Peace Talk - March 2011
Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS Pastor Kristian Bjornstad 2506 N. Main Ave. 343-9828
FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART: “You shall have no other gods before me....” - Exodus 20 And so the Ten Commandments begin, right? But actually they do NOT begin there! They begin with these words: And God spoke these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me...” It is so beautiful to understand that when we consider the demands of God upon our lives in the Ten Commandments (and also many other scripture passages), we do so in the CONTEXT of what God has first done for us. As our creator, redeemer, and sustainer, he has proven himself worthy of our devotion and love and obedience. As it says in 1 John 4:10: “In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” This Lent we will examine our lives in light both of God’s Mercy upon us and the Ten Commandments. We pray that we would be drawn to honor God’s name as we confess our sins and cling to Him for our Salvation. We will be reading the Commandments and their meanings from Luther’s Small Catechism. I hope to introduce you also to Luther’s Large Catechism, which can be especially helpful to us. May God bless us all with Holy living in preparation for the celebration of Holy Week and Easter! In Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad
Wednesday Lenten Services at 10am & 7pm. Join Us!
MISCELANEOUS NOTES: PRAISING GOD! + Church Van Purchase! GOD IS AMAZING! Our Congregational President George Price got up after the worship on Sunday, Feb. 20 and began the discussion of purchasing a $20,000 Enterprise rental van. After quite some time looking for a van, this seemed like an opportunity God was giving us. But little did we know God had better plans! After George made the few introductory remarks, a new (not quite transferred) member, a Jerry Cornog (and wife Bonnie), stood up from the back of the church and stated that he had just called his former church in Alabama. Earlier in the week he had received a newsletter from them stating that the church had just put their 15 passenger van up for sale for $6000 (due to ministry needs changing)! Although it was a few years older, it actually had fewer miles than the Enterprise van! Jerry stated the van was still available and that it was in good shape. He had been the head trustee in that church and so he knew the van very well. Needless to say, everyone was thrilled with the opportunity to purchase this van at a $14,000 savings, benefitting both congregations! It was motioned and passed unanimously! George and Kevin THAT VERY THURSDAY flew down to Alabama and drove it up, arriving by 7pm Saturday! The van has been serviced and inspected and gotten a clean bill of health from Stanley’s Garage. What else is there to say except: PRAISE BE TO GOD! + MARRIAGE WORKSHOP IN FEBRUARY WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL TIME! A total of 9 couples were able to take part in at least some of the workshop led by Christine Erickson, licensed Christian Counselor from Wilkes
Barre. The sharing was fabulous and it was such a blessing that we all decided to continue our meeting together - inviting OTHERS to share in that blessing! MEREDITH AND KEVIN WOOLVERTON are inviting ALL COUPLES to a Saturday evening invitational dinner beginning at 6 pm! It is a very busy weekend, but PLEASE SIGN UP AND COME AND SHARE WITH US! We hope to meet the second Saturday of every month for fellowship and encouragement in our marriages! + LADIES GUILD NOTES: The Ladies Guild met March 3 and discussed several options for fellowship nights and perhaps a trip to see a show! One possibility will be "The Dress Rehearsal" will be showing April 15 and 16 at MidValley High School. We will be getting information on others as well. PLEASE ALSO NOTE that the LWML CONVENTION is coming up in Peoria, IL at the end of June! There is still time to sign up and join the parade there! It is always a blessed and uplifting time for the women of our church body! + Those Desiring Membership here at Peace Lutheran will be working towards a profession of faith this Easter! We ask for the prayers of the congregation for them as they study this season of Lent and prepare their hearts! If you would like to join the congregation and have not spoken with Pastor, please do so! The Catechumenate meets every Saturday at 5 pm! Join us!
"So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: "I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!" - Martin Luther +++++++++++++++++++++
IMPORTANT CONGREGATIONAL MEETING SUNDAY, MARCH 13th with Pot Luck lunch after worship! + Endowment Fund + Comfort Dog ministry + Future ministry plans + Moscow Mission! + More!!!!
WE WANT TO THANK THE NEW WORSHIP COMMITTEE for many new refinements and additions to our worship! For instance, small things like the Liturgist writing down the prayer requests so Pastor doesn’t have to remember them! And how we now sing the Doxology as the offerings are being brought forward. These are examples of the great ideas that are being implemented by the Worship Committee. We have great plans for the coming year... including an additional service and service time changes! Don’t worry - you will have some input into these! Be looking for more information! ALSO NOTE that last year the council asked that we get an independent assessment on the condition of the organ and what we can do to improve its sound. This month R. A. Daffer Church Organs, Inc., will be coming and making a thorough assessment.
