1. FRAMING DATE: 09/06/22 CLASS: PLAN7007 – Plan Workshop, Climate Studio Project Group: Anna Mueller, Scarlet Andrzejczak, Lizzy Geraghty
2 WHERE IS CLIMATE CHANGE HAPPENING MOST? Problem Statement: One of Cincinnati’s most immediate climate-driven in-migration concerns is where people will center their daily lives as new development threatens limited natural resources. Green infrastructure offers an opportunity for adaptation. Preciptation, January 2020-August 2021 Drought Residence Time, January 2020-August 2021 Southwestern US Drought Area 2000-August 2020 Temperature, January 2020-August 2021 National Integrated Drought Information System MAINTAINADAPT BALANCE WHAT CAN BE DONE? ATTRACT CONNECT
3 One of Cincinnati’s most immediate climate-driven in-migration concerns is where people will center their daily lives as new development threatens limited natural resources. Green infrastructure offers an opportunity for adaptation. NextStudiesCaseSteps Inventory Data and Literature Analyze Research QuestionsFeedback& ConservationFlooding MAINTAINADAPT In-MigrationBALANCEDroughtStatementObjectivesContextProblem5why’s Land SlidesATTRACT DevelopmentNewCONNECT 4. Create comprehensive local sustainability guidelines for ConservationNortherndevelopersVirginiaCorridorPlan 5. Expand equitable green space PhiladelphiaGreenPlanaccess 6. Conserve land for greenspaces and InfrastructureNYCinfrastructuregreenGreenPlan Pollution Heat Islands 1. Improve protectionenvironmentalinfrastructure 2. Stimulategrowtheconomic 3. Connect network of existing greenspacesHOWWHYWHATNEXTTHE PROCESS 4213
Worldwide temperatures are rising, especially in urban areas. As more people are displaced due to severe climate events such as wildfires, drought, flooding, and rising sea levels, midwestern cities will need to prepare and adapt in order to maintain the current level of services for a growing population. Specifically, unprecedented weather incidents are causing extreme population shifts, especially to inland cities far from coastal regions as human settlements along the perimeter of the country become no longer safe to occupy. As people leave climate vulnerable areas in mass numbers and relocate to stable parts of the United States, care must be taken to ensure that new environmental disasters are not created as society seeks to adapt to an everchanging landscape. WHAT IS CAUSING IN-MIGRATION?
-From Baycan, 2012 “Functionally, urban green spaces absorb CO2, release O3, decrease the temperature, reduce urban heat island effects, enhance air quality and humidity, conserve soil and water, minimize noise pollution, cut down winds speed, and save soil from contaminations and erosion.”
4 Framing the Problem
Source: Data Snapshots; Climate.Gov, 2022
Source: Inside Climate News, 2018 US Coastal Flood Risk Standout Research Connection Mapping flooding droughtwildfires
-From Propublica.org, 2022 “Human life exists on the earth due to its suitable natural environment and other living things. These living things are a source of fresh air and water, fruit, woods, animals, and minerals to fulfill daily life needs.”
“Hauer (Florida State University) projects that 13 million Americans will be forced to move away from submerged coastlines.”
-From Lou, 2017
Adapt - Adapt to climate change Maintain - Maintain quality of life as potential influx of people come - Balance economic equilibrium with equitable practices - Make Cincinnati attractive place live - Connect and make greenspaces
Personal Approach ExerciseIntent Behind the Project 100 SHORT TERM MID TERM LONG TERM 020406080
As the pillars of this project, the 5 Why’s have been assigned values for short, mid, and long-term time periods where assessments of greenspace and green infrastructure interventions will be needed. The intention of the “5 why’s” is to establish pillars for focusing on the most important goals to achieve through the decided objectives that will aim to resolve the problem statement. Source: Adobe Stock, 2022
3 Photos Above
Stable weather conditions Access to freshwater Affordability
FIVE WHY’S Choose Cincinnati?
