HOMES with Extraordinary Lives

Our brand is known throughout the world for representing buyers and helping them find homes that fit into their varied lifestyles in distinct settings and diverse locales.

Our brand is known throughout the world for representing buyers and helping them find homes that fit into their varied lifestyles in distinct settings and diverse locales.
Will this be your primary residence? Vacation/Investment?
Will this be purchased as a 1031 Exchange? Y N
Will you be renting the residence? Y N
In what area do you want to live?
Would you consider any other areas?
What is most important to you in a home?
How many bedrooms do you prefer?
How many baths do you prefer? Full? 3/4? 1/2?
Any other special rooms, such as an office/study, family room, great room, media room etc?
What architectural style do you prefer? (modern, mountain modern, log, retro)
Do you require a view? (lake, filtered, peek, mountains, forest, meadow, town)
Would you like a deck/more than one deck, patio, landscaping/no landscaping, front yard, back yard?
What hobbies or interests do you have that would come into play in purchasing a home?
How do you feel about HOAs?
Would you like a hot tub/pool/common area in return for HOA fees?
What size garage do you prefer?
How many parking spaces do you need?
Will you be commuting to work?
Is proximity a concern?
Do you need to sell your current home before you purchase?
If we found the right home for you today, would there be anything that could keep you from buying it?
Have you seen any homes that fit your current needs?
What is the timing of your move?
How do you plan on paying for your home?
If you are getting a loan, have you been prequalified by your lender? Y N
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
Our offi ce provides access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) which features hundreds of listings by all real estate companies.
I can set you up with a Client Portal so that you will be notified daily about new listings that meet your criteria. You will be able to mark your favorites and I will be notified so that I can set up showings for you.
If you should find a property you’re interested in through a print ad, a sign in a yard, or an online listing, call me for more information rather than the phone number listed. I will supply property details and set up a showing for you.
If you are looking for new construction, I will accompany you on the initial visit. Building a new home can be an exciting time, but the amount of decisions can be overwhelming. My experience and expertise will help you navigate this complicated process with ease.
If you come across a property listed online, in print or For Sale By Owner (FSBO), call me for information prior to contacting any third parties to ensure that your best interest is being represented and/or to avoid contractual pitfalls that accompany working with an unqualified professional.
Download the free SIR Mobile app. Save searches or favorite properties to view later, send a property to a friend via text or email, and view full-screen high-quality photography of homes locally, or around the world. Once you’ve found homes you’re interested in, give me a call.
Mortgage planning is financial planning, knowing monthly cash flow, tax deductibility rules, and the mortgage structure that fits your priorities and ensures that you consider the right homes.
Make the strongest, most competitive offer possible. Seller confidence that your mortgage will close may be as important as the offer amount.
Preparedness to hit the ground running the day your offer is accepted is a more competitive offer and costs you nothing.
Much information, such as names, addresses, and balances of financial institutions are not necessary for you to furnish, as the lender will pull that information from your mortgage/asset statements.
Ask your lender about the difference between a prequalification, preapproval, and pre-underwriting.
Social security card and legible photo I.D.
Addresses for the previous 2 years (if renting, include landlord’s name and phone number)
Mortgage companies name, address, account number, approximate balance, and market value
HOA bill on any properties
Homeowners Insurance declarations page (refl ects agent contact info, premium and coverage period
Name, address, phone number of employers (current and previous 2 years)
Engagement letter (for new employment situations, citing dates and terms of your employment)
2 most recent pay stubs and proof of any additional income including benefi ts, dividends, social security, retirement, rental income, etc.
Last 2 years W-2s and/or 1099s
If self-employed or commissioned, business/personal Income Tax Returns for previous 2 years (with all schedules K-1s) and year-to-date Profi t/Loss and Balance Sheet Statements
Names, addresses, account numbers and approximate account balances
Last 3 month’s bank/savings account statements
Checking, savings, investment accounts and retirement accounts
Names, addresses, account numbers, monthly minimum payment, balance (including zero balance accounts)
Leases on rental property owned
Bankruptcy with release
Settlement statements (previously owned property, sale of business, etc.)
Copy of divorce decree or Separation Agreement
Transcripts from school if recent graduate
Documentation of child support/alimony
Copy of fully executed contract including counterproposals, addendums (signed by both the Seller & Buyer)
Copy of earnest money check
Certifi cate of eligibility if applying for VA loan; copy of DD 214
At time of loan application you will generally need to pay an application fee, appraisal fee and credit report
Sellers are required to disclose all that they know about their property on a variety of forms. It is important to review them and perform your own due diligence on any item that is of special interest to you.
By signing this form, you are acknowledging receipt of this information. Make sure the inspector has a copy of this prior to the inspection. I can guide you and refer you to trained professionals should you decide to do additional investigations.
As part of the sales contract you have the right to investigate the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and structural aspects of the property. You may also order any additional inspection about anything that affects the property that you deem important.
I encourage you to meet with the inspector at the end of the inspection so that they may point out things to know about the property and answer any questions that you have. The inspector will give you an itemized report for your review.
If repairs are needed, you can request that the seller make them in accordance with the provisions of the sales contract, or if they are unacceptable, you may void the contract.
The initial measurement is for the purpose of marketing, may not be exact and is not for loan, valuation, or other purposes. If exact square footage is a concern, the property should be independently measured prior to the inspection deadline.
Once you have a home under contract, it is critical that you contact your insurance company to get a quote on insurance. When contacting an insurance agent, it is helpful to know the condition of the home’s major systems, or to find out when each of the following was last updated: plumbing, heating, electric, roof, and exterior paint. This information may be gathered from the seller’s listing agent or may be found on the inspection or appraisal report.
It’s also a good idea to note the following:
• Make sure the home has good defensible space and ensure that tree branches are not overhanging the roof.
• If a wood stove is present, identify the last date the chimney was cleaned.
• Material of siding and roof
• Type of foundation
Many policyholders do not realize that basic homeowner’s insurance does not include protection from flood damage. Flood insurance may be purchased as a separate policy, standard homeowner’s insurance does not cover the cost to recover flood damages. Be sure to check to see if the property is in a flood zone. Vacation Rental Insurance: Inform your insurance agent if you plan to rent your property as a vacation rental; an additional policy may be required.
Inform your insurance agent if you plan to rent your property as a vacation rental; an additional policy may be required.
There are various ways to hold title to property and the laws vary by state. This decision has many legal ramifications that can affect you and your heirs. Please seek legal advice before making this decision. Here are a few examples of some of the most common ways title can be held.
