Named “the Nature Island” for its unspoiled natural beauty, Dominica is arguably the most breathtaking island in the Caribbean, boasting one of the best standards of living in the region.
To qualify for the Dominica Economic Economic Citizenship Program Citizenship Program, applicants need to:
Officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, this beautiful island boasts pristine sandy beaches, lush green mountains, acres of Be of outstanding character; unspoiled tropical rainforests, and some Hold no criminal record; of the best diving and hiking in the Caribbean. Be in excellent health; A diverse blend of English, French, African Have a basic knowledge of English; and Carib peoples and cultures, Dominica is Make an investment in a government-approved real a politically and economically stable state with estate development, or make a monetary donation. LOCATION the lowest crime rate in the region. The Economic Caribbean, Islands between Citizenship Program offers applicants a wealth Caribbean Sea and the of benefits North Atlantic Ocean and privileges, including:
No physical residency requirements; Inclusion of dependent children up to 18 years old;
TIME DIFFERENCE UTC-4 Inclusion of unmarried daughters under 18 living TOTAL AREAwith and fully supported by the main applicant; 751 km 2
Inclusion of dependent parents/grand parents over
AGE DEMOGRAPHICS 65 years old; 0-14: 22.3%, 15-64: 67.3%, 65+: 10.4% No minimum level of education required;
LANGUAGE No management English (official), French patois experience required;
RELIGIONS Visa-free travel to around 70 countries Growth Roman Catholic 61.4%, the UK, HongPopulation including Kong, Malaysia, 0.22% Protestant 20.6%, Singapore and Turkey; Other 18%
17 10
14,400 USD
Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.
No TYPE taxes for non-residents; GOVERNMENT Parliamentary democracy Dominica recognizes dual GDPcitizenship (per capita) so and Commonwealth realm GDP (purchasing you can retain your current nationality.power parity) CURRENCY 1.018 billion USD (2012) East Caribbean dollars (XCD), tied to USD EXCHANGE RATE 1 USD = XCD 2.70 (2012)
Visa free countries
Named Named“the “theNature NatureIsland” Island”for forits itsunspoiled unspoilednatural naturalbeauty, beauty,Dominica Dominicaisisarguably arguablythe themost most breathtaking breathtakingisland islandin inthe theCaribbean, Caribbean,boasting boastingone oneofofthe thebest beststandards standardsofofliving livingin inthe theregion. region.
To Toqualify qualifyfor forthe theDominica DominicaEconomic Economic Citizenship CitizenshipProgram, Program,applicants applicantsneed needto: to:
Officially Officiallythe theCommonwealth CommonwealthofofDominica, Dominica, this thisbeautiful beautifulisland islandboasts boastspristine pristinesandy sandy beaches, beaches,lush lushgreen greenmountains, mountains,acres acresof of unspoiled unspoiledtropical tropicalrainforests, rainforests,and andsome some ofofthe thebest bestdiving divingand andhiking hikingin inthe theCaribbean. Caribbean. AAdiverse diverseblend blendofofEnglish, English,French, French,African African and andCarib Caribpeoples peoplesand andcultures, cultures,Dominica Dominicaisis aapolitically politicallyand andeconomically economicallystable stablestate statewith with the thelowest lowestcrime crimerate ratein inthe theregion. region.The TheEconomic Economic Citizenship CitizenshipProgram Programoffers offersapplicants applicantsaawealth wealth ofofbenefits benefitsand andprivileges, privileges,including: including:
Be Beofofoutstanding outstandingcharacter; character; Hold Holdno nocriminal criminalrecord; record; Be Bein inexcellent excellenthealth; health; Have Haveaabasic basicknowledge knowledgeofofEnglish; English; Make Makean aninvestment investmentin inaagovernment-approved government-approvedreal real estate estatedevelopment, development,or ormake makeaamonetary monetarydonation. donation.
No Nophysical physicalresidency residencyrequirements; requirements; Inclusion Inclusionofofdependent dependentchildren childrenup upto to18 18years yearsold; old; Inclusion Inclusionofofunmarried unmarrieddaughters daughtersunder under18 18living living with withand andfully fullysupported supportedby bythe themain mainapplicant; applicant; Inclusion Inclusionofofdependent dependentparents/grand parents/grandparents parentsover over 65 65years yearsold; old; No Nominimum minimumlevel levelofofeducation educationrequired; required; No Nomanagement managementexperience experiencerequired; required; Visa-free Visa-freetravel travelto toaround around70 70countries countries including includingthe theUK, UK,Hong HongKong, Kong,Malaysia, Malaysia, Singapore Singaporeand andTurkey; Turkey; No Notaxes taxesfor fornon-residents; non-residents; Dominica Dominicarecognizes recognizesdual dualcitizenship citizenshipso so you youcan canretain retainyour yourcurrent currentnationality. nationality.
ost ion.
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ears old;
8 living icant;
nts over
The investment options for obtaining citizenship status in Dominica are as follows:
Advisory fees associated with the Dominica Economic Citizenship Program are US$ 30,000 for a single applicant, US$ 35,000 for a family of two (main applicant + spouse) and US$ 2,500 for each additional dependent.
