Peace Talk - May 2011
Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS Pastor Kristian Bjornstad 2506 N. Main Ave. 343-9828
FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART: John 20:26 Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." 27Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe." 28Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" 29Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
GOOD FRIDAY REENACTMENT: Presented in memory of Karl Brown. THANK YOU to all who participated, especially Beverly for organizing it and Dale who helped put together the cross & stretcher!
What a moving Holy Week and glorious Easter it was here at Peace Lutheran! I pray for each of us who call ourselves the followers of Jesus and preach Him crucified for sinners, that we would continue to thrill in His salvation won for us. No doubt it is difficult to believe and have faith at times. St. Thomas had trouble even back in the “olden” days. We in the 21st Century have even more difficulty. But be encouraged to know that our faith is not only so very beautiful, but yes, even reasonable! It is true that no one can prove our “faith” (otherwise it would not be faith) like Jesus did for the first disciples. However there is no other scientific or religious alternative that can be proven either! And I truly believe that when we take and compare the breadth and length of the Christian faith with any other system of belief, there truly are vast and convincing reasons to be glad to bow down and worship our gracious and loving Lord Jesus Christ. It is inspiring to know that we do so along with St. Thomas and all the first witnesses to the resurrection, as well as billions of After the reenactment the God’s children throughout history and the world. body was taken into the He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! Amen! FAITH is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this FAITH is to see what we believe. - St. Augustine In Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad
church and laid in “the tomb”... The symbolism was very powerful as the Lamb of God was laid on the altar. Readings, hymns, reproaches and prayers concluded the observances.
MISCELANEOUS NOTES: PRAISING GOD! + A FABULOUS COUPLE’S INVITATIONAL DINNERS AND FELLOWSHIP! Mary Durkin prepared a most delicious dinner April 9th for EIGHT couples for our second gathering! It was a huge success and we would like YOU to come and join us (if you are married!) and continue our journey of strengthening and deepening our marriage relationships. Lori & Tim Harsche will be preparing dinner for our May 7th dinner at 6pm! Please contact the church office if you would like to join us so we can set your table. Babysitting is provided! + LADIES GUILD NOTES: Several of the ladies of the church DID attend the Midvalley Drama Club presentation and enjoyed the show, featuring the Bjornstad girls, very much (together or separately!!) THERE WILL BE A LADIES GUILD MEETING THIS MAY 5th at 6:30 pm here at church. You are very invited! + LWML SPRING RALLY! will be Saturday, May 7th (9:30-3:00) at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Mt. Pocono. It promises to be a MOST blessed event with Christine Erickson speaking on “Forgiveness! It’s more than just a Word!” It will be dealing with forgiveness in our relationships! EVERYONE (Husbands/Wives/ Young/Old(er)) is invited!
There are no miracles for those that have no FAITH in them. - French Proverb - +++++++++++++++++++++
+ MOTHER’S DAY! Sunday morning May 8th will be very special of course! Mothers will be honored with carnations supplied from PA for Life as they have been for several years. Pastor will also have his camera out and a studio set up for Mother’s Day Photos! If you want a more extensive photo session, please give him a call!
IT IS EASY TO LAUGH AT OURSELVES Goat for Dinner The young couple invited their elderly pastor for Sunday dinner. While they were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked their son what they were having. "Goat," the little boy replied. "Goat?" replied the startled man of the cloth, "Are you sure about that?" "Yep," said the youngster. "I heard Dad say to Mom, 'Today is just as good as any to have the old goat for dinner."
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN FOCUS ON GOD’S MERCY! EDUCATION HOUR: 9:15 WORSHIP: 10:30 AM 1Pet. 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
EASTER SEASON SERMON SERIES: “The Book of Acts: The Mercy Church on Fire” MAY 1: “The (Mercy) Mission - God Possible” MAY 8: “The Fire is Kindled” MAY 15: “The Fire in St. Peter” MAY 22: “The Fire in St. Paul” MAY 29: “The Fire Overcomes” JUNE 5: “The Fire Spreads”
THE EASTER SEASON CHALLENGE: READ THROUGH THE BOOK OF ACTS! One Chapter a day/five days a week until June 5!
