Popularly known, as “The Spice Island”, because of the myriad locally grown spices, Grenada offers one of the most picturesque waterfronts in all of the Caribbean. The sublime scenery is but one of the many enticements to visit the three beautiful main islands. Diving, sailing, excellent restaurants, fabulous beaches, and a calendar of unforgettable festivities add to the many reasons why Grenada has become preferred destination to many high net worth investors.
QUALIFICATIONS Citizenship-by-Investment Program
The newest Economic Citizenship Program, Grenada’s Pilot scheme will allow qualified investors and their family members to apply for citizenship and benefit from facilitation of visa-free travel.
As the newest of its kind in the world, the Grenadian Citizenship-by-Investment Program provides the following prime benefits:
The Pilot Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program was launched in 2013 under the regulations of the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act.
Fast processing within 4 months; Inclusion of dependent children under 25 years;
Inclusion of dependent parents over 65 years; The Program offers many benefits in exchange of several LOCATION No physical betweenresidency requirements; requirements that applicants must meet. To qualify for Caribbean, island Sea and citizenship in Grenada, applicants need to fulfill one of the Caribbean No north requirements to travel to Grenada the investment requirements outlined in the “Investment Atlantic Ocean, ARTON INDEX during the application process; of Trinidad and Tobago Options” section, in addition to the following criteria: CAPITAL No interview, no education or managerial Be of outstanding character; Saint George’s experience required; Hold no criminal record;
TIME DIFFERENCE Visa-free travel to over 70 countries, UTC-4
including the UK;
Have excellent health;
TOTAL AREA 344 km 2 No tax on worldwide income.
Have a high personal net worth.
AGE DEMOGRAPHICS Furthermore, Grenada recognizes dual citizenship, 0-14: 24.7%, 15-64: 66%, therefore you can still benefit from your current 65+: 9.2%
citizenship status.
LANGUAGE English (official), French patois
16 15
Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.
RELIGIONS Roman Catholic, Anglican and other Protestant GOVERNMENT TYPE Parliamentary democracy and Commonwealth realm CURRENCY East Caribbean dollars (XCD) EXCHANGE RATE 1 USD = 2.7 XCD (2012)
Population Growth 0.52%
13,900 USD GDP (per capita) GDP (purchasing power parity) 1.467 billion USD (2012)
74 Visa free countries
Popularly Popularlyknown, known,as as“The “TheSpice SpiceIsland”, Island”,because becauseofofthe themyriad myriadlocally locallygrown grownspices, spices,Grenada Grenada offers offersone oneofofthe themost mostpicturesque picturesquewaterfronts waterfrontsin inall allofofthe theCaribbean. Caribbean.The Thesublime sublimescenery sceneryisisbut but one oneofofthe themany manyenticements enticementsto tovisit visitthe thethree threebeautiful beautifulmain mainislands. islands.Diving, Diving,sailing, sailing,excellent excellent restaurants, restaurants,fabulous fabulousbeaches, beaches,and andaacalendar calendarof ofunforgettable unforgettablefestivities festivitiesadd addto tothe themany many reasons reasonswhy whyGrenada Grenadahas hasbecome becomepreferred preferreddestination destinationto tomany manyhigh highnet networth worthinvestors. investors.
The Thenewest newestEconomic EconomicCitizenship CitizenshipProgram, Program,Grenada’s Grenada’s Pilot Pilotscheme schemewill willallow allowqualified qualifiedinvestors investorsand andtheir their family familymembers membersto toapply applyfor forcitizenship citizenshipand andbenefit benefit from fromfacilitation facilitationofofvisa-free visa-freetravel. travel.