Donation A. Single Application
Fees are based on the number of dependents, country of origin, residence and other retained services. The A single applicant will be required to make advisory feesDominica are non-refundable and are payable an investment US$ 100,000. Named “theofNature Island� for its unspoiled natural beauty, is arguably the mostin two equal installments. breathtaking island B. Family Application I in the Caribbean, boasting one of the best standards of living in the region. The government fees for the Real Estate option are: (Applicant + spouse) Main Applicant: US$ 50,000 An investment of US$ 175,000 qualifies the applicant QUALIFICATIONS WHY CHOOSE DOMINICA? Spouse: US$ 25,000 and his/her spouse for citizenship.
To qualify for the Dominica Economic Citizenship Program, applicants need to:
C. Family Application II
(Applicant + spouse + 2 children under 18) Be of outstanding character; An investment of US$ 200,000 qualifies the applicant, Hold no criminal record; his /her spouse and two children under 18 years for citizenship. Be in excellent health; For each dependent below 18, the fee is US$ Haveadditional a basic knowledge of English; 20,000, while for those above 18 it is US$ 50,000. Make an investment in a government-approved real development, or make a monetary donation. Realestate Estate The property purchase must equal a minimum of US$ 200,000 invested in government-approved real estate development. The investment must be maintained for a minimum of 3 years. If maintained and sold after 5 years, it would qualify the next buyer for citizenship as well.
INTERVIEW REQUIREMENTS Applicants must attend a compulsory interview to qualify for the Dominica Economic Citizenship Program. Interviews are usually held in Dominica, which means the applicant will have to travel. In some cases, an interview in an alternative country can be arranged at the expense of the applicant.
Officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, Dependent under 18: US$ 20,000 this beautiful island boasts pristine sandy Dependent above 18: US$ 50,000 beaches, lush green mountains, acres of unspoiled tropical rainforests, and some The following additional will in also apply: of the best diving and fees hiking the Caribbean. A diverse blend ofUS$ English, Application Fee: 1,000; French, African and Carib peoples and cultures, Dominica is Processing Fee/person: US$ 200; a politically and economically stable state with Naturalization Fee/person: US$ 550; the lowest crime rate in the region. The Economic Stamp fee/person: 15; applicants a wealth Citizenship ProgramUS$ offers Passportand fee/person: US$ 40. of benefits privileges, including: No physical residency requirements; Applicants Inclusion and of dependent dependentschildren over 16 up years to 18 old years old; are also liable to pay due diligence security and Inclusion of unmarried daughters under 18 living background verification fees, which may vary with and fully supported by the main applicant; depending on the profile, nationality and country of residence(s) the applicants. Inclusion ofof dependent parents/grand parents over 65 years old;
All application fees charged by the Dominica No minimum level of education required; government and by Arton are subject to change. No management required; These fees dependexperience on the number of applicants travel to around 70 countries andVisa-free the complexity of the process. Please contact including the UK, Hong Kong, Malaysia, us if you have any questions or need more Singapore and Turkey; information. No taxes for non-residents;
Dominica recognizes dual citizenship so you can retain your current nationality.
STEPS AND TIMELINE The following table breaks down the application process into nine basic steps. Each step must be completed before continuing to the next.
STEP 1 natural beauty, Dominica is arguably the most THE PROCESS Named “the Nature Island” for its unspoiled File preparation. diligence fees are due breathtaking island in the Caribbean, boasting one ofAdvisory, the bestgovernment standardsand ofdue living in the region. MONTH 1
at this stage. Issuance of pre-approval letter from Arton. STEP 2 Citizenship application WHY submission. CHOOSE
To qualify for the Dominica Economic MONTH 4 Citizenship Program, applicants need to: STEP 4
this beautiful island boasts pristine sandy
Applicant transfers the Investment. beaches, lush green mountains, acres of
Be of outstanding character; Hold no criminal record;
STEP 3 Officially Commonwealth Comfort letter issued by thethe Dominican Authorities. of Dominica,
Be in excellent health; Have a basic knowledge of English;
STEP 5 unspoiled tropical rainforests, and some Interview appointment and attendance byhiking applicant. of the best diving and in the Caribbean. STEP 6 A diverse blend of English, French, African Interview results provided by the Dominican Authorities.
and Carib peoples and cultures, Dominica is
STEP 7 Make an investment in a government-approved real a politically and economically stable state with Upon approval, applicant and family must take the Oath of Allegiance. estate development, or make a monetary donation. the lowest crime rate in the region. The Economic STEP 8 CitizenshipisProgram Certificate of Naturalization issued. offers applicants a wealth MONTH 9
of benefits and privileges, including: STEP 9 Application and receipt of passports. No physical residency requirements;
Inclusion of dependent children up to 18 years old; Inclusion of unmarried daughters under 18 living with and fully supported by the main applicant; Inclusion of dependent parents/grand parents over 65 years old; Arton’s Global Citizen Programs No minimum level of education required; are represented by:
No management experience required;
Visa-free travel to around 70 countries includingbythe UK, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented a network of Certified Partners, who are proud members and supporters Singapore and Turkey; of the Global Citizenship movement.
No taxes for non-residents;
Dominica Certified Partner and supporter of the recognizes dual citizenship so Global Citizenship movement. you can retain your current nationality.
er parity) 2)
The Dominica Economic Citizenship Program is offered by Arton Advisors, a member of the Arton Group. The above timeline is an estimate provided for information purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Advisors is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specific time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.
DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of DOMINICA INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. ECONOMIC CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.