Daniyyel unsealed

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Dâ´niyyË´’l Unsealed

‫דָּ נִיּ ֵאל‬ (Chapters 7-12) Chapter 7 The four apostate kingdoms arise over the Land1 1. In the year one of Bël’shatsTsár, King of Bâvél, Dâ´niyyË´’l viewed a dream and visions of his mind upon his bed, and then he wrote the dream down, telling the substance of the matter. 2. Dâ´niyyË´’l spoke and said, “I was gazing in my vision at the night, and look! The four winds of the heavens2 were churning up the Great Sea [Mediterranean]. The vision concerns physical and spiritual apostate kingdoms which conquered the earth (believers) and all which persist spiritually today, uprooting us from Yâhuwshúa`, taking us captive, making us hypocrites, profaning the living temple, censoring His name, and exalting themselves as being our leaders. See the comments and interpretations that follow. 2 Analyzing each appearance of “the four winds of the heavens” in all inspired scriptures, it is apparent that these are the powers of the air, which mislead and deviate humanity, especially Christianity as seen later in 11:4. 1


Dâ´niyyË´’l Unsealed

3. And four great beasts were coming up from the sea3, each being different from one another. 4. The first [that came up] was like a lion and it had the wings of an eagle, I was watching until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground and it was stood upon legs like a man, and to it was given the heart of a man. [Kingdom of Bâvél4, Tâ’ówm 7] 5. And look! Another beast, a second, resembling a bear, [came up,] and it was lifted up onto one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth, and ones [four winds] were saying to it thus: Disclosure 17:15 clarifies that waters are heathen masses, peoples, throngs, and languages. 4 Bâvél ("Babylon") means CONFUSION and its first king Nimrod who founded it was the first postdiluvian ruler to reintroduce image worship and polytheism to what was a world of one speech and one faith in Yâ-hwéh. That was when this lion's Eagle wings were ripped off. Yet, when its mistaken identity method of confusion devoured and incorporated Christianity (see Glad Tidings of Tâ’ówm 7), this beast was made to stand on its hind legs like a man, and have the heart of a man, though it remains, controlling and misleading its subjects through mesmerizing lies. The mouth of the first beast in Disclosure 13 is as a lion's mouth. 3


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“Get up! Devour much flesh!” [Kingdom of Pâráç5] 6. Thereafter, I was gazing, and look! Another one like a leopard [came up], and on it were four wings of a fowl, on its back, and the beast had four heads, and sovereignty was granted to it. [Kingdom of Yâwâ´n6] 7. Thereafter, I was gazing in the visions of the night, and look! A fourth beast Pâráç (Pârásh in `Ivríyth) is political “Persia”, meaning “splendid, pure”. Its fourth spiritual kingdom (Dâ´niyyË´’l 10:20,11:2) continued in the Phrushíym (“Pharisees”), which derives from Pârásh. Today's “Yehuwthím” openly claim to be the continuation of the Phrushíym. We remember from Yâhuwshúa` that these Phrushíym's leaven was hypocrisy (fakery), pretending to be splendid on the OUTSIDE; they violate Yâ-hwéh's commands with their manmade rules, straining out the gnat to swallow the camel; and denying the Key of Acknowledgement (the Key of Dawíth) to those who want to enter the Kingdom, while not using it themselves. This sleepy bear seen in Dâ´niyyË´’l 7 kills by depriving us of the Seed of Life, but doesn't finish devouring what it kills (three ribs still in its mouth) to make proselytes. The first beast in Disclosure 13 had feet as of a bear. This means it has the walk of the Phrushíym ("Pharisees"), and its power to harm and methods. 6 Yâwâ´n (wine in English) The Hellenist ("Greek") kingdom's first king was Aléxandros the Great, who believed any name for the gods is OK. Thus he is seen also as a shaggy billy-goat (they eat ANYTHING), that violently breaks the power of the Phrushíym kingdom before them (they certainly have). Seen as a fast spotted leopard in Dâ´niyyË´’l 7, Hellenism lives today in any-name-goes Christianity, further evidenced by their fast talk and spotted conscience and Greek-filled mysterious religious lingo. The first beast in Disclosure 13 resembles a leopard. 5


Dâ´niyyË´’l Unsealed

that was terrifying and frightening and extremely powerful [came up], and it had large teeth of iron, which devoured or crushed, and trampled whatever was left under its feet, and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. [Kingdom of Rowmâ´h (or Rowm)7] 8. I was pondering about the horns, and look! Another little horn, it came up among them and three from the first horns were uprooted from before it, and look! There were eyes, like the eyes of a man in this horn, and a mouth speaking domineering things! [Vaticanus8] Rome (Rowm – Strong’s 7315) or Roma (Rowmâ´h – Strong’s 7317) relates to `Ivríyth terms used in Strong’s 7311-7317, which mean haughty, lofty, raising itself high, elevate or mount up, breed worms, proudly, elation. This kingdom tried to devour, crush, then trample Zion under paganism. Its spiritual attack was total warfare in every aspect of our beliefs, even before Vatican Roman Catholicism (the little horn). 8 Centered in Rome, Vaticanus means “Habitation of the dogs”, as it was an ancient swampy shallow Etruscan burial ground where dogs went to dig up bones. This little kingdom conquered three non-Trinitarian kingdoms which arose in the area where Rome was, the Visigoths, the Ostrogoths, and the Lombards. Being essentially a religious 7


