CONCLUSION The values of Dover Street such as storytelling, curation, decommercialization and producing the unexpected are values that aligned with those of both Chanel and Generation Z. Dover Street is best known for its experience, its flourishing nature as a brick and mortar store explains the importance that ‘emotional branding is related to consumer experience. No longer are consumers focusing on product specifics; they seek experiences from brands. In experiencing a brand, whether it is a product, service, or a retail store, consumers do not just look for quality or low prices; they want to gain emotional rewards from enticing store atmosphere, superb customer service, and entertaining experiences.’ (Youn-Kyung, 2019) It is the values of Dover Street Market and its philosophy of experience and brand support that is well placed within my campaign. Therefore, I concluded a collaboration between Chanel and Dover Street Market would inform my campaign for my FMP. My campaign will maintain the conclusions of my 360 campaign fixing the gap between Chanel and a new consumer creating a new emotional connection between both parties and creating a new experience for consumers, however I will now be using Dover Street Market to facilitate this renewed relationship. I feel this is the best outcome, due to my further research into the future of the metaverse, it became clear that this was not the right path for my campaign as it did not resonate fully with Gen Z nor was it a stable or long lasting proposition for a brand such as Chanel. This campaign will now create a new connection and experience in a new way other than via digital means. My campaign will maintain my personal brand values determined from brand me, as it looks to solve an oxymoron within the industry of bringing traditional luxury brands into untraditional landscapes in a unique, forward thinking and open minded way.