To the Philipposiym

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The Letter to the Philippoçíym

‫ִיפּסִים‬ ֹ ‫ַלפִיל‬ Chapter 1 1.




To: - From: ¶ Páulus and Timótheos, bondmen of Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed, to all the pure ones within the Anointed Yâhuwshúa` who are in Phílippoi, together with elders and attendants. Favor is yours and peace, from Yâ-hwéh: our Father and the Sovereign Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed. ¶ I thank my mighty Ones at every remembrance of you always, in my every supplication over you all, making supplication with joy 1

To the Philippoçíym 5.






concerning your fellowship in the Glad Tidings, from the first day until now; Being persuaded of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will completely fulfill it until the Day of the Deliverer Yâhuwshúa`. Since it is righteous for me to think this concerning you all: ye are all my coparticipants in favor, because ye maintain me in your heart, both during my bonds, and during my defense and confirmation of the glad tidings. For my witness is Yâ-hwéh, how I long after you all by Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed’s compassion. And this I pray, that your affectionate love may abound yet more and increase, by acknowledgement and in all spiritual perception,

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For you to approve the things that are important, in order that ye may be pure and without offense unto the Day of the Deliverer, Being filled with fruits of righteousness which are through Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed for Yâ-hwéh’s honor and praise!

The Narrow Way and the Broad Way both did not shame Páulus ¶ But I wish you to know, brothers, that the things concerning me have nevertheless turned out for the progress of the Glad Tidings, So, too, my bonds within the Anointed to have become apparent unto the whole Prætórium (Governor’s courtroom) and to all the rest, And the majority of the brothers in Yâhwéh, by my bonds, dare more





To the Philippoçíym





abundantly to speak the Word of Yâ-hwéh fearlessly! Though some also are proclaiming the Deliverer through envy and strife; even some are indeed doing so through good will, (17.) And those are doing so out of affectionate love, discerning that I am laid out unto the defense of the Glad Tidings. Yet those from the plot1 are indeed announcing the Deliverer not purely2, supposing to add oppression to my bonds, [Verse 17 of the Greek translations occurs in verse 15 of the Aramaic translations.] What then? So in this [Truth] I do rejoice, notwithstanding, even about this

Intrigue: meaning the scheme, the plot, the self-seeking faction. This word is found in writings of Aristotle where it denotes a self-seeking pursuit of political office by unfair means. Lexicons say the Greek word used here means electioneering or intriguing for office, partisanship, fractiousness. This refers to the apostasy, which builds on a different foundation for a greater number of converts. This intrigue is to become manifested in the Lie who will incarnate and conquer the world for himself. 2 Romans were corrupting His name, starting the apostasy, and this is reflected in Páulus’s first chapter to the Romans. 1


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[pretense], I will3 rejoice. Nevertheless in every way, whether in pretense or in Truth, the Deliverer is announced! For I know that these for me shall be found for deliverance by means of your supplication, or for a supplement [resurrected ones] because of the spirit of Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed, According to my hope [entering alive] and earnest expectation [entering by resurrection]: because I shall be ashamed in nothing; yea, in all outspokenness as always, also now the Anointed shall be magnified in my body - whether through life or through death. Since the Anointed is my life, even if I die it is gain for me!

The believers of the corrupted glad tidings, name-errant Christianity, are a FUTURE motive for rejoicing, when they resurrect to enter the Kingdom of Yâ-hwéh having a pure language when the secret of Yâ-hwéh is finished at the 7th trumpet. 3


To the Philippoçíym 22.





But if [the Anointed shall be magnified (v.20)] living in flesh, this for me is a fruit of labor, and I do not know what I shall choose. For I am pressured by either of the two: having the longing for the departure, and to be together with the Anointed, though this would be very much better for me. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary for your sake; So being persuaded of this, I discern that I shall abide and continue with you all, for your joy and progress of your persuasion, In order that your boasting may abound, which is in Yâhuwshúa`, the only Anointed, about me, because of my return again to you. Páulus’s will for the convocation of Yâhuwshúa`


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Only conduct yourselves worthily of the Glad Tidings of the Deliverer, so that whether I come and see you, or whether I am absent [dead4], I might hear these things about you [compare To the `Ivríym 12: 1]: that ye stand fast in One spirit, unanimously competing together for the persuasion of the Glad Tidings, Yet not being frightened in anything by those who oppose us, which is indeed an indication of extermination for them, but for you of deliverance, and this is from Yâ-hwéh! Because by the Power5 it was granted to you not only to believe on the Anointed, rather also to suffer for Him,

Verses 20-23 make it clear Páulus was not merely talking about continued imprisonment. Here he makes clear that the dead at least hear about what happens here. See the reference. This debunks several SDA and JW false teachings. 5 Per the Aramaic, which is more logical. The Greek translations have “the Anointed” here, and later in this same verse, “Him” instead of “the Anointed”. 4


To the Philippoçíym 30.

