Peace Talk, June 2016

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Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

From the pastor’s heart: And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. ~ Romans 5:5 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


This past month we saw many beau8ful things that came from the power of God's Holy Spirit! We saw and heard the tes8mony of Rev. Jonathan Naumann and his wife Deaconess Cheryl, as they prepare to leave for missionary work in the Dominican Republic and beyond. We also were privileged to hear the profession of faith of our Confirmand Kris8an Pon. He answered the ques8on "Why I Want to be a Chris8an" this way before the congrega8on:

You, of course, as Lutherans, are incredibly familiar with all of the works of righteousness by which we are saved. It’s the reason I love being Lutheran. Here, then, is the true work of righteousness: God, the Father Almighty, works through His creaBon to give us all the blessings of this life for our enjoyment and His glory. His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, worked in His concepBon, (for us), His birth, (for us), His bapBsm and righteous life, (for us), His suffering, crucifixion, death and burial, (for us), His victorious descent into hell, (for us), His subsequent resurrecBon from the dead, (for us), His ascension into heaven, (for us), His session at the right hand of glory, (for us), and His imminent return and judgment of both the living and the dead, (for us). The Holy Spirit works through Sacrament and Word to grant Christ’s bride forgiveness and righteous communion with the Holy Trinity both in this life and forever in the Kingdom of our God which is to come.

Why I want to be a Chris1an? I want to be a Chris8an because God helps me every day. Every liPle blessing God gives to me. Not only does he help me in this life but he helps me with and grants me eternal life. He gives me forgiveness of my sins. I’m the son of God. He is my savior; heavenly father. I am a sinner and jesus is my savior. I know I will be blessed if I live a holy life. Pentecost Sunday was also made great by the accompanying bap8sm of Kris8an's two siblings Kayden and Mya!

We as Lutherans cling to the works of God in Christ, and are thereby certain of our forgiveness and righteous standing before God. BUT NEVER CLING TO OUR WORKS. It is in emphasizing these works of Christ, which come from outside of us – and are not our own - that we find the joy of certainty in our Father’s pleasure with us, His children. May we as Lutherans always point others to these righteous works, and, praise God that our Father conBnuously works his forgiveness and salvaBon in us.

Then finally in May we had a beau8ful bap8sm of Kinsley Black's three children along with his profession of faith. Kinsley has aPended quite a few churches in his life searching for some peace in his soul. He is very knowledgeable of scripture and brings with him much humble wisdom. He has found a beau8ful home here at Peace not just because we are a nice bunch of people or that the church is beau8ful or that the music is great (all of that is true of course!), BUT he loves being a Lutheran because of In Jesus, what we teach and believe! He offers this as his further Pastor Bjornstad tes8mony to what Christ has done in his life and for him:

The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Vocal and Instrumental Recital and End of Year Program

Making a Joyful Noise through Service On Thursday May 5th, the Academy students once again lent their musical talent to an area church. The Academy orchestra, under the direction of music teacher Carsten Bjornstad, led the music for the Ascension Day worship service held at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Dickson City. This music ministry is just one way for the students to be an active part in the life of the church and to bless our congregations. Members from Peace, Immanuel and St Stephens Lutheran Churches were in attendance. Lessons were read by Nora Betts and Kyra Hodges with the sermon by Rev. Murray Brindle.

The students of the Academy were busy the last few weeks of school. In addition to final tests and field trips, they were preparing for two musical events. On Sunday May 15th, they presented a Vocal & Instrumental Recital, featuring solos, small groups, the orchestra, senior choir, and chimes. Thursday, June 2nd was their End of the Year Program titled “This Land is Your Land - A History of the United States in Song”. Attendees were given a wonderful history lesson intermixed with beautiful music. The program concluded with student and staff recognition. A special thank you to Mr. Carsten Bjornstad, the Academy Music Director, for his vision, passion and patience preparing the students for both of these programs. Please continue to pray for the students and their families as well as the staff over the summer break.

Preschool and Kindergarten Graduation On Friday, June 3rd 10 preschoolers “flew up” and 7 kindergarteners graduated to 1st grade. Pictured below is the entire Immanuel Preschool class and then the class of 2028 (five of which plan to attend The Lutheran Academy this Fall)!!

YEAH! School’s Out for Summer!!! School websites:


Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"

CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS NEEDED For Frank Schulze and the Woolverton family. Our prayers need to be for Frank, the family of Mr. Molinero, and importantly the Justice system - that it does its work well. For the election of a new President of our LCMS. For Michelle Cherney as she begins the prep work for Vacation Bible School. For Pastor and Monica as they travel and attend the Eastern District LWML Convention June 10-12 in Binghamton, NY. + ST STEPHEN’S NEW PASTOR INSTALLATION At 11am on Saturday, July 16th, Pastor Glen Triplett will be installed at St. Stephens Lutheran Church in Dickson City. Dinner to follow at Regal Room in Olyphant at 1PM. Because it is a catered event, tickets are available for purchase for $20.00. Let the church office know if you would like to purchase a ticket.

+ BAPTISMS!!!! On Sunday, May 15th, Cayden and Maya Pon, the youngest children of Peter and Debra Pon were baptized at the 10:30 service. The entire family was then welcomed as new members of Peace Lutheran Church. On Sunday, May 29th, Emiline, Titus and Levi Black were baptized into the Lord’s family and then they, along with their father Kinsley Black, were welcomed as new members of Peace Lutheran Church.