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9. I was gazing until there were thrones set in place [Disclosure 4: 4], and the Ancient One of days, He took seat, His clothing is as white as snow, and the hair of His head is white as wool; His throne is flames of fire, His wheels are blazing fire. 10. A river of fire was flowing and issuing from before Him, millions attended Him, and hundred millions stood before Him. The court was seated [Disclosure 4-5] and the scrolls were opened. [Seven seals opened – Disclosure 6-7] 11. I was still gazing due to the sound of the domineering words that the horn was speaking, I was gazing until the beast was slain, and its body was kingdom without land, they ride secular kingdoms in alliances called “Holy Roman Empires”, as seen in Disclosure where the whore rides the beast. 5

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destroyed, and it was thrown into the blaze of the fire. [6th Seal] 12. And the other beasts, they stripped them of their authority, but their lifetime was allowed for a season and year [until Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Phâ´çech 6001]. 13. I was gazing in the visions of the night, and look! With the clouds of the heavens, was coming One like a son of ’Âthâ´m, and He approached towards the Ancient of Days, and He was led before Him. 14. And to Him was given sovereignty and honor and kingship, and all of the peoples, tribes, and languages, they worshipped Him: His sovereignty is a perpetual sovereignty that shall not pass away, and His Kingdom is one that 6

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never shall be destroyed. [Starting at the 6th Seal] 15. My spirit was troubled, I Dâ´niyyË´’l, inside my body, and the visions of my mind disturbed me: 16. I approached one from the ones standing, and I asked from him the true meaning concerning all of this, so he spoke to me and he gave me an interpretation of the things, 17. That these four great beasts are four kingdoms that will arise from the earth9: 18. But the pure ones of the Most High Ones will receive the kingdom, and they will possess the kingdom forever, even for the age of ages. Although these kingdoms arose carnally out of the sea of heathen masses, all these are now spiritual kingdoms: Confusion, Phrushíym (Self-righteousness), Hellenism (Ignorance), and Haughtiness, that originated among believers (the earth). All these physical kingdoms also are seen to have come onto the Land, specifically upon the sand of the sea, Christianity (as per Disclosure 13). 9


Dâ´niyyË´’l Unsealed

19. Then I wanted to know the true meaning about the fourth beast that was different from all of them, its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze being most terrifying, devouring, crushing, and trampling under its feet whatever was left. 20. And about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other one that came up and before which three fell, even the horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking domineering things; and it looked greater than the others: 21. I was gazing and this horn was waging war with the pure ones and prevailing against them, 22. Until the Ancient One of the days came, and the judgment was pronounced for the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and the season came when the 8

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pure ones possessed the Kingdom. [Yowm Kippurím 5997] 23. He explained this: the fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will come to exist on the earth that will be different from all of the kingdoms, and it will devour the whole earth10 and it will trample it and it will crush it. 24. And its kingdom’s ten horns are ten kings that will come, but another one shall arise behind them, and it shall be different from the earlier ones, and it shall subdue three kings. 25. And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to change set times and Law, and they shall be granted into its The eighth “Holy Roman Empire” will succeed at conquering the world, but the spiritual meaning is that it has devoured all of Yisrâ’Ë´l, and the Virgin of Yisrâ’Ë´l would have to be rebuilt. 10


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hand for a time and times and half of a time. [Disclosure 13: 5] 26. But the legal decision shall remain, and they will depose its power, completely destroying it forever. 27. Then the kingdom and the sovereignty and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heavens will be granted to the people of the pure ones of the Most High Ones: His kingdom is a perpetual kingdom, and all of the sovereigns will worship Him and they will obey Him. 28. Unto here is the end of the matter, I Dâ´niyyË´’l, my thoughts were deeply troubled, and my attitude was altered, but I kept the matter within myself.” Chapter 8 Vision of the rise of the Kingdom of Hellenism 10

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1. In the year three of the reign of Bël’shatsTsár the king, a vision appeared to me, I Dâ´niyyË´’l, after the one which appeared at first to me. 2. And I looked in the vision, and I saw in the vision that I was beside the Canal of the ’Uwlâ´y: 3. And I lifted my eyes and I looked, and here is a single ram standing before the canal, and he had two horns, and the two horns were long ones, yet the first one was longer than the other. 4. I watched the ram charging towards the sea, and to the north and to the south, and all of the animals could not stand against him, and there was none who could rescue from his power, so he did as he pleased and he became great. 5. And I was considering it, and look! A male goat of the goats invaded from the 11

