Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
Lent- A time of reflection Lenten Midweek Sermon Themes: February 18 - What it Is to be Penitent (Psalm 6) February 25- Blessed are the Penitent (Psalm 32) March 4 - The Disposition of the Penitent (Psalm 38) March 11 - The Penitent Prays for a Purified Heart (Psalm 51) March 18 - The Afflicted Penitent Hope in the Eternal Lord (Psalm 102) March 25 - The Penitent Waits Patiently on the Lord (Psalm 130)
God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8
Pastor’s Message: Matthew 6:10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The prayer that our Lord taught us is so helpful in keeping our minds and hearts on those things that are important: God’s Kingdom and His most holy will. It is so amazing to stop and consider the blessing of how God’s Kingdom has come to us through Jesus. It was the holy and actual WILL of the Father for Jesus to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to a fallen earth and suffer a terrible crucifixion for your sins and mine. The death of Jesus was not an accident or the result of His own sin. Thankfully it was also the Father’s holy will to raise Jesus on the last day and “Crown Him with Many Crowns”. That great first resurrection points us not only to our future resurrection, but how God brings redemption in life even today through our every day sacrifices and devotions! May the Lord bless each and every one of us this Lenten season as we seek out God’s good and gracious will for our individual and collective lives. A NOTE OF THANKS TO GOD: I want to encourage you all to thank the Lord for the fabulous work that Amy Betts has done here at the office. It has been a couple months of a steep learning curve, but things are working out amazingly well and I am thrilled with her partnership. Her ministry has certainly come at the opportune time as things are SO busy with the new building purchase and the vacancy at Immanuel. (BTW, don’t only thank the Lord. Please thank Amy as well!) BLESSING IN OUR FELLOWSHIP WITH MEMBERS OF IMMANUEL. I hope you feel excited about the blessing so many of us have experienced of worshiping with the members of Immanuel both here at Peace and at Immanuel over the past weeks at our non-Sunday services! As you can see from the worship
schedule - there are plenty of opportunities between both churches for you to know this “holy communion” we have in the Lord. Please pray for Immanuel congregation as they make further preparations to call a new shepherd. PASTOR NISCHAL AND A MULTI-ETHNIC MISSION OUTREACH IN THE WORKS! Pastor Nischal’s ministry up in Gibson has come to an end and he and his family have moved back to the area (Clark Summit). He is very excited to be working closely with us in starting a new mission that will worship at the Monsey St. church (when the purchase and move in is complete)! This outreach is a PEACE LUTHERAN outreach and we ask for your fervent PRAYERS and support for this undertaking! (more information coming… see a new website coming soon: THE MONSEY CHURCH PROPERTY PURCHASE: Praise be to the Lord that everything is on track for the April 1st closing. The church body that owned the property chose to accept our bid over a $160,000 cash offer, and the property deed split that needed to take place was approved by city officers. The last big hurdle is the approval of our mortgage application. Hopefully that will come about within a few days. Right now please put May 31st on your calendar as THE day to celebrate the dedication of the new facilities. Plans are in the works for a grand time! We are encouraging EVERY congregational member to dig a bit deeper than your regular tithe and make a pledge to the new building refurbishment and operations. Every donation is important! Bring your pledge to worship on March 15th!
In Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad
The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
Academy Board UPDATE The Academy Board is busy celebrating the current students and their achievements, while looking toward the growth of the Academy for next school year. Lutheran Schools Week in March is the perfect opportunity to showcase the amazing students and all the ways they benefit from an education at The Lutheran Academy. The Board is currently in search of a second full-time teacher for next school year. The ad below is being shared throughout the area. Please help us spread the word, and most of all, pray for a skilled, caring Christian teacher. Classical, Lutheran School in Scranton, PA looking for a Christian teacher for grades 5-7 beginning in the fall for the 2015-2016 school year. Teacher will be responsible for teaching the following to those grades: Grammar, Literature, History, Science, Math. Latin experience is a bonus. Please submit your resume to
Please put “Resume” in the subject line. You can email with further questions, and we will respond as quickly as possible.
LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK March 15-22 The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool will participate in Lutheran Schools Week beginning with students attending the 10:30 am service at Peace Lutheran Church on March 15th. Throughout the week, students will enjoy themed dress down days and on Tuesday, March 17th the Academy and Preschool will host an Open House for prospective parents/families to visit. Lutheran Schools Week will conclude March 22 with a 9:30 am church service at Immanuel Lutheran Church followed by a “bruncheon” and art display in the fellowship hall at 10:30 am. Preschool and Academy students will be in attendance and participating in the service and fellowship after. To learn more about the Academy, you can visit the Academy Facebook page at
LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK ON WNEP A reporter/producer from WNEP visited school on Friday, February 20th to tape the children and teachers. The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool will be featured in a “Good Morning PA" segment to run on WNEP and WNEP2 during the second week of March. Keep an eye out on Facebook and in the church bulletin for specific dates and times. We will share this information as soon as it is scheduled with WNEP.
FOOD DRIVE The Academy wants to thank all those who helped in our food drive which culminated with shopping trip to Giant grocery store and food delivery to the North Scranton food bank. It was great fun and they got to talk to the volunteers at the food bank as well as be assisted by Sandra Roberts, the director of all the Lackawanna County food banks.
Preschool and Academy
STUDENT SPOTLIGHT BIG congratulations to two of our students: Nora Betts and Sarah Bjornstad for getting their artwork chosen for the PA Liquor Control Board’s Alcohol Awareness Poster Contest to bring awareness about the dangers of drinking. Nora's poster was chosen as the winner of the 5th grade group from the whole state! Sarah received an honorable mention! Both girls, along with the other state-wide winners, will be recognized in a ceremony on Wednesday, April 8th at the capital building in Harrisburg.
School websites:
OPEN HOUSE On Tuesday, March 17th, interested families are invited to stop by the Immanuel Preschool and/or The Lutheran Academy from 6:00-7:30 pm. Families can meet the teachers, and learn how a Christ-centered school can benefit their children. For the upcoming school year we will be serving Preschool through 8th grade!
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
A special thank you to all who continue to volunteer their time to help with the ESL program on Thursday nights. The ESL program will be included in an upcoming Times newspaper article on Nepali refugee people settling here in Scranton. A reporter, Sarah Hall, from The Times stayed for an entire ESL class, and even rode along while taking the students home. Her enthusiasm should make for a wonderful article.
Congregational Meeting after the 10:30 service. New building updates and ministry opportunities plus 100th Anniversary plans will be discussed.
+ MARCH 15th - INGATHERING AND BLESSING OF PLEDGES FOR MONSEY AVE. CHURCH! Please be sure to have your pledges for the purchase of the Monsey Ave property turned in to the church before or on the morning of March 15th. Pastor will be saying a blessing over the pledges during the worship service. Please make checks payable to Peace Lutheran Church and remember all pledges are federally tax-deductible.
June 25-28 in Des Moine IA This year’s theme: Bountiful! Sow, Nourish, Reap Be fed by God's Word and Sacrament. Register at before March 14th and get a discounted rate on the registration fee Pastor and Monica are attending. Who else wants to go?
No more forgetting the checkbook or offering envelopes! A new way to give to the church has been made available. Visit the church website at and click on the word “Support” at the top right. You can support the church and it’s many missions all with the click of a few buttons. • Make a one-time donation to the new building purchase • Support The Lutheran Academy- for general needs or help sponsor a student • The Building Fund- designated for repairs to Peace Lutheran Church • Mission Fund - mission trips and missionaries • Peace Lutheran Endowment Fund - investing in the future of the church • And best of all, set up a recurring offering payment.
John McHale graduated from Marywood University in December with a Business degree. He is working as a bank teller and has just gotten a job at UPS! Congrats!
The Immanuel Ladies Aid Fish and Chips Dinner is scheduled for Saturday March 21st from 12 - 4pm. Cost: $10 adult and $4 child (ages 3-12)
+ WESTMINSTER CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND FAITH Pastor is going to this conference. Anyone want to join him? Are humans really the insignificant products of a blind cosmos that did not have them in mind? Is belief in God the enemy of scientific progress? What is the true nature of scientific inquiry and its relationship to faith? Explore these questions and more at the sixth annual Westminster Conference on Science and Faith on March 20-21 in the greater Philadelphia area. This year’s theme is “Cosmos and Creator” and features renowned Oxford University mathematics professor John Lennox and Discovery Institute geneticist Michael Denton. Friday, March 20, 2:00-9:00 pm Saturday, March 21, 8:45 am-4:00 pm • •
General Public: $110 Student: $45
Thank you to all who supported The Lutheran Academy through the Chocolate Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 8th. Through this fundraiser, the Academy received $792 and served nearly 80 people!
