Livmax St Kitts & Nevis Citizenship

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With its breathtaking natural beauty, warm skies and white sandy beaches, St. Kitts & Nevis is one of the most stunning spots in the Caribbean… and you could be waking up there every morning in as little as a few months.



The St. Kitts & Nevis (St. Christopher & Nevis) Citizenship-by-Investment Program was established in 1984 under the regulations of the 1984 Citizenship Act, Part II, Section 3 (5), which makes it the longest established Citizenship-by-Investment Citizenship-by-Investment Program inProgram the world.

This beautiful two-island nation is blessed with tropical temperatures, clear blue waters and a bustling trade and tourism economy. It is well connected by direct flights to and from Europe and the U.S., and offers residents and citizens sought-after advantages such as dual citizenship and tax-free worldwide The Program offers many benefits in exchange income. As one of the longest-established of several requirements that applicants must meet. programs of its kind, the St. Kitts & Nevis To qualify for citizenship in St. Kitts & Nevis,LOCATION Caribbean, Citizenship-by-Investment Program offers applicants need to meet one of the investment Islands in the Caribbean Sea applicants a host of unique benefits including: requirements ARTON outlined inINDEX the “Investment Options” CAPITAL section, in addition to the following criteria: Basseterre Fast processing within four months; TIME DIFFERENCE Inclusion of dependent children under 25 years, UTC-4

Be of outstanding character;

and dependent parents or grandparents over 65 years;

Hold no criminal record;

TOTAL AREA No physical residency requirements; 261 km 2

Have excellent health;


Have a high personal net worth; Make an investment in a government-approved real estate development, or make a monetary contribution to the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation.

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Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.

AGE DEMOGRAPHICS No requirement to travel to St. Kitts & Nevis 0-14: 21.9%, 15-64: 70.3%, during the application process; 65+: 7.8% LANGUAGE No interview, education or management experience required; English


RELIGIONS Visa-free travel to more than 120 countries Population Growth Anglican including the Schengen Zone, Canada, UK, 0.80% Other Protestant Hong Kong, Singapore and others; Roman Catholic

16,500 USD

No TYPE tax on worldwide income; GOVERNMENT Parliamentary democracy GDP (per capita) St. Kitts & Nevis recognizes dual nationality, and Commonwealth realm GDP (purchasing parity) so you can still benefit from your currentpower citizenship. CURRENCY 946.3 million USD (2012) East Caribbean dollars (XCD), tied to USD EXCHANGE RATE 1 USD = XCD 2.70 (2012)



Visa free countries

With Withits itsbreathtaking breathtakingnatural naturalbeauty, beauty,warm warmskies skiesand andwhite whitesandy sandybeaches, beaches,St. St.Kitts Kitts&&Nevis Nevis isisone oneofofthe themost moststunning stunningspots spotsin inthe theCaribbean… Caribbean…and andyou youcould couldbe bewaking wakingup upthere thereevery every morning morningin inas aslittle littleas asaafew fewmonths. months.



The TheSt. St.Kitts Kitts&&Nevis Nevis (St. (St.Christopher Christopher&&Nevis) Nevis) Citizenship-by-Investment Citizenship-by-InvestmentProgram Programwas was established establishedin in1984 1984under underthe theregulations regulationsofof the the1984 1984Citizenship CitizenshipAct, Act,Part PartII, II,Section 3 (5), Section 3 (5), which whichmakes makesititthe thelongest longestestablished established Citizenship-by-Investment Citizenship-by-InvestmentProgram Programin inthe theworld. world.

This Thisbeautiful beautifultwo-island two-islandnation nationisisblessed blessed with withtropical tropicaltemperatures, temperatures,clear clearblue bluewaters waters and andaabustling bustlingtrade tradeand andtourism tourismeconomy. economy. ItItisiswell wellconnected connectedby bydirect directflights flightsto toand and from fromEurope Europeand andthe theU.S., U.S.,and andoffers offersresidents residents and andcitizens citizenssought-after sought-afteradvantages advantagessuch such as asdual dualcitizenship citizenshipand andtax-free tax-freeworldwide worldwide income. income.As Asone oneofofthe thelongest-established longest-established programs programsofofits itskind, kind,the theSt. St.Kitts Kitts&&Nevis Nevis Citizenship-by-Investment Citizenship-by-InvestmentProgram Programoffers offers applicants applicantsaahost hostofofunique uniquebenefits benefitsincluding: including:

