NEWSLETTER September, 2014
Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
RALLY DAY! SEPTEMBER 7, 2014! 8:15 Spoken Liturgy; 9:30 Education Hour; 10:30 Worship. The Lord is calling all His children. Let us be encouraged! Joel 1:14
Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD.
sing!!! a e c t u ho urch ray wit ace Ch
the Lord. We cannot see Christ through our tears. We scowl and There are times when we get pretty sick. grumble at the Lord and each other. We are seemingly paralyzed by our And tired. And frustrated. fears and preserving instincts. It sure We see the world falling apart. We see evil men behead the innocent on camera would be nice if we could do what Bob Newhart told his fearful patient in his and post it to the internet. We have the famous TV show sketch: Just “STOP drum beat of war in Europe for reasons beyond stupidity. Despot rulers seem to IT!” Or, as our latest Disney queen would say “Let it go!” get their way as defenseless men, But no. It sure is hard! It women and children are bombed out of seems that we really are poor their homes and communities. Egos and miserable sinners - and we like to do hubris and everything BUT Christian love what we do best: sin. Just like the rest and peace are being demonstrated over of the world. and over again as headlines battle for the However, it just so happens top spot. And that is all of what happens that we have a Savior. His name is in the ‘rest’ of the world… The headlines Jesus. Have you heard of Him? from this side of the oceans can seem Lately at all? Reputable sources have just as bad as the tide of anti-Christs said that He loves to forgive sinners; deluge our families, communities, and that He loves to heal the sick and nation. comfort the mourning. Rumor has it And yet - we are so lazy in our that he lifts up the weary and makes faith. We are anything but zealous for them strong… makes them soar as
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eagles on a strong wind. The testimony has come down through the millennia, and even our fathers and forefathers have whispered it in our ears years long after they have lain down in their graves - that there is someone who is truly worthy of our attention, truly worthy of our worship, truly worthy of our devotion. And it behooves us to stop and consider our first love, the one who created and redeemed us, who forever pours his glorious goodness upon us - even in the face of our rebellion and hatred of His lovely and pre-ordained ways. In these evil days, let us throw off our dull sloth. Let us cling to our creator and redeemer, the lover of our souls… the one who goes before and suffers the cross and all our damnation. In the face of every evil… Rally to the Love! Rally to the Cross! Rally to Christ! - Pastor Bjornstad
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The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy!
Example of our Academy Newsletter! (only the first page!)
Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
church website: email:
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
HAPPY NEWS AND NOTES: + HANNAH BJORNSTAD is doing SO very well at Concordia University, St. Paul, MN. She is being stretched and molded by the Lord through her new friends, professors, and classes. She is also enjoying spending time with much of the extended family in MN who are looking after her well. Thank you for your prayers! + Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML): FALL RALLY will be Sunday, October 5, 2:30 at Grace Lutheran Church in Hop Bottom. Pastor Bjornstad will be happy to drive all the ladies with the van! + ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSES have started up again! If you are available Thursday evenings to volunteer please let him know! The friendships with the Nepali Community are so precious and we look forward to continuing our ministry to them with knowledge of English and God’s love! + PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR CHURCH WEBSITE ( if you ever have questions about upcoming events or need information about the church. Also please LIKE our Facebook Page for updates about all that the Lord is doing here at Peace so that you can praise the Lord and/or pray for any needs. (look for “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”) + NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY NEEDS TO COME OUT! If you have moved and neither Elsie Schweitzer or Pastor Bjornstad has your correct address, please email Pastor at Also, Pastor will try to take some pictures for the directory after church, but it sure would help if you can email him a picture YOU have and like. + THIS FALL’S ACOLYTE SCHEDULE WILL BE PUT TOGETHER by Judy Evans. Look for it on the church bulletin board. If your youth’s name is not on it, please contact her at 570-690-0841. The service of our young people in our worship service is a beautiful thing. We need parents who are excited to support them!
moving from Kansas City to Scranton. He was asking for any help finding an apartment for between $500-$900/ month here in town. If you think you might be able to help Luke, please call the office. + NEEDED: DRIVERS TO PICK UP for Sunday morning worship. Believe it or not, there are people who really have difficulty getting to church on Sunday morning because they don’t have transportation. If you would be able to help out even just picking up one person on your way to worship please let Pastor know. It will be out of your way. You will sometimes be frustrated. But you will love to do it because you have been first shown love and mercy by your Father in heaven. + VOICE CHOIR STARTS Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 7pm! We are missing Hannah and someone needs to fill her place! ALSO: IS THERE ANYONE WHO WOULD WANT TO JOIN A BELL CHOIR? We would meet at 6:30pm Tuesdays if we would have enough participants. It would be so exciting to use our bells in worship! No experience necessary! :) + FALL BIBLE SALE: Do you need a good Bible or Study Bible? There is a chart on the church bulletin board with all the different Bibles that are on sale from Concordia Publishing House. Put your name down with what you want and make the check out to Peace Lutheran Church for the correct amount. Shipping is free and you will be notified when the order comes in. + THRIVENT CHOICE POINTS RECEIVED: Did you know that about $450 of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans "Choice Points" were donated to Peace Lutheran Church by members of the congregation (and others!) - since the beginning of the year 2014! We still have more to go! Please do NOT let your choice points expire without directing them to Peace Lutheran! These dollars are then directly applied to The Lutheran Academy bank balance! + (to the left) MAKING SMORES at Lackawanna St. Park this past August 28th!
