Peace Talk - September 2011
Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS Pastor Kristian Bjornstad 2506 N. Main Ave. 343-9828
Luke 22:19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
The final worship service led by our pipe organ of 73 years will be Sunday, September 18. That service will feature Grace Morris playing the last hymn: “Beautiful Savior”. It will be truly be a memorable day.
Although the elephant and a few other animals are known to be able to remember events and even their dead, it is truly a gift of God that remembrance is such an integral element in our human lives. We use the gift of remembrance to learn and advance our society. And when we can’t remember everything in our mind we are gifted to write them down for future generations. We also use acts of remembrance to bind ourselves together and anchor our place in the sweep of God’s time and history. This month we remember 10 years ago the terrible 9/11 attacks. There will be many observances to honor those who lost their lives both that day and in the subsequent wars. This is beautiful and important. In the same way, Our Lord’s Supper was observed every Sunday this summer and starting 9/11 we will be continuing that celebration every Sunday with a new early service at 8:15am. (The later 10:30 service will continue to celebrate Holy Communion the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month - and feast days.) Although no one “complained” about this past summer’s every Sunday celebrations, it was interesting no one commented positively about it either. Our Lord commanded us to “remember” him. The Christian is glad to do this often because by doing so we are truly acknowledging that our Lord is FIRST in our lives and that His sacrifice on the cross is THE most important event of our lives. The truth is that we are prone to forget this every minute of the day! The cross is the pivotal moment in history for the salvation of all people. Christians love to “Celebrate” the Lord’s Supper because it brings the very real presence of a resurrected and living God into our lives and it connects us with all the saints in heaven! Let us celebrate our Lord’s presence and forgiveness together often! Your servant in Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad
The loss of the old will then be replaced with the rejoicing of the newly installed organ on Sunday, September 25th! On the 25th we will have for the 10:30 worship: + 30 minutes of a Hymn Sing/Concert played by Mrs. Jill Trapane, a highly talented musician who many years ago was a regular organist at Peace. + A dedication liturgy. + Special choir music! (PLEASE come and rehearse with Jill Trapane on Saturday morning the 17th if you would like to join the choir!) + The liturgy will be played by our regular organist Kevin Winters, but hymns will also be played by Hannah Bjornstad and Mark Herie and perhaps also Grace Morris if she can be there! FINALLY, YES WE WILL HAVE A SPECIAL OFFERING! All members and friends of the congregation should be receiving a letter with a pledge form. Over $5000 has already been received toward the $30,000 needed to pay back the Building Fund (that was used to pay for it.) We give thanks for what has already been given, but we need the participation of everyone else!
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES in PRAISE OF THE LORD: + Tanya Clemens was baptized into the Christian church along with her child Mason James on August 7th. Tonya and Adam Evans will be married next year and are thrilled with starting their family here at Peace.
- For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. - Rom 14:7-9 - +++++++++++++++++++++
+ The Mercer/Evans family also rejoiced with the marriage of Judy to Dale Newhart on Sept. 3rd! We are all SO thrilled!
+ You can send a note of encouragement to Joseph Schulze at: PV2 Schulze,Joseph 1st BN, 31st SA Delta Battery 4th Platoon 6007 Rothwell Street Fort Sill, OK 73503-4482 + You can send a note of encouragement to Erika Bjornstad here: 275 Syndicate St. N., St. Paul MN 55104
+ Anita and her grandson! Dereck Francis Decker will be baptized October 9th! + We have been praying for an Erik (Soto) Veopraseuth, who was critically wounded in a car accident. He was good friends with the Woolverton family. The GREAT news is that is slowly making recovery down in Philadelphia! He is not speaking yet, but he is able to WALK! God is SO good!
+ Pastor Bjornstad has begun quite an extensive “Clinical Pastoral Education� class that will take him to Binghamton four days a month. He will be studying family systems and his prayer is that this would help in any pastoral counseling situations, as well as in managing his own family. Thanks goes to church council for paying for this class. Pastor
is also supposed to be meeting with a study group made up of congregational members. If you would be interested in meeting with Pastor once a month through December, please let him know! + We are praising the Lord that two members of Peace are staffing the Immanuel Preschool! Carol Rogan and Eileen Duffy are working with the newly expanded program that includes before and after school care! We are also excited that Micayla, the daughter of Sandra and Mike Shaheen is enrolled in the Preschool! Not only are Carol and Eileen working at Immanuel, but Judy and Robert Herie are the janitors there as well! A little bit funny!!! :) + Mike Evans and Colleen Caster have both started the Fall semester at Keystone College! + Chris and Laura Jones have safely moved to Virginia and are establishing a new home there. God blessed Laura with a job as student counselor at a brand new school! We hope to see them when they visit! + Those desiring membership at Peace Lutheran are welcome to begin their preparations by attending either the Sunday morning studies on the Catechism, or attending the Saturday 5pm Catechumenate devotions! + George and Debbie Price are taking their dream trip across the nation and back during this month of September! We pray that they have a beautiful time together and can find their way home again! + The newly redone glass icons next to the front church sign are ready to be picked up and reinstalled! As well, look for a new ceiling to be going into the church basement!
