Livmax EB5 US Citizenship Program

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Live the American Dream for yourself and move to the U.S., a cultural melting pot with a thriving economy, a wealth of opportunities, and one of the highest standards of living anywhere on the globe.



Applicants must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible for the program:

Known over the world as the land of opportunity, the United States of America boasts a rich and diverse culture, one of the strongest currencies in the world, and one of the most sought-after passports on the planet. Through the USA EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, applicants can enjoy a host of exclusive benefits including:

Be at least 21 years of age;

Show legal source of assets and funds;

Choose from one of the available investment options.

EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

LOCATION No language skills required; North America CAPITAL No minimum education required; Washington, DC

No business or management experience required;

TIME DIFFERENCE UTC-5 Investment capital can come from a gift, inheritance,


TOTAL AREAbusiness ownership or any other lawful activities; 9,826,675 km 2

No obligation to live in the area of investment;

AGE DEMOGRAPHICS The 66.2%, opportunity to live, work and study anywhere 0-14: 20%, 15-64: 65+: 13.9% in the U.S. and benefit from lower tuition fees; LANGUAGE Inclusion of dependent children under the age of 21. English 82.1% Spanish 10.7% Other 7.3%


RELIGIONS Roman Catholic: 23.9% Protestant: 51.3% Christian: 4.4% Muslim: 0.6% Other: 19.8%











Updated yearly, the Arton Index is an overall assessment and comparative benchmark of the country and its investment program.

GOVERNMENT TYPE Constitution-based federal republic, strong democratic tradition CURRENCY US dollar (USD) EXCHANGE RATE 1 USD = 0.7838 EUR (2012)


316,668,567 Population Growth 0.9%

50,700 USD GDP (per capita) GDP (purchasing power parity) 15.94 trillion USD (2012)

185 Visa free countries

Live Livethe theAmerican AmericanDream Dreamfor foryourself yourselfand andmove moveto tothe theU.S., U.S.,aacultural culturalmelting meltingpot potwith withaathriving thriving economy, economy,aawealth wealthofofopportunities, opportunities,and andone oneofofthe thehighest higheststandards standardsofofliving livinganywhere anywhereon onthe theglobe. globe.



Applicants Applicantsmust mustmeet meetall allofofthe thefollowing followingrequirements requirements totobe beeligible eligiblefor forthe theprogram: program:

Known Knownover overthe theworld worldas asthe theland landofofopportunity, opportunity, the theUnited UnitedStates StatesofofAmerica Americaboasts boastsaarich richand and diverse diverseculture, culture,one oneofofthe thestrongest strongestcurrencies currencies in inthe theworld, world,and andone oneofofthe themost mostsought-after sought-after passports passportson onthe theplanet. planet.Through Throughthe theUSA USAEB-5 EB-5 Immigrant ImmigrantInvestor InvestorProgram, Program,applicants applicantscan can enjoy enjoyaahost hostofofexclusive exclusivebenefits benefitsincluding: including:

Be Beatatleast least21 21years yearsofofage; age; Show Showlegal legalsource sourceofofassets assetsand andfunds; funds; Choose Choosefrom fromone oneofofthe theavailable availableinvestment investmentoptions. options.

No Nolanguage languageskills skillsrequired; required; No Nominimum minimumeducation educationrequired; required; No Nobusiness businessor ormanagement managementexperience experiencerequired; required; Investment Investmentcapital capitalcan cancome comefrom fromaagift, gift,inheritance, inheritance, business businessownership ownershipor orany anyother otherlawful lawfulactivities; activities; No Noobligation obligationto tolive livein inthe thearea areaofofinvestment; investment; The Theopportunity opportunityto tolive, live,work workand andstudy studyanywhere anywhere in inthe theU.S. U.S.and andbenefit benefitfrom fromlower lowertuition tuitionfees; fees; Inclusion Inclusionofofdependent dependentchildren childrenunder underthe theage ageofof21. 21.


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Investment options

If you are a non-conditional Green Card holder for at least five years, you can apply for naturalization if you meet the following requirements:

There are two investment options within the USA EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program:

1. Creation of a new U.S. enterprise

Be 18 years or older; To be eligible for this investment option, the applicant Live the American Dream for yourself and move to the U.S., a cultural melting pot withdistrict a thriving Have lived within the state, or USCIS must meet the following criteria: jurisdiction over your place of on residence, economy, a wealth of opportunities, and one of the highestwith standards of living anywhere the globe. for at least three months prior to the application; Make an investment of US$ 1 million in a new commercial enterprise, or US$ 500,000 if that Have continuous residence in the U.S. enterprise is in a targeted commercial area, which QUALIFICATIONS WHY CHOOSE THE U.S.? as a Green Card holder for at least five years includes rural areas or areas with unemployment immediately preceding the application; Applicants must meet all of the following requirements of at least 150 percent that of the national average; Known over the world as the land of opportunity, to be eligible for the program: physically present in the U.S. for at least the Be United States of America boasts a rich and Create full time employment for at least 10 qualified 30 months out of the five years (60 months) Be at least 21 years of age; U.S. workers, who must be direct employees of the diverse culture, one of the strongest currencies immediately preceding the application; commercial enterprise; Show legal source of assets and funds; in the world, and one of the most sought-after Reside continuously within the U.S. from Actively manage the day-to-day activities and/or passports on the planet. Through the USA EB-5 Choose from one of the available investment options. the date of application for naturalization policy formulation of the enterprise. Immigrant Investor Program, applicants can up to the time of naturalization;

enjoy a host of exclusive benefits including:

2. Invest in a regional center Regional centers are investment opportunities that have been pre-approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). To be eligible for this investment option, the applicant must meet the following criteria: Make an investment of US$ 500,000; The enterprise must create full time employment for at least 10 qualified U.S. workers, where indirect employment is permitted; Active management of the enterprise is not required.