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN FOCUS ON GOD’S MERCY! EDUCATION HOUR: 9:15 WORSHIP: 10:30 AM 1Pet. 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Lenten Midweek Worship Wednesdays at 10 am and 7 pm! A BEAUTIFUL MEDITATION SERIES:
“Christ in the Strangest Places: Foreshadowed, Fulfilled, Forever!
MERCIFUL STEWARDSHIP NOTES: + Daryl and Cliff helped Pastor Bjornstad with worship at Clarks Summit Assisted Living this past month! It was a blessing to all! + Our Treasurer Deb Price reported at the February meeting that : “Regular envelope offerings plus deposits categorized as expenses equal $93,639.46. This met budgeted amounts for expenses in 2010.” Simply put: We ended our year 2010 “in the black”. Praise God for what he is doing here at Peace! + Please do not get too complacent though with the good news of last year! The offerings for the month of February were MARKEDLY lower than the $1700 needed each week to fulfill the budget! Please DO count your REGULAR offerings to be truly necessary for this congregation to continue to be the strong light of God in this neighborhood! + OUR FINANCIAL SECRETARY, Eileen Duffy, reported that the Average yearly donation to Peace Lutheran Church (per envelope) was $1,134. (This would mean that if the average household had an income of $20,000 then we would be tithing 6% of our income.) However, the actual Median donation was $350 (that means as many envelopes gave less than $350 as envelopes who gave more than $350.) What does this mean? It first means that we have members here at Peace who are very blessed to know what it means to give generously according to the bidding of Jesus. There are also a good many others who are not blessed financially and who cannot give substantial amounts. But there are also those who are blessed by God financially but still struggling with good stewardship of what God has given them. Prayerfully consider the gifts that God has given you and commit yourself to a tithe. Do it not only because you support the ministry of the Gospel, but mostly because God has called you to take a step of faith!
Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool News + LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK IS MARCH 6-13th! Our Celebration Service will be March 13th here at Peace, but there are many activities over the week to celebrate what God is doing in our midst! + TUESDAY, March 8th The Lutheran Academy will be sharing God’s love and mercy with the residents at The Scranton Health Care Center (nursing home). We HOPE that channel 16 news will be there too!
Please support The Lutheran Academy by using Pretty Good Portraits for all your photography needs.
+THURSDAY WE ARE HOLDING AN OPEN HOUSE from 10-3 and 6-7:30 pm! Please share this news with any friends who are needing an educational alternative for their children! +ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE FLOAT on Saturday! We are ALWAYS thrilled with those who can help the night before (this year we have to blow up LOTS of balloons and attach them to the float. And we would LOVE for you also to join us IN the parade! We look forward to sharing a beautiful Gospel message with the parade watchers!
+ PLEASE NOTE: At the February council meeting it was motioned an approved to have all Thrivent Choice Points that are given to Peace Lutheran Church be donated to The Lutheran Academy. If you are a Thrivent member, please do not forget to direct your designated monies to Peace Lutheran Church, Scranton, PA! + Teaching Position Open: Immanuel Lutheran Preschool, North Scranton, is hiring a teacher for Sept. 2011 at their Early Childhood Center. The position is for weekday mornings 8:30 am - 1 pm. Teacher requirements include a preschool or elementary education degree, eligibility for State of Pennsylvania certification, an active church worship life, and an interest in assisting in the development of family ministry programs. Resumes with references should be emailed to
TO MEET FOR THE FIRST TIME MONDAY, MARCH 7th. They will meet the first and third Monday of every month at 10 am! Please call Amy Betts (315-767-3585) if you would like to come or invite a friend who needs fellowship and support as a mother!
Thank the Lord for our mothers!
UPCOMING LWML CONVENTION! LWML Plays in Peoria – Check the Winter Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly for the latest registration information on the 34th Biennial LWML Convention being held in Peoria, Illinois, from June 23-26, 2011, under the theme “Being with Jesus – Living on the Edge.” Registration information is also available online at Registration opens on March 1st. Review the information about the Friday Lunch Gatherings as well as the special interest luncheons on Saturday. Bring your children, who will enjoy spending time at Camp BWJ (Being with Jesus). Start gathering those Gifts from the Heart and plan which of the servant events you want to lend a hand. There will even be a Cyber Cafe! Check out all the details at
Youth NEWs!
