NEWSLETTER October 2016
Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
The account ledger for Peace Lutheran Church in 1917, my have the times changed!
Pastor’s Message: "You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convince of, knowing from whom you have learned them and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 3:14-15
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our Jr. Confirmation classes have begun again and I am eager to remind everyone to pray for our youth, that they might be strengthened in their faith and devotion to the Lord, even as the devil and all his forces are working overtime to dissuade them from trusting in the Lord. For our long time members, "Confirmation" has been an important part of their lives. For those who have come into our church from other faith traditions, "Confirmation" might be a rather vague concept. I would ask that parents especially take note and learn of what Confirmation is so that they can instill an anticipation in their growing children. Confirmation is a part of the educational and faith forming experience in the church. It is not commanded in the Bible so it is not something we consider a sacrament (as does the Catholic church). It is a good tradition of the church that helps our youth grow in their faith. When our children were infants they did not have a choice about their faith. They were brought to baptism and as children they naturally adopted the faith of their parents. As they grow, they begin to understand their faith and it becomes their "own". It is then after a thorough education that the rite of Confirmation "confirms" the infant faith of those now able to understand and begin to purposely conform their lives to Jesus. Our traditional Jr. Confirmation program is 2 years long and we meet weekly to study the Bible and Luther's Small Catechism. It is a GREAT joy for me to be with the youth and I receive so many blessings through our time together. I do thank all the parents for their partnership in the Gospel as we raise up these beautiful children of God. Your servant in Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad
LCMS Message on Stewardship Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. If you believe this gospel, if you stand upon it, and cling to it, you are saved. Trust in this is the dividing line. It defines, either positively or negatively, all men. The problem with man is his heart. Our hearts are fallen and predisposed to think that we can impress God. We think that if we do all the right things God will rewards us, and we will escape evil. We think that God will be impressed with our gifts, that our prosperity and goodness is evidence that God loves us or that it should motivate God to love us. We know that God is not impressed with our giving. He is not impressed when we give him that which is already his. God doesn’t benefit from our giving and He doesn’t need it. But our neighbor does need it. And God delights in us growing more and more like Him. He blesses us, and He invites us to bless one another with our giving: so that the Gospel may be proclaimed, so that the poor may be fed, so that all God's work through the Church may be done. So consider God's priorities in comparison to your own. And be honest. Reevaluate where you are and where God has called you to be. Look into your own bank statement. Would any accountant think that the Church was your priority? He would see a spreadsheet filled with where your money actually goes: into house and clothing and cars, into eating out and beauty supplies and entertainment. Indeed, much of it wasted on frivolous things. But would he find great percentages going to the church? Figure up the percentage. Put it in relation to the proportion of your income. What percentage of your income do you give for the mission of the church: the preaching and teaching, the baptizing and communing, the help for the weak and poor brothers of Christ? Is it even enough for a deduction when you file your income taxes? The widow gave all she had and thought nothing of it. She was glad to do it. The rich man gave what to him was meaningless, trifle amount and desired a plaque in his honor. Why is it that the less we give the prouder we are and the more credit we expect? All your works, even your monetary gifts, done in faith please God now for Christ's sake. No matter how great or small, frequent or infrequent. They are all washed and cleansed by grace through faith on account of Christ. Whatever you do from faith in God pleases him for the sake of the Son. So reevaluate your generosity in the light of the grace of Christ. Freely you have received, freely give.
The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women! GIANT REWARDS PROGRAM
A simple way to support The Lutheran Academy is through the Giant Food Store’s A+ School Rewards Program. All you have to do is:
Supporting The Lutheran Academy can be as simple as saving Box Tops for Education. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. These Box Tops can really add up. In the past, the school has purchases gym equipement and other essential supplies. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please begin saving the Box Tops, or if you are already doing so we thank you and ask for continued support. Spread the word and turn them in!
*Log on to select CUSTOMER REGISTRATION to register your Giant Card. * The Lutheran Academy code: #06016 After you register your card, each shopping trip at Giant using your Giant Rewards Card, earns CASH for the Lutheran Academy. You can track the amount of points you earn our school by checking the bottom of your grocery receipt. The Lutheran Academy will receive a check at the end of the program and can be used for any of the school’s educational needs. Please be sure to encourage your friends and relatives to register as well. Every point matters. *NOTE* If you have registered in the past for this program you DO NOT need to re-register. Rewards will begin this school year on October 12th and run until June.
