Livmax Bulgarian Citizenship

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The ideal gateway into the European economy and way of life, Bulgaria is diverse, culturally rich and perfectly placed for working and travelling in and around the continent.




Investment criteria

As one of the youngest EU member states, Bulgaria boasts a rich and diverse culture, Offered in accordance with the Foreigners in the Republic Investor Program for Residence and of Bulgaria Act, the Investor Program for Residence andCitizenship temperate climate, and ideal location Citizenship includes a fast-track citizenship option. To in Southeast Europe — and the Investor qualify for application, you will need to meet one of the Program for Residence and Citizenship requirements outlined in the “Investment Options” section. in Bulgaria helps get you there faster. Application criteria Benefits of the program: In addition to making a financial investment, applicants must also meet the following requirements: Non-EU citizen; Valid passport or another substitute foreign travel document;


Fast process to residency (six to nine months);

LOCATION Fast-track option allowing for citizenship Southeast Europe within two years; CAPITAL Sofia

Special exemption from physical residence enforced with legislation;

Personal net worth greater than €1 million is required by banks for the financed investment option. For the full investment option, the net worth requirement is €511,292;

TIME DIFFERENCE UTC+2 Guaranteed investment and available

Documents supporting the source and origin of the declared and invested funds;

AGE DEMOGRAPHICS or citizenship; 0-14: 14.2%, 15-64: 66.9%, 65+: 18.9% No obligation to relinquish current nationality;


Proof that the applicant has no criminal record; Attest the Power of Attorneys and the Investment Agreement;

Make the minimum statutory trips to Bulgaria.








No language requirements for residence

LANGUAGE Lowest tax rates and free trade environment Bulgarian: 76.9% within the EU. Turkish: 8.2% Roma: 3.8% Benefits for permanent residents: Other: 11.1%


Payment of application fees;


TOTAL AREAfinancing option; 110,879 km 2



Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.

Growth the Schengen RELIGIONS Free movement withinPopulation -0.81% Eastern Orthodox: 59.4% countries after Bulgaria becomes a member state; Muslim: 7.8%, Other: 29.1%, None: 3.7% Access to high quality healthcare in Bulgaria

and the EU;

14,500 USD

GOVERNMENT TYPE GDP (per capita) Parliamentary democracy tax exemption Conditional world income. GDP on (purchasing power parity) CURRENCY 105.5 billion USD (2012) Benefits for citizens: Bulgarian Lev (BGN), tied to EUR


Unrestricted right to live, work and study in Europe;

EXCHANGE RATE Right to own land in a EU country. Visa free countries 1 EUR = 1.95583 levs


The Theideal idealgateway gatewayinto intothe theEuropean Europeaneconomy economyand andway wayofoflife, life,Bulgaria Bulgariaisisdiverse, diverse,culturally culturallyrich rich and andperfectly perfectlyplaced placedfor forworking workingand andtravelling travellingin inand andaround aroundthe thecontinent. continent.



Investment Investmentcriteria criteria

As Asone oneofofthe theyoungest youngestEU EUmember memberstates, states, Bulgaria Bulgariaboasts boastsaarich richand anddiverse diverseculture, culture, temperate temperateclimate, climate,and andideal ideallocation location in inSoutheast SoutheastEurope Europe——and andthe theInvestor Investor Program Programfor forResidence Residenceand andCitizenship Citizenship in inBulgaria Bulgariahelps helpsget getyou youthere therefaster. faster.

Offered Offeredininaccordance accordancewith withthe theForeigners Foreignersininthe theRepublic Republic ofofBulgaria BulgariaAct, Act,the theInvestor InvestorProgram Programfor forResidence Residenceand and Citizenship Citizenshipincludes includesaafast-track fast-trackcitizenship citizenshipoption. option.To To qualify qualifyfor forapplication, application,you youwill willneed needtotomeet meetone oneofofthe the requirements requirementsoutlined outlinedininthe the“Investment “InvestmentOptions” Options”section. section.

Application Applicationcriteria criteria In Inaddition additiontotomaking makingaafinancial financialinvestment, investment,applicants applicants must mustalso alsomeet meetthe thefollowing followingrequirements: requirements: Non-EU Non-EUcitizen; citizen; Valid Validpassport passportor oranother anothersubstitute substituteforeign foreign travel traveldocument; document; Personal Personalnet networth worthgreater greaterthan than€1 €1million millionisis required requiredby bybanks banksfor forthe thefinanced financedinvestment investment option. option.For Forthe thefull fullinvestment investmentoption, option,the thenet net worth worthrequirement requirementisis€511,292; €511,292; Documents Documentssupporting supportingthe thesource sourceand andorigin origin ofofthe thedeclared declaredand andinvested investedfunds; funds; Proof Proofthat thatthe theapplicant applicanthas hasno nocriminal criminalrecord; record; Attest Attestthe thePower PowerofofAttorneys Attorneysand andthe the Investment InvestmentAgreement; Agreement; Payment Paymentofofapplication applicationfees; fees; Make Makethe theminimum minimumstatutory statutorytrips tripsto toBulgaria. Bulgaria.