The simplest way to hold title to a property is called sole ownership. Sole ownership means that one person alone holds title to the property. This is most often used by persons who are single, but a married person can also choose sole ownership if his or her spouse is willing to sign a document renouncing any rights to the property.
Joint tenancy with right of survivorship means two or more people hold title to the property together. If one person dies, the ownership automatically defers to the remaining owner(s).
Tenancy in common allows multiple owners to each own a percentage of a property. In this form of holding title to the property, an owner can sell his or her percentage share of the property at any time. Owners also can will their share to their heirs. The property does not revert to the other owners automatically.
Some states allow joint ownership of a property by a married couple, called tenancy by the entirety. In this type of ownership, an owner cannot make a decision about the property without the other’s consent. As with joint tenancy with right of survivorship, each of the married partners has full right to the property should the other one die.
In nine states in the United States, property acquired while married is recognized as community property, with each of the partners owning half of the property. As with tenancy in common, each of the partners can will his or her half of the property to someone else, unless the community property is owned with right of survivorship.
Property can be transferred into a living trust, which can reduce taxes on the estate in the event of the owner’s death. However, there is some cost to setting up and maintaining the trust. An estate attorney can assist in establishing a trust.
A corporation or partnership can hold title to a property. Each has different rights and arrangements that affect the title. Seek legal counsel in order to make an informed decision.
Remember how title is vested has important legal consequences. Please consult an attorney to determine the most advantageous form of ownership for your situation.
Make my best effort to find the home that meets your needs. Commit my time, car, computer, support staff, and experience to find exactly what you want. Incur all my car, phone, and administrative expenses. Continue the home search until you either find a home or tell me to stop looking...
Let me know if your plans change. Tell me if you want to look at a home listed with another broker, builder, or for sale by owner. Tell me what you like and dislike about the homes we look at. Tell me if you feel the need to talk to another agent. Work with me until we find you the right home?
You have a right to do a “walk-through” on the property before closing. We should build this into our schedule.
Prior to closing we will both receive a copy of your Settlement Statement, which I will review for accuracy. This will indicate the amount you will need to provide prior to closing.
Closing is in the form of wired funds or a cashier’s check, made payable to the title company. Typically, we will have the correct fi gure 72 hours before closing from the title company. If you will not be at the closing, you may sign the closing documents in advance and the title company handles the rest. Prior to closing, your escrow offi cer will make arrangements to sign all the appropriate documents, either at your selected location or via a mobile notary.
If jointly purchasing and one of you will not be at closing, you will need a “power of attorney” form signed. You may designate anyone to act as your “power of attorney”. If neither of you will be at the closing, you may sign the closing documents in advance and the title company handles the rest.
Please provide a copy of your driver’s license or I.D. at closing, as you will be signing legal documents.
Arrange for Homeowners Insurance. You will need a certifi cate of your paid insurance premium at closing. Check with your lender to see if you are having your insurance escrowed and included in your mortgage payment.
Please be prepared to sign all closing documents 2-3 days before close of escrow to allow for suffi cient time for your escrow holder to process and record on time.
Notify applicable companies of your new address in order for accounts to be set up/transferred accordingly and to assure continued service.
ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE (ARM): A mortgage for which the interest rate and the payments change during the life of the loan.
ALTERNATIVE FINANCING: Mortgage instruments for both new and existing homes which allow the buyer to qualify at lower than market rate. Among these instruments are adjustable rate mortgages, graduated payment mortgages and buy down mortgages.
AMORTIZATION: A gradual repayment of a mortgage by periodic installments over a fixed period of time.
ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR): The total cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. It reflects all of your mortgage loan financing costs, including interest paid up front as points and interest paid over the life of the loan.
APPRAISAL: An analysis done by a qualified appraiser that puts a dollar value on a property based on a number of considerations, including the condition, location and size of the property.
ASSUMABLE LOAN: A loan that can be picked up by a subsequent buyer for a small assumption fee. It saves thousands of dollars in closing costs and loan origination fees. Conventional loans that are assumable usually require a new application.
CLOSING OR SETTLEMENT: The conclusion of a transaction, including delivery of a deed, financial adjustments, signing of the note and the disbursement of funds, which allows for transfer of ownership.
CLOSING COSTS: Costs in addition to the price of a house, usually including mortgage origination fee, title search and insurance, recording fees and pre-payable payments collected in advance and held in an escrow account. Be sure your sales contract clearly states who will pay these costs - the buyer or the seller.
CONVENTIONAL LOAN: Fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgage that is not guaranteed by a government agency. If you are applying for a conventional loan and your downpayment is less than 20 percent of the purchase price, mortgage insurance is required. The lender will obtain mortgage insurance for you. Mortgage insurance protects lenders against default by borrowers.
CREDIT REPORT: Lists the credit history of a borrower on current and previous credit obligations.
DEED: A written document transferring ownership of property from seller to buyer.
DOWN PAYMENT: A specified percentage of a home’s value paid at closing. Usually a down payment is 5 to 25 percent of the house price. Private mortgage insurance is required at amounts less than 20 percent.
EARNEST MONEY: Deposit money given to the seller by the potential buyer to show that they are serious about buying the house. If the deal goes through, the earnest money is usually applied to the down payment. If the deal does not go through, it may be forfeited.
ENCUMBRANCE: A legal interest in a property that affects or limits the sale or transfer of property. Examples of encumbrances are mortgages, leases, easements, judgments, and liens.
EQUITY: The homeowner’s net ownership of the home, determined by subtracting the amount of the principal owed on the mortgage loan from the home’s market value.
ESCROW PAYMENTS: The portion of a mortgagor’s monthly payments held by the lender in an escrow account to pay for taxes, hazard insurance, mortgage insurance and other monthly payments as they become due.
FHA MORTGAGES: Loans made by private lenders, which are insured by the Federal Housing Administrations (FHA).
GRADUATED PAYMENT MORTGAGES (GPM): A type of flexible-payment mortgage whereby the payments increase for a specified time and then level off. Used by first-time homebuyers who expect their incomes to increase over the years.
HAZARD INSURANCE: Protects homeowners against damage caused to a property by fire, wind, or other common hazards. It is required by the lender up to the amount of the mortgage to protect the lender’s security interest in the property. Additional coverage on the property can be purchased by the borrower. Flood insurance may be required if the home is in a high-risk flood area.
LIEN: A legal claim on property as security for a debt.
