Peace Talk, September 2015

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NEWSLETTER September 2015

Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be

prepared to give an answer to

everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15

The 2015-16 Students and teachers of The Lutheran Academy, Scranton.

From the pastor’s heart: We are all beset by constant reminders of how we should always be ready… ready for disaster and bad things to happen… that we need to have our life insured and will in place, our week of food in the cupboard and batteries for our flashlight. Who knows what will happen even today? But as often or as loud as the reminders are, we often find ourselves ill prepared and “taking our chances” that disaster doesn’t strike. How different it is for us to read of St. Peter’s charge to us to be ready… ready not for disaster - but ready for opportunity… opportunity to SHARE the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. God is doing HIS part to get us ready as a congregation to grow and prosper for another 100 years. He has given us a beautiful second campus. He has shared a bountiful harvest of Academy students and new teachers, a missionary pastor and Church of all Nations. He has blessed us with dedicated members, leaders, and faithful givers. Most of all he forgives us and shares his amazing salvation with us. Baptism, Confession, Absolution, The Lord’s Supper, His Holy Word, true Christian fellowship, and the list goes on! Our cup overflows! So here we are. The church of God. Dressed in the robes of Christ’s righteousness. Fit for heaven. Totally “ready” in Christ for whatever sin and evil might come upon us - and living in a world of despair and disaster,

sin and death. What is it that ought naturally to follow in our lives? What follows is the blessed opportunity to share the Good News and Hope that we have within us. We “know” this, of course. The problem is that we are so often caught ill prepared and equipped to give answer to the hope that is within us. The world around us often despises those of faith and it makes many accusations against us. We are often unsure of the issues, their answers, and how to winsomely share the truth of God in Jesus Christ. Closing out the last few months of the year, I want to encourage everyone to be faithful in Bible Study and the hearing of God’s Word on Sundays (and in your own personal devotions.) We are praying that with our renewed Adult Bible Studies and Sermons, our lives in Christ may be strengthened and made wise, and that we truly can be much more ready to give answer to the hope that is within us - to anyone who inquires! It is this hope in Jesus Christ that can change the world - one heart at a time. May His Kingdom come to many through our witness. And may our church GROW! To Him be all glory - now and forever. Amen. In Jesus our Savior,

Pastor Bjornstad

The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Academy Board UPDATE Last month we asked, What makes The Lutheran Academy so great? Why would a parent send their child to our school? And the answer: God’s presence !!


His presence is felt daily. In the final week of preparing the school, the TLA Board met for dinner and fellowship - God was there. The teachers prepared the classrooms - God was there.

Music Class with Mr. Bjornstad

Art Class with Mr. Betts

Parents met with teachers to complete paperwork - God was there. The students arrived for the first days of school; eager, nervous and excited - God was there. The truth is, in every moment, good or bad, happy or sad, God has made His presence known. What a blessing it is to have The Lutheran Academy, a place for children to come and learn in His presence. What a blessing it is to have a place where teachers and staff can demonstrate God’s love daily and feed it into the lives of these children.

Immanuel Preschool and Kindergarten students hard at work!

While school has now officially started, we are still actively enrolling students for the 2015-16 school year. We would love a few more sudents and need your help to spread the word about this amazing school. Be sure to grab a brochure or two and pass them out. There is also a link to the brochure on the school website

Parent Night was held on Thursday, September 3rd at both schools. Teachers had an opportunity to review classroom procedures, expectations and special events. Continue to pray for all students and staff of both The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool and Kindergarten.

School websites:


Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"



* Evan Hughes has just completed a mobile mural project for the Scranton School District's new STEAM mobile. The STEAM mobile is an RV that will travel to area schools and allow kids an interactive experience emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. * Our ever-stable Chuck Mercer and his wife Marilyn have made a move in life. They recently sold their long-time home and purchased a new one. May they enjoy many joy-filled years in their new home. * James McHale was starting linebacker, number 74, for Temple University on Saturday, September 5th versus Penn State. Go Temple Owls! *We offer up prayers of thanksgiving and joy for the baptism of Xavior Perry on August 23rd. * The Church of All Nations worship services and fellowship through Friday evening “cottage prayer meetings” continues to thrive. All are welcome for Sunday service and/or to join Pastor Nischall and Pastor Bjornstad on Friday evenings for food, fellowship, and bible study. See Pastor for details on the week’s location.