+ NEEDED: APARTMENT FOR RENT. An email was sent by an LCMS Lutheran who has just accepted a job with the Times Tribune and will be
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UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars! POT ROAST DINNER: Saturday, October 4, 2014 3-6pm NURSING HOME VISIT BY THE SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday, October 5, at 10:30 YOUTH LOCK IN: Friday, October 17th - 18th REFORMATION SERVICE: October 26 at 7pm - invitational service with participation from area churches - including our joint choir! This will be the third consecutive Reformation Service. Let’s make it the best one! We celebrate our life and teaching together and rejoice in all that God has given us in our Faith! Faith Alone! Grace Alone! Scripture Alone! Please pray for our church and these events! Your support of them are important as well! It is a lot of work and dedication to make it all happen - to the Glory of God!
WORSHIP AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: The Regular worship of the Lord together as a congregation IS elemental to our life as Christians. It is the ultimate rest in the Lord. We hear the word of forgiveness, the Word of God, we eat and drink at the Table of the Lord at His gracious invitation - with all the saints of the world!
8:15 am Worship with Holy Communion every Sunday. We will have a spoken liturgy with sung hymns. 9:20 Education Hour - for all ages! 10:30 The Main Worship Service with Holy Communion twice a month (usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays) OUR CONGREGATIONAL OFFERING: Please know that every cent of the church’s budget ($100,000! - including Pastor’s salary, Academy subsidy, heat, water, garbage, etc.) is paid for through the offerings of the congregational members. We receive no monies from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod or any other entity! Please consider that your sacraficial (pocket change is not enough!), regular, and purposeful offering is an essential blessing for the sharing of the Gospel among ourselves - and to our community and to the ends of the earth!
Ky Betts continues to offer his worship by illustrating our Sunday Bulletins. Thank you Ky!
ADULT BIBLE STUDY BEGINS THIS YEAR begins with: “The Challenge of Islam” In this video/Bible study, Sam Shamoun, an Arab Christian, presents an eye-opening perspective on Islam. Estimates put Muslims at well over one billion throughout the world, yet their beliefs, religious practices, and social philosophy remain confusing to non-Muslims. Shamoun sheds valuable light on Islam’s historical development and explains in layman’s terms how this faith - born on the Arabian Peninsula 1,400 years ago - is practiced by modern Muslims today. Throughout this study, Shamoun clearly articulates the hope Christians share in the saving grace of Jesus against the works-based futility inherent in Islam’s message.
FELLOWSHIP COFFEE HOURS: Every month, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month, we have a coffee hour downstairs after worship. Everyone is encouraged to share in this time and get to know your Brothers and Sisters in Christ. If you would like to sponsor a fellowship by preparing the tables and providing some kind of refreshment that would be wonderful! THE FIRST FELLOWSHIP THIS FALL IS SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 28th. Plan to join us! HYMN SING and PICK UP CHOIRS! Once a month we will have a service with your hymn requests sung! (so get your requests in!) As well, on those Sundays come in at 10:10 and we will learn a quick song and sing it to the congregation in the worship! Easy and fun hymns and songs! Awesome fun!
BELL AND VOICE CHOIRS! Tuesday evening rehearsals starting at 6:30 for bells (7:15 for voice choir!) Amanda is BACK and wants to have a bigger and better choir than last year! Please come and sing with us!
CONFIRMATION CLASSES WILL START AGAIN SEPTEMBER 15th at 7pm! The first Monday is PARENT/STUDENT NIGHT! We need to see the parents! If Pastor has not talked with you about joining the first year Confirmation class, please give him a call! Second year Confirmation student Andrew Harsche (left) attended a teen camp at Camp Pioneer, our Lutheran Camp on the shores of Lake Erie earlier in August for a week. This is what he wrote about his adventures: “I had a fun and adventurous time at Camp Pioneer. I expanded my ablility to meet new Christian kids. the fun began when i climbed a cargo net for the first time and then i zip lined down at the top of the wall. We had bible study every night, it was nice to talk to other teenagers about the bible and God. Night time was fun too as we had several night games. Overall it was a great time and i cant wait to go there again next year.” Lets see if we can get a few more kids there next year!