LOAN COMMITMENT: A written promise of a lender to a borrower to make a mortgage loan, on a specific property, under stated terms and conditions. The terms of the commitment most important to borrowers are the interest rate on the loan and expiration date of the commitment.
LOAN-TO-VALUE RATIO (LTV): The relationship between the amount of your mortgage to the appraised value of your property, the security. If you have a $60,000 mortgage on property valued at $80,000, your LTV is 75% ($60,000 divided by $80,000 = 75%).
LOCK-IN: When the borrower informs the lender that he/she wished to lock-in a guaranteed interest rate and points for a specified time period. To keep the lock-in price, the loan must close or settle by the end of the lock-in period. Be sure you fully understand the terms and conditions under which you lock-in your guaranteed interest rate and points.
MORTGAGE INSURANCE: An insurance, paid for by the mortgagor, which protects a lender against default. If the loan-to-value ratio is grater than 80% (or in some cases less than 80%) on conventional loans, lenders will require mortgage insurance issued by an independent mortgage insurer. Mortgage insurance protects the lender’s security interest in a property if the borrower defaults on the loan. Mortgage insurance for FHA mortgages is known as the Mortgage Insurance Premium, or MIP. MIP is required on all FHA mortgages regardless of the loan-to-value ratio. Mortgage insurance should not be confused with mortgage life insurance, which pays off a mortgage loan in the event of the borrower’s death.
MORTGAGE NOTE: Defines the terms of repayment of the debt secured by the mortgage.
Call security/alarm monitoring company to have the system transferred to your name as of the date of closing.
Call your cellular phone service company to have your plan(s) changed and moved to Colorado.
Submit your change of address form(s) to the Post Offi ce for mail and magazines or visit to submit your address change online.
Notify your financial institution(s) of your move.
Order new checks from your bank.
Arrange for moving assistance.
Notify your employer(s) of your change of address.
Notify your creditors of your change of address and phone number.
If you are moving from out-of-state, get your automobile emissions test completed. Colorado requires this test before you can get your license plates. If you are moving to a different county within Colorado, notify the state and possibly get new license plates.
Update your driver’s license or get a new one if moving from another state.
Register your automobiles with Colorado in the county where you will be residing.
Transfer your auto policy or make arrangements for new auto insurance.
Register to vote.
Register your kids at their new schools or submit a change of address with their school.
Make arrangements to have your entire family’s medical and dental files transferred to your new doctors.
Arrange for homeowner’s insurance by the insurance objection deadline in the purchase contract.
CenturyLink (Residential)
(800) 244-1111 Sales & Service
(800) 573-1311 Repair
(800) 247-1311 Technical Help
Phone, Internet & DirecTV
1000 N Main Street, Suite 4
Gunnison, CO 81230
(866) 363-6376
(Formerly Time Warner Cable)
Phone, Internet & TV
714 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(888) 795-9489
Dish Network
(888) 825-2557
Hughes Net
(844) 737-2700
Xtream Internet
1000 N Main Street
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 305-5855
Gunnison County Electric
37250 West Highway 50
Gunnison, CO 81230-0180
Phone: (970) 641-3520
Fax: (970) 641-5302
Gunnison County Electric
Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte
Crested Butte Bank
Building – Upstairs
116 6th Street, Suite 202
Crested Butte, CO 81224
Phone: (970) 349-5385
City of Gunnison
1100 W. Virginia Avenue
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-8070
Atmos Energy
121 S Taylor Street, Gunnison, CO 81230
(888) 286-6700
201 E Tomichi Avenue, Gunnison, CO 81230
(800) 427-4968
45 Basin Park Drive, Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 243-2720
JC Propane
1014 1200 Rd Delta, CO 81416 (970) 641-5381
Outshine Energy
191 University Blvd, Suite 444 Denver, CO 80206
City of Gunnison
1100 W. Virginia Avenue Gunnison, CO 81230 (970 0 641-8020
Crested Butte South Area
280 Cement Creek Road
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-5480
Skyland Metropolitan District
350 Country Club Drive, Suite 112A
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-5338
Areas served are Skyland, Buckhorn Ranch, Whetstone
Vista, Larkspur, Silver Sage, River Green & Riverbend.
Town of Crested Butte
507 Maroon Avenue
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-5338
Town of Mt. Crested Butte
Mt. Crested Butte Water & Sanitation District
100 Gothic Road
Mt. Crested Butte, CO 81225
(970) 349-7575
City of Gunnison
1100 W. Virginia Ave, Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-8020
Golden Eagle Trash Service
2509 County Road 46 Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-3230
Waste Management
881 Bidwell, Gunnison, CO 81230
467 Riverland Dr.
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(888) 964-9740
(970) 641-1986 (Gunnison)
(970) 349-1032 (Crested Butte)