If you are not yet a member of Peace Lutheran Church or have been considering making Peace your church home, please speak with Pastor. Membership Sunday has been scheduled for Sunday, October 25 and this is the perfect time to meet with Pastor and prepare

+ ACADEMY SUPPLY NEEDS The Lutheran Academy is in need of Paper Towels. You can bring to church on Sunday or simply drop off your donation at the Lutheran Ministry Center. Thank you to Elsie Schweitzer, Susan Crosbie, the Cornogs and Leslie familes for their paper product donations already received. + LCEF PRESENTATION

Rick Porter from the Lutheran Church Extention Fund will be visitng our congregation on Sunday, September 27th. He will give a quick overview during the service and will be around between services and after to speak with anyone interested in learning more about investment opportunities through the Lutheran Church.


Tuesday morning Braille at Immanuel could really use one or


Pastor will be combining the confirmation classes of Peace and Immanuel this Fall (barring a new pastor coming to Immanuel). The first PARENTS/STUDENTS meeting will be held Sunday, September 20 at 7pm AT IMMANUEL Fellowship Hall. We will decide a regular meeting date at that time. Invite young friends and neighbors! Open to all!

two more helpers. They indicate there is not much of a learning curve, and the work is fairly light. They work from 9:30 am until 11:30 am – with a half hour break in the middle. If you have Tuesday mornings free, please consider joining as they produce the book of Isaiah and other Christian reading materials for the visually impaired. The books are shipped to 120 countries around the globe.

+ FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH, EASTON, PA prepared 17 backpacks filled with school supplies as well as a huge shipment of copy paper. This was a huge blessing to the Academy. Pastor spent time at the end of Augst visiting families in the area and distributing the backpacls to kids in the neighborhood… Praise the Lord and Thank you Faith Lutheran Church!

+ PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR CHURCH! Rest assured… all our bills are paid here at Peace. But have you had the chance to make your tithe to the Lord lately? If you cannot make it to worship Sunday mornings (for whatever good reason), please know that you can still support the ministry of the Lord here at Peace Lutheran Church with your offering by going to the support page of



Amanda Kilgus will continue as our main organist, but Carsten Bjornstad will be attempting to raise up opportunities for congregational members to contribute musical offerings in worship. If there are committed voices he will even conduct an adult choir! He will also be facilitating The Lutheran Academy student soloists and ensembles in sharing their music in worship. You can call Carsten at 570-316-5873. + COMING UP: LWML FALL RALLY- Sunday October 4th in Herndon, PA. All are welcome. Speaker from the Lutheran Bible Translators. Worship service and dinner to follow. NEPA LUTHERAN REFORMATION SERVICE Sunday, 7pm October 25, 2015 at the Lutheran Ministry Center!

The planning process to raise money for our youth to attend the Youth Gathering next summer in New Orleans has begun. Various fundraising activities are planned for this year, and the Egg Bake Sale will kick off the efforts on Sunday, September 27th. The following Peace Lutheran Church youth plan to attend the convention next summer: Brooke Cherney, Mark McHale, Kiana and Kobe Sauter, Andrew Harsche, Kerilyn Pon, AJ Hackenberg, Emil Nischal


Immanuel Lutheran Church will resume their Saturday Morning Bible Study class on September 12. Class begins at 9:30 am and ALL are welcome. This study will be picking up at 2 Samuel 17 as they continue reading through the Bible.

Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607


Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday.

6:00 pm

Church of All Nations Service Attend this service at the LMC if you didn’t make a Sunday Morning Service

RALLY DAY IS SEPTEMBER 13th! New Schedule: 8:00 9:30 10:30

Worship with Holy Communion Sunday School (ages Kindergarten to Adult) Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday

Additional Services at Immanuel: 5:30 pm Saturday Evening and 9:30 am Sunday Morning

Lutheran Ministry Center Updates Repairs and improvements to the building have been completed and school is now in session. Below are a few pictures of the space being used by the Academy.