Plans are underway for a celebration dinner on Sunday, May 31 at the new building. A special building dedication ceremony will follow. More details coming soon.
+ NEEDED: DRIVERS on Sunday mornings to pick up for Sunday School and Church!!! See Pastor or Jim Calpin to volunteer. PLEASE PRAY FOR: + Immanuel Lutheran Church (without a pastor) + Pastor Vomhof of St. Stephens Lutheran Church + The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool. May God call new families to these schools. + The Lutheran Academy as the board searches for a second full-time teacher for the fall.
Church website: email:
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: 8:00 am Worship with Holy Communion every Sunday. (We encourage you to come to this auxiliary service if you are unable to come to the 10:30 worship.)
9:30 am Education Hour - for all ages! 10:30 am The Main Worship Service with Holy Communion twice a month (usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays) Also available: 5:30pm Saturday Worship at Immanuel Lutheran Church Consider attending if can not make a Sunday Morning Service
10:00 am Peace Lutheran Church
March’s Sermon themes: March 1: A Holy Communion: What does this mean? March 8: The Lord's Supper: What does this mean?
7:00 pm Immanuel Lutheran Church
March 15: The Eucharist: What does this mean? March 22: The Worthy Reception March 29: Palm Sunday
Holy Week Schedule
April 2-5
Thursday, April 2nd
Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 3rd
Good Friday
7:00 pm 11:30 am
Immanuel Lutheran Church.
7:00 pm
Re-enactment of Crucifixion at Peace Lutheran Church Immanuel Lutheran Church
Saturday, April 4th
Easter Vigil
9:00 pm
Peace Lutheran Church
Sunday, April 5th
Easter Morning
6:30 am
Sunrise service at Evergreen Cemetery Peace Lutheran Church Immanuel Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church
8:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am
What is the Meaning of Lent? During Lent, the Church's worship assumes a more penitential character. But the penitential character of Lent is not its sole purpose. In the ancient Church, the weeks leading up to Easter were a time of intensive preparation of the candidates who were to be baptized at the Easter vigil on Holy Saturday. This time in the Church's calendar was seen as an especially appropriate time for Baptism because of the relationship between Christ's death and resurrection and our own in Holy Baptism (see Rom. 6:1-11). Through our midweek and Sunday services, our Bible studies, and Lenten devotional materials, we come face to face with whatever sin may be hindering our walk with Christ. But most profoundly, we come face to face with the Gospel of Jesus which forgives and removes that sin and gives us the power to live anew. So, as we prayerfully make our way through the season of Lent, take some time to meditate on the suffering that Christ endured on your behalf. And also reflect upon your own Baptism and what it means to live as a child of God.
NAVAJO MISSION UPDATE Here are some results from Susan Crosbie on the articles collected and sent to the Navajo Mission in Rock Point AZ. “A total of nine boxes, with over 100 pounds of goods, were shipped at a cost of $206.00. With the donated money I was able to address the schools wish list and purchased: *One meat slicer *One tomato/onion slicer * A 4-burner electric griddle * 62cm size exercise ball * Digital camera * Several over-size tote bags. The donated goods consisted of personal care items, tooth brushes and tooth paste, new and gently used clothing, many sets of towels, several blankets and hand made afghans, and small kitchen items. Items that were not requested by the mission school, were too heavy, too "used", and /or not needed by the mission were then donated to The Salvation Army. Nothing was thrown out. I received a beautiful letter from the school cook thanking us for all the kitchen items. She makes 70+ meals a day and the items are a big help and time saver.”
New Business by parishoner Julie Paddock: Essential Beauty Treatments Salon & Spa 210 North State Street Clarks Summit PA 570 586 0700
Wedding Ring for Sale! To a happy buyer - for a big discount. Speak with Bonnie Cornog if you or someone you know would like to see or purchase these rings. All proceeds are pledged to go to the new Monsey St. Church fund.