Attention Married Couples: Thousands of couples have learned that taking some time to “tune-up” their marriages pays huge dividends. Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends are designed to strengthen and revitalize marriages whether you have been married a year or 60 years. Registrations are being taken for the two fall Weekends: September 16-18 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in the Poconos or October 21-23 at Olmsted Retreat Center + IMMANUEL’S NEW PASTOR INSTALLATION in Ludlow, PA. All costs for 2 nights lodging, 5 meals for each of John Zimmerman will be coming to Immanuel Lutheran Church to be you, and supplies are covered by a $100.00 per couple registration installed as the pastor on Sunday, July 17th at 4:00 pm. fee plus a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish that you are given the opportunity to make toward the end of the All are encouraged to attend and welcome and support our sister weekend. To register online, go to:, congregations and their new shepherds. or for further information, contact Fred & Julie Schamber at: or 724-325-3166. + VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VBS this year will be a “Barnyard Roundup” theme. We are + 100th ANNIVERSARY currently in need of adult and older youth volunteers. Please talk Next 100th Anniversary Planning Meeting with be after the with Michelle Cherney, Pastor, or Amy in the office if you can 9:15 am service on Sunday, June 26th. volunteer. There are opportunities to assist as small group leaders, with arts & crafts, outdoor activities, snack preparation, general + NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING decorating prior to start of VBS, and tear down at the end of the Please continually pray for the following Peace Lutheran Church week. If you can only help part of the evening or only a few of the youth who plan to attend the convention this summer: Kiana and days, we still want to know. We really need all hands on deck for this Kobe Sauter, Andrew Harsche, and AJ Hackenberg. And for Jason 5-day program :) VBS will run from 5:30-8:15pm and be held at the Sauter and Kerry Hackenberg who will chaperone. They will be at Lutheran Ministry Center. the convention in New Orleans July 16-20th. +PERSONAL CARE PACKAGES Members of Peace Lutheran Church, Immanuel Lutheran Church and St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church partnered together to collect items and assemble Personal Care Kits which provide basic sanitation and hygiene items for families coping with some of life’s most difficult situations. Personal Care Kits allow families who have lost their belongings in a natural disaster to stay healthy and clean and preserve personal dignity. Approximately 60 kits were assembled here locally and will be sent off to Lutheran World Relief later this month.

+ LABELS FOR EDUCATION Collection Deadline: Sunday June 12th This program is ending, so if you have been collecting Labels for Education (often found on Campbell’s soup labels) please place them in the collection box at church no later than June 12th. The parent organizer will be submitting the final labels on June 15th. Thank you for supporting the Academy.

NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? The Peace van is available to pick you up for Sunday School and worship service on Sundays. Call the church office to arrange.

Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607

WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: SUMMER HOURS 9:15 Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday Additional Services at Immanuel: 5:30 pm Saturday Evening and 10:15 am Sunday Morning

“The Gathering Hall”

SPONSORING FLOWERS If you would like to sponsor the flowers for a particular Sunday, please note that it is the sponsor’s responsibility to provide/order the flowers. Please sign up on the calandar at the back of the church to indicate your sponsorship! To order from McCarthy’s Flowers, please call: 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol. Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there!

Spiritual Gifts Survey The Lutheran Ministry Center fellowship hall is getting a much needed makeover. Updates to this space have begun in an effort to make the hall a desired location for events, both for the church and as a rental revenue source for the LMC budget. Updates to the windows have begun but the costly items are still left: * Rewiring and installation of new lighting * Strip, repaint and seal the floor These projects come with an estimated price tag of $10,000. We have received pledges of $5300, however, we are in need of additional pledges to complete the project. Please prayfully consider whether you can support this building project and make “The Gathering Hall” a desired event venue. Major work will begin in June.

We are pleased to have Seventh Day Adventist Scranton Mission Group, led by Rev. Fernando Rocha worshiping at the Lutheran Ministry Center on Saturday mornings.


Have you taken the time to complete the spiritual gifts survey? We made it simple to complete. You can access either online at the church website,, or grab a paper copy available each week at the back of the church. When you are finished a report will be generated with your top three spiritual gifts and the explanantion of each. Here is a list of the gifts you may find you were given by your Lord and Savior: * Administration * Evangelism * Faith * Knowledge * Mercy * Serving/Ministering * Wisdom

* Discernment * Exhortation * Giving * Leadership * Pastor/Shepherd * Teaching

Thank you to all who have already completed the survey and we pray the results would help you see all the glorious ways God has gifted YOU!

Thank you to all who supported the Youth Gathering attendees in your purchase of a pot roast dinner in May. Jim Calpin did an amazing job once again cooking and 124 tickets were sold. This event raised $1107 and has made a great impact on the expense for those attending the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.

Saturday, June 25th 9:00am - 4:00pm Peace Lutheran Church If you have items to donate to the rummage sale, please contact the church office.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 11-15th 5:30-8:15 pm Special Event on July 16th at 6:00pm Ben Christensen in “Variety!” - A comedy circus stage show.

100th Anniversary News

Mark your calendars

Peace Lutheran Church Ladies Guild July 1917, Ladies Guild of Peace Lutheran Church was organized. There is not an organization which has worked harder or more faithfully for the Lord here at Peace.The list of their contributions is clear evidence of their love for Christ. The following are a few examples of their contributions: 1921-presented a stain glass window. 1953-presented Peace congregation with a sterling silver communion set that we are presently using. Later years because of their hard work and dedication, the Ladies Guild installed Ladies and Mens new vanity sinks,stalls and handicap grab bars. Installed stain glass windows,wood frames repaired and replaced with aluminum at a cost of $25,715.00. Added 3 ventilators to balcony window at a cost of $1,200.00. Lutheran's Woman's Missionary League (LWML) became organized at Peace. Pictured is a group of them dressed to serve a dinner at the Liederkranz June 1927.

Beverly Gedrimas is heading up our 100th Anniversary Committee! Her email is Contact her to share all your old pictures and memorabilia concerning the church history, as well as your ideas and offers to help in our projects!

Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607

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