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west, over the face of the whole earth, yet there was none who touched the Land [Yâhuwthím spared11], even the male goat with a prominent horn between his eyes: 6. And he invaded towards the ram, the lord of the two horns, that I had seen standing before the canal, and he charged at him in his great rage: 7. And I saw him attacking against the ram, and he was furious at him, and he struck the ram and he shattered his two horns, and there was no power in the ram to stand against him, so he knocked him to the ground and he trampled on him, and there was no one to rescue the ram from his hand. 8. And the male goat of the goats became exceedingly great but while he was Aléxandros did pay high respects to the Yâhuwthím and their high priest, and spared them because Yâ-hwéh showed him to Aléxandros in a dream prior to his invading Asia, and Yâ-hwéh told the high priest to dress the inhabitants in white and himself in his ceremonial dress to meet Aléxandros as he had seen them in his dream. 11


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powerful, the large horn was broken off, and in its place there grew up four prominences towards the four winds of the heavens: 9. And from the first of them he sprouted out another horn [Antiochus Epiphanes12] starting small but it grew greatly towards the Negev and to the east and towards the Beautiful One: 10. And it grew up over the host of the heavens, and it cast down some from the host and from the stars to the earth and it trampled on them: 11. And he [the male goat, the Hellenist king] set himself up to be greater than the Chief of the host, and he took from Him the This passage was completely fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes in Maccabean times, prior to Yâhuwshúa`’s birth. Apparently this one fooled 1/3 of the envoys, taking over the Temple, placing an image of Zeus (the Adversary) in the Separate one of the Pure Places, and offering to him. A classic sting operation against the non-elect envoys by the Accuser prosecuting attorney. 12


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daily offering, and His devoted place was brought down low: 12. And the host was granted with the daily offering because of the rebellion, and it (the rebellion) threw Truth to the ground, and it worked and it prospered: 13. And I heard one pure one speaking, and the first pure one spoke to the other one, saying: “Until when is the vision of the daily offering and the rebellion [apostasy] that causes desolation [YirmYâ´huw 12: 1011], to surrender even the devoted place and the host to be trampled? 14. And he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, then the devoted place will be made righteous.” [Feast of Dedication (Chanukâ´h)] 14

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15. And it was as I, Dâ´niyyË´’l, watched the vision, and I was trying to find understanding, and look! There was standing before me one resembling a valiant man (gâ´ver): 16. And I heard the voice of a human (’âthâ´m) calling from the ’Uwlâ´y [“my Mighties”], and he said: “Gavriy’Ë´l, make this one understand the vision!” 17. And he came near to my position, and as he came I was terrified, and I fell upon my face, and he said to me, “Understand, son of ’Âthâ´m, because the vision is for the time of the end.” 18. And while he spoke with me, I was in a deep sleep, with my face to the ground, and he touched me and he stood me up in my stance: 15

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19. And he said: “Look, I am telling you what will happen in the latter wrath, because it concerns the appointed time for the end: 20. The ram that you saw is the lord of the two horns – the kings of Mâdáy and Phârâ´ç. 21. And the male goat13, the shaggy goat is the king of Yâwâ´n [“wine” Greece], and the large horn that is between his eyes, it is the first king [Aléxandros the Great], 22. And is the one being broken off; and the four growths in its place are four kingdoms from heathen masses that will emerge, but not in his power. But in the latter part of their reign [of Hellenism], when the rebellions become 23.

The imagery of Hellenism identified by a goat may be because goats will eat anything. Hellenism considered all deities though called by different names by different cultures to be the same ones. 13


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complete, a king of stern attitude and a master of intrigue will arise. His strength will become great, but not by his power, and he will cause astonishing devastation, and he will succeed at whatever he does, and he will destroy the mighty men and the people of the pure ones. And by his cunning, he will also cause the Fraud to prosper by his hand and he will consider himself to be superior. And when they feel secure, he will destroy the Many and he will take a stand against the Prince of princes, but it will not be by human power that he will be shattered. [Yshá`Yâhuw 31: 8] Yet the vision of the evenings and the mornings that has been given, it is truth, but you shall seal up the vision because it is concerning distant days.”





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So I, Dâ´niyyË´’l, was exhausted, and I lay ill for days, then I got up and worked in the business of the king. Yet I was appalled by the vision but there was no one who understood it.