As Asthe thenewest newestofofits itskind kindin inthe theworld, world, the theGrenadian GrenadianCitizenship-by-Investment Citizenship-by-Investment Program Programprovides providesthe thefollowing followingprime primebenefits: benefits:
The ThePilot PilotGrenada GrenadaCitizenship Citizenshipby byInvestment InvestmentProgram Program was waslaunched launchedin in2013 2013under underthe theregulations regulationsofof the theGrenada GrenadaCitizenship Citizenshipby byInvestment InvestmentAct. Act. The TheProgram Programoffers offersmany manybenefits benefitsininexchange exchangeofofseveral several requirements requirementsthat thatapplicants applicantsmust mustmeet. meet.To Toqualify qualifyfor for citizenship citizenshipininGrenada, Grenada,applicants applicantsneed needtotofulfill fulfillone oneofof the theinvestment investmentrequirements requirementsoutlined outlinedininthe the“Investment “Investment Options” Options”section, section,ininaddition additiontotothe thefollowing followingcriteria: criteria: Be Beofofoutstanding outstandingcharacter; character; Hold Holdno nocriminal criminalrecord; record;
Fast Fastprocessing processingwithin within44months; months; Inclusion Inclusionofofdependent dependentchildren childrenunder under25 25years; years; Inclusion Inclusionofofdependent dependentparents parentsover over65 65years; years; No Nophysical physicalresidency residencyrequirements; requirements; No Norequirements requirementsto totravel travelto toGrenada Grenada during duringthe theapplication applicationprocess; process; No Nointerview, interview,no noeducation educationor ormanagerial managerial experience experiencerequired; required;
Have Haveexcellent excellenthealth; health;
Visa-free Visa-freetravel travelto toover over70 70countries, countries, including includingthe theUK; UK;
Have Haveaahigh highpersonal personalnet networth. worth.
No Notax taxon onworldwide worldwideincome. income. Furthermore, Furthermore,Grenada Grenadarecognizes recognizesdual dualcitizenship, citizenship, therefore thereforeyou youcan canstill stillbenefit benefitfrom fromyour yourcurrent current citizenship citizenshipstatus. status.
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In recent years, tourism has become the leading sector for foreign direct investments in Grenada. Another service sector on the rise is the offshore financial industry, which – together with strong performances in construction and manufacturing, have also contributed to growth in national output.
Advisory fees associated with the program are US$ 30,000 for a single applicant, US$ 35,000 for a family of two (main applicant + spouse) and US$ 2,500 for each additional dependent. Fees are based on the number of dependents, country of origin, residence and other retained services. The advisory fees are non-refundable and are payable in two equal installments.
As part of their strategy attracting direct Popularly known, asto“The Spiceforeign Island”, because of the myriad locally grown spices, Grenada investment, the Grenadian Government is working the Grenada offers one of the most picturesque waterfronts in all ofAll theapplication Caribbean.fees Thecharged sublimeby scenery is but closely together with a select number of businesses government and by Arton are subject to change. one of to the many agriculture, enticements visit the three beautiful main islands. Diving, sailing, excellent related tourism, andto manufacturing. These fees depend on theadd number applicants Through the implementation of the Citizenshiprestaurants, fabulous beaches, and a calendar of unforgettable festivities to theofmany by-Investment Program, they also hope to create and thetocomplexity theworth process. Please contact reasons why Grenada has become preferred destination many highofnet investors. investment opportunities that will bring about us if you have any questions or need more sustainable employment.
With its economy shifting from agricultural-dominant The newest Economicone Citizenship Program, Grenada’s to service-dominant, of the most viable investment Pilot scheme will allow qualified investors and options before foreign investors is the purchasetheir family members to apply for citizenship and benefit of real estate. from facilitation of visa-free travel. The property purchased must be minimum US$ 250,000 The Pilot Grenada real Citizenship by Investment Program in a pre-approved estate development area. The was launched under the regulations property must in be 2013 owned and maintained for a of minimum the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act. of 4 years. The Program offers many benefits in exchange of several Property registration, processing fees and taxes requirements that applicants must meet. To qualify must be paid in addition to the property purchase. for citizenship in Grenada, applicants need to fulfill one of the investment requirements outlined in the “Investment Options” section, in addition to the following criteria: Be of outstanding character; Hold no criminal record; Have excellent health; Have a high personal net worth.
information. WHY CHOOSE GRENADA?