Benefits Benefitsofofthe theprogram: program: Fast Fastprocess processto toresidency residency(six (sixto tonine ninemonths); months); Fast-track Fast-trackoption optionallowing allowingfor forcitizenship citizenship within withintwo twoyears; years; Special Specialexemption exemptionfrom fromphysical physicalresidence residence enforced enforcedwith withlegislation; legislation; Guaranteed Guaranteedinvestment investmentand andavailable available financing financingoption; option; No Nolanguage languagerequirements requirementsfor forresidence residence or orcitizenship; citizenship; No Noobligation obligationto torelinquish relinquishcurrent currentnationality; nationality; Lowest Lowesttax taxrates ratesand andfree freetrade tradeenvironment environment within withinthe theEU. EU.

Benefits Benefitsfor forpermanent permanentresidents: residents: Free Freemovement movementwithin withinthe theSchengen Schengen countries countriesafter afterBulgaria Bulgariabecomes becomesaamember memberstate; state; Access Accessto tohigh highquality qualityhealthcare healthcarein inBulgaria Bulgaria and andthe theEU; EU; Conditional Conditionaltax taxexemption exemptionon onworld worldincome. income.

Benefits Benefitsfor forcitizens: citizens: Unrestricted Unrestrictedright righttotolive, live,work workand andstudy studyin inEurope; Europe; Right Rightto toown ownland landin inaaEU EUcountry. country.




Full Investment

lly rich

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In accordance with the Bulgarian Citizenship Act, foreign investors who hold a permanent Applicants choosing this option must deposit BGN 1 million (€511,292) in a Governmental Bond resident permit for at least five years are Portfolio for an investment period of five years, eligible to apply for Bulgarian citizenship. with no further payment required. At the end of The requirements for those who opt for the the five-year period, the full amount of BGN 1 million regular program areis asdiverse, follows: culturally rich (€511,292) be returned the investor without The idealwill gateway intotothe European economy and way of life, Bulgaria any interest. Thefor investment fullytravelling in and around Must be over 18 years old; andaccrued perfectly placed workingisand the continent. guaranteed by the government bonds. Must have maintained permanent resident QUALIFICATIONS WHY CHOOSE BULGARIA? status for the past five years;

Financed Investment Investment criteria

For a set pre-paid fee, clients can leverage their capital Offered in accordance withInvestment the Foreigners in the Republic by choosing the Financed option. These of Bulgaria Act, Investor Program for Residence individuals pay athe reduced amount of €180,000 that and Citizenship a fast-track citizenship option. To will be used includes to finance a BGN 1 million (€511,292) qualify5.5-year for application, you will need tochartered meet onebank. of the closed loan from a Bulgarian requirements outlinedand in the “Investment Options” This loan is initiated repaid at no further cost section. to the investor.

Application criteria



Applicants choosing the Financed Investment In addition to making a financial net investment, applicants option will need to demonstrate worldwide must also meet the following requirements: assets of no more than €1 million, a requirement of the Bulgarian chartered bank. Non-EU citizen; Valid passport or another substitute foreign travel document;

FAST-TRACK CITIZENSHIP OPTION Personal net worth greater than €1 million is

Therequired fast-track option allows investors to by banks for the financed investment apply for citizenship faster by option, doubling option. For the full investment thetheir net worth requirement is €511,292; investment. The requirements for this option are Documents as follows:supporting the source and origin



r state;



of the declared and invested funds; Have at least one year of permanent residency status; Proof that the applicant has no criminal record; Double the investment in bonds; Attest the Power of Attorneys and the Hold both investments for a period of at least two Investment Agreement; years after citizenship has been granted. Payment of application fees; Financing options are available to qualified applicants. Make the minimum statutory trips to Bulgaria. Citizenship applications for participants in the fasttrack citizenship program are examined under express procedure.