Chapter 9 Dâ´niyyË´’l’s intercession for Yruwshâláim 1. In the year one of Dâryâ´wësh, the son of ’Achashwë´rowsh from the seed of Mâthâ´y, who was made the king over the kingdom of the Kasdíym: 2. During the year one of his reigning, I Dâ´niyyË´’l, I understood from the Scriptures the number of years that the Word of Yâ-hwéh had given to YirmYâ´huw the predicator for the desolations of Yruwshâláim to fulfill, seventy years. [YirmYâ´huw 25, 29: 10] 18

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3. So I devoted my face to my Sovereign, the mighty Ones, to request prayer and petitions in fasting and sackcloth and ash. 4. And I prayed to Yâ-hwéh my mighty Ones, and I gave thanks, and I said, “Now, my Sovereign, the Great Power, and the Awesome One keeping the covenant and the kindness to the ones who love Him and the ones who keep His commandments. 5. We sinned and we did wrong, we were wicked and we rebelled, even turning away from Your commandments and from Your laws. 6. And we did not listen to Your servants, the predicators that spoke by Your name to our kings, and our leaders, and our fathers, and to all of the people of the Land: 19

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7. For You, my Sovereign, is the righteousness, but for us is the shame of the faces, like this day, for the man (’Iysh) of Yâhuwthâ´h, and to the inhabitants of Yruwshâláim, and for all of Yisrâ’Ë´l, the near ones and the far ones in all of the countries where You banished them there because of their treachery that they betrayed against You. 8. Yâ-hwéh, for us is the shame of the faces for our kings and for our leaders, and for our fathers, because we sinned against You. 9. For my Sovereign, our mighty Ones, are the compassions and the pardons, because we rebelled against Him. 10. And we did not obey the voice of Yâ-hwéh our mighty Ones to walk in 20

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His Laws that He gave to our faces by the hand of His servants the predicators: 11. And all of Yisrâ’Ë´l, they violated Your Law and turned away in order to not heed Your voice, so You poured out on us the curse (’Âlâ´h) [foreshadow of Yshá`Yâhuw 24: 6] and the sworn judgment that is written in the Law of Moshéh the servant of the mighty Ones, because we sinned against Him. 12. So He set in effect His word that He spoke against us and against our rulers that have ruled us, to bring upon us a great disaster that has not been wrought under the whole heavens like what has been done to Yruwshâláim. 13. Just as is written in the Law of Moshéh, all of this disaster has come upon us, yet we have not sought the face of Yâ-hwéh our mighty Ones, to turn 21

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from our depravity and to consider Your Truth. 14. And Yâ-hwéh watched over the disaster and He brought it upon us, because Yâ-hwéh our mighty Ones is righteous in all of His works that He does, yet we did not heed His voice: 15. And now my Sovereign, our mighty Ones, You Who brought Your people out from the Land of Mitsráyim with a mighty hand, and You made for Yourself a name, as today that we sinned, we have acted wickedly. 16. My Sovereign, like all of Your righteous acts, turn Your anger and Your wrath away now from your city Yruwshâláim and Your people, for the reproach is for all the ones surrounding us. 22

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17. And now, listen, O our mighty Ones, to the prayer of Your servant and to his petitions, and shine Your face upon Your desolate dedicated place for the sake of my Sovereign. 18. Lend Your ear, my mighty Ones, and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city that has called on Your name, for it is not because of our righteousness that we are making our requests before You, it is because of Your great compassions. 19. My Sovereign, hear! My Sovereign, forgive! Listen and act, do not delay for Your sake, my Sovereign, because Your name is being called upon by Your city and by Your people!” Yâ-hwéh’s response through envoy Gavriy’Ë´l 23

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20. And while I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Yisrâ’Ë´l, and making my request before Yâ-hwéh my mighty Ones for the Mount of the Pureness of my mighty Ones, 21. Even while I was speaking during the prayer, then the man Gavriy’Ë´l whom I had seen in the vision at the earlier time, flying in flight was coming to me about at the time of the evening offering: 22. And he instructed me and he spoke to me and he said, “Dâ´niyyË´’l, I have now come to give understanding insight to you: 23. At the beginning of your prayers there came an answer, so I, I came to tell it, because you are a beloved one, 24

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therefore consider the message and understand the vision: 24. ‘Seventy sevens are decreed for your people and for the city of your Pure One to finish the rebellion [“apostasy” in Greek] and to put an end to sin, and to atone for wickedness and to bring in the everlasting rectification and to seal up the vision and prediction and to anoint the Pure One of the pure ones, 25. So you shall know and you shall understand: From the issuing of the decree to restore and to rebuild Yruwshâláim until the Anointed One, the Ruler, are seven sevens and sixtytwo sevens, and it will return and it will be rebuilt, street and trench, even in times of trouble. 25

