursing home. Thanks also to Hannah Bjornstad for directing the pageant - and all the parents who GOT their kids to rehearsals and then through the bad weather to church on that Sunday morning! It was such a blessing to all... and it the video of the pageant CAN BE SEEN on the church website:!
O Fell ur ow Hou ship Jan uar r in yw on the ill be 26th !
Observed on January 6th, the Epiphany celebration remembers the three miracles that manifest the divinity of Christ. The name "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word Epiphania, and means "to show, make known, or reveal." The celebration originated in the Eastern Church in AD 361, beginning as a commemoration of the birth of Christ. Later, additional meanings were added - the visit of the three Magi, Christ's baptism in the Jordan River, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. These three events are central to the definition of Epiphany, and its meaning is drawn from these occurrences. Epiphany Observances While some Greek Orthodox Churches still observe the Epiphany celebration as the Nativity of Jesus, the majority of the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches focus on the visit of the Magi and Jesus' baptism. The significance behind the visit of the Magi is the revelation of Christ as "Lord and King." The Wise Men were the first Gentiles to publicly recognize the divinity of Jesus, by way of their offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River revealed his divinity as the Son of God. John the Baptist, according to Matthew 3:16-17, testifies of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus like a dove, and a voice from heaven saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Several Russian, Coptic, and Greek Churches also focus on the Cana wedding miracle as part of the Epiphany celebration observance. For the Church, the Epiphany represents a responsibility to reveal Jesus as the Divine Son and Savior sent by God the Father to atone for the sins of mankind. It is a time of healing and fellowship, where the Church comes together in the covenant of brotherhood to love one another as Christ commanded. The Church observes a variety of Epiphany rituals and traditions. In places throughout Europe and Latin America, Christians commemorate Three Kings' Day by offering prayers, burning herbs that have been dried and blessed, sprinkling entryways with holy water, and inscribing the initials of the Magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar) on structures in order to receive a blessing. Many Protestant Churches observe an Epiphany celebration that extends to Ash Wednesday, with the last Sunday of the season honored as Transfiguration Sunday. The tradition of Twelfth Night, which marks the end of the Christmas season, occurs the night before Epiphany. On this night, Kings' Cakes are baked in preparation for the coming winter season.
“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 1Chr. 29:14
ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE IS JANUARY 22nd in Washington DC… Commemoration of Roe vs. Wade. Join the hundreds of thousands speaking up for those who cannot. Speak with Pastor Bjornstad if you are interested in attending this year! Is it even worth you taking a day off work? Yes! Depending on who is going we can go just for the day, or leave the night before and stay overnight… Always meaningful, fun, and well worth it!
WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church Our worship services are at 8:15 am and 10:30 am Sundays, with Sunday School and Bible Study at 9:30am! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us! It is God's will that EVERYONE come to the knowledge and worship of Our theme for the this year's worship is PRAYER... we will be celbrating it in our lives together! YES! SUNDAY SCHOOL IS IMPORTANT! We have baptized children in our congregation who should/can be in Sunday School but are NOT! Make the invitation! Volunteer to teach! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Life is too short to sell God short!
We remember Ann Crosbie...
Called to glory on Dec. 29, 2013. The funeral was on the 31st at Snowdon's Funeral Home in Moscow and she will be buried with her husband in New Jersey. We give thanks to God that we were blessed with her presence among us for these past years since she moved from New Jersey with her daughter Susan. Her other daughter, Jane Borchin, is the wife of Roger Borchin (our first Academy Principal) and they are members at Immanuel Lutheran Church. We pray for God's comfort upon all of us who knew her. We praise the Lord that we have a most beautiful hope in Jesus Christ! Here are various pictures of her through her life, including her in her church choir gown and with her husband George!
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... I will not fear... for you are with me!"