What Is Happening? As more people are displaced due to severe climate events such as wildfires, drought, flooding, and rising sea levels, midwestern cities will need to prepare and adapt in order to maintain the current level of services for a growing population. Cincinnati is likely to become a climate haven because of its geographical location with access to fresh water, stable weather conditions, and financial affordability. The Cincinnati Business Courier notes that the Business Journals of regional affordability data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, ranks Cincinnati number twenty-three in overall affordability among the nation’s 100 largest metro(politan) cities. Cincinnati has an overall affordability index of 90.6, making it 10% more affordable than the national U.S. average (Airy, 2021). Though this does not account for post covid and inflation price changes, in Cincinnati, the average rent for a unit with fewer than two bedrooms is $612, which out of the 100 largest US cities is the fifth-lowest figure (Cieslewicz, 2021). Its Ohio counterparts Cleveland and Columbus sit respectively at numbers 25 and 20. Though heavy rain and landslides are expected to increase with Climate change, Cincinnati has relatively consistent weather patterns.
In order for Cincinnati to properly prepare for a significant number of climate migrants, Cincinnati must adapt to life with a growing population as well as its own climate threats.
Six Objectives
Objectives & Why’s Connection Exercise Looking Ahead: Case Studies Northern Virginia Conservation Corridor Planning GreenPlan Philadelphia New York City InfrastructureGreenPlan213FIVE WHY’S 3 Photos Above Source: Adobe Stock, 2022 Conserve Land for Greenspace and InfrastructureGreen EconomicStimulateGrowthConnect Network of Existing Greenspaces Improve ProtectionEnvironmentalInfrastructureComprehensive Local Sustainability Guidelines Expand GreenspaceExquitableAccess SIX OBJECTIVES
The case studies that were selected highlight green infrastructure and greenspace initiatives at local, regional, and national levels. The Northern Virginia plan was chosen because it focuses on conserving northern Virginia’s valuable natural resources and amenities as the area’s in-migration population grows. The interventions protect Northern Virginia’s assets while also creating attractive destinations for residents. The NYC plan was used as a reference due to its mixture of impactful policies, fiscal analyses, and guidelines for plan implementation and management. Public engagement, a crucial component of this plan, assisted in the city’s ability to leverage support from key stakeholders. Philadelphia’s GreenPlan was also evaluated to gain knowledge from its comprehensive benefits matrix, driven goals, and strategies. Overall, these case studies offer insights into idea development for design, policy, financial, and community involvement elements of successful greenspace and green infrastructure initiatives.
7 Key Points: • Comprehensive approach at evaluating different biomes • Connects people and landscapes • Links green infrastructure throughout the region • Resource conservation for population growth Takeaways: • Proactive response makes region more attractive • Evaluate ecologically important areas and connections • Engage people in the natural environment • Connect people to greenspaces throughout region Northern Virginia Conservation Corridor Planning (Regional Commission) Overview • Location: Northern Virginia • Scale: Regional • Population: ~ 2.5 million people • Timeframe: 2012-indefinitely • Goal: Conserving and enhancing the region’s green infrastructure while continuing to support a growing population Thematic Indicators Two photos above, from plan itself 2 Photos Above Source: Adobe Stock, 2022 “Urban resilience has been defined as the “ability of an urban system and—all its constituent socio-ecological and socio-technical networks across temporal and spatial scales—to maintain or rapidly return to desired functions in the face of a disturbance, to adapt to change, and to quickly transform systems that limit current or future adaptive capacity.” - Meerow, 2016