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26. But after the [seven sevens and (v. 25)] sixty-two sevens, the Anointed One will be covenanted and there will be nothing for Him, and the city and the pure place will be destroyed by the people [Rome] of the ruler who is coming [The image of the Beast], and the end by him is like the Flood, even until the end of the war decreed by the ones being desolated. [Days of Retribution] 27. And he will confirm the [Old] covenant with the Many [Apostate Christians] one seven [YchezqË´’l 45: 17-18, 70th week Calendar], but at the middle of the seven, he will cease the slaughter-offering and grain-offering [YchezqË´’l 46: 13-15], and be on the extreme of abominations, the one causing desolation [YirmYâ´huw 12: 26

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10-11], even until the total annihilation, even one having been decreed [by Yâ-hwéh (6th Seal)] is poured out upon the one being desolated [Christianity].” Chapter 10 Vision of Yâ-hwéh tells of The Great War (North vs. South) In the third year of Koresh the King of Pâraç, a message was given to Dâ´niyyË´’l (that was called by his name Bëlţsha’tsTsár), and the message was truth, and of a great war, and he understood the message, and understanding was his during the vision. During those days, I, Dâ´niyyË´’l, I was in mourning for three weeks of days [21 days]. 1.



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I did not eat choice bread, nor did flesh or wine come into my mouth, and I used no lotions until the three weeks of days were over, even on the twenty fourth day of the first month. And I, I was on the bank of that great river Chiddâ´qel [Tigris], And I lifted my eyes and I looked, and here is a One Man (’Iysh-’Echâ´th), dressed in linens, and His waist wearing a belt in the fine gold of ’Uwphâ´z, And His body is like chrysolite and His face as the appearance of lightning, and His eyes as torches of fire, and His arms and His legs as the look of polished bronze, and the sound of His words is like the sound of a multitude; And I, I Dâ´niyyË´’l alone, saw the vision, and the men that were with me, they did

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not see the vision, but great terror fell on them and they fled to hide themselves. So I, I was left alone, and I gazed at this great vision, and strength was not left in me, and my face turned deathly pale and I retained no strength. And I heard the sound of His words, and as I listened to the sound of His words, so I became unconscious upon my face and my face was to the ground. And look, a hand touched me and set me trembling upon my knees and the palms of my hands, And He said to me, “Dâ´niyyË´’l, man well-beloved, consider carefully the words that I am speaking to you, and stand up on your own two feet, because now I have been sent14 to you”,

This is the Envoy of Yâ-hwéh speaking, the Word of Yâ-hwéh. 29

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And when He said this word to me, I stood up trembling. And He said to me, “Do not be afraid, Dâ´niyyË´’l, because from the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding, and to humble yourself before your mighty Ones, your words have been heard, so I, I came by your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Pâraç, he was opposed to Me twenty-one days [see v. 2], so look, Miykhâ’Ë´l, the First of the chief princes, He has come to help Me, so I, I was delayed there with the Kings of Pâráç. But I have come to explain to you what shall befall your people in the latter days, because the vision is for the days yet to come.” 13.



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And meanwhile as He said these words to me, I set my face towards the ground and I was speechless. And here was One resembling the sons of ’Âthâ´m touching upon my lips, so I opened my mouth, and I spoke and I said to the One standing before me, “My Sovereign, by the Appearance, my distresses overwhelm me, and I do not retain any strength. So how could this servant of my Sovereign, speak this with my Sovereign, as I have no strength remaining in me, and my breath is not left in me?” 17.



So additionally, the One as the likeness of ’Âthâ´m touched me again, and He gave me strength. And He said, 31

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“Do not be afraid, beloved man (’Iysh), peace is for you, be strong, and be strengthened!” And when He spoke it to me, I was strengthened, and I said, “Let my Sovereign speak, because You gave me strength.” And He said, “Do you know what the reason I came to you is? Soon I will return to fight with the chief of Pâráç [pure, splendid Phrushíym15] and when I shall have departed, yet look; the chief of Yâwâ´n [“wine” – Greece (Hellenism)] shall invade. So I will tell you what is written in the Record of the Truth, and there is not 21.

Pâráç (Strong’s #6539) is only different from the root word of Phrushíym, Pârásh (Strong’s #6567), by its last letter. They may be the same word, except that Pâráç comes from a foreign language. The fourth kingdom of these apparently were the “Pharisees” over Yâhuwthâ´h, who got very anti-Hellenistic after the Antiochus Epiphanes events, as expressed in 11:2. 15


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one strengthening Himself with Me against these, as only Miykhâ’Ë´l [He Who is like the Power].” Chapter 11 1. “Though I, in the first year of Dâryâ´wesh the Mâdiy [Mede], stood Myself for his support and protection. 2. Yet now I tell you a certainty, look! Three more kings are to arise for Pâraç [pure, splendor], then the fourth [Phrushíym] shall be richer than all with great [spiritual] riches, and when he gains power, by his wealth he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Yâwâ´n [“wine” (Hellenism ostracized)]: 3. And a heroic King will stand, and He shall rule with great power, and He will work as He pleases [Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed, Yshá`Yâhuw 51: 5]: 33

