Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
"Take your sins and throw them on Christ. Believe with a joyful spirit that your sins are His wounds and sufferings. He carries them and makes satisfaction for them, as Isaiah 53:6 says, “The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Peter says in 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree.” In 2 Corinthians 5:21 Paul says, “For our sake, He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” You must rely on these verses from the Bible with all your might, even more when your conscience tries to kill you. You’ll never find peace if you miss this opportunity to quiet your heart. " ~ Dr. Martin Luther from “How to Meditate on the Passion of Christ”
From the Pastor’s Heart Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, The problem with Lent for a pastor is that almost anything he might say about the road Jesus took to Jerusalem and the cross he carried to Calvary - is pretty much foolishness. I suppose it is a problem for all of us. And it extends to all our lives. You want to be a Christian. You desire to pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You give up your chocolate or Dunkin donuts. And after all is said and done you look at your life hoping to see some sign of true devotion and love for God. Sure, we rejoice that the needle of our Godly life quivered and perhaps moved slightly. There is a heartbeat of faith! But really? How does it compare with the majesty of the Christ and the love poured out by His blood? Trouble is that it doesn’t compare. Nothing can. The message of the Christian faith - and especially Lent - is Jesus Christ, crucified for sinners like me. Like you. You can’t make that up. You can’t coat it with sugar. You can’t water it down. There is only one thing you can do: With repentant hearts receive His gifts of forgiveness and salvation, worshiping Him into the miracle of Easter and the Resurrection! Praise be to God! This month is so very dramatic and powerful. Don’t let it go by without stopping and making it meaningful. Remember that Jesus’ resurrection is celebrated on April Fools day this year. The last laugh always belongs to the Lord, and the heavens quake with His laughter! Sincerely In Jesus,
Pastor Bjornstad If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.
News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
MUSIC AND ART at the Academy
Lutheran Schools Week March 4-11 Sunday, March 4th kicks off Lutheran Schools week. We are blessed to have some students and staff with us at Peace Lutheran Church. Thursday, March 8th the Academy will host an evening open house from 6-7:30pm. Please spread the word and encourage families you know to come see if the Academy is right for their student(s). Lutheran Schools Week concludes with the March 11th 10:15am Worship Service at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Students from both the Academy and Immanuel Preschool & Kindergarten will be participating in the service, offering musical gifts to the congregation. You are encouraged to attend the service at Immanuel on March 11th. There will also be service at Peace at 10:30 for those who prefer. Please continue to pray for our school, and its students, staff, and volunteers.
The Lutheran Academy Daytime Open House Wednesday, March 21 9:00-11:30am
Thank you to all who supported the Academy during the Pancake breakfast. A profit of $600 was raised!
Perfect opportunity for prospective families to come and see the school in action, ask questions and consider the Academy for the fall.
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Thank you for your support via the Box Top program. Over $300 was raised this year from this initiative. Please continue to collect them. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. As you can see, these Box Tops can really add up. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops. Spread the word and turn them in!
Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
+ GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING Trinity Lutheran Church in Reese, Michigan has extended Hannah Bjornstad a divine Call to serve them as their Director of Parish Music (as well as teach music in their school). We thank God for this wonderful opportunity and for the gifts and talents Hannah will share with this congregation.
+ SEDER MEAL - A GREAT FAMILY EVENT Pot Luck dinner with the Lamb dish provided. We will have suggestions and recipes of what to bring if possible that is traditional for the Seder meal, but there are no real limits on what you can bring to share. Please PLEASE RSVP to the church office with what you would like to bring. Please come early enough so that we are all seated and ready to “roll” at 6pm. Great event to bring a friend or neighbor to!
+ CONGREGATIONAL MEETING An important meeting is scheduled for Sunday March 18th after the 10:30 worship service. Please mark your calendars now to attend and hear about the options available as we make a Pastoral transition this June. The vote will then happen on May 6th.
+ JEWS FOR JESUS At the Seder Meal we will have information on the tables about this organization and how you can support their efforts if you so chose. You will have the chance to give some or all of your freewill offering that night to Jews for Jesus.
+ 2019 NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING A planning meeting for the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering is scheduled for after the 10:30 worship service on Sunday, March 4th. The trip is open to youth 14-19 years old, or entering his/her 9th grade year as of July 2019.
+ YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS VITAL TO OUR CHURCH AND SCHOOL! This year’s budget is going to take intentional giving to attain. Thank you to all who have been so exceedingly faithful in their support. If you have not had the opportunity to share back to the Lord what is actually His, please count 2018 a good year to start! The council is asking each family to make an anonymous pledge indicating committment for giving during the 2018 church year. The hope is you will faithfully give each week or month and your pledge will let the council know how close we will be to meeting our budget this year. It takes us all doing as much as possible and with consistency to acheive success.
+ SPECIAL PRAYERS For Pat Williams in Greenridge Nursing Home after a fall. For Frank Schulze who has spent 2 years in jail without a trial. For Bonnie Cornog as she heads to Philadelphia on March 11th to begin Chemo and radiation to treat her cancer. For Ed Smith under treatment for his cancer. For Beverly Gedrimas as she is still looking for part-time employment.
+ LENTEN MIDWEEK WORSHIP Pastor will be holding his normal 10:00am Midweek Worship Service at Peace March 7, 14 and 21st. Following service we will spend 30-45 min in a mini ministry opportunity for those who can stay. REMINDERS:
We will have our normal Egg Bake brunch between the services on Palm Sunday. There will be no Sunday School on March 25th as we enjoy food and fellowship together. There will be a sign up sheet if you would like to contribute to the breakfast. Every Sunday Evening at 6:00pm there is a short Devotional Service at the Lutheran Ministry Center. A beautiful evening of quiet if you missed the morning worship. Church website:
March 7th and 14th midweek evening lenten services will be hosted and held at St Stephen’s Lutheran Church located at 25 Hillcrest Dr in Olyphant. The final evening service on March 21st will be held at the Lutheran Ministry Center 1546 Monsey Ave, Scranton. Please consider attending one of these services as we spend the Lenten journey together. A LOOK AHEAD . . . Congregational Voter’s Meeting - Sunday May 6th after the 10:30 service. This will be the meeting to cast your vote for the future.
LMC: 570-703-0607
From the Deacon’s Desk "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" Many in this world crave after power and wealth but both come with responsibility. It is certain that we can name many a man or woman who have found only their own ruin in possessing these two things. Two animals usually symbolize the weather in March,the one is the lion and the other the lamb. Given a choice many of us would much rather be the lion or at the very least the lion’s best friend. Known as the king of beasts it would seem few quadrupeds have it as good as he does. But things are not always as the seem. James and John with that in mind ask Jesus if they can be on his right and on his left when he comes into his kingdom. The other disciples grumble at their request. Maybe because they didn’t think to ask first. Jesus tells them however, they don’t know what their asking. That it is not His to give who will be in those positions. Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God, The Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace, the Almighty Lord, The Alpha and the Omega, is also the lamb. Though at His name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord, silent and dumb He will be led to the slaughter for us. He must take upon Himself the sins of the world and die in our place on a cross. The two on his left and on his right will be thieves. I’m sure This is certainly not the official proceedings James and John imagined when they asked. Thomas Kempis, author of a devotional (my favorite) The Imitation of Christ notes that all want to share in Jesus’ glory but few His suffering. In this world, even without seeking it, we will face suffering in many ways but it will not last forever. It will not last because the possessor of all power, wealth, and wisdom chose not to send us to die to make a great name for himself but rather emptied himself and made the ultimate sacrifice that we could be known by His name, wear the crown He earned. May God bless your Lenten reflections as March enters with Lion and exits with the lamb. Amen ~ Deacon John As we prepare for Palm Sunday, all youth are encouraged to attend Sunday School on March 18th to prepare a special service on March 25th. If your family will be in church on Palm Sunday, please make an effort to have them in Sunday School hour on March 18th so they can be part of this very special and different Palm Sunday progam.
Calling All Married Couples A study called “Power of We” will be held the first Thursday of each month in the fellowship hall at Peace. Dinner and study begins at 6pm. Dates are as follows: March 1, April 5, and May 3. Call the church office or Pastor directly to register. Deacon Babbitts has an official church email: Feel free to email him here with any church business.
Special promotion period! Amazon is tripling the donation amount to 1.5% when customers make their first eleigible purchase from March 12-31 There is a simple way to support Peace Lutheran Church when you shop online. If you have an account you can chose to have 0.5% of the purchases you make go to a charitable organization of your choice. Good news, Peace is now on that list! * Log on to your account * Click the “Your Amazon Smile” under the Your Accounts tab. * Search for “ Peace Lutheran Church Scranton” * Confirm your choice and you are done. Now you are all set to impact Peace with every purchase you make. To be sure Peace gets the 0.5%, (1.5% here in March) you will need to begin your shopping experience at If you have any questions or need assistance setting this up, please call Amy at the church office and she will be more than happy to help you. If you plan to shop with and don’t have an account set up, she can also assist you in the process. Thank you for your part in support the work of Peace Lutheran Church.