As the newest of its kind in the world, ADDITIONAL FEES the Grenadian Citizenship-by-Investment Program provides the following prime benefits: US$ 1,500: Application fee per person Fast within 4 months; US$ processing 250: Passport processing fee per person Inclusion ofFEES dependent children under 25 years; PROCESSING Inclusion dependent parents over 65 years; US$ 500: of Spouse No physical residencybelow requirements; US$ 100: Dependent 17 No requirements to travel to Grenada US$ 200: Dependent between 18 and 25 during the application process; US$ 100: Parent below 65 No interview, no education or managerial US$ 200: Parent over 65 experience required; Visa-free travelFEES to over 70 countries, DUE DILIGENCE including the UK; US$ 2,200: Spouse No tax on worldwide income. US$ 1,700: Dependent between 0 and 11 Furthermore, Grenada recognizes dual citizenship, US$ 1,850: Dependent between 12 and 17 therefore you can still benefit from your current citizenship status. US$ 4,200: Dependent between 18 and 25 US$ 1,950: Parent below 65 US$ 4,200: Parent over 65 Due diligence fees are included in the investment funds for the main applicant.
STEPS AND TIMELINE The summarized timeline presented below is based on the required process that needs to be followed by all applicants for the Citizenship-by-Investment Program in Grenada. The table breaks down the process into three basic steps. Each step must be completed before continuing to the next.
Popularly known, as “The Spice Island”,STEP because of the myriad locally grown spices, Grenada 1 THE PROCESS offers one of the most picturesque waterfronts in all of the Caribbean. The sublime File preparation stage. Arton Capital will verify scenery is but all documents and main complete due diligence. MONTH 1 the three one of the many enticements to visit beautiful islands. Diving, sailing, excellent Application fees are applicable at this stage. add to the many restaurants, fabulous beaches, and a calendar of unforgettable festivities Investing in the selected development. reasons why Grenada has become preferred destination to many high net worth investors. STEP 2 Submission of WHY Citizenship ApplicationGRENADA? after QUALIFICATIONS CHOOSE MONTH 2 which confirmation of received file is issued. The newest Economic Citizenship Program, Grenada’s the newest of its kind in the world, NaturalizationAs certificate is issued. Pilot scheme will allow qualified investors and their the Grenadian Citizenship-by-Investment family members to apply for citizenship and benefit STEP 3 Program provides the following prime benefits: from facilitation of visa-freeMONTHS travel. 3-4 Submission of Passport Application. Fast processing within 4 months; Issuance of passport. The Pilot Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program was launched in 2013 under the regulations of Inclusion of dependent children under 25 years; the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act. Inclusion of dependent parents over 65 years; The Program offers many benefits in exchange of several No physical residency requirements; requirements that applicants must meet. To qualify for citizenship in Grenada, applicants need to fulfill one of the investment requirements outlined in the “Investment Options” section, in addition to the following criteria: Be of outstanding character; Hold no criminal record;
No requirements to travel to Grenada during the application process; No interview, no education or managerial experience required;
Have excellent health;
Visa-free travel to over 70 countries, including the UK;
Have a high personal net worth.
No tax on worldwide income. Arton’s Global Citizen Programs Grenada recognizes dual citizenship, Furthermore, are represented by:
therefore you can still benefit from your current citizenship status.
Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by a network of Certified Partners, who are proud members and supporters of the Global Citizenship movement.
Certified Partner and supporter of the Global Citizenship movement.
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The Grenada Citizenship-by-Investment Program is offered by Arton Advisors, a member of the Arton Group. The above timeline is an estimate provided for information purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Advisors is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specific time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.
DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of GRENADA INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. CITIZENSHIP-BY-INVESTMENT PROGRAM ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.