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4. But as He is to take His position, His kingdom will be split up and it will be divided up to the four winds of the heavens [Spirits ruling Christianity: Disclosure 7: 1] and not to His posterity, and not as His representation [delegation] that He ruled because His Kingdom will be uprooted [Name removed] and belong to others besides these [the authorities - 9: 26, MattithYâ´huw 11: 12, Phílippos 13-17]. 5. And the king of the South [Carthage, Alexandria, Yruwshâláim bishops] will become strong, yet one of His commanders [Roman Bishop] will become stronger than he, and he will rule his dominion with great power. 6. (Yet at the end of the years [endtimes] they will become allies [U.N.] and a daughter of the king of the South 34

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[“Jews”], she will go to the king of the North to make alliances, but she will not retain the power of their armed forces, and it will not last, and she will be given up, she and the ones who went in with her, and the one who caused her to be born [Great Britain], and the one who supported her [USA].) 7. And he [King of the South] will arise from a branch of her roots in his place [Islam born when a Rabbi wrote the Quran], and he will invade against the army [Islamic revolution], and he will invade into the fortress of the king of the North, and he will fight against them and he will prevail. [Islam advances across North Africa to Spain] 8. And he will also carry off their mighty ones with their metal images with their valuable equipment to Mitsráyim, then 35

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he will leave the king of the North alone for years. 9. But he [King of the North] will invade into the realm of the king of the South, and he will get his land back. 10. (Though his sons, they will prepare for war and they will gather multitudes of great soldiers, and he will surely invade and he will flood and pass through and he will return and he will wage war as far as his fortress.) 11. So the king of the South will be enraged, and he will march out and he will wage war against him, against the king of the North, and he will raise up a great multitude [spread of Islam 13001500 AD], and the multitude will be given up into his hand. 12. And he will carry off the multitude, he will be proud in his heart, and he will 36

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slaughter many thousands, yet he will not remain strong. 13. For the king of the North will do it again, and he will muster a great multitude, greater than the first, and at the end of the years, he will surely invade with a huge army and with great equipment. 14. Yet during those times [middle ages], the Many [Apostate Christians] will arise against the king of the South, and the sons of the tyrants of your people [Roman Catholicism], they will crusade to fulfill the vision but they will be overthrown. 15. And the king of the North will invade and he will build a siege ramp [Suez Canal], and he will capture the fortified enemy and the armed forces of the south will not resist, even the best 37

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ones of his people, and there will be no strength to the resistance. 16. And the invader will do to him as he pleases, and there will be no one standing against him, and he will establish himself in the Land of the Beautiful One with the power to annihilate. [“British Palestine”] 17. And he will set his attention to invade with the authority of His entire kingdom, so he will make alliances with him [League of Nations, and later the U.N.], and he will take action, so he will deliver up the daughter of the women [deceived (the “Jews”)] to him [K.O.S.] to overthrow her, but she will not establish and she will not be for him. 18. So he will return his attention to the countries, and he will occupy many ones [pre-WWII British imperialism] but a 38

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dictator will cause his reproach to desist against him, without his own reproach he will turn against him: [Hitler violates armistice and turns against Britain] 19. And he will return his attention to the fortresses of his land, but he will be overthrown and he will fall, and he will disappear: [True body of Hitler not found] 20. And he will establish upon his place a transitional one tyrannizing, an apartment of a dominion, but it will be destroyed in a few days, yet not in angers or not by battle: [East Germany DDR] First Seal 21. And he will set on his place a despised one, and to him they will not grant the honor of kingship, yet he will come peacefully and he will seize the 39

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kingship [of the North] through treacherous smooth-talk.16 [Psalms 35: 617, YirmYâ´huw 23: 12, 2 Këph 2: 3, 11: 34] Second Seal 22. Then the armies of the overwhelmer [China] will be overwhelmed from before him and they will be crushed, and also the ruler of the Brith [GB and USA].18 23. And after uniting with him, he will perpetrate a fraud, and `Âlâ´h (he will ascend) and he will become powerful by a heathen-mass of a few. [The “Jews”] Foreshadowed by Hitler when he seized the Chancellorship of Germany by burning the Reichstag and blaming the communists. 17 Let their way become darkness and treacherous smooth-talk, with the Envoy of Yâhwéh pursuing them. 18 Yshá`Yâhuw 5 and YirmYâ´huw 5 document how China will conquer the US, their plan is named “the Long March”, and it is the purpose of it remaining Communist, the NWO's controlled opposition. Howshë´`á documents how after this Ephráyim asks for assistance from the king of Ashshúwr, and this apparently is how he helps, crushing China and incorporating Britannia into his “Holy Roman Empire”. 16