HVM Security Systems
310 Belleview Avenue
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-7000
King Systems
222 Maroon Avenue
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-3425
108 E Georgia Ave
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-1052
221 N. Wisconsin Street
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-1602
Crested Butte Dept. of Revenue
507 Maroon Ave.
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 641-1602
Gunnison County Elections Office
200 North Wisconsin Street
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-7927
County Clerk’s Office
221 N. Wisconsin St., Suite C
Gunnison, CO 81230
Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional
711 Rio Grande Avenue
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-2304
Gunnison Valley Aviation 1 Airport Rd
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-0526
Appraisal Group of Western Colorado
108 W. Tomichi Ave. Suite C
Gunnison, Colorado 81230
(970) 641-5748
Cornerstone Appraisal Inc. 474 Haverly St
Crested Butte, CO 81224
Kevin Van Horn
(970) 209-4510
Thomas Flanigan Appraisals
2742 Sampson Street
Englewood, CO 80112
(970) 641-6300
Majestic Appraisal Services, Inc. Martin Klinowski
5 Floresta Street
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 209-6062
Kristy McFarland County Assessor Assessor’s Office
221 N. Wisconsin St. Suite A
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-7973
Gunnison Savings & Loan
303 N Main St Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-2171
The Gunnison Bank & Trust Co 232 W Tomichi Ave
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-0320
Community Banks of Colorado
1100 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-9000
503 6th St
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-1000
Bank of the West
201 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-1621
405 6th St
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-6606
The Crested Butte Bank
116 6th St
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-0170
Midwest Leasing Inc
414 N Pine St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 275-3043
Nu Vista Credit Union
205 Sydney St Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 249-8813
Wells Fargo
909 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(907) 641-6204
Abba Eyecare
420 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-2020
Crested Butte Family Dental
80 Glacier Street
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-9485
Family Vision Center
302 W Tomichi Ave
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-2422
Gunnison Valley Health
711 N Taylor St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 642-4816
Integrative Dentistry
525 Red Lady Ave #142
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-5577
Osborne Family Dentistry
321 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-3004
Clark’s Market
500 Belleview Ave
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-6492
City Market
880 N Main St,
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-3816
Gunnison Vitamin & Health Food Store
804 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-5928
Mountain Earth Whole Foods
405 4th St
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-5132
112 S Spruce St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-0787
City Market Pharmacy
880 N Main St, Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-6379
Clark’s Pharmacy
500 Belleview Ave
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-6492
Walmart Pharmacy
900 N Main St, Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-1145
Alpine Orthopedics Medical Center
405 Elk Ave
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-1046
Griggs Orthopedics
433 6th St
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-5103
Gunnison Valley F amily Physicians
130 E Virginia Ave, Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-0211
Gunnison Valley Health Hospital & Urgent Care
711 N Taylor St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-1456
GVH Mountain Clinic
12 Snowmass Road Axtel 100
Crested Butte, CO 81225
(970) 349-0321
Main Street Clinic
320 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-5363
Moore Orthopedic 32 Crested Mountain Ln
Crested Butte, CO 81225
(970) 349-2677
Pinnacle Orthopedics
510 Elk Ave #2
Crested Butte, CO 81224 (970) 672-1980
Peak Family Medicine & Urgent Care
1198 N Main St STE C Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 641-5055
The Center For Mental Health
710 N Taylor St
Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 252-3200
214 6th St Suite 4
Crested Butte, CO 81224 (970) 252-3200
Black Canyon Chiropractic
303 E Tomichi Ave # A Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-1554
Bliss Chiropractic 111 Elk Ave
Crested Butte, CO 81224 (970) 349-7474
Healing Waves Chiropractic 215 N Colorado St
Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 975-1350
New Life Chiropractic
724 N Main St
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-2818
A Daily Dose | 330 Elk Ave | (970) 252-5415
Serving up organic air roasted espresso drinks, crafted whole fruit & veggie smoothies, baked goods, sandwiches, salads and more. Take out or dine-in.
Open for breakfast and lunch from 7:30am-5pm daily.
Bonez Tequila Bar and Grill | 130 Elk Ave | (970) 349-5118
Contemporary Mexican fare & a wide variety of tequila in an energetic locale with folk-art decor.
Open for Lunch and Dinner starting at noon Tuesday-Sunday and 3pm on Mondays.
The Breadery | 209 Elk Avenue | (970) 349-5118
A sourdough and vegetable forward eatery, bar, and bakehouse serving naturally-leavened sourdough pizza and bread, seasonal salads and small plates, artisanal cocktails and natural wines.
Open for dinner Wednesday-Sunday starting at 5pm.
Brick Oven Pizzeria and Pub | 223 Elk Ave | (970) 349-5044
A relaxed, rustic hangout featuring a menu of pizza, subs, & craft beer - plus a large patio!
Open lunch and dinner from 11am to 10pm daily.
Butte Bagels | 218 Maroon Ave | (970) 349-5630
Fresh baked bagels made from scratch daily, bagel sandwiches made with love, coffee and more!
Open for breakfast and lunch Thursday-Monday from 7:30am-2pm.
Camp 4 Coffee | 402 1/2 Elk Ave | (970) 349-2500
A local coffee shop serving house-roasted coffee blends, pastries and more including a relaxing patio.
Open daily from 6:30am-5:30pm Monday-Saturday and 6:30am-1pm on Sundays.
The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin | 309 3rd Street | (970) 349-6338
Located in an old mining cabin, this establishment offers creative cocktails with house-infused liquors and syrups, small plates and a cozy courtyard. Ages 21+.
Open Tuesday-Saturday from 4pm-midnight and Sundays from 4pm-10pm.
Elk Avenue Prime | 226 Elk Ave | (970) 349-1221
Located in the heart of downtown Crested Butte featuring the highest quality hand cut USDA PRIME steaks, pastas, lamb chops, elk, pork chops, fresh garden salads and more. Reservations are recommended.
Open for dinner Thursday-Monday from 4pm-9pm.
The Eldo Craft Brewery, Tap Room & Pub | 215 Elk Ave | (970) 251-5191
“A Sunny Place for Shady People” providing food, drinks and nightly entertainment for Crested Butte locals and visitors since 1996.
Taproom open Tuesday-Sunday starting at 2pm ; Kitchen open Wednesday-Sunday from 3pm-9pm.
Frank’s Deli and Creative Catering | Located in the Majestic Plaza across from Clark’s | (970) 349-5011
Home-cooked prepared meals, party platters, deli sandwiches delicious salad and homemade soups.
Open Tuesday-Monday 9:30am-6pm.
Gas Cafe | 602 Butte Ave | (970) 349-9656
One stop shop: Killer sandwiches, locally roasted coffee, convenience store and gas station all wrapped into one! Kitchen open for breakfast and lunch from 6am-3pm daily.
Kochevar’s Saloon | 127 Elk Ave | (970) 349-7117
Established in 1886, Kochevar’s is the oldest bar and gaming hall in Crested Butte.
Open daily from 11am-2am.
The Last Steep | 208 Elk Ave | (970) 349-7007
A popular family-owned joint offering burgers, wraps, salads, homemade soups, award-winning bloody Marys & free Wi-Fi.
Open for lunch and dinner Thursday-Sunday from 11am-10pm and Mondays from 11am-3pm.
Marchitelli’s Gourmet Noodle | 411 3rd St | (970) 349-7401
A laid-back neighborhood Italian dining room for a range of classical Mediterranean flavors.
Open for dinner starting at 5pm daily.
McGill’s at Crested Butte | 228 Elk Ave | (970) 349-5240
Serving wonderfully fantastic breakfasts and excellent lunches with a creative twist. Serving Bloody Marys, mimosas, beer, wine and more.
Open for breakfast and lunch Thursday-Monday from 7am-2pm.
Mikey’s Pizza | 611 3rd St | (970) 349-1110
New York style pizzas, appetizers, salads and sandwiches all made to order with fresh ingredients. Take-out or delivery with limited outdoor seating.
Open Monday-Friday from 11am-8pm and Saturdays from 3pm-8pm.
Montanya Rum | 212 Elk Ave | (970) 799-3206
Rum distillery offering tours, cocktails & tastings in a colorful, rustic-chic setting with patios.
Open daily form 11am-9pm.