Adult Bible Study Continues
Join the Adult Bible Study Sunday Mornings as we explore Galatians and dig deep, really, really, deep into those gifts God gives. Luther said of the Epistle to the Galatians “That is my Epistle.” It may have been Luther’s favorite but Paul doesn’t seem too happy with the churches in Galatia. Hmmm wonder why that is? What did they do that got him fired up? Then there are the gifts of the Spirit that Paul rattles off in the fifth chapter. Love, Peace, Patience, etc. Do they have to be in that order? If so Why? And many other great conversations.
SELF-PACED BIBLE STUDY OPTION Want to learn more about the Bible but don’t think you have the time? What if the study was tailored according to your busy and changing schedule? Deacon John will be leading a Overview of the Bible Bible study from the Lifelight series via e-mail. Read and respond at the pace that suits your schedule. All you have to do is give us your e-mail and your all set. You’ll receive your first e-mail shortly thereafter. So don’t let that crazy rat race get in the way, join us now! Email Deacon John directly at or sign up at the back of the church.
St Patrick’s Day Prayer Vigil and Bible Study
He was born in England. He was the son of a nobleman. He was the nephew of St. Mar8n of Tours, patron saint of soldiers. He didn’t listen to his priests. Brigands kidnapped him and sold him into slavery. A pagan king stuck him in the fields to tend his sheep. He prayed to God a hundred 8mes during the day and as many 8mes at night. God gave him a vision and helped him escape. Finally home the family celebrated his return. But the voice of the Irish asked him…who will bap8ze our children? It was a ques8on Patrick couldn’t ignore but knew the answer too. Join us on Saturday March 17 for a special 24 hour prayer vigil and bible study. The study from 10 am – noon will focus on a part of St. Patrick’s famous prayer. Please also sign up for a 8me slot to come to the church and pray. Sheets with prayer concerns and sugges8ons for things to pray about will be provided. Please invite friends!!
EVENT SPACE FOR RENT!!!! Birthday or Anniversary Party . . . Family Reunion . . . Baby Shower. . . Retreats . . . and more Please consider the Lutheran Ministry Center Fellowship Hall (with spacious kitchen) for your next event. Did you know members of Peace get a “member” price on the rental? Share the news of this great space. Priced to fit even the tightest budget. Reservation form available on the website and at the back of church. Call the church office to reserve your date. Thank you to those who are using the LMC for their family events! The lights stay on and the heat flows when we have revenue coming in to the LMC, so please help by spreading the word about our lovely space at 1546 Monsey Ave!
April 1st is not only Easter this year, but it also marks the 3rd birthday/ anniversary of Peace owning the Lutheran Ministry Center. We are so grateful for this space to use for the Academy, to offer as a rental space, but also for Peace to hold events, like the fundraiser dinner coming up March 21st. In celebra8on of our 3rd birthday, we have put together a “Wish List” of items s8ll needed in the kitchen over there. If you feel compelled to purchase any of these items, please bring in to church (or drop off at the LMC between 9-3 Monday-Friday). Thank you for your con8nued support of this ministry opportunity. There will be a sheet in the back of church and we ask you to mark off the item you bring so others will know what is le]. Are you a Boy Scout, Girl Scout or *Dish towels *Hot pot mats *Small microwave *Can opener *Metal Large Utensils *Electric carving knife *Electric tea keele *12 cup coffee maker * Metal spoon rests
*Dish Clothes *Pot holders *Brillo pads *Sponges * Measuring cups (set of 4: 1/4 to 1 cup) * Pyrex 1 cup and 4 cup measuring cups *Plas8c/non-porous cudng boards *Metal strainers (3 size stackable) *Metal mixing/serving bowls *Silverware (forks, spoons, knives) *Pitchers to make cold drinks
Venture Scout? If you are, you can earn your Lutheran Religious Emblem!! You will complete 7 lessons and 3 projects if you are in grades 6-8 or 5 sections for grades 9-12. Right now we have 5 scouts starting the process. The work is at your own pace and you will be working with Deacon John. So come join the fun and then in the near future we will recognize and present the awards to all our scouts in a special ceremony! Please let Pastor, Deacon John or Mrs. Betts know you want to join us!!