Maintaining the same fight such as ye saw in me, and now hear of in me.

Chapter 2 The mindset of the Anointed and His body ¶ Therefore, if you have any encouragement within the Anointed, if you have any words of affectionate love to share, if you have any fellowship of spirit, if you have any sympathy and compassion, Fulfill my joy in order that ye may be of the same mindset: maintaining the same affectionate love with the same motivation6 together, and one mindset. But not [maintaining the same mindset] according to the plot7 [1: 16] and by 1.




Nephésh means self, and sometimes a life, but here it reflects better its root meaning and that of its Greek translation, meaning “animus”. This is why we put “motivation” here. 7 See the note at 1: 16. Summarizing this term, it refers to the plot to gain converts by demagoguery and not by the Truth. Crowds have little interest in accuracy and strict correctness, and prefer to go with what they are familiar with. Crowd appeal and appearance over substance. In this verse, we are told not to use the method the plot 8

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honoring vanity, instead by humility, esteeming one another above themselves. Do not each regard their own things, instead each also regard the things of others, For this to be the mindset within your selves, which was also within Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed; Who, while existing in “the Tmunáth (Form) of Yâ-hwéh” [Numbers 12: 8], did not deem it plunder to be an Equal to the ’Ël (Power), Nevertheless, He emptied His Self, when He took a Form of a bondman, and was in the Likeness of the sons of ’Âthâ´m, And He was found in fashion “Like a Son of ’Âthâ´m” [Dâ´niyyË´’l 7: 13]

maintains the same mindset: e.g. with peer pressure, deception, showmanship, and threats of “hellfire and damnation”. 9

To the Philippoçíym

[8.] Yet He humbled Himself: having become obedient unto death, even the death of being hanged on a gallows-cross!






Hold on to the right Word Which is why the Power also highly exalted Him, and gave to Him a name which is above every other name, In order that at the name of “Yâhuwshúa`”, every knee should bow of the ones in the heavens and the ones on earth and the ones under the earth, And every tongue shall openly acknowledge: “Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed is Yâhwéh8!” for the honor of His Father the Power. So therefore, my beloved ones, just as ye always did obey – not as only obeying

As per the Aramaic translation.


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when I am present, instead much rather now because of my absence – fully accomplish your own deliverance “with fear and trembling” [Psalms 2: 11-129]; For it is Yâ-hwéh Who works in you, both to enjoy doing and to effectively work that which is His good pleasure. Perform all this without grumbling and debating, In order that ye may be irreproachable and pure, unblemished sons of Yâ-hwéh in the midst of a “dówr `iqqë´sh uw-phthalttól (a warped and tortuous generation)” [see Deuteronomy 32: 5] Among whom ye appear as luminaries in the world,

Page: 11 11. Bondserve Yâ-hwéh WITH FEAR and rejoice WITH TREMBLING! 12. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and your way be destroyed, because His wrath will flare up in a moment! The joys are of all those who take refuge in Him. 9


To the Philippoçíym 16.




Holding onto the Word of Life10, for a boast to me in the Day of the Deliverer, so that I did not run in vain, nor labored in vain. In case of Páulus’s death Nevertheless, if I also am [already] spent as a poured out offering upon the Slaughter-offering with the public function as a priest of your persuasion, I rejoice and rejoice together with all you. So rejoice ye also the same, and rejoice together with me. Páulus sends envoys ¶ Yet I hope by our Sovereign Yâhuwshúa` to soon send Timótheos to you, in order that I also may be well

“Yâhuwshúa`” is the Word of Yâ-hwéh (Disclosure 19:13), and the Word is Yâ-hwéh. (Yâhuwchânâ´n’s Glad Tidings 1: 1-5, 15: 3) 10


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refreshed, when I have gotten to know the things about you. For I have no one else here11 like-minded, who will genuinely care for the things about you. For all are seeking the things of their own selves, not the things of the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`. But ye acknowledge his [Timótheos’s] approval; because he served with me for the Glad Tidings in the manner a son would with his father. Therefore I hope to send him at once, when I shall have seen to the things about me12. But I am confident in my Sovereign that I also shall come soon;


Is this a foreshadow of Rome’s uncaring despotism over the convocation? The word “here” is found in the Aramaic translation. 12 This means to arrange a disposition of his things seeing that his death was approaching. This is evident also as he returned to them their delegate to help him. (V.25) 13

To the Philippoçíym 25.