Niky’s Mini Donuts | 327 Elk Ave | (970) 363-6688
A boutique mini-donut dessert shop experience (including ice cream, milkshakes and candy) that fuses together the quirky charm of the 50’s with inspirational 21st century food and beverages.
Open Monday-Friday from 2:30pm-9pm and weekends from 10am-9pm.
Paradise Cafe | 435 6th St | (970) 349-5622
Voted best breakfast joint for 5 years running, Paradise Cafe serves breakfast, lunch, coffees, bloody Marys and more.
Open for breakfast Monday-Saturday from 7am-2pm, lunch from 11am-2pm and on Sundays breakfast only 7am-1pm.
Pitas in Paradise | 302 Elk Ave | (970) 349-0897
A wide array of traditional cuisine such as Greek, Mediterranean, Pita and much more. Enjoy happy hour on a sunny patio!
Open Friday-Wednesday 11am-6pm, happy hour 2pm-5pm.
The Public House | 202 Elk Ave | (970) 349-0173
Elevated American & global fare, plus Colorado beers in and art-decorated surrounds with live music.
Open Wednesday & Thursday from 3pm-9pm and Friday-Sunday 11:30am-9pm.
Rumors Coffee and Tea House | 414 Elk Ave | (970) 349-7545
Full service espresso bar that offers a wide selection of coffee, loose leaf teas, and other specialty beverages.
Open daily from 7:30am-6pm.
Ryce Asian Bistro | 120 Elk Ave | (970) 349-9888
Fantastic Asian food at high altitude! Ryce is an unassuming minimalist establishment with Pan-Asian entrees, roll-up creek-side doors & a patio.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11:30am daily.
The Secret Stash | 303 Elk Ave | (970) 349 6245
Gourmet pizza with unique toppings at this eclectic stop with local beer & a salad bar.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am daily.
Sherpa Cafe | 313 3rd St | (970) 349-0443
Authentic Nepalese, Tibetan and Indian food with fresh ingredients.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 12pm Tuesday-Sunday, and dinner from 5pm-9pm on Mondays.
The Slogar Bar & Restaurant | 517 2nd St | (970) 349-5765
Skillet-fried chicken and grilled steak dinners served family style in the historic Slogar Building.
Open for dinner Thursday-Monday starting at 5pm, brunch on Saturday and Sunday from 11am-2pm.
Soupcon | 127 Elk Ave | (970) 349-5448
Rustic style French & American bistro serving well-presented cuisine in a cozy wooden cabin. Open for one seating nightly at 7pm sharp. Reservations strongly recommended.
Sunflower | 214 Elk Ave | (970) 349-6866
Everything is made from scratch and developed in house. The menu revolves around what is in season and available from the farms. The wine list is an exciting blend of Old world and New world wines.
Open for dinner starting at 6pm Wednesday-Saturday.
T-Bar International Tea House | 229 Elk Ave | (970) 642-5632
T-Bar offers a variety of teas, coffee drinks, smoothies and light snacks. Open from 11am-4pm daily.
Teocalli Tamale | 311 Elk Ave | (970) 349-2005
Colorful funky counter-serve Mexican joint doling out burritos, tacos & tamales, and delicious margaritas. Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am daily.
Tin Cup Eatery & Dessert Bar | 425 Elk Ave | (970) 349-2640
Crested Butte’s go-to spot for fresh sammies, salads, soups & chili along with amazing desserts, craft beer, wine, coffee, and Crestedbucha.
Open from 10am-9pm daily.
The Wooden Nickel | 222 Elk Ave | (970) 349- 6350
Crested Butte’s oldest restaurant dating back to 1929. The menu ranges from USDA Prime steaks, burgers, seafood, and more.
Open for dinner Thursday-Monday starting at 4pm daily.
9380 Tavern | 500 Gothic Rd, Main Lobby | (970) 251-3030
Located just steps from the mountain slopes, 9380 Tavern Restaurant and Bar is the base area’s hotspot for slopeside dining and entertainment.
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner starting at 7am daily.
Avalanche Bar & Grill | 15 Emmons Rd | (970) 349-7195
Airy sports bar & grill with high ceilings & a deck overlooking the ski lift, plus an American menu.
Open for lunch and dinner Wednesday-Saturday starting at 12pm.
Butte 66 BBQ Roadhouse | Treasury Center | (970) 349-2999
Relaxed, slope-side standby with a deck for pub grub, draft beer & boozy milkshakes, plus live music.
Open seasonally from 11:00 a.m. - 5:30 pm daily.
Coffee Lab | 620 Gothic Rd | (970) 349-4675
Coffee shop serving high quality locally roasted coffee in Mount Crested Butte CO supporting the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab.
Open daily from 7am-5pm.
The Deli, The Store and Treasury Liquors | 611 Gothic Rd | (970) 349-0306
The Deli at The Store serves up made to order sandwiches, meatball subs, hot dogs, bratwursts and meats & cheeses by the pound.
Open for lunch from 10am-6pm daily (11:30am on Sundays).
Iron Horse Tap | 11 Snowmass Rd | (970) 349-7300
Located in Mt. Crested Butte, Iron Horse Tap is a purveyor of classic American bar food offered with Colorado draft beer and American classic beers in bottles. Open for dinner Thursday-Sunday starting at 4pm.
Paradise Warming House | Crested Butte Mountain Resort | (970) 349-2333
Located at the bottom of the Paradise Lift, this is a perfect spot for lunch between runs. Open during ski season from 11-3, you can enjoy hot soup in a bread bowl, wraps, burgers and sandwiches, pasta or Hawaiian style ribs at the mid mountain restaurant. Beer and wine is also available.
The Woodstone Grille | The Grand Lodge | (970) 349-8030
The Woodstone Grille has all of your favorites in the comfort of The Grand Lodge. Featuring: Market style grab-n-go sandwiches, hot soup, snacks, and drinks.
Open seasonally from 7am-11am daily.
Uley’s Cabin | Crested Butte Mountain Resort | (970) 349-2275
Enjoy the warm ambiance and culinary excellence of Uley’s Cabin. Serving gourmet Colorado inspired lunches daily inside and signature drinks outside at our legendary bar made out of ice.
Open during Winter Season lift hours.
Camp 4 Coffee | 161 Gillaspey Ave | (970) 349-5258
A local coffee shop serving house-roasted coffee blends, pastries and more.
Open for breakfast from 6:30am-11am daily.
The Club at Crested Butte | 385 Country Club Dr, | (970) 349-6127
Hang out in the bar, dining room or on the patio for daily lunches or limited dinners. This beautiful space offers views of Whetstone mountain while enjoying signature items like Club Nachos, the Superfood Salad or our house made Pastrami Reuben.