The TheProgram Programoffers offersmany manybenefits benefitsin inexchange exchange ofofseveral severalrequirements requirementsthat thatapplicants applicantsmust mustmeet. meet. To Toqualify qualifyfor forcitizenship citizenshipin inSt. St.Kitts Kitts&&Nevis, Nevis, applicants applicantsneed needto tomeet meetone oneofofthe theinvestment investment requirements requirementsoutlined outlinedin inthe the“Investment “InvestmentOptions” Options” section, section,in inaddition additionto tothe thefollowing followingcriteria: criteria:

Fast Fastprocessing processingwithin withinfour fourmonths; months; Inclusion Inclusionofofdependent dependentchildren childrenunder under25 25years, years, and anddependent dependentparents parentsor orgrandparents grandparentsover over65 65years; years;

Be Beofofoutstanding outstandingcharacter; character; Hold Holdno nocriminal criminalrecord; record;

No Nophysical physicalresidency residencyrequirements; requirements;

Have Haveexcellent excellenthealth; health;

No Norequirement requirementto totravel travelto toSt. St.Kitts Kitts&&Nevis Nevis during duringthe theapplication applicationprocess; process;

Haveaahigh highpersonal personalnet networth; worth; Have Makean aninvestment investmentin inaagovernment-approved government-approved Make realestate estatedevelopment, development,or ormake makeaamonetary monetary real contribution contributionto tothe theSugar SugarIndustry Industry DiversificationFoundation. Foundation. Diversification

No Nointerview, interview,education educationor ormanagement management experience experiencerequired; required; Visa-free Visa-freetravel travelto tomore morethan than120 120countries countries including includingthe theSchengen SchengenZone, Zone,Canada, Canada,UK, UK, Hong HongKong, Kong,Singapore Singaporeand andothers; others; No Notax taxon onworldwide worldwideincome; income; St. St.Kitts Kitts&&Nevis Nevisrecognizes recognizesdual dualnationality, nationality, so soyou youcan canstill stillbenefit benefitfrom fromyour yourcurrent currentcitizenship. citizenship.


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Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (SIDF) contribution

The alternative for investors is this feature of variety of luxury villas and suites, each with an ocean view. Investors can choose between purchasing on a fractional interest basis and purchasing a unit as a whole. There are many advantages for investors who opt for this alternative.

The following contribution requirements must be met: US$ 250,000: Single applicant US$ 300,000: Family with up to 3 dependents (spouse + 2 children under 18 years)


With breathtaking natural warm skies and white sandy beaches, St. Kitts & Nevis US$its 350,000: Family with up to 5beauty, dependents A mixed-use development on about 6 acres, the Golden (spouse + 4 most children under 18 spots years) in the Caribbean… and is one of the stunning you could be waking up there every Rock Commercial Park is located just east of the Robert L. morning in as little a few months. US$ 450,000: Familyas with up to 7 dependents (spouse + 6 children under 18 years)

US$ 50,000: Additional per person above QUALIFICATIONS 7 dependents

The St. Kitts & Nevis (St. Christopher & Nevis) US$ 7,500: Due diligence of main applicant Citizenship-by-Investment Program was US$ 4,000:in Due diligence each dependent of established 1984 underforthe regulations over 16 years. the 1984 Citizenship Act, Part II, Section 3 (5), which makes it the longest established Real Estate investment Citizenship-by-Investment Program in the world. The property purchase must equal a minimum of US$ 400,000 invested in government-approved The Program offers many benefits in exchange shares in a real estate development. The investment of several requirements that applicants must meet. must be maintained for a minimum of 5 years.

To qualify for citizenship in St. Kitts & Nevis,

KITTITIAN HILLto meet one of the investment applicants need

Premier Cottage Suitesin the “Investment Options” requirements outlined

section, in addition to theare following criteria: The Premier Cottage Suites an exclusive selection of

4-bedroom suites located within the Kittitian Hill Be of outstanding character; Resort. Each shareholder will be entitled to income from Hold no criminal the rental pool as wellrecord; as other exclusive benefits. Have excellent health;Share Offer Redeemable Preferred a high personal netShare worth; The Have Redeemable Preferred Offer (RPSO), is an exclusive product with Arton and is commonly referred Make an investment in a government-approved to asreal the estate Buy Back Option. The offer applicants to development, or makeallows a monetary purchase a share to within a specially appointed Cottage contribution the Sugar Industry Suites within the development Diversification Foundation.for a purchase price of US$ 400,000. The applicant is renouncing any income or dividends from the company, in exchange for the guaranteed option to re-sell the property back to the developer after 5 years. After the 5 year "must hold" period, the purchaser will have the option to: Redeem their share for the exact same purchase amount (US$ 400,000), and Use 7 nights per annum during the resort season.

Bradshaw International Airport. The property will consist of five (5) multi-story buildings designed to fit in an aesthetically-pleasing WHY CHOOSE ST.environment. KITTS & NEVIS?

