Looking for a diverse, prosperous and perfectly located place to call home? Look no further than the UK, an economic and cultural hub boasting one of the best and most sought-after standards of living in the world.
Investment criteria
Being granted residency or citizenship status in the UK gives you access to a world of exclusive benefits including:
Offered through our joint venture with a UK-authorized financial institution, the UK Immigrant Investor Program is a three-tiered system enabling people who invest at a higher level to be granted residency sooner. To qualify for the program, you will need to meet one of the three Immigrant Investor Program investment requirements outlined in the “Investment Process” section.
Other qualification criteria
A diverse and multicultural society represented by large cultural and ethnic communities; A superior standard of education, a broad network of state and private schools, and more than 150 universities and higher education institutions; One of the best free medical care services
LOCATION in the world; In addition to making a financial investment, applicants Western Europe, Islands
must also meet the following requirements:
Be able to maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependents without taking employment (outside of self-employment or business);
A member of the G8;
A key member of the EU, which means greater business opportunities throughout Europe; TIME DIFFERENCE UTC 0
An unrivalled financial business center (London); Make the UK your main home. You will need to spendTOTAL AREA 2 at least 50% of your time there (6 out of 12 months)243,610 km An attractive tax regime for high net worth investors classed as “UK resident, non-domicile”; to maintain your visa status. AGE DEMOGRAPHICS
0-14: 17.3%, 15-64: 65.4%, The travel mobility and security of a UK passport. 65+: 17.3%; LANGUAGE English RELIGIONS Christian: 71.6%, Muslim: 2.7%, Hindu: 1.0%, Other: 1.6%, Unspecified or none: 23.1%.
GOVERNMENT TYPE Constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm CURRENCY British Pound (GBP)
Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.
EXCHANGE RATE 1 USD = 0.63 GBP (2012)
63,395,574 Population Growth 0.55%
37,500 USD GDP (per capita) GDP (purchasing power parity) 2.375 trillion USD (2012)
195 Visa free countries
Looking Lookingfor foraadiverse, diverse,prosperous prosperousand andperfectly perfectlylocated locatedplace placeto tocall callhome? home?Look Lookno nofurther furtherthan than the theUK, UK,an aneconomic economicand andcultural culturalhub hubboasting boastingone oneofofthe thebest bestand andmost mostsought-after sought-afterstandards standards ofofliving livingin inthe theworld. world.
Investment Investmentcriteria criteria
Being Beinggranted grantedresidency residencyor orcitizenship citizenshipstatus status in inthe theUK UKgives givesyou youaccess accessto toaaworld worldofofexclusive exclusive benefits benefits including: including:
Offered Offeredthrough throughour ourjoint jointventure venturewith withaaUK-authorized UK-authorized financial financialinstitution, institution,the theUK UKImmigrant ImmigrantInvestor InvestorProgram Programisis aathree-tiered three-tieredsystem systemenabling enablingpeople peoplewho whoinvest investatat aahigher higherlevel leveltotobe begranted grantedresidency residencysooner. sooner.To Toqualify qualify for forthe theprogram, program,you youwill willneed needtotomeet meetone oneofofthe thethree three investment investmentrequirements requirementsoutlined outlinedininthe the“Investment “Investment Process” Process”section. section.
Other Otherqualification qualificationcriteria criteria In Inaddition additiontotomaking makingaafinancial financialinvestment, investment,applicants applicants must mustalso alsomeet meetthe thefollowing followingrequirements: requirements:
AAdiverse diverseand andmulticultural multiculturalsociety societyrepresented represented by bylarge largecultural culturaland andethnic ethniccommunities; communities; AAsuperior superiorstandard standardofofeducation, education,aabroad broadnetwork network ofofstate stateand andprivate privateschools, schools,and andmore morethan than150 150 universities universitiesand andhigher highereducation educationinstitutions; institutions; One Oneofofthe thebest bestfree freemedical medicalcare careservices services in inthe theworld; world; AAmember memberofofthe theG8; G8;
Be Beable ableto tomaintain maintainand andaccommodate accommodateyourself yourself and andany anydependents dependentswithout withouttaking takingemployment employment (outside (outsideofofself-employment self-employmentor orbusiness); business);
AAkey keymember memberofofthe theEU, EU,which whichmeans meansgreater greater business businessopportunities opportunitiesthroughout throughoutEurope; Europe;
Make Makethe theUK UKyour yourmain mainhome. home.You Youwill willneed needtotospend spend atatleast least50% 50%ofofyour yourtime timethere there(6(6out outofof12 12months) months) to tomaintain maintainyour yourvisa visastatus. status.
An Anattractive attractivetax taxregime regimefor forhigh highnet networth worthinvestors investors classed classedas as“UK “UKresident, resident,non-domicile”; non-domicile”;
An Anunrivalled unrivalledfinancial financialbusiness businesscenter center(London); (London);
The Thetravel travelmobility mobilityand andsecurity securityofofaaUK UKpassport. passport.
an ds
status xclusive
network 150 ons;
ater e;
Applicants must invest no less than 75% of the specified investment amount of their capital in the UK by way of UK government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies.
