Livmax Hungarian PR Through Investment

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A booming hub in the heart of central Europe, Hungary is one of the most-visited, culturally rich and well-located countries on the continent.




The Investor Residency Bond Program Investor Residency Program doesn’t have any set criteriaBond for applicants in terms of personal net worth or management experience. However, the Hungarian administration officers reserve the right to request an interview meeting with the applicant, which can be exercised at random.

As a member of the European Union and the Schengen zone, Hungary is among the 30 most-visited destinations on the planet. It boasts a rich and diverse culture (everything from music and film to food and literature), universal healthcare, and is perfectly located in the centre of Europe. Established in 2012, the Investor Residency Bond Program offers applicants a host of advantages.

During the initial due-diligence and application stages, the financial intermediary and the Hungarian authorities will follow standard know-your-clients Benefits for temporary residence (KYC) and anti-money laundering procedures. For this LOCATION reason, at the stage of application, the principal applicants (annually renewable permit): ARTON INDEXdocuments proving Central Europe will have to provide a set of standard their source of income and accumulation of personal CAPITAL Government-approved investment in bonds; Budapest net worth. Special exemption from physical residence is TIME DIFFERENCE

applied to the main applicant and all qualifying All applicants must make sure that their investment is UTC+1 made by one of the designated agents. As such, Arton TOTAL AREAfamily members; Capital can process applications from around the world93,028 km2 Fast application process. All qualifying applicants via the responsible Hungarian embassies or consulates receive a Hungarian ID for temporary residency (TR) AGE DEMOGRAPHICS with the exception of Mainland China. 0-14: 14.8%, 15-64: in less67.7%, than three months, giving them the right to


65+: 17.5%

travel freely throughout the Schengen zone.


LANGUAGES Benefits Hungarian 93.6% for permanent residents: Other 6.4% Population Growth











Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.

A single application process for the main applicant -0.20% RELIGIONS and all qualifying family members, without a Roman Catholic: 51.9%, required to Hungary. Calvinist: 15.9%, Other:trip 17.7%, Unaffiliated: 14.5%. A fast and facilitated application process for GDP (per capita) GOVERNMENT TYPE residency. Applicants permanent and their family GDP (purchasing power parity): Parliamentary democracy members can apply for permanent just 198.8 billionresidency USD (2012) CURRENCY six months after receiving their TR cards. Hungarian Forint (HUF)

20,000 USD


Free movement throughout the Schengen zone.

EXCHANGE RATE: 1 USD = 225.1 HUF (2012)


Visa free countries

AAbooming boominghub hubin inthe theheart heartofofcentral centralEurope, Europe,Hungary Hungaryisisone oneofofthe themost-visited, most-visited,culturally culturallyrich rich and andwell-located well-locatedcountries countrieson onthe thecontinent. continent.



The TheInvestor InvestorResidency ResidencyBond BondProgram Program doesn’t doesn’thave haveany anyset setcriteria criteriafor forapplicants applicants in interms termsofofpersonal personalnet networth worthor ormanagement management experience. experience.However, However,the theHungarian Hungarian administration administrationofficers officersreserve reservethe theright right to torequest requestan aninterview interviewmeeting meetingwith withthe the applicant, applicant,which whichcan canbe beexercised exercisedat atrandom. random.

As Asaamember memberofofthe theEuropean EuropeanUnion Unionand and the theSchengen Schengenzone, zone,Hungary Hungaryisisamong amongthe the 30 most-visited 30 most-visiteddestinations destinationson onthe theplanet. planet. ItItboasts boastsaarich richand anddiverse diverseculture culture(everything (everything from frommusic musicand andfilm filmto tofood foodand andliterature), literature), universal universalhealthcare, healthcare,and andisisperfectly perfectlylocated located in inthe thecentre centreofofEurope. Europe.Established Establishedin in2012, 2012, the theInvestor InvestorResidency ResidencyBond BondProgram Programoffers offers applicants applicantsaahost hostofofadvantages. advantages.