Open daily from 6:30am-8pm.
Tully’s | 282 Elcho Ave | (970) 349-2444
The large open indoor dining room and the sunny outdoor patio offers a family-friendly atmosphere serving allAmerican fare including some of the best pizza, apps, salads and sandwiches around!
Open for dinner Tuesday-Saturday starting at 4pm.
Almont Resort Restaurant | 10209 N CO-135| (970) 641-4009
Family owned since 1893, Almont Resort offers fireside and riverside dining with a full-service cocktail lounge. The onsite restaurant and lounge are open for three meals a day and have a game room.
Open Tuesday starting at 3pm, Wednesdays and Thursday starting at 11am, and Friday-Sunday starting at 8am.
Three Rivers Smokehouse | 130 County Road 742 | (970) 641-1303
Open daily from just before Memorial Day weekend through the end of September, enjoy a fantastic breakfast, lunch or dinner. Specialties include meats smoked on site: pulled pork, brisket, ribs and chicken. Also serving excellent burgers, sandwiches, and salads.
Open daily for breakfast, lunch or dinner starting at 7am from just before Memorial Day weekend through the end of September.
5 B’s BBQ | 303 E Tomichi Ave | (970) 641-7360
A menu featuring BBQ & comfort sides in an easygoing space with eclectic interiors & patio seating.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am daily.
Anejo Bistro and Bar | 107 S. Main St, | (970) 641-1427
Small, family owned and run restaurant with exceptional Mexican food and delicious homemade salsa!
Open for lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday starting at 12pm.
Backcountry Cafe | 138 N Main Street | (970) 641-7423
Family owned and operated breakfast bar with a large selection of unique breakfast and lunch items, creative cocktails such as the Dirty Banana smoothie, and welcoming atmosphere. Open for breakfast and lunch from 11am-2pm daily.
Blackstock Bistro | 122 W. Tomichi Ave, | (970) 641-4394
Blackstock Bistro serves made from scratch American cuisine brought to you by Chef and Owner Luke Martin. Featuring an array of small plates and sides that are great for sharing and an entree menu that is diverse and full of flavor. Open for dinner Monday-Wednesday starting at 5pm, and Thursday-Saturday starting at 3pm.
Cafe Silvestre | 903 N. Main St, | (970) 641-4001
A family owned restaurant offering traditional Mexican dishes.
Open for lunch and dinner Monday-Friday starting at 11am.
Coffee Trader | 700 N Main St Suite A | (970) 707-4284
A locally owned and operated coffee shop whose sole purpose is to share great coffee that is unrivaled in both taste and quality.
Open Monday-Friday from 6am-7pm, and weekends from 7am-6pm.
The Dive | 213 W Tomichi Ave | (970) 641-1375
Unique, made-in-house pub food, Colorado craft beer on tap, and signature drink menu all in a comfortable, industrial bar atmosphere complete with a food truck as the kitchen, TV’s for watching the big game, and garage doors to let in that sunshine on those sunny Gunny days.
Open for lunch and dinner Tuesday-Friday starting at 11am, Saturdays at 10am, and Sundays from 10am-4pm.
Double Dragon | 113 W. Tomichi Ave| (970) 642-6363
Authentic Hunan and Mandarin Cuisine. Currently take-out only.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am Monday-Friday (closed Wednesday) and starting at 12pm on weekends.
Double Shot Cyclery | 222 N. Main St | (970) 642-5411
A bike shop also serving espresso, cocktails, beers and fresh baked goods in a modern, fresh coffee bar.
Open daily starting at 7am-6pm Monday-Friday, closing at 5pm on Saturday and 4pm on Sunday.
El Paraiso | 112 S. Main St | (970) 641-4957
Locally owned serving fresh, quality Mexican food at a reasonable price. Enjoy gigantic flaming margaritas, fish tacos and other traditional Mexican fare.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am daily.
Firebrand Delicatessen | 108 N. Main St| (970) 641-6266
The Firebrand is a sister owned deli that serves egg sandwiches, muffins, cookies, gourmet sandwiches & homemade soup. Gluten free options available.
Open for breakfast and lunch from 8am-1pm on Wednesday-Saturday.
Garlic Mike’s | 2674 CO-135 | (970) 641-2493
Garlic Mike’s, invites you to enjoy the finest Italian cuisine this side of New Jersey on the beautiful Gunnison River in Gunnison Colorado. Family friendly, outdoor dining and nicely decorated environs make for a warm ambiance and a unique dining experience.
Hours change seasonally - currently open for dinner starting at 5pm daily.
The Gunnisack Cowboy Bistro Restaurant & Bar | 142 N. Main St | (970) 641-5445
The Gunnisack serves delicious burgers, soups, chili sauces & dressings made from scratch in a homey, rustic space with a bar.
Open for breakfast and lunch from 9am-3pm daily.
Gunnison Coffee Company | 910 W New York Ave
A unique, small roadside drive-thru coffee hut specializing in hot and cold drinks such as their huckleberry smoothie!
Open daily form 6am-6pm Monday through Friday, and from 7am-5pm on weekends.
Gunnison Pizza Company | 303 E. Tomichi Ave| (970) 641-1101
Owned and operated by a multi-generational local, Blake Eastman, who has a passion for pizza. Support local and experience hand-tossed pizzas, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, pastas, house made desserts and more!
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am on Tuesday-Sunday.
House of China | 405 W. Tomichi Ave | (970)-641-0667
Family-owned establishment that has been serving the surrounding communities Chinese-style dishes since 1991.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 12pm on Tuesday-Sunday.
Jermaine’s | 728 N Main St | (970) 641-9876
Jermaine’s is a cafe offering breakfast sandwiches, paninis, wraps, frozen yogurt, shakes, smoothies, coffee and other baked treats.
Open for breakfast and lunch starting at 8am Monday-Saturday and starting at 12pm on Sundays.
Mario’s Pizza & Pasta | 213 W. Tomichi Ave | (970) 641-1374
Serving high-quality, fresh-to-order pizza, pasta, salads, sandwiches, and more for over 50 years!
Open for lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday starting at 11am.
Mocha’s Coffeehouse & Bakery | 710 N. Main St | (970) 641-2006
Fresh baked bagels, house-made cream cheeses, Boar’s Head meats and cheeses, Breyer’s all natural ice cream, real fruit smoothies, homemade breakfast burritos, and made to order breakfast and lunch sandwiches and wraps. Mochas also has MANY dairy-free and gluten-free options.