Now I have deemed it necessary to return to you ’Epaphróditus, my brother and fellow worker and fellow laborer, even your delegate and public servant of my needs, Since he was longing after you all, and was deeply depressed because ye heard that he was sick; For he was indeed sick, close by to death, nevertheless Yâ-hwéh had mercy on him, and not on him alone, rather also me, in order that I might not have sorrow upon sorrow. Therefore I did send him the more diligently, in order that ye might rejoice seeing him again, and I might be less sorrowful. Receive him, therefore, by Yâ-hwéh with all joy, and hold such in honor,

‫ִיפּסִים‬ ֹ ‫ַלפִיל‬ 30.

Because for the sake of the work of the Anointed, he went nearly to the point of death, having disregarded his self, in order that he might supply towards me your service requirements.

Chapter 3 Avoiding heresies and racial religion ¶ The rest, my brothers, is rejoice in Yâhwéh! To write to you the same things is not irksome to me, and safer for you. Beware of the (1.) dogs13, beware of (2.) workers of the Wickedness [ZkharYâ´hu 5: 3-1114], and beware of (3.) the Concision 1.



Dogs, as used in MattithYâ´huw 7:6 refers to heathen masses unwilling to repent. “And He said this to me: ‘This is the curse going out over the surface of the whole earth: because everyone of the ones thieving from this side, according to it, shall be erased; and everyone of the ones filling it in from this other side, according to it, shall be erased: I shall send it out,” declares Yâ-hwéh of Hosts, “and it will come to the house of the thief, and to the house of the one filling in the Lie for My name, and it will remain within his house, and it will destroy it and its timbers and its stones!”: Then the Envoy speaking to me came forward and He said to me: “Lift your eyes now, and look! What is this one going abroad?” And I asked: “What is it?” And He replied: “This is the bushel (’Ëyphâ´h), the one going abroad”, and He added: “This is their vision source throughout all the earth [“Holy Bible”].” Then see! The cover of lead was raised and this one woman was sitting 14


To the Philippoçíym




(Leviticus 19: 2715, YirmYâ´huw 9: 25, 49: 32)! For we are (3.) the circumcision [of the heart], who do service to (2.) Yâ-hwéh by the spirit and boast about the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`, and (1.) do not trust in the flesh, Even though I also did possess a reliance on flesh! If any other one thinks to rely on flesh, I could more so! Circumcised on the eighth day, from the nobility16 of Yisrâ’Ë´l, of the tribe of

within the bushel. And He said: “This is the WICKEDNESS! [the LorD XëzVs ChrIstos 666]” And He pushed her into the interior of the bushel and He pushed the cover of lead over its mouth. And I lifted up my eyes and I looked, and see! Two women going out with wind in their wings and their wings were like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the bushel out of the earth and out of the heavens. And I said to the Envoy, the One speaking to me: “To where are they carrying the bushel?” And He replied to me: “To build for it a house in the land of Shin`â´r. When it is ready, then it will be set there on her place [the image of the beast exiled to Bâvél].” 15 “You shall not be rounding off the rims of your head (glans) and you shall not be depilating the borders of your beards [pubic hair];” 16 Per the Aramaic translation. 16

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Vinyâmíyn, an `Ivríy, son of the `Ivríym17, according to Law, a Phârushíy; In terms of zeal, persecuting the Convocation, in terms of righteousness which is of the Law, having become blameless; Instead, what [fleshly] things were gain to me, these have I deemed a loss, due to the Anointed. Believe in justification by persuasion or be revealed it Instead, then indeed also I am deeming all these things [of the flesh] to be a loss, due to the superiority of the acknowledgement of the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`, my Sovereign, on account of Whom I suffered loss of all these things


By this Páulus makes a definitive statement about his lineage’s separateness from Hellenism and their adherence to the `Ivríyth (Hebrew) language. Could anyone knowing this continue to allege that he wrote his letters in Greek? 17

To the Philippoçíym






[of the flesh], and deem them to be refuse, in order that I may gain the Deliverer, And to be found in Him, not having the righteousness of my self which is from the Law, instead having that righteousness which is from trust of the Anointed, which is the rectification of Yâ-hwéh [by the persuasion] of acknowledging Yâhuwshúa` and the Force of His resurrection, and having the fellowship of His sufferings, even to be conformed to His death; How else may I meet with Him at the resurrection of the dead? Not that I did already receive it [His resurrection], or already have been perfected, but I am pursuing it, if also I may seize it, for which I was also seized by the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`!