8 Key Points: • Greens and connects existing spaces to form a green system • Prioritizes infrastructure, like bicycle paths • Establishes 30% tree cover metric • ½ mile distance to major trail per resident “Increasing the number and quality of green spaces has the potential to mitigate short-lived climate pollutants that produce a strong global warming effect and contribute significantly to more than 7 million premature air-pollution related deaths annually.” - Geneva, 2015 Takeaways: • Carries out at the city-level • Focuses on green infrastructure to balance human and ecological needs • Lists benefits derived from natural spaces and connects to societal value • Assesses the overall health of the environment GreenPlan Philadelphia Overview • Location: Philadelphia, PA • Scale: City • Population: ~ 1.5 million people (2010) • Timeframe: ~2009-2035 • Goal: Complete ambitious green objectives by 2035 All photos from plan itself Thematic Indicators
9 Key Points: • Improves infrastructure to reduce stormwater runoff into waterways • Outlines costs and keeps plan fiscally feasible • Outlines for green infrastructure implementation into existing spaces • Guidance for enacting & managing plan Takeaways: • Uses tax incentives for greening homes/ businesses to stimulate the economy • Discusses community engagement of key stakeholders • Connects and greens existing NYC systems • Policy is power New York City Green Infrastructure Plan Overview • Location: New York City, NY • Scale: City • Population: ~ 8.2 million people (2010) • Timeframe: 20 year plan (20102030 approx.) • Goal: Focuses on green infrastructure for clean waterways in a dense city with a population that has grown to become very large over time above photos from plan itself, photos below adobe stock, 2022 “Urban greens[paces] improves human life actively by mitigating the urban heat island densely populated areas. The significance of urban green spaces has been analysed for better human life through leisure activities, social interaction, noise reduction, and removal of air pollution.” - Wolch, 2014 Thematic Indicators
Questions? Feedback all photos on this page from adobe stock
10 Regular Title4 Takeaways & Citations Engage the community with planning proccess Implementation of green infrastructure at different scales Provide policy that ties initiatives to physical implementation Create destinations for residents and visitors Prioritize objectives at the short-term and long-term Consider financial feasibility and innovative funding sources 21 43 65 Main Citations: Northern Virginia Regional Commission. (2012). Conservation Corridor Planning. PLANhttps://www.novaregion.org/1102/Conservation-Corridors-ProjectNYC,&NewYorkCityEnvironmentalProtection.(2010).NYC Green Infrastructure Plan: A Sustainable Strategy for Clean Waterways. https://www1. WRTnyc.gov/site/dep/water/green-infrastructure.pagePlanning,&StuartWeitzmanSchoolofDesign
Map: Projected sea level rise would affect millions in U.S. Inside Climate News. Retrieved September 6, 2022, from 0568-5andmicrometeorological(2017).Lou,landurbplan.2014.01.017LandscapeandWolch,cities:Baycan,gov/33686321/ecology.toPamukcu-Albers,economic-outlook.html2022,Cincinnaticaused-warmingnews/new-noaa-report-exceptional-southwest-drought-exacerbated-human-Drought.gov.ExceptionalNationalmillions-us/insideclimatenews.org/infographics/map-projected-sea-level-rise-would-affect-https://IntegratedDroughtInformationSystem.(2021).NewNOAAreport:Southwestdroughtexacerbatedbyhuman-causedwarming.RetrievedSeptember6,2022,fromhttps://www.drought.gov/BusinessCourier.(2022).Bizjournals.com.RetrievedSeptember6,fromhttps://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2022/01/21/2022-P.,Ugolini,F.,&LaRosa,D.(2021).BuildingGreenInfrastructureenhanceurbanresiliencetoclimatechangeandpandemics.LandscapeRetrievedSeptember6,2022,fromhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.T.,Girard,L.F.,&Nijkamp,P.(2012).Chapter1:CreativeandsustainableAnewperspective.InSustainablecityandcreativity.Ashgate:Surrey,UK.J.R.,Byrne,J.,&Newell,J.P.(2014).Urbangreenspace,publichealth,environmentaljustice:Thechallengeofmakingcities‘justgreenenough.’andUrbanPlanning,125,234–244.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.H.,Yang,S.,Zhao,C.,Wang,Z.,Liu,X.,Shi,L.,Wu,L.,Hao,F.,&Cai,M.Combiningmulti-sourcedatatoexploreamechanismfortheeffectsofelementsonnutrientvariationsinpaddylandwater.PaddyWaterEnvironment,15(3),513–524.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-016-
University of Pennsylvania. (2011). Planning + Design: Greenplan Philadelphia. WRT. https://www.wrtdesign. Insidecom/work/greenplan-philadelphia.ClimateNews.(2018,June18).