Open daily from 6am-8pm.
Ol Miner Steakhouse | 139 N. Main St| (970) 641-5153
Family-owned and operated featuring a casual family dining experience in an upbeat, western atmosphere, serving steaks, seafood, sandwiches, burgers and more.
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner starting at 11am daily.
Palisades | 820 N. Main St | (970) 641-9223
The owner, Scott Frazier, invites you to enjoy a wide selection of American cuisine in the wonderful atmosphere of the west.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11:45am daily.
Pie-zans Pizzeria | 800 W Tomichi Ave | (970) 641-5255
Pie-zan’s is a family owned, sit down and delivery pizza restaurant with a casual atmosphere featuring pizza, pasta, salads, sandwiches and more.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am Thursday-Monday.
Pitas In Paradise | 730 N Main St | (970) 707-4030
A wide array of traditional cuisine such as Greek, Mediterranean, Pita and much more. Gluten free, vegetarian and vegan options.
Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11:30am daily.
Powerstop Bar & Grill | 905 N Main St | (970) 641-2328
Founded by brothers Sean and Deven Bennett in 2009, Powerstop is a unique mix of gas station, convenience store, restaurant, bar, music venue, coffee shop and arcade. They have a little something for everyone!
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner starting at 6am daily.
Sherpa Cafe | 323 E Tomichi Ave | (970) 641-7480
Authentic Nepalese, Tibetan and Indian food with fresh ingredients. Open for lunch and dinner starting at 12pm daily.
Tributary Coffee Roasters | 120 N Main St | (970) 641-2408
Tributary Coffee Roasters is a customer-focused, service-driven roaster, coffee bar, and café in Gunnison, Colorado. They offer house-roasted coffee, pastries, sandwiches and other treats!
Open for breakfast and lunch from 7am-4pm daily.
Twisted Fork | 206 N. Main St | (970) 641-1488
Specializing in Asian fusion dining and local organic ingredients, enjoy this relaxed eatery serving a global menu that includes Thai noodles, burgers & chicken tikka masala.
Open for dinner starting at 5pm Wednesday-Sunday.
W Cafe | 114 N. Main St | (970) 641-1744
The W Cafe is the place the locals hang out for breakfast and lunch. Come here for classic American comfort food in a low-key storefront diner with booth seating.
Open for breakfast and lunch from 7am-2pm daily
Transportation And Getting Here
Travel by Car | No matter where you’re coming from, traveling to Gunnison County and Crested Butte by car is a scenic and easy way to go. We have no doubt that you’ll be tempted to stop and take photos along the way: the views are breathtaking. Drive time from Denver is 4 hours, and just under 4 hours from Colorado Springs. For Colorado Road Reports, please call (303) 639-1111
Travel By Air | The easiest way to get to Crested Butte is via Gunnison/Crested Butte Airport (GUC), located just 30 minutes from Crested Butte. The airport is serviced by both American Airlines and United Airlines.
Airport Shuttle Services | Take advantage of one of the great shuttle services offered in the valley, including Alpine Express, Dolly’s Mountain Shuttle and Crested Butte Limo. There is hardly a reason to rent a car when the shuttle ride is a short and scenic 30 minutes to Crested Butte. Not to mention the convenience of Crested Butte’s local and free bus system, the Mountain Express. Crested Butte’s transportation network renders a hassle-free vacation.
Adventure Park & Zip-line | Crested Butte Mountain Resort has developed a kid friendly Adventure Park that creates a welcoming alternative to skiing. The family can enjoy mini golf, bungee trampolines, a climbing wall, tubing hill and a zip-line. The Adventure Park is conveniently located at the base of the ski area, next to the Treasury Building and the Red Lady lift.
Arts | Historic downtown is filled with galleries, art walks and events, which celebrate the talent of both local and regional artists. Catch A World-Class Live Performance at the Crested Butte Center for the Arts bringing talented musicians, performances, and arts to Crested Butte all winter long. They offer programing in Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Literary Arts, and Culinary Arts. Their brand new, state of the art facility and concert hall has all the amenities to take art in Crested Butte to the next level. Classes and workshops occur on a regular basis
Backcountry Ski & Mountaineering | A growing number of adventure athletes have taken to the backcountry for fresh snow, tranquility, and exploration. Whether you are experienced in avalanche terrain or new to backcountry travel, there are plenty of options in Crested Butte to get your powder turns in …especially in the spring.
Crested Butte Avalanche Center | If you intend on going out in the Crested Butte backcountry be sure to check in with the Crested Butte Avalanche Center web-page first. This local resource is filled by professionals who study snow conditions on local mountains. It’ll give you a greater understanding of what to expect in our backyard. They release daily updates and forecasts every morning, as snow conditions can change in a heartbeat.
Guided Tours | Adventure seekers only: For the few who want to experience first tracks from over 12,000 feet, there are many places to choose from and guides to get you there. Climb local 12k & 13k peaks along with some 14ers in the Elk Mountain Range and enjoy sweet rides down. Irwin Guides offers many trips to fit your skill level. Guided ski trips extend from Crested Butte all the way to Monarch Pass featuring short day trips to overnight hut trips. Experienced guides will take you to the goods to enjoy safe, yet powdery conditions through glades, open powder fields and even above tree line. Split boards or backcountry ski rentals are available. You will need to bring your own avalanche safety tools. Price depends on client guide ratio: For one person it’s $345, and 2 or more costs $195 per person. If you are interested in learning more or just need to brush up your avalanche safety, they also offers a variety of AIARE courses.
Mountaineering | Mountaineering is one of the most rewarding activities you can do, using your technical rock and snow skills, route finding, and outdoor savvy to summit a peak! Crested Butte Mountain Guides will help you bag that 14er, or some famed local summits. These all inclusive ski and non-ski climbing trips are available during the winter and spring.
Dogsled In The Colorado Backcountry | There isn’t much more of a wilderness experience than being pulled by a team of dogs through the snow filled Rocky Mountains. Gunnison County has miles of unmaintained winter roads that are perfect for dog sledding. Consider taking a rest day off from skiing to explore the mountains from the comfort of a sled pulled by a team of rambunctious, fiercely beautiful sled dogs. Our local sled dog outfitters will say there is no age limit on who can go dog sledding, but leave it up to parents’ discretion.