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN FOCUS ON GOD’S MERCY! Worship Schedule: 5 pm Saturday: Catechumenate Devotions (open to all!) 8:15 Early Liturgy w/Holy Communion 9:15 Education Hour (Adult class will focus on Luther’s Small Catechism) 10:30 am Worship (1 & 3 Sundays w/Holy Comm.) 1Pet. 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy,
YOUTH NOTES! We lost a couple kids to college this year, but we still have LOTS to look forward too!!! SEE YOU AT THE POLE - Global Day of student Prayer. The date for this years big chance for Christian students to make a statement at your school is SEPTEMBER 28th! Christians will gather usually at the school flag pole (find out from your school) at 7am. The purpose is to PRAY! You can go to to find out more about this worldwide Christian student movement! DEEP AND WIDE Camp Pioneer Jr. and Sr. Youth Retreat will be held October 21-23! Our most eldest youth Mr. George Price will be leading the charge with a van FULL of kids! $75 registration fee! Mr. Price will be needing a parent or two to go along as well! CONFIRMATION CLASSES are set to start September 19th at 7pm! Which young person do you know who needs to learn about the riches of our Lord’s salvation? Please invite your neighbor or friend! COMING SOON: BANANA CRAM!
Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool News + OUR FIFTH ACADEMIC YEAR OF THE ACADEMY HAS BEGUN! PRAISE GOD! + We began classes September 7th with 12 beautiful students that God has given us to nurture and educate! They range from Kindergarten to 6th grade. Our first week was absolutely fabulous! Our goal is 15 students, so if you know of families who are not satisfied with what the public schools can offer - PLEASE let them know about the Academy! + The total renovation and upgrade of our school’s facilities has taken place! Our school looks SO much better than it did for the past four years! We thank Immanuel Lutheran Church for allowing us this huge project! And we thank the late Daniel Schultz (member of Immanuel now in heaven) for making this possible by remembering us in his will! + We are also VERY excited about the expansion of the Immanuel Lutheran Preschool to include before and after school child care (including snow days and holidays!!) We believe this will have a very positive impact on the Academy! + There are several ways you can participate in the ministry of The Lutheran Academy:
+ A new website has been launched (check it out at - this time even with a DONATION button! Please feel free to make your donation either through the Sunday morning offering, or through the web page! Please consider helping us by sponsoring a student who needs a scholarship through our “Adopt a Student”! + IF YOU ARE A THRIVENT MEMBER, PLEASE ASSIGN YOUR CHOICE DOLLARS to Peace Lutheran and it will be automatically directed to The Lutheran Academy!!!! “Free dollars!” + Please call Pastor Bjornstad for your photography needs! All proceeds go to the Academy!
The Day the Angels Cried By: Judith Herie Inspired by the painting of the same name by Greg & Tim Hildebrant, th Written 4 days after September 11 , 2001 'Twas an Autumn day in September; The angels were called by God, Because of the disaster, that took place on that morning sod. It was September 11th, the year 2001;
And God said to his Angels, “your hardest task has come.” God said, “Go down and bring my children home; All the innocent who have died,” And that became the day “All The Angels Cried” The evil will be punished and cast into the lake of fire; “Now Go,” I tell you, “Bring my children home, Take with you the trumpet and lyre.” There were so many angels who came to earth that day; in love; So many souls had to be taken, to the Father in heaven above. From death's dark vale, to the Father's arms; They brought them one by one, “Come in,” he said, “my children, for you are home in Paradise,
with God, The Eternal One.” The angels took a moment, and bowed before the throne; For all the innocent blood that had been shed, on that one day alone. Now all the Saints are with God, standing side by side; And kneeling on the heavenly sod, And all of heaven was saying, “THIS IS THE DAY THE ANGELS CRIED” Type to enter text