Be able to read, write and speak English, andlanguage have knowledge and an understanding No skills required; of U.S. history and government (civics); No minimum education required; Be a person of good moral character, in keeping No business or management experience required; with the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed Investment capital can come fromtoa the gift,good inheritance, order and happiness of the United States business ownership or any other lawful activities; during all relevant periods under the law. No obligation to live in the area of investment; The opportunity to live, work and study anywhere

APPLICATION FEES in the U.S. and benefit from lower tuition fees;

Advisory and legal fees ..........US$ 15,000 Inclusion of dependent children under the age of 21. I-526 ...............................................US$ 1,500 DS-230 (per person) ................US$ 405 I-829 ..............................................US$ 3,750 I-829 submission fee ...............US$ 2,500 Biometrics (per person) .........US$ 85

DISCLOSURE: The USA EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program has two key requirements: capital investment and job creation. If either one of these requirements is not fulfilled, the investor’s capital (in part or in full) and their immigration status are at risk, therefore there are no guarantees on return of any capital, nor on immigration status. Becoming a U.S. resident and/or citizen can have an impact on an applicant’s taxable income and assets. As such, before an applicant chooses to invest in the U.S., they should obtain an independent tax assessment. This document is not intended for distribution within an U.S. state nor to any U.S. residents or citizens.

All application fees charged by the U.S. government and by Arton are subject to change. These fees depend on the number of applicants and the complexity of the process. Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information.


STEPS AND TIMELINE The following table breaks down the U.S. visa application process into eight basic steps. Each step must be completed before continuing to the next.

STEP 1A to the U.S., a cultural melting pot with a thriving Live American Dream for yourself and move THEthe PROCESS Applicant anstandards investment option andanywhere starts application economy, a wealth of opportunities, and one of the selects highest of living on the globe. preparation. Advisory and legal fees are due at this stage.

STEP 1B OFAC (Office of ForeignCHOOSE Asset Control)THE licenseU.S.? may be required QUALIFICATIONS WHY for some nationalities. Applicants must meet all of the following requirements Known over the world as the land of opportunity, STEP 2 to be eligible for the program: the United States of America boasts Applicant transfers investment and Regional Center fee a rich and Be at least 21 years of age; into a nominated escrow account. diverse culture, one of the strongest currencies MONTH 1

STEP 3 in the world, and one of the most sought-after Immigrant Petition by an Alien Entrepreneur application (I-526) passports on the planet. Through the USA EB-5 Choose from one of the available investment options. is lodged with USA National Visa Center (NVC). Show legal source of assets and funds; MONTH 2

Immigrant Investor Program, applicants can

MONTHS 10-11

No language skills required; STEP 5 Visa application (DS-230) is lodged with local U.S. consular mission No minimum education required; or embassy. Applicant and family may be subject to biometric tests. No business or management experience required; STEP 6

Medical and healthInvestment screening. capital can come from a gift, inheritance, MONTHS 17-18

business ownership or any other lawful activities; STEP 7 An interview with the applicant may be requested and conducted. No obligation to live in the area of investment; All original documents should be available. The opportunity to live, work and study anywhere STEP 8 in the U.S. and benefit from lower tuition fees; EB-5 Visa is approved and stamped in applicant’s passport. Conditional is issued. ApplicantInclusion and family must enterchildren the U.S. within 180age days. of dependent under the of 21. Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by:



STEP 4 enjoyisaapproved host of by exclusive benefits including: Immigrant Petition U.S. authorities.

Arton’s Global Citizen Programs are represented by a network of Certified Partners, who are proud members and supporters of the Global Citizenship movement.

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Certified Partner and supporter of the Global Citizenship movement.

The USA EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program is offered by Arton Advisors, a member of Arton Group. The above timeline is an estimate provided for information purposes only, based on experiences with past clients. Processing times and costs will vary depending on a number of factors. Arton Advisors is not responsible for any changes to the estimations above; we can provide specif ic time and cost estimates on an individual basis. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information.

DOWNLOAD AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT. Copyright © 2014. For more information, please contact us at INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM | WWW.ARTONCAPITAL.COM Information has been verified at the time of print. In case of USA INFO@ARTONCAPITAL.COM discrepancies, the electronic version of this brochure prevails. EB-5 IMMIGRANT INVESTOR PROGRAM ARTONCAPITAL.COM Printed in UAE. 2014-02.

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