February 2013
Peace Talk Peace Lutheran Church
of Jesus with the resident's of the Greenridge Nursing Home. They should be back right at the end of the service! DON'T MISS IT! The perfect excuse to invite your neighbor you know needs to come closer to the Lord!
There is going to be a LOT of fun and excitement for everyone! There will be our regular service at 8:15am, but then starting at 9am the first batches of regular, blueberry, and CHOCOLATE pancakes will be coming hot off the griddle! Then the kids will join us for the opening hymn of the 10:30 service and then be blessed before going to sing and share the heart 10
DEFINITION OF LOVE! 1John 4:9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. An A p o st o lic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod
THE LUTHERAN ACADEMY AND IMMANUEL PRESCHOOL NEWS!!! ACADEMY/PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE WAS HELD JAN. 24! On Thursday, January 24th an open house was held and one of the families that came has applied for their son in 2nd grade to attend The Lutheran Academy! There are also two other children who will be attending the Preschool as well! We are very pleased! Please know that enrolment is OPEN and we ask you to please invite your friends and neighbors to check out what we can offer their families!
On their meeting January 27th, the Board of Directors of the Academy initiated a search for a new Principal to start in the Fall of 2013. Mr. Roger Borchin has served as Principal since the formation of the school, but he is supposed to be retired and is eager to hand off his responsibilites to someone else. Please PRAY diligently for someone who can fill this part time position! We are looking nationwide with an ad in The Lutheran Witness for the very special person God is calling to us!
ACADEMY IS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO RUN THE SUMMER "DISCOVERY CAMP". If you know someone who is qualified to work an exciting program for children for 6 weeks during the summer, please call Roger Borchin at 604-5591. The Preschool Director can't run it because she is having a baby!
PLEASE BRING IN NON-PERISHABLE FOODS TO THE CHURCH FOR THE ACADEMY'S FOOD DRIVE! After all our food is collected from area churches, the students will take a shopping trip to the supermarket and talk about good nutrition as they buy more food for the food bank!
UPCOMING EVENTS THIS SPRING The studens are looking forward to exciting Field trips to see the NEPA Philharmonic and also Sleeping Beauty! They are also starting to work very hard for the spring The Academy students are here with Val Caple (middle) on the day when she came and shared about Martin Year End Program!
Luther King, Jr. Val is the Vice President of the area Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission. It was a great time!
"When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee..." Proverbs 2:10-11 "There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel." Proverbs 20:15
MISSIONS NEWS! SUSAN CROSBIE, OUR PARISH NURSE, TRAVELED TO EQUADOR JANUARY 11TH for a week of medical missions! She had a WONDERFUL time helping to attend to many surgeries (about 130!) for those who could not afford them otherwise! The Lord blessed her and the whole medical team! We are looking forward to seeing lots of pictures of her adventures very soon!!!! Lutheran Women's Mission League MITE COLLECTION was collected on January 27th and $135 was given toward their various mission efforts around the world! THE LWML NATIONAL CONVENTION will be in Pittsburgh this coming June 27-30! Pastor and Monica Bjornstad will be attending and we hope to FILL THE VAN with attendees from Immanuel and Peace! Registration opens in February and more information will be coming on this very inspirational and uplifting event! It doesn't come this way very often, so we should take advantage of it! ANYONE FOR GOING TO ALASKA THIS COMING SUMMER? There is interest in forming another VBS mission team! If you are interested, please speak with Pastor Bjornstad!
Quilt and Chinese Auction Was held at
Immanuel Lutheran on Jan. 12 to Support Costa Rica Mission Trip. Please pray for Three members of Immanuel (Barbara Latniak, Sigi Nerz and Kathy Norris) will participate in this mission trip, sponsored by MOST Ministries. This team will teach the women quilting and craft skills that they can use to earn income for their families. Each day will begin with sharing a devotion with the women from the church.
PLEASE PRAY FOR PASTOR NAVEEN NISCHALL and his family as Pastor Bjornstad is working hard to help them move to Scranton and be a part of our family here at Peace Lutheran. Pastor Nischall's mission work in New Jersey has lost its funding and he is looking for full time work here in Scranton. Please let Pastor Bjornstad know if you can help in finding him (any kind of) work. As the Lord blesses him we hope that we can begin some mission work among the Indian population here in Scranton!
WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church WE CONTINUE OUR "THE STORY" ADVENTURES - finally breaking this month into the NEW TESTAMENT! In FEBRUARY we will be reading Chapters 19-22 of our special edition of Scriptures!! Please join us for Bible Studies at 9:30 on Sunday! We need to pray that we don't loose our enthusiasm for God's Word! Keep READING and PRAYING! Our Sunday Schedule is as follows: + 8:15 Worship with Holy Communion + 9:15 Education Hour for Adults and Children + 10:30 Worship Celebration (with Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays/month) Feb. 3: Chapter 19: The Return Home Feb. 10: Chapter 20: Queen Esther Feb. 17: Chapter 21: Rebuilding the Walls Feb. 24: Chapter 22: The Birth of the King!
LENT BEGINS WITH ASH WEDENSDAY ON FEBRUARY 13TH! There will be services every Wednesday at 10am and 7pm! LET US BE ENCOURAGED IN OUR DISCIPLINE OF WORSHIP! We need to come to understand that the
work of the Lord (to whom is ALL glory and honor in our lives) is of vital importance and our worship and service to Him are simply to be the very essence of "life". In a very real way it is dangerous to think that we can be "wife" or "husband" or "parent" or "employee" apart from the family of God and His blessings of word and sacrament. Our life together in Christ is the foundation upon which we can build the rest of our lives. It just simply can't be a "whenever I have time" part of our life.
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path!
MISC. NOTES: NEW WORSHIPPERS: Introducing the Nichols Family! Although we will not see Brian Nichols around in the near future because he is A PASTOR and will be serving a vacancy at a church for the next few months, perhaps we will see his wife Theresa and their children Matthew and Tess around! Matthew and Tess are looking forward to being baptized as soon as we can arrange it! Please welcome them into our church family!
Mom's Bible study/ Fellowship! We have a number of new families in the "mix" here at Peace Lutheran and Amy Betts is wondering if any moms want to join together for fellowship and a encouraging Bible Study a couple times a month? You can talk to her at church or call her at 315-767-3585! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SENIOR YOUTH WHO ARE SELLING RESTAURANT CARDS FOR $10! They are working to attend the National Youth Gathering in San Antonio this summer! The cards are EXCELLENT deals and well worth their price as you can use them as many times as you like! They are also planning a pizza sale of some kind in the near future! Please keep your eyes peeled! OUR YOUTH CHOIR AND YOUTH NIGHTS ARE GOING GREAT EVERY FRIDAY! Many thanks to Hannah Bjornstad for directing our awesome choir of ELEVEN children! And we thank Julie and Gary and Gary (Jr.) and Thomas and Tina Goble for providing the great activities for the kids!!!!! Choir is at 6:30 and the games and activities start at 7pm!
ALLELUIA! PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS FINALLY (AT LONG LAST!) A NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY! Please pick one up and use it to encourage and pray for each other! ++++++++++++++++++++
choir going under her direction as well! CHURCH CALENDAR IS NOW BACK UP ON THE CHURCH WEBSITE. Hopefully it should be pretty accurate and up to date! www.yourpeace.org! Check out all the other news and notes there as well! PASTOR WANTS TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO CALL HIM FOR PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES! This last month he has been able to give $1500 to The Lutheran Academy because of folks like YOU! He has three weddings scheduled to photograph, but he would love to have one or two more - plus a few Senior shoots! Please check out www.prettygoodportraits.org for more information! THE RENOVATION OF THE CHURCH BATHROOMS HAS BEGUN! Don't be surprised at a mess for a while! :) If you would like to help with the work, please call Jerry Cornog with an offer!
MEET AMANDA KILGUS, a new organist that we hope will also be a great addition to our family here at Peace! All the details of her work have not been finalized yet, but we hope to do that soon! Amanda is a Freshman at Marywood in the Physician's Assistant program, but plays the organ beautifully! She has been playing the keyboard for 14 years and is from Watsontown in central PA. Between Amanda and and Hannah we are going to have some great fun with our music making to the Lord! Later in February we hope we can get our
PRAYERS NEEDED: + Ken Williams still in hospital, although slowly improving. Please pray for his wife Pat as well (please give her a call or take her out to lunch!) + Pastor Al Vomhof, of St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, who is under doctor's care for what might be a return of cancer. + Art Grogan, nephew of Audrey Russell, who is suffering from brain cancer (he has a wife and two small children.) + Jerry Cornog as he struggles with some un-diagnosed health issues. + Our shut ins the Korbans, Trudy Makowski, Anita Holzmann, Mark Herie… Also pray for Judy and RJ Herie