This beautiful two-island nation is blessed REAL ESTATE GOVERNMENT FEES with tropical temperatures, clear blue waters 50,000: Main and US$ a bustling tradeapplicant and tourism economy. It isUS$ well25,000: connected Spouseby direct flights to and fromUS$ Europe and the U.S., and offers residents 25,000: Dependent below 18 years and citizens sought-after advantages such US$ 50,000: Dependent over 18 years as dual citizenship and tax-free worldwide US$ 7,500: Dueofdiligence of main applicant income. As one the longest-established US$ 4,000: Duekind, diligence dependent programs of its the for St.each Kitts & Nevis< 16 yrs Citizenship-by-Investment Program offers applicants a host of unique benefits including:


Fast processing within four months; Advisory fees for a single applicant are US$ 30,000, US$ Inclusion of dependent children under 25 years, 35,000 for a family of two (main applicant + spouse) and and dependent parents or grandparents over 65 years; US$ 2,500 per additional dependent. Fees are based on theNo number of dependents, country of origin, residence and physical residency requirements; other retained services. They also cover service and legal No requirement to travel to St. Kitts & Nevis fees related to the submission of passport and citizenship during the application process; applications. The advisory fees are non-refundable and are payable in two equal installments: 50% at step 1 and 50% No interview, education or management at step 5 of therequired; application process. Applicants will need to experience pay any additional government, passport application and due Visa-free travel to more than 120 countries diligence fees associated with their chosen investment and including the Schengen Zone, Canada, UK, according to the number of dependents. Hong Kong, Singapore and others;

AllNo application fees charged tax on worldwide income;by the St. Kitts and Nevis government and by Arton are subject to St. Kitts & Nevis recognizes dual nationality, change. fees depend the number of so youThese can still benefit fromon your current citizenship. applicants and the complexity of the process. Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information.



STEPS AND TIMELINE The following table breaks down the St. Kitts & Nevis' program application process into six basic steps. Each step must be completed before continuing to the next.

STEP 1 skies and white sandy beaches, St. Kitts & Nevis THE its PROCESS With breathtaking natural beauty, warm MONTH 1 preparation. Arton issues pre-approval letter. is one of the most stunning spots in theFile Caribbean… and you could be waking up there every Advisory and due diligence fees are due at this step. morning in as little as a few months. MONTH 2


STEP 2 Citizenship file submission.

WHY CHOOSE ST. KITTS & NEVIS? STEP 3 Government’s Citizenship-by-Investment Unit issues (St. Christopher &“Approved Nevis) in Principle” This beautiful two-island nation is blessed letter.

The St. Kitts & Nevis MONTH 3 Citizenship-by-Investment Program was with tropical temperatures, clear blue waters STEP 4 established in 1984 under the regulations of and a bustling trade and tourism economy. Investment made in selected option. Payment of government fees, if applicable. the 1984 Citizenship Act, Part II, Section 3 (5), It is well connected by direct flights to and which makes it the longest established STEP 5 from Europe and the U.S., and offers residents Naturalization certificate is issued. Citizenship-by-Investment Program in the world. and citizens sought-after advantages such MONTH 4 STEP 6 as dual citizenship and tax-free worldwide The Program offers many benefits in exchange Submission of passport application. Passport issued. income. As one of the longest-established of several requirements that applicants must meet. programs of its kind, the St. Kitts & Nevis To qualify for citizenship in St. Kitts & Nevis, Citizenship-by-Investment Program offers applicants need to meet one of the investment applicants a host of unique benefits including: requirements outlined in the “Investment Options” Fast processing within four months; section, in addition to the following criteria: Inclusion of dependent children under 25 years, and dependent parents or grandparents over 65 years;

Be of outstanding character; Hold no criminal record;

No physical residency requirements;

Have excellent health;

No requirement to travel to St. Kitts & Nevis during the application process;

Have a high personal net worth;

Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented No by: interview, education or management

Make an investment in a government-approved real estate development, or make a monetary contribution to the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation.

experience required;

Visa-free travel to more than 120 countries

includingbythe Schengen Zone, Canada, UK, Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented a network of Certified Partners, who are proud members and supporters Hong Kong, Singapore and others; of the Global Citizenship movement. No tax on worldwide income;

Certified Partner and supporter of the& Nevis recognizes dual nationality, St. Kitts Global Citizenship movement.

er parity) 12)

so you can still benefit from your current citizenship.

The St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship-by-Investment Program is offered by Arton Advisors, a member of the Arton Group. The above timeline is an estimate provided for information purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Capital is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specific time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.

DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of ST. KITTS & NEVIS INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. CITIZENSHIP-BY-INVESTMENT PROGRAM ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.

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