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24. During peace, even into the rich places of the district he will come and he will achieve what his fathers did not achieve, or the fathers of his fathers – he will distribute plunder and loot and property among them, and he will plot the overthrows of the fortresses [Islam and Christianity], but for the appointed time: 25. And he will stir up his strength and his courage against the king of the South, with a large army, and the king of the South, he will wage war in the war with a large and exceedingly powerful army, but he will not stand, because they devised conspiracies against him. 26. And the ones who eat of his provisions, they will try to destroy him, and his army will be swept away and many will fall slain. 41

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And the two kings’ hearts shall be for doing wickedness, and they will speak lies at the same table, but it will not be profitable, because the end is still for the appointed feast time. 28. And he will return to his land with great wealth but with his heart set against the Covenant of the Pure One. 29. At the appointed feast time [5/17/599719], he will return and he will invade into the South but it will not be like the time before, or like the outcome.20 Days of Retribution Thinking it is 4/17, this will be to them the Seventeenth of Tammuz (Hebrew: ‫שבעה‬ ‫עשר בתמוז‬, Shiv'ah Asar b'Tammuz) a minor “Yehuwthíy” fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Yruwshâláim before the destruction of the Second Temple. The “Yehuwthím” will think this date to be the seventeenth day of the fourth month called “Tammuz” because they will have not correctly identified the true first month of the year due to their unscriptural barley tradition. This day marks their beginning of the threeweek mourning period leading up to Tisha B'Av, mourning which we do see happening in YchezqË´’l 8:14. 20 Interpretation: This will not be a military incursion, but be most likely a religious usurpation into Islam. 19


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30. For the ships of Kittíym21 will come against him [Yshá`Yâhuw 31: 2], and he will despair, and he will retreat and he will denounce against the Covenant of the Pure One: [YirmYâ´huw 50: 43] Great Persecution (Fourth Seal) 31. But armed forces from him will rise up and they will profane the temple of the fortress22, and they will abolish the continual offerings, and they will grant the detestable worshipped image to cause horror. 32. And he will defile the ones who violate the covenant [Those who worship this beast and accept his mark23] with fine The Scroll of Yâshâ´r 10: 16 documents that these are who originally settled Rome. Christianity is the fortress, and their temple will be in Yruwshâláim. The Pure Place is where the Lie will stand where it should not (Márquwç 13: 14), in the Separate Place (MattithYâ´huw 24: 15). Then he will sit inside the temple making himself appear that he is the mighty Ones (2 Thessaloníkeans 2:4), quite symbolic of what the Lie has done spiritually. It profanes the physical and spiritual temple of Christianity. 23 These are the Christians who complete their rebellion and accepted his mark and the “Jews” who accept this impostor as their Lord and accept his mark. They violate the new 21 22


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promises, but the people who acknowledge their mighty Ones, they will display strength and they will act. 33. And the ones who are wise of the people, they will show regard for the Many [apostate Christians], though they will fall by the sword, or by the Fire into captivity, or by plunder in mere days. 34. And when they are to fall, they will receive help, the help of a few [the “Jews”], and they will join with them, the Many [apostate Christians], in the treacherous smooth-talk [Psalms 35: 624, YirmYâ´huw 23: 12, 2 Këph 2: 3, 11: 21]. 35. But some from the ones who are wise, they will stumble to refine and to purify and to make them spotless until the appointed time of the end, because it covenant because they reject our Sovereign and took the impostor as their Lord (see Mal. 2:11) 24 Let their way become darkness and treacherous smooth-talk, with the Envoy of Yâhwéh pursuing them. 44

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is still for the appointed feast time. [7/10/5997] 36. And the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and he will magnify himself above every power, and he will say marvelous things against the mighty One of the mighty ones, and he will prosper until the wrath is completed, because what has been determined must take place. 37. But concerning the mighty Ones of his fathers he will not show regard, even concerning the desire of the women [“Jews’” desire for Messiah], or for any mighty one, he will not show regard because he will exalt himself above everything. [2 Thessaloníkeans 2: 4] 38. Yet to the Curse [’Âlâ´h] of the fortresses [Yshá`Yâhuw 24: 6] in its 45

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place, he will honor25, even to a mighty one that his fathers did not recognize, he will honor with gold and with silver and with precious stones and with pleasant things. 39. And he will work for the fortress of the fortresses with the foreign mighty one which he acknowledges [Mal’âkhíy 2: 11-1226], he will magnify and he will honor, and he will make them rule over the Many [apostate Christians], and he will distribute land in reward. [Yshá`Yâhuw 15: 7-9, YirmYâ´huw 13: 21, YchezqË´’l 7: 21-24, 46: 17]