During Duringthe theinitial initialdue-diligence due-diligenceand andapplication application stages, stages,the thefinancial financialintermediary intermediaryand andthe theHungarian Hungarian authorities authoritieswill willfollow followstandard standardknow-your-clients know-your-clients (KYC) (KYC)and andanti-money anti-moneylaundering launderingprocedures. procedures.For Forthis this reason, reason,atatthe thestage stageofofapplication, application,the theprincipal principalapplicants applicants will willhave havetotoprovide provideaaset setofofstandard standarddocuments documentsproving proving their theirsource sourceofofincome incomeand andaccumulation accumulationofofpersonal personal net networth. worth. All Allapplicants applicantsmust mustmake makesure surethat thattheir theirinvestment investmentisis made madeby byone oneofofthe thedesignated designatedagents. agents.As Assuch, such,Arton Arton Capital Capitalcan canprocess processapplications applicationsfrom fromaround aroundthe theworld world via viathe theresponsible responsibleHungarian Hungarianembassies embassiesor orconsulates consulates with withthe theexception exceptionofofMainland MainlandChina. China.

Benefits Benefitsfor fortemporary temporaryresidence residence (annually (annuallyrenewable renewablepermit): permit): Government-approved Government-approvedinvestment investmentin inbonds; bonds; Special Specialexemption exemptionfrom fromphysical physicalresidence residenceisis applied appliedto tothe themain mainapplicant applicantand andall allqualifying qualifying family familymembers; members; Fast Fastapplication applicationprocess. process.All Allqualifying qualifyingapplicants applicants receive receiveaaHungarian HungarianID IDfor fortemporary temporaryresidency (TR) residency (TR) in inless lessthan thanthree threemonths, months,giving givingthem themthe theright righttoto travel travelfreely freelythroughout throughoutthe theSchengen Schengenzone. zone.

Benefits Benefitsfor forpermanent permanentresidents: residents: AAsingle singleapplication applicationprocess processfor forthe themain mainapplicant applicant and andall allqualifying qualifyingfamily familymembers, members,without withoutaa required requiredtrip tripto toHungary. Hungary. AAfast fastand andfacilitated facilitatedapplication applicationprocess processfor for permanent permanentresidency. residency.Applicants Applicantsand andtheir theirfamily family members memberscan canapply applyfor forpermanent permanentresidency residencyjust just six sixmonths monthsafter afterreceiving receivingtheir theirTR TRcards. cards. Free Freemovement movementthroughout throughoutthe theSchengen Schengenzone. zone.




The statutory procedure for accepted foreign direct investment in the Investor Residency Bond Program includes the purchase of special Hungarian government bonds in the amount of €250,000 with a maturity of five years. At maturity, the original capital is returned to the investor without accrued interest.


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plicants ncy (TR) right to .

The application fees associated with this program cover legal and procedural representation for the main applicant and all qualifying family members throughout the application process. That includes fees for family permanent resident applications, as well as government application fees in Hungary, translation fees, and service fees Legislation program investment A boomingdictates hub inthat the the heart of central Europe, Hungary is onefor ofperforming the most-visited, culturally rich incurred background checks and is used to purchase bonds that are issued by a Residency validating sources of funds. These are one-time, and well-located countries on the continent. Bond Agent approved by the Hungarian authorities. upfront and non-refundable fees, amounting to The agent, in turn, invests that amount in the Hungarian €40,000 for a family. government bonds. This transaction is subject QUALIFICATIONS WHY CHOOSE HUNGARY? to a Subscription Agreement with the licensed All application fees charged by the designated enterprise. The government bonds are The Investor Residency Bond Program As a member of the European Hungarian government and byUnion Artonand assigned for the program only, and cannot be used for doesn’tonhave any set criteria for applicants the zone, Hungary is among are Schengen subject to change. These fees dependthe on trading the public or the secondary market.

in terms of personal net worth or management

Once the security is issued to the investor, the experience. the Hungarian Residence BondHowever, Agent will provide an irrevocable declaration certifying that a treasury a administration officers reservebond the for right nominal value of €250,000, with a five-year maturity, to request an interview meeting with the will be purchased from the funds received from applicant, which can be exercised at random. the investor within 45 days of his/her residence permit issued. Duringbeing the initial due-diligence and application stages, the financial intermediary and the Hungarian In addition to the investment, applicants are also authorities will follow standard know-your-clients required to cover all processing and visa application fees. (KYC) and anti-money laundering procedures. For this Financed Investment reason, at the stage of application, the principal applicants will have to provide a set of standard documents proving Clients can leverage their capital by choosing the their source of income and accumulation of personal financing option. They can pay a reduced amount of net worth. €130,000*, which will be used to finance the required investment amount a period of 5 their years.investment A loan is is All applicants must for make sure that thereafter initiated and repaidagents. at no further cost to the made by one of the designated As such, Arton investor. *Amount may vary depending on interest rates. Capital can process applications from around the world via the responsible Hungarian embassies or consulates with the exception of Mainland China.