Fatbiking | In the past few years, fat-tire bicycles have taken the snow-sports world by storm. These special bikes have extra-wide, low-pressure tires, allowing the rider to float over snow and ice. Although fat biking is a relatively new sport in the outdoor industry, it hasn’t taken long for those of us in Gunnison and Crested Butte to pick it up. You might say it’s in our blood to ride bikes, and if we can find a way to ride year-round, you bet we’re going to do it. Every January, Crested Butte hosts Fat Bike Worlds. It’s a heck of a party with a little fat bike racing thrown in the mix.
Ice Skate & Hockey | Ice skating is one of those fun and festive winter-time activities that you can really enjoy in Crested Butte. There are a few options in the area to get your fix with outdoor rinks. And if you’re an ice hockey fan, be sure to check out the town league for regularly scheduled games.
Music | Winters in Crested Butte are cold and snowy, which gives you the perfect excuse to get down to some warm and groovy tunes. Music venues and events will serve up a variety of musical performers showcasing rock, jazz, blues, funk, bluegrass, swing, and more!
Nordic & Cross Country Ski | Crested Butte may be known for its steep and extreme terrain on the mountain, but if you are looking for a nordic/cross country experience the Nordic Ski Capital of Colorado is at your doorstep. Between the beautiful groomed tracks and valley drainages, there are no shortage of landscapes for you to explore.
Skiing & Snowboarding | If you enjoy waiting in endless lift lines, sitting in traffic for a few hours, and views of bright red tail lights on I-70, better head elsewhere. If not, you’re going to love our mountain. Crested Butte receives an average of 300 inches of snow per year, mostly in the form of champagne powder. There is terrain for every skill level to enjoy along with unparalleled inbound extreme terrain for the advanced skiers.
Snowmobiling Adventures | With many roads and passes closed for the winter, snowmobiling represents a fast and fun way to get into the backcountry. There’s an extensive trail system along with local rental companies providing both guided and unguided rentals. Guided tours start at $89 per person and range from a few hours to all day with meals provided.
Snowshoeing | For those who love hiking, snowshoeing is your winter counterpart. From groomed trails to pristine backcountry wilderness, snowshoeing gives you all-access exploration of surrounding areas in Crested Butte. If you choose to use the Crested Butte Nordic Center groomed track or need rental equipment, be sure to purchase a day pass or reserve snowshoes in advance on their website.
Regarding Lift Tickets and Ski School | I would highly recommend to purchase a ski pass if you have not done so far. Please make sure you have a look at in order to make your reservations in time to avoid missing-out a day or waiting. The Ski School phone number is 970-251-7023. *Please check the website at for most up-to-date seasonal information on lift tickets and ski school.*
The entire Gunnison Valley is full of fantastic outdoor gear shops. Many of them feature both biking and skiing equipment and make the swap seasonally like most residents. Regardless of their focus, you can expect to find knowledgeable, friendly locals working at shops throughout the valley who are stoked to get you fitted with the right gear for an outstanding experience. From beginner gear to the high-end performance demos, most shops provide equipment for visitors of all skill levels. If you ski at home and are visiting to experience the different terrain and snow, we recommend packing your boots and helmet and renting some powder skis when you’re here. A few of our shops also offer rental backcountry gear. If you’re looking to explore the Crested Butte backcountry, you can get all the equipment you need at a few shops. Just be sure to study up on the avalanche report and make informed choices about where you go.
• The Alpineer (970) 349-5210
• Handlebar Bike & Board (970) 251-9169
• Epic Mountain Rentals (970) 754-0033
• CB Mountain Outfitters (970) 349-4254
• ROMP Skis LLC (970) 349-5353
• Black Tie Ski Rentals (970) 349-0722
• Crested Butte Sports (970) 349-7516
• All Sports Replay (970) 641-1893
• Gene Taylor’s Sporting Goods (970) 641-1845
• Monarch Mountain (719) 530-5000
• Flatiron Sports (970) 349-6656
• Christy Sports (970) 349-6601
• Three Rivers Resort (970) 641-1303
• Butte & Co. Ski & Snowboard Rentals (800) 742-7547
Regarding Backcountry Ski & Mountaineering
• Irwin Guides (970) 349-5430
• Crested Butte Avalanche Center (970) 349-4022
Regarding Dogsledding
• Lucky Cat Dog Farm (970) 641-1636
• Cosmic Cruisers (970) 641-0529
Regarding Fatbiking
• The Alpineer (970) 349-5210
• Handlebar Bike & Board (970) 251-9169
• Epic Mountain Rentals (970) 754-0033
• Indigo Custom Bicycles (970) 251-5316
• Crested Butte Sports (970) 349-7516
• Goodday Bikeworks (970) 641-6565
• All Sports Replay (970) 641-1893
•Tomichi Cycles (970) 641-9069
• Double Shot Cyclery (970) 642-5411
• Rock ‘n’ Roll Sports (970) 641-9150
• Big Al’s Bicycle Heaven (970) 349-0515
Regarding Ice Skating, Nordic Skiing & Snowshoeing
• For rentals: Crested Butte Nordic Center (970) 349-1707
• Big Mine Ice Arena (970) 349-0974
• Jorgensen Event Center (Gunnison) (970) 641-8061
Regarding Snowmobiling
• Action Adventures Snowmobiling (970) 348-5909
• Burt Rentals Snowmobile Tours (970) 349-2441
• Colorado Adventure Rentals (970) 641-3525
• CB Motorsports Inc (970) 209-6720
Regarding Grocery Delivery
• Crested Butte Specialty Services (970) 279-1109
• Crested Butte VIP (800) 779-3397
Outdoor Activities
• ATV & Off Roading
• Biking
• Camping
• Disc Golf
• Fly Fishing
• Golfing
• Hiking
• Horseback riding
• Hunting
• Rafting & Kayaking
• Rock Climbing
• Stand-up Paddleboard
• Tennis
• Trail Running
Family Activities
• Adaptive Sports Center
• Adventure Park
• Kid’s Summer Program
• Trailhead Children’s Museum
• Zip Line
• Library
• Long Lake
• Lake Irwin
• Town Parks
• Town Rec Path
• Story Time Hiking
Music & Art
• Center for the Arts (performances throughout the season)
• Crested Butte Arts Festival
• Crested Butte Film Festival
• Crested Butte Music Festival
• Crested Butte Wildflower Festival
• Art Walks
• Art Galleries
• Alpenglow Free Monday Concerts
• Mt. Crested Butte Summer Concert Series
Beaver Creek
Castle Pines Village
Castle Rock
Cherry Creek
Colorado Springs
Crested Butte
Denver Tech Center
Downtown Denver
Telluride / Mountain Village
Winter Park