The Library

Upper Grades Classroom

1st-4th Grade Classroom

If you know of a Christian congregation looking for a place to worship on a regular basis on Saturday and/or Sundays, please have them call the church office. We have the beautiful sanctuary in the Lutheran Ministry Center available for rent. Help spread the word. Office line 570-703-0607


If you would like to sponsor the flowers for a particular Sunday, please note that it is the sponsor’s responsibility to provide/order the flowers. Please sign up on the calandar at the back of the church to indicate your sponsorship! Remember you can bring in an arrangement of flowers from your garden - or boquets of wild flowers are wonderful too! But if you want to order “regular” flowers from McCarthy’s Flowers, please call: 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol Kemler! Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there!

Fellowship Sunday The fourth Sunday of the month will be Fellowship Sunday at Peace Lutheran Church. Please plan to stay for a time of food and fellowship after the 10:30 service. This month, the Youth will host our Fellowhip Sunday refreshments. Enjoy a short introduction to the National Youth Gathering and then learn about investment options from Rick Porter, our Lutheran Church Extention Fund (LCEF) representative.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY PLAN: ALWAYS BE READY TO ANSWER TO THE HOPE WITHIN YOU… 1 Peter 3:15 Sept 13 RALLY DAY! Who is wise and understanding among you? Elements of True Christian Faith: Apostle’s Creed Study: “I Believe” Sept 20 FAITH AND TRUST IN JESUS “I believe! Help me in my unbelief!” Elements of True Christian Faith: Apostle’s Creed Study: “Trinity” Sept 27 GRACE AND FORGIVENESS Elements of True Christian Faith: Apostle’s Creed Study: “Gifts of the Spirit” Oct 4 RESURRECTION AND ETERNAL LIFE Elements of True Christian Faith: Apostle’s Creed Study: “End Times” Oct 11 A SALVATION HOPE DEMONSTRATED IN SCRIPTURES The Bible: its origins and reliability Oct 18 STEWARDSHIP Stepping out in Faith with Tithing Oct 25 REFORMATION SUNDAY The legacy of Martin Luther and the Reformers Nov 1 ALL SAINTS SUNDAY & THE ART OF DYING The Shape of the Christian Life Nov 8 REASON Relativism and Tolerance in our society Nov 15 THE CHURCH The Bride of Christ Nov 22 HISTORY Spread of Christianity - and its future…

Final Month to Get Tickets

Handmade Quilt Raffle

Kim and Mark Koenig are organizing a quilt raffle and tickets are now available. The quilt was handmade and donated by Sara and Jay Cronk.The raffle date is Sunday October 4, 2015 at the late service here at Peace Lutheran Church. The Value of the quilt is $300.00 and all the proceeds are to benefit The Lutheran Academy's building usage cost. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased directly from Mark & Kim Koenig or through Amy in the church office.

Bulletin illustration by Ky Betts.


NEED TRANSPORTATION TO WORSHIP? The Peace van is avaialble to pick you up for Sunday School and worship service on Sundays. Call the church office to arrange: 570-703-0607. Thank you to all who supported the Chickn BBQ on August 15th. This event raised $1,080 and proceeds will benefit the Catherine McAuley Center, helping homeless women and children. Letter from St Stephens Lutheran Church:

EGG Bake Sale Sunday, September 27

$15 each and must be ordered by Sept 20th To order contact: Kerry Hackenberg 570-780-7827

Dear Members of Peace Lutheran church: Grace mercy and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We the members of St Stephen’s want to thank you for your support and participation in our service on August 16 2015.It was encouraging for us to know that you are aware, and care about our situation as it relates to the prolonged illness and absence of Pastor Vomhof. Your presence helped to lift us up and your joyous singing brought a tear to many an eye. Your love and support has not gone unnoticed. Thanks to Pastor Bjornstad for initiating such a group support both physical and spiritual. We ask that you continue to keep us as a church family and Pastor Vomhof in your prayers. May the peace of the Lord be with you always. Sincerely, Marcia Rudat (recording secretary)

Church website: email:,‌ LMC: 570-703-0607

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