Join us for Sunday Morning Bible Study on these chapters!!
+CHURCH HISTORY CORNER: +Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs + Commemorated May 11, 2011 + Cyril (826–69) and Methodius (c. 815–85) were brothers who came from a Greek family in Thessalonica. The younger brother took the name "Cyril" when he became a monk in 868. After ordination, Cyril became librarian at the Church of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) in Constantinople. In 862 the brothers were sent by the emperor as missionaries to what is now the Czech republic, where they taught in the native Slavic tongue. Cyril invented the alphabet known today as "Cyrillic," which provided a written language for the liturgy and Scriptures for the Slavic peoples. This use of the vernacular established an important principle for evangelical missions.
Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool News + MAJOR NEW VISION LAID OUT BY THE ACADEMY BOARD FOR NEXT YEAR! + Total renovation and upgrade of our school’s facilities will take place over the summer. + Addition of a Kindergarten for next year. + Higher admission test standards and renewed investment in the visual and performing arts emphasis. + Addition of a second teacher for the Fall of 2012 for the older grades. + MAY ACADEMY EVENTS OF NOTE: + Friday, May 13th Academy Day trip to Philadelphia! + Tuesday, May 31st 7 pm “Year End Arts Extravaganza!” Held here at Peace and EVERYONE is invited to enjoy this fabulous event! Save the date! Bring a friend! + Voice and Chime Choirs + Student Instrumentals and Dramatic Readings + Puppet Theater: “The Three Little Pigs” - written and staged by the students!
All mothers are invited to meet the first and third Monday of every month at 10 am! Please call Amy Betts (315-767-3585) if you would like to come or invite a friend who needs fellowship and support as a mother!
Thank the Lord for our mothers! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
NEW MEMBERS BY AFFIRMATION OF FAITH at the Easter Vigil worship service three individuals professed their faith for membership: The Testimony of Cindy Villella I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I can freely say it now, but there was a time I could not. Not that I didn’t believe in Jesus, but it was a lukewarm faith. The change happened gradually after I met my husband. He is a strong Christian - putting his life fully in God’s hands. He literally does not worry about the “things of this life.” I know his faith was one of the things that attracted me to him. The Holy Spirit began to open my heart. I think this faith has helped, and continues to help, us through some of the rough spots of our marriage. Because of being divorced I remarried (as a Catholic), I could no longer participate in the sacrament of Communion. I longed for this healing sacrament and so began my search. Last year I attended Holy Thursday service at Peace and met Pastor Kris. I felt God’s presence in this community and knew I was home. I am now truly happy to describe myself as “one in Christ.” I try to use each moment in my life as an opportunity to serve Him and thank Him for His supreme sacrifice for my ever-present sin. The Testimony of Judy Herie: WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR ME. God opened my eyes after I was being stricken and afflicted for about 4 years by people I trusted. This led me to be tested by the devil. I almost came to losing my faith in God and church. In the past few months God has showed me that I wasn't what those others said I was. He is healing and restoring my faith through prayer and through a new church family. I truly believe Jesus has brought me here to Peace Lutheran to start a new Christian life, with many new works for me too. I DO PRAISE GOD. MARK HERIE also gave his testimony at the Easter Vigil worship service verbally.
Youth NEWs! GRADUATING THIS SPRING: Erika Bjornstad Joseph Schulze God bless them both! Erika has been accepted at Concordia University, St. Paul and is entering into a church work degree program called Director of Christian Education! Joseph is now a National Guard soldier and after his training hopes to attend Bloomsburg University!
Camp Pioneer weekend coming up May 13-15 - with Lost and Found concert! Can’t miss it! We are well on our way to filling the van again! Join the happy throng! Thanks Kevin and George for taking the kids again this year!