If you have lived in the UK for five or more years, you are eligible to apply for UK citizenship as long as you meet the following residency requirements:
The remaining 25% should be invested in the UK either by purchasing assets or maintaining the money You have been absent from the country for deposited financial institution. no more than 90 days (three Looking in fora UK-regulated a diverse, prosperous and perfectly located place to call home? Look nomonths) furtherinthan the 12 months preceding the application. As in the table below, thecultural higher thehub investment, theshown UK, an economic and boasting one of theThe besttotal andnumber most sought-after standards of days spent outside of the faster the applicant will obtain their stay for of living in the world. the UK for the entire five-year qualifying settlement (ILR). period should not exceed 450 days (i.e. three months of every year, or 75 percent of your time);
Investment criteria
Being granted residency or citizenship status in breach of any immigration laws; in the UK gives you access to a world of exclusive You can demonstrate a good knowledge benefits of UKincluding: life and culture, and a basic level of
You are of good moral character and are not
£1 million
Offered through our joint venture with a UK-authorized financial institution, the UK Immigrant Investor Program is STAY FOR SETTLEMENT (ILR): 5 years a three-tiered system enabling people who invest at a higher level to be granted residency sooner. To qualify FULL INVESTMENT: £5 million for the program, you will need to meet one of the three investment requirements STAY FOR SETTLEMENT (ILR): outlined in the3“Investment years Process” section. FULL INVESTMENT:
Other qualification criteria
£10 million 2 years
In addition to making a financial investment, applicants must also meet the following requirements: Be able to maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependents without taking employment (outside of self-employment or business); Make the UK your main home. You will need to spend at least 50% of your time there (6 out of 12 months) to maintain your visa status.
English Welsh or Scottishsociety Gaelic languages. A diverseorand multicultural represented by large cultural and ethnic communities;
A superior standard of education, a broad network
APPLICATION FEES of state and private schools, and more than 150
andfees higher education Alluniversities application charged by institutions; the of the best free medical care services UKOne government and by Arton are subject in the world; to change. These fees depend on the number A member of and the G8; of applicants the complexity of the process. Please you any questions A keycontact memberus ofif the EU,have which means greater or business opportunities throughout Europe; need more information. An unrivalled financial business center (London); An attractive tax regime for high net worth investors classed as “UK resident, non-domicile”; The travel mobility and security of a UK passport.
STEPS AND TIMELINE The following table breaks down the program application process into eight basic steps. Each step must be completed before continuing to the next.
STEP 1 located place to call home? Look no further than Looking PHASEfor I a diverse, prosperous and perfectly File preparation and best submission. Application fees arestandards due the UK, an economic and cultural hub boasting one of the and most sought-after Investment at this stage. of living in the world.
Investment criteria
STEP 2 Arton Capital issues a pre-approval letter to the applicant.
WHY CHOOSE STEP 3 Investment transfer by the applicant.
Being granted residency or citizenship status
STEP 4 in the UK gives you access to a world of exclusive Offered through our joint venture with a UK-authorized Upon receipt of funds, the bank issues a confirmation letter for financial institution, the UK Immigrant Investor Program is benefits including: assets verification, allowing applicant to proceed to Phase II. a three-tiered system enabling people who invest at STEP 5 A diverse and multicultural society represented aPHASE higher level qualify II to be granted residency sooner. ToApplication for Tierby1 large visa iscultural prepared and filed communities; with and ethnic for theApplication program, you will need to meet one of the three Visa UK Border Agency in applicant’s country of residence. investment requirements outlined in the A superior standard of education, a broad network MONTHS 3-4“Investment STEP 6 Process” section. of state and private schools, and more than 150 Applicant and family members must submiteducation to biometrics universities and higher institutions; at the UK Border Agency where visa application was filed. Other qualification criteria One of the best free medical care services STEP 7 in the world; In addition to making a financial investment, applicants Once application is approved, applicant and family present must also meet the following requirements: original passports for visa labels stamped. A member of to thebeG8; MONTHS 5-6
STEP 8 Be able to maintain and accommodate yourself A key member of the EU, which means greater Upon landing in thebusiness UK, applicant must go to the bank Europe; and any dependents without taking employment opportunities throughout (outside of self-employment or business); to complete investment procedure. An unrivalled financial business center (London); Make the UK your main home. You will need to spend An attractive tax regime for high net worth investors at least 50% of your time there (6 out of 12 months) classed as “UK resident, non-domicile”; to maintain your visa status. The travel mobility and security of a UK passport.
Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by:
Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by a network of Certified Partners, who are proud members and supporters of the Global Citizenship movement.
Certified Partner and supporter of the Global Citizenship movement.
er parity) 12)
The United Kingdom Immigrant Investor Program is offered by Arton Capital, a member of the Arton Group. The above timeline is an estimate provided for information purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Capital is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specific time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.
DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of UNITED KINGDOM INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. IMMIGRANT INVESTOR PROGRAM ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.