TLA PAINTING FUNDRAISER Rev up your creative juices and join staff, parents and friends of The Lutheran Academy for a painting fundraiser. Painting Party at Spirited Art Saturday November 5th 4:00 pm Cost $35 (includes canvas, paint and instruction) Take your painting home that day!
SPONSOR A STUDENT If you are looking for a way to impact The Lutheran Academy, perhaps consider sponsoring a student. Full Scholarship ($3000) Half Scholarship ($1500) Quarter Scholarship ($750) One Month Scholarship ($300) Or make a simple, one time donation of any amount towards tuition. Brochures can be found at the back of the church.
Spirited Art studio is located at 253 Scranton Carbondale Hwy
This event is intended for older teens and adults. Register and pay online at Or see Amy Betts at church or Bonnie Cornog at the Academy office to pay with cash. Registration prior to the event is recommended. Invite friends to come with you and let’s help make this event a true success.
ACTS OF THE SPIRIT A dramatic presentation of the Pentecost Event featuring a feast of visual and performing arts. Presented by the students of The Lutheran Academy as part of the Church of all Nations Worship Service. 6:00 pm Sunday, October 16th 1546 Monsey Ave, Scranton PA This original presentation is directed by Academy music teacher Carsten Bjornstad and Academy art teachers Ky Betts and Liz Leslie. All are invited and encouraged to attend, be filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
FAMILY Photo Oppportunity
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
+ 100th ANNIVERSARY FACEBOOK PAGE If you are on social media, we have a new page dedicated to the For Amy Betts who will be running the Kansas City 1/2 Marathon on sharing of stories and photos. The page is titled: Peace Lutheran Saturday, October 15th. She is running as part of Team World Vision, Church, Scranton: 100th Anniversary. Please head over and join the page, and spread the word to those who may have stories and a christian non-profit organization helping solve the need for clean water in Africa. Every $50 raised provides clean water for life to one photos to share. person. Amy’s fundraising goal is to raise $3000 and impact the lives of 60 people. If you would like to contribute and impact lives, please + CONGREGATIONAL MEETING A VOTER’S MEETING will be held Sunday, November 13 after see Amy for more information. the 10:30 service. It is time to elect new members of the church council. If you have ever thought about serving the church on the The Lutheran Academy is looking for part-time volunteers to help in council or know someone who would do a great job, please submit the office as needed. Please contact the office for more details nominations by October 9th for the nominating committee to 570-703-0607. consider.
+ FAMILY PICNIC A family picnic has been scheduled for Sunday, October 9th from 1:00-4:00pm at Merli Sarnoski State Park. The church will provide hamburgers and hotdogs. Please bring a dish to share and your own beverages. There will be games, singing and fun family fellowship. Please make plans to attend! Park located at 286 Sandy Banks Rd, Greenfield Township, PA 18407. The Peace Van is available if you need a ride to the park. + FAMILY PHOTOS Let’s update the Church Directory!!!! The October 21st & 22nd Family Photo sessions are reasonably priced, support The Lutheran Academy, and will be a fabulous way for us to update the Peace Church directory. Please make every effort to sign up for your time and get a fresh new family photo. See page 2 for all the details. + SENIOR WELL-BEING PROGRAM Voluntary Action Center wants to help seniors age well. Our Senior Well-Being Program connects seniors (age 60 and older) with services and programs that are available to them (free of charge!) in Lackawanna County. If you are over 60, you may be eligible for programs that will help you stay active and healthy, help you pay for prescriptions and food, and help you manage your monthly budget. If you would like to find out more about this program, please call 570-347-5616 ext. + REFORMATION WEBSITE Pastor has created an aread-wide reformation website. You can see it at This site is designed to link all the area Lutheran churches and be a resource for all things “reformation” as we approach the 500th anniversary.