As one thenever youngest EU member states, Mustofhave been sentenced by a Bulgarian court for a capital offence or diverse accused in criminal Bulgaria boasts a rich and culture, proceedings for such a crime (unless he/she has temperate climate, and ideal location been rehabilitated). in Southeast Europe — and the Investor Investors will need to file a citizenship application and Program for Residence and Citizenship pass medical tests in their current country of residence. in Bulgaria helps get you there faster. Benefits of the program:


Fast process to residency (six to nine months); Application fees associated with the Investor Program Fast-trackand option allowingin forBulgaria citizenship for Residence Citizenship include within two years; government application fees, legal and translation fees, andSpecial serviceexemption fees relatedfrom to the background verification physical residence andenforced validation of source of funds. The upfront nonwith legislation; refundable fee for the main applicant and spouse is Guaranteed investment and available €25,000 with additional €2,500 for each qualifying financing option; dependent. languagefees requirements for residence TheNo processing for the fast-track option are charged or citizenship; in addition to the fees outlined above. obligation to relinquish current nationality; All No application fees charged by the Bulgarian Lowest tax rates andArton free trade government and by areenvironment subject to change. within the EU. These fees depend on the number of applicants and the complexity of the process. Please contact Benefits for permanent residents: us ifFree youmovement have anywithin questions or need more the Schengen countries after Bulgaria becomes a member state; information. Access to high quality healthcare in Bulgaria and the EU; Conditional tax exemption on world income.

Benefits for citizens: Europe;

Unrestricted right to live, work and study in Europe; Right to own land in a EU country.


STEPS AND TIMELINE The table below breaks down the application process into eight basic steps. Some require the applicant’s involvement while others are taken care of by Arton Capital or the competent Bulgarian financial institution (once power of attorney has been granted by the applicant). Each step must be completed before continuing to the next. The ideal gateway into the European economy and way of life, Bulgaria is diverse, culturally rich STEP 1 PHASE I and perfectly placed for working and travelling in andand around the continent. File preparation submission. Application fees are due at this stage.

Main Applicant



STEP 2 WHY CHOOSE Appointment at a Bulgarian ConsulateBULGARIA? for document signing.

Investment criteria

STEP 3 As one of the youngest EU member states, Investment transfer by the applicant. Bulgaria boasts a rich and diverse culture, Offered in accordance with the Foreigners in the Republic STEP 4 of Bulgaria Act, the Investor Program for Residence and temperate climate, and ideal location Investment Certificate issued. Citizenship includes a fast-trackMONTH citizenship option. To 3 in Southeast Europe — and the Investor qualify for application, you will need to meet one ofSTEP the 5 Program for Residence and Citizenship requirements outlined in the “Investment Options”Second section.appointment at a Bulgarian Consulate: application for Visa D.

in Bulgaria helps get you there faster. STEP 6 Application criteria Visa D granted followed by a first trip to Bulgaria: submission MONTH 5 Benefits of the program: of Application for Permanent Residence (PR). In addition to making a financial investment, applicants Fast process to residency (six to nine months); STEP 7 must also meet the following requirements: Non-EU citizen; MONTHS 8-9

Permanent residence approved, followed by a second trip to Bulgaria: Fast-track option allowing for citizenship submission of Application for Bulgarian PR card. within two years;

Valid passport or another substitute foreign STEP 8 Special exemption from physical residence travel document; Receipt of Bulgarian PR Card (three days after application). enforced with legislation; Personal net worth greater than €1 million is Once the main applicant is issued the Bulgarian ID document, the Guaranteed investment and available PHASE II by banks for the financed investment required procedure for qualifying family members begins. The process for financing option; option.Members For the full investment option, the net Family obtaining a Bulgarian ID may take six months (this includes worth requirement is €511,292; Notolanguage for residence two mandatory trips Bulgariarequirements for each qualifying family member). or citizenship; Documents supporting the source and origin of the declared and invested funds;

No obligation to relinquish current nationality;

Proof that the applicant has no criminal record; Attest the Power of Attorneys and the Investment Agreement; Payment of application fees;

Lowest tax rates and free trade environment

Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented within by: the EU.

Benefits for permanent residents:

Free movement within the Schengen Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by a network countries after Bulgaria becomes a member state; Make the minimum statutory trips to Bulgaria. of Certified Partners, who are proud members and supporters of the Global Citizenship movement.

Access to high quality healthcare in Bulgaria and the EU;


Certified Partner and supporter of the Conditional tax exemption on world income. Global Citizenship movement.

er parity) 2)

Benefits for citizens: The Investor Program for Residence and Citizenship in Bulgaria is offered by Arton Capital Bulgaria, a member of theright Arton to Group. The aboveand timeline is an in estimate provided for Unrestricted live, work study Europe; information purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Capital Bulgaria is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specific time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.

Right to own land in a EU country.

DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of BULGARIA INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. INVESTOR PROGRAM FOR RESIDENCE AND CITIZENSHIP ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.

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