30 most-visited destinations planet. the number of applicants and on thethe complexity It a rich and diverse culture ofboasts the process. Please contact us if(everything you have from music and food information. and literature), any questions orfilm needtomore universal healthcare, and is perfectly located in the centre of Europe. Established in 2012, the Investor Residency Bond Program offers applicants a host of advantages. Benefits for temporary residence (annually renewable permit): Government-approved investment in bonds; Special exemption from physical residence is applied to the main applicant and all qualifying family members; Fast application process. All qualifying applicants receive a Hungarian ID for temporary residency (TR) in less than three months, giving them the right to travel freely throughout the Schengen zone.

Benefits for permanent residents:

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A single application process for the main applicant and all qualifying family members, without a required trip to Hungary.

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A fast and facilitated application process for permanent residency. Applicants and their family members can apply for permanent residency just six months after receiving their TR cards.


Free movement throughout the Schengen zone.



STEPS AND TIMELINE The following table breaks down the Hungarian program application process into eight basic steps. Each step must be completed before continuing to the next.

STEP 1Hungary is one of the most-visited, culturally rich A booming STAGE I hub in the heart of central Europe, MONTH 1 File preparation and submission, application fee payment, and well-located countries on the continent. Application signing of documents.

STEP 2 Investment is authorized, principal applicant wires the qualified WHY CHOOSE HUNGARY? investment amount to Arton Capital.


MONTH 1 The Investor Residency Bond Program As a member of the European Union and STEP 3 Arton Capital issues the Bonds and all required investment-related doesn’t have any set criteria for applicants the Schengen zone, Hungary is among the documents as per its mandate with the Hungarian authorities. in terms of personal net worth or management 30 most-visited destinations on the planet. STEP 4 experience. However, the Hungarian It boasts a rich and diverse culture (everything STAGE III The main applicant and all qualifying family members visit administration from music and film to food and literature), Application officers reserve the rightthe Hungarian embassy to submit their temporary residence to request an interview meeting with the universal healthcare, and is perfectly located visa applications. for Temporary applicant, in the centre of Europe. Established in 2012, MONTHat2 random. STEP 5 Residencewhich can be exercised The main applicant and each Residency qualifying family member collect the Investor Bond Program offers During the initial due-diligence and application their ID cards from the Hungarian embassy (the statutory term stages, the financial intermediary and the Hungarian applicants a host of advantages.

for issuance of the cards is up to 2 weeks following submission authorities will follow standard know-your-clients ofthis the application). Benefits for temporary residence (KYC) and anti-money laundering procedures. For STEP 6 reason, at the stage of application, the principal applicants (annually renewable permit): STAGE IV Purchase of Investor Residency Bonds by Arton Capital. will have to provide a set of standard documents proving Government-approved investment in bonds; Application their source of income and accumulation of personal STEP 7 MONTHS 8-11 net forworth. Permanent Special exemption physical residence is Family residence PR application in thefrom Hungarian embassy (not earlier applied to thethe main applicant and all qualifying thanis six months after receiving temporary residence permits). Residence All applicants must make sure that their investment family members; STEP 8 made by one of the designated agents. As such, Arton of permanent resident cards (the statutory term applicants Capital can process applications from around theCollection world Fast application process. All qualifying for approval of the receive PR applications is 3 months). via the responsible Hungarian embassies or consulates a Hungarian ID for temporary residency (TR) with the exception of Mainland China. in less than three months, giving them the right to Arton’s Global Citizen Programs travel freely throughout the Schengen zone. are represented by:

Benefits for permanent residents: A single application Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by a network process for the main applicant of Certified Partners, who are proud members supportersfamily members, without a and alland qualifying of the Global Citizenship movement. required trip to Hungary.

A fast and facilitated application process for permanent residency. Applicants and their family Certified Partner and supporter of the Global Citizenship movement. members can apply for permanent residency just six months after receiving their TR cards.

er parity): 2)

The Hungary Investor Residency Bond Program is offered by Arton Capital Hungary, a member of the Arton Group. The above timeline is an estimate provided for information Free movement throughout the Schengen zone. purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Capital Hungary is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specific time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.

DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of HUNGARY INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. INVESTOR RESIDENCY BOND PROGRAM ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.

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