Interpretation: According to the context of Yshá`Yâhuw 24: 6, due to Christianity’s whoredom, defiling the Land, transgressing the Laws, changing the task by changing His name thus breaking the eternal covenant, the curse consumes the Land and the inhabitants of the Land, Christianity, is trespassing. For Yâ-hwéh to say here that the Lie will honor the curse against Christianity in its place means he will exile Christians from the Land and only permit Islam there. 26 “Yehuwthâ´h has acted treacherously and a detestable thing has been committed in Yisrâ’Ë´l and in Yruwshâláim because Yehuwthâ´h has profaned the Separate Place of Yâhwéh that He loves, and he took as lord a daughter of an alien mighty one. May Yâ-hwéh cut off from the tents of Ya`aqóv anyone who gives testimony in behalf of the man who does this, though he approaches to bring grain-offerings to Yâ-hwéh of hosts.” 25


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40. But by the time of the end, the king of the South will engage in battle with him and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariot and with cavalries and with many ships, and he will invade into countries and he will overwhelm and he will sweep through. 41. And he will invade into the Land of the Beautiful One, and the Many, they shall fall, but these will be delivered from his hand: ’Ethówm, and Mow’â´v, and the choice part of the sons of `Ammówn.27 42. And he will extend his control over the countries, and the land of Mitsráyim shall not be for an escape. [Yshá`Yâhuw 30, YchezqË´’l 29: 8] Spiritual meaning: ’Ethówm is Roman Catholicism, Mow’â´v is apostate Christianity, and `Ammówn are the tribal people, the “Yehuwthím” (“Jews”). Mitsráyim in the next verse means entrenchments, referring to entrenched Christianity, but their land belongs to Islam, neither of which is safe from this rampaging king. 27


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43. And he will rule treasures of the gold and the silver and over all of the riches of Mitsráyim and Luvíym and Kushíym by his companions. 44. Yet reports from the northeast will alarm him, and he will go forth in a great rage to destroy and to annihilate the Many. [Foreshadow: Yshá`Yâhuw 37: 7] 45. And he will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the mountain of the beauty of the Pure One [Mt. Tsiyyówn, Yshá`Yâhuw 8: 8], and He [the Pure One] will invade at his end, but there will be none to help for him. Chapter 12 Sixth Seal (Day of Yâ-hwéh) 1. And at that time, Miykhâ’Ë´l [Who is like the Power (Yâhuwshúa`)] the great 48

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Prince will stand, the One standing for the sons of your people, and it will be a time of distress, which hasn’t happened from when it began to be a heathen mass until that time, but during that time period your people shall be delivered, all of the ones being found written in the scroll. 2. And the Many of the sleepers of the dust of the earth, they will awake, these ones for everlasting lives, but these others to shames and everlasting contempt: 3. And the ones being wise, they will gleam like the brilliancy of the firmament, even the ones who lead the Many to rectification, like the stars forever and ever: [MattithYâ´huw 13: 43] 4. But you, Dâ´niyyË´’l close up the words and seal the scroll until the time 49

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of the end, the Many will wander about, yet the knowledge will increase.” 5. And I, Dâ´niyyË´’l, looked and see! Two others were standing, here was one on the bank of the river, there was another on the other bank of the river: 6. And he said to the Man (’Iysh) clothed of the linens Who was above the waters of the river, “Until when is the accomplishment [Yâhuwchânâ´n’s Glad Tidings 19: 30] of the astonishing things?” And Yâ-hwéh says, “When a tree shall be bent down, and again arise, and when blood shall flow from a tree (`ëts [gallows28]).” [Letter of Bar-Nâvíy 12: 1] Per the Letter of Bar-Nâvíy, this was part of this passage, but apparently was removed by scribes opposing Yâhuwshúa`, and refers to His gallows-cross, since the word for wood and tree and gallows-cross are the same, `ëts. 28


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7. And I heard the Man (’Iysh) clothed of the linens who is above the waters of the river when He lifted His right hand and His left hand to the heavens and He swore by the One Alive forever that for a time, times, and a half, and when the power of the people of the Pure One is to break, all of these things shall be completed. [after witnesses die, First Resurrection - The “time of the end” (v. 9, 13)] 8. And I heard, but I did not understand, so I asked my Sovereign, “What is the future of these?” 9. And He replied, “Go, Dâ´niyyË´’l, because the words are being closed up and being sealed until the time of the end: 10. The Many will be purified and they will be made spotless and they will be refined but the wicked will be wicked, 51

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and none of the wicked will understand, but the ones being wise, they will understand: [7th trumpet] 11. And from the time when the continual offering is abolished and the detestable worshipped image causes desolation [YirmYâ´huw 12: 10-11] [until the “time of the end” when the witnesses die] are one thousand two hundred ninety days: 12. Happy are the ones who wait for and reach the one thousand three hundred thirty-five days: [the time from when the continual offering is abolished until the 7th trumpet resurrection] 13. And you go to the end, and you will rest, and you will rise to your allotted inheritance at the end of the days.” [Dâ´niyyË´’l resurrects at 7th trumpet] 52

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