+ SUMMER VACATION! TRYING TO THINK OF A GOOD FAMILY VACATION NEXT SUMMER? THINK CAMP PIONEER! Pastor Bjornstad and family have been invited to be sort of host family for the camp Family Camp the week of July 17th. We would LOVE to have whole bunches of Peace family along with us! Plan for it! Going to the website you will find a registration form with further information! + WORSHIP LIVE STREAMING OVER THE INTERNET... We are again streaming the worship service live over the internet. If you cannot join us in person because of sickness or weather, please join us at the Peace website’s “Media” page. + LWML MITE COLLECTION will be taken March 27th! Please be generous in your support of LWML mission efforts around the world! + COMPUTER REPAIR SERVICES. Robert Herie would like to offer his computer repair and software assistance to those who are having trouble. His rates are VERY reasonable and he will do a very good job. Call 344-2347. + THE MEN’S BREAKFAST: We will be meeting Saturday, March 26, 9 am at Panera Bread in Dickson City! All men are invited! + PEACE PRAYER CHAIN: We haven't advertised it in forever, but did you know that Peace has a prayer chain? YES it does! And if you love to pray you are encouraged to join it by calling Edith Korban at 289-4479. If you or someone is in NEED of prayer, you can call Edith at the same number and that prayer will be shared down the list of prayer warriors!
Camp Bernie Retreat!!
(even though NO ONE took a picture all weekend long to prove it!) A TOTAL OF NINE OF OUR YOUTH ATTENDED THE PRESIDENT’S WEEKEND YOUTH RETREAT OUT IN NEW JERSEY WITH A BUNCH OF OTHER YOUTH FROM MANY CONGREGATIONS! It was a great time! Many thanks to Mike Mirarchi for chaperoning them. As well many thanks to Bill and Lillian and Rick for helping with the transportation! Next time we will have the new church van to take all of them! Praise the Lord!
Camp Pioneer weekend coming up May 20-22 with Lost and Found concert! Can’t miss it!
+ PLEASE PRAY: Pray for all our college and university students, that they might be able to resist the temptations of youth and live holy and devoted Christian lives to the praise and glory of God’s name! Pray for Mark Koenig as it was discovered that his kidney is having rejection issues! He is undergoing treatments at the hospital and the prognosis is very good. Prayers still coveted for Mark Herie as he struggles with staying healthy with difficult dialysis treatments. + GOOD FRIDAY RELIVING! The Sunday School superintendent Beverly Gedrimas has gotten permission from church council to organize a “Live Good Friday”... We have plans for a processional down Main Ave with a Jesus carrying a cross, soldiers, and crowd following. We will conclude at 3 pm with a “crucifixion” on the front lawn of the church. We pray that it will be a VERY public reminder of the Holy Work of Jesus to all who are passing by.
NEW WORSHIPPER DARYL, a new Christian, shares his encouragement in his spiritual diary with us: “Sow only goodness and mercy, and have faith the size of a mustard seed and you shall see God will move mountains for you. But I warn you, from experiences of my own, like King David, BE CAREFUL! In all aspects of life don’t let anything hinder you from the Holy Ghost. HAVE SATAN BE GONE!!.... Alleluia Amen! Praise our Heavenly Father who has agape love for His chosen ones - the ones written in the Book of Life! To anyone who reads this I beg you to accept God through His Son Jesus our Lord and Savior! If not the Devil Lucifer will control you and then you shall suffer not just here on Earth but also when you leave the flesh. Pray now you find God and accept Him in your heart!”
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17
NEW Sunday Morning Bible Study beginning Jan. 16 at 9:30 am: Christianity and the Competition DVD with Dr. Paul Maier The world horizon is littered with
competing religions and philosophies. Which has it right? In our multicultural age, should we insist on the TRUTH of Christianity? Dr. Maier looks at sacred sources (Biblical documents that are reliable and essentially unchanged over time) and secular sources. A look at Eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confusianism, Shinto, Tao, Judaism, Baha'i, Islam, etc.) and also Western religions (Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Scientology, etc.) in comparison to Christianity.
SUNDAY SCHOOL LENTEN FAIR TO BE HELD SUNDAY, MARCH 20th at 9 AM!!!! Every year the Sunday school really looks forward to our Lenten Fair! We learn about all the traditions of Lent and how they teach us about our Lord! All parents and adults are urged to join in! All kinds of activities and fun crafts to experience and take home! Don’t miss it! INVITE A FRIEND! DON’T FORGET IT STARTS AT 9 AM!