Eco-Friendly Intimacy: Do It for the Environment
Dianna Palimere
I’m a big fan of living in a healthy, chemical-free world—including going green in the bedroom. With Earth Day front and center this month, we’re learning about a lot of daily habits and behaviors we can adapt or change to help prolong the life of our planet and its resources. More than 1 billion people in 192 countries participate in Earth Day with 2019 being the 49th year since its inception in 1970. Let’s celebrate Earth Day by taking time to create sustainability in your love life and the planet at the same time. Doing it together… There are a lot of easy, simple ways to bring environmentally conscious romance into your relationship. In past issues of LWM, I’ve written about Eco-Sexuality1 and Eco-Friendly Contraception2 (see links below) When I use the term ‘Eco-sexuality’ I’m referring to people who lead environmentally-conscious sex lives. This is not to be confused with individuals with a paraphilia involving trees (i.e., dendrophilia). Below are some simple ideas for how to bring your platonic love for Mother Earth into your romantic relationships: Turn off the lights and enjoy more candlelit dinners together. Be sure to choose clean-burning, responsibly sourced, vegetable waxes (e.g., soy) or beeswax. Slow North plant-based candles offer a ton of choices ( Find local farm-to-table restaurants for your date nights. Farm-to-table restaurants generally source fresh, local ingredients acquired directly from the producer. They incorporate food traceability (i.e., know where your food comes from) as much as possible, with dishes clearly labelled as ‘locally sourced.’ Plant a tree or herb/vegetable garden together! Depending on where you live, you may be able to incorporate your own fresh ingredients more often if you grow some of your own herbs and vegetables. Save water, shower together! Okay, so I’m not sure this one is technically legit. The average shower lasts for 8 minutes, so the only way to really conserve water would be to make sure that your shower together is shorter than 16 minutes. That’s still doable, especially if you focus your efforts on moisturizing your partner after the shower with an eco-friendly body balm or lotion. Have a tree planted as a gift using websites that will plant a tree dedicated to the person you’re honoring or remembering. Resources below. 1. highlight=WyJlY28iLCJjb25kb21zIiwiY29uZG9tIl0= 2 WyJlY28iLCJjb25kb21zIiwiY29uZG9tIl0= 22
Give a gift made from recycled materials; which also supports environmental cleanup projects, like the bracelets, reusable bottles and bags made by 4Ocean. Go green between the sheets and enjoy an evening of trying out new intimacy products together. There are more and more environmentally-conscious companies offering intimacy products. For some tried and true options, see the Resources section below). Volunteer together on a conservation project. There are a ton of nonprofit volunteer opportunities all around the world, which focus on reef cleaning, beach cleaning, tree planting and more. Check out for some ideas. Go to an Eco-resort!! Keep reading… Eco Resorts If you want to mix conservation with your next vacation, booking time at an Eco-resort is the way to go. Eco resorts include the use of solar-powered energy, use of recycled materials and sustainable initiatives to minimize their carbon footprint and increase awareness of the threats to the local environment. The spread of eco-conscious consumers around the world has led to a revolution in hospitality. Environmentally conscious vacationers now have their choice of a number of amazing resorts around the world built on the concepts of sustainability and environmental protection. Depending on your budget and travel desires, I’ve listed five resorts below that are outstanding options for sustainable living while sustaining the romance in your relationship! Alila Seminyak, Bali. $200-$250 per night
April 2019
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