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+ LOOK FOR THE Association of Lutheran Friends Newsletter coming out! Plan for our June 5th Memorial Day Luncheon (1pm) and Service (3:30pm) at Ransom Church. Special Guest Speaker: Morris Metz, Battle of the Bulge, WWII Veteran. WE ARE VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS DAY! + SUMMER VACATION! TRYING TO THINK OF A GOOD FAMILY VACATION NEXT SUMMER? THINK CAMP PIONEER! Pastor Bjornstad and family have been invited to be sort of host family for the camp Family Camp the week of July 17th. We would LOVE to have whole bunches of Peace family along with us! Plan for it! Going to the website you will find a registration form with further information! + WORSHIP LIVE STREAMING OVER THE INTERNET... We are again streaming the worship service live over the internet. If you cannot join us in person because of sickness or weather, please join us at the Peace website’s “Media” page. + THE MEN’S BREAKFAST: We will be meeting Saturday, May 28, 9 am at Panera Bread in Dickson City! All men are invited! + PEACE PRAYER CHAIN: If you love to pray you are encouraged to join our Peace Prayer Chain by calling Edith Korban at 289-4479. If you or someone is in NEED of prayer, you can call Edith at the same number and that prayer will be shared down the list of prayer warriors! + PLEASE PRAY: Pray for all our brothers and sisters hit hard by the southern storms! Prayers are coveted for the Pickett family as they struggle with a suicide in the family. We praise God for the beautiful and meaningful Holy Week and Easter celebrations! + PASTOR WILL BE OUT OF TOWN May 10-13 at a pastoral conference Tues - Thurs, and then in Philadelphia with the Academy on Friday. Please no pastoral emergencies during those days! :)
Try them! You won’t be sorry! A smile - is a sign of joy. A hug - is a sign of love. A laugh - is a sign of happiness.
The 2011 Peace VBS is scheduled!!!! Get Excited! Helpers needed!
The Alaska Mission Team is finally formed! Susan Crosbie and Hannah Bjornstad will be going along with a team of three others to Alaska’s Funny River Lutheran Church from June 24 - July to provide a VBS program to the children of the community! It was hard to get enough a team together, but it finally happened according to God’s mercy! Praise Him! MOSCOW MISSION START: The tentative launch date of the new Lutheran Mission in Moscow is Sunday, June 5th beginning at 5:30pm! Supported by several congregations here in NEPA, we hope to be meeting at the Covington Senior Center. We plan to have great music and great Bible Study led by Pastor Mandile (Immanuel Lutheran) beginning with the Gospel of John.
Invite your friends and neighbors! JUNE 20-24, 2011! Register on the church website!!
The Deacon’s Fund Outreach The economy is ge-ng worse; prices of everything increase by the day. Even those whose ends meet will soon find too much month at the end of their money. Where will they go for help? The psalmists states: “I liB up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth “(Psalm 121:1-‐2). As children of a mighty Father in heaven, adopted by the blood of Jesus, we must follow our Lord’s command and show mercy. We all are sinners and need a savior. This is true for the richest and poorest among us. In the booklet The Church is a Mercy Place LCMS Synod President Harrison shows how the church must show mercy because it is Christ’s command. This Ttle is the perfect way to explain the church’s deacon’s fund as we showcase God’s love toward one another and our community in the year of Mercy at Peace Lutheran Church. The Deacon’s fund is a financial outreach with the goal of first assisTng needy members of our church, and second, the needs of those souls seeking mercy but are not (yet) members of our church family. The mission is to show financial mercy to an individual by aiding them in meeTng a pressing financial need. The amount of help is dependent upon set criteria and the person’s circumstance. We must be merciful and show diakonic love (service oriented love. This is the root for the term Deacon) toward our brethren and our neighbors. Please begin to pray for this outreach and if you are interested in aiding this mission, feel free to contact me or Pastor Bjornstad. To God alone be the glory! Cliff Durkin (Cliff has been asked by George Price, Council President, to head up this new outreach at Peace. Many people do come to the church and Pastor Bjornstad tries to help them, oBen Tmes with grocery giB cards bought by cong. members and/or the Ladies Guild, but oBen Tmes out of his own pocket... This Deacon’s Fund will regularize any assistance the church gives, as well as give our members the opportunity to give to the needs of the community. If you would like to be on the commi^ee to organize this with Cliff, please speak with him at 1-‐607-‐765-‐8306!)