+ REFORMATION SERVICE Sunday, October 30 at 6pm join together at the Lutheran Ministry Center for a reformation service led by Pastor Triplett. Plus, come early at 5pm for a fantastic German dinner. Cost of the dinner is $10 a person and proceeds benefit The Lutheran Academy. + DEVOTION AVAILABLE A new devotional booklet published by the Lutheran Curch Missour Synoid is now available for anyone to pick up at the back of the church. The book 40 Daily Devotions of God’s Comfort, can guide you through times of loss and sorrow. There are plenty and we encourage you to share them with those suffering a loss of any kind. + ESTATE PLANNING How many of us think about estate planning and financial gifting? How many have taken action? Don't forget this is a wonderful way to leave your legacy with the church. We encourage individuals and couples to contact our member Brenda Colbert who is an Elder Law lawyer. She is able to help anyone who is interested to make the most positive impact for the Lord, family and others in your estate planning. + THE GATHERING HALL The Lutheran Ministry Center fellowship hall has updated windows and lighting. All lighting fixtures in the education wing, on all three levels, were replaced with energy-efficient LED bulbs. There is still a financial need to finish the final project which is to repaint the fellowship hall floor. Please prayerfully consider supporting the LMC in these improvement projects.
+ BOY SCOUT TROOP 57 PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER Jacob and Ryan Spies are part of Boy Scout Troop 57 and they are having a pasta dinner fundraiser on Saturday, October 15 from 5:00-7:30pm. Pasta, meatballs and desserts served sit down or take out. Cost is $6 for children and $9 for anyone 11 and over. Located at Holy Rosary School Auditorium 316 William Street in Scranton. Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: WORSHIP HOURS 8:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30 Sunday School for Youth and Adult 10:30 Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday 6:00 Church of All Nations Worship Service at the Lutheran Ministry Center Additional Services at Immanuel: 5:30 pm Saturday Evening and 10:15 am Sunday Morning
Sermon Topics- FAITH FOUNDATIONS: October 2: THE WATER October 9: THE MEAL October 16: THE MISSION
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? The Peace van is available to pick you up for worship service on Sundays. Call the church office to arrange. CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS As we implement plans for outreach in our communities, we definitely need a good "core" of worshippers on Sunday evening! We need YOU! We don't want to take away from Sunday morning worship at Peace, but make it your duty and honor to God to attend the evening Church of All Nations service if you are unable to attend the morning at Peace. Families and children are all welcome as well!
SPONSORING FLOWERS If you would like to sponsor the flowers for a particular Sunday, please note that it is the sponsor’s responsibility to provide/order the flowers. Please sign up on the calandar at the back of the church to indicate your sponsorship! To order from McCarthy’s Flowers, please call: 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol. Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there!
Simple Give Reminder No more forgetting the checkbook or offering envelopes! What do you do when you miss a week due to travel or illness? Online giving to the church is available. Visit the church website at and click on the word “Support” at the top right. You can support the church and it’s many missions all with the click of a few buttons. • Make a one-time tithe or set up a recurring payment for your general offering • Support The Lutheran Academy- for general needs or help sponsor a student • The Building Fund- designated for repairs to Peace Lutheran Church • Mission Fund - mission trips and missionaries • Peace Lutheran Endowment Fund - investing in the future of the church
100th Anniversary
Rev Russell Kerns May 1991, Rev Russell Kerns of St John's Lutheran in Pi;ston, PA became our vacancy pastor. At 81 years old he became well known for tackling amazing hurdles, accomplishing incredible recycling feats and contribuHng conHnuously to children. He received the Colonel's Way Award for his efforts as being the "most outstanding senior in Pennsylvania". When asked how he felt to win such a presHgious honor, Pastor kerns responded, "I feel good about it. but I don't need awards. I give God the credit." Pastor Kerns had a mission to send youth on a trip to Disney. To earn the money for the Disney trip, an overwhelming amount of recycling was done by members of Peace, they sold pizzas and hoagies and held yard sales. As a result, Pastor earned enough money to take more than 200 children to Disney World. We had approximately 50 children go from our Peace Lutheran Church. Pictured here are the 50 youth from Peace who a3ended the Disney Trip with Pastor Kerns. The 100th Anniversary Planning committee is moving forward with plans for the spring. If you have any time to help plan or help fundraise, please speak with Beverly Gedrimas. Her email is She would also like you to share all your old pictures and memorabilia concerning Peace church history.
Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607