‫ִיפּסִים‬ ֹ ‫ַלפִיל‬ 13.




My brothers, I do not reckon my self to have seized it, but one thing I reckon: ignoring the things past, and reaching towards the things before me, I pursue for a goal, for the prize of the upward18 calling of Yâ-hwéh by the Deliverer Yâhuwshúa`. Therefore, as many as are mature should be of this mindset. Even if ye have a different opinion, Yâ-hwéh will also reveal this to you.19 Moreover, unto where we came beforehand, let us walk to the same Way20 and with one accord.


To resurrect out of Sh’ówl onto the earth into His Kingdom is definitely upward. This contextually speaks of resurrection and does not say we go to heaven. 19 Páulus was awakened by Yâ-hwéh revealing Himself to him. Here he is saying those who trust their flesh and do not believe in His names for their justification will also be revealed the fellowship of His sufferings and be conformed to His death, and His resurrection, and then even to acknowledge Yâhuwshúa` (v. 9-10). 20 The Greek says here “Kanóni” (Canon), or “rule/standard”, whereas the Aramaic has “path”. 19

To the Philippoçíym





The Ankh21 versus the gallows-Cross22  ¶ My brothers, be imitators together of me, and direct your attention to those who walk thus, just as the pattern ye have seen in us. For many are walking about, whom I told you often (and now, even weeping, I tell of) as the enemies of the Gallows-Cross of the Anointed: Whose goal is perishing, whose power is the béţen (female reproductive system), and their honor is in their shameful parts (male

The Ankh is an Egyptian symbol, possibly dating back to Bâvél. A “T” topped with a loop, it represents a religion which denies resurrection or endless life, saying eternal life is through human reproduction. The loop “Ω”, represents the female womb or vagina - their mighty one of fertility: Astarte, or “Easter”; whereas the “T” represents the male genitalia, being the Power (honor), Bá`al, or Diós (Penetrator) in Greek. Click on the picture for an internet link to an explanation of this made by those who believe in it. 22 Considering Páulus is deliberately contrasting the well-known ancient Ankh to Yâhuwshúa`’s Gallows-Cross implies there is a resemblance in appearance, and he wanted no mistaking them. Most who profess Yâ-hwéh belong to sects which want to discard the cross in favor of a mere pole, due to the absence of detail in the Greek word “staurou” (post of impalement). The Aramaic and Hebrew texts use a term, `ëts, meaning “wood”, “tree”, or “gallows” for it and “hanging” for crucifixion. The type of gallows used was a cross. This scripture passage is very strong evidence of that, besides MattithYâ´huw 27: 37, which says they put up over His head his written accusation. Had it been a mere post, the accusation would be over His hands. 20

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genitalia), who strive for the things on earth! For our community began in the heavens, from where we are also awaiting a Deliverer, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed, Because He will transform our body of humiliation for it to become conformed to the Body of His Kâvówth (Honor)23 [(the Father) Exodus 33: 18], according to the working of His Power, and to subject24 all things to Himself!

Chapter 4 Stand fast in His name


Yâhuwshúa` is the Body of His Majesty. The Majesty is the Father. The Greek term used here can mean “to arrange [troop divisions] in a military fashion under the command of a leader”. When one considers it in this light, one sees the meaning of Yâ-hwéh Tsvâ’ówth (of Hosts). 24


To the Philippoçíym 1.







So therefore, my beloved and longed-for brothers, my joy and crown, stand fast thus in our Sovereign, my beloved ones! Implore Euodía and implore Suntúxe to be of the same mindset about Yâ-hwéh. I also ask you also, O yoke-fellow of the Truth, assist these women, who labored together with me in the Glad Tidings, and with Klémens and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are written in the Scroll of Life. How to thrive in this desert ¶ Rejoice always in Yâ-hwéh; again I will say rejoice! Let your decency be known to all humans. Yâ-hwéh is near. Be anxious about nothing; instead let your requests be made known before Yâ-hwéh

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about everything by prayer and by supplication amid thanksgiving. And the peace of Yâ-hwéh which is from the complete acknowledgement of the Greatness shall guard your hearts and your thoughts within the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`. [Yâhuwchânâ´n s Glad Tidings 14: 27-28] The rest, my brothers, is that whatsoever things are true, whatsoever is venerable, whatsoever is just, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is acceptable, whatsoever is reputable, if any valor or if any commendation exists, take account of these things. Practice these things, what ye also learned and received and heard and saw in me, and Yâ-hwéh of the shâlówm shall be with you. ’




To the Philippoçíym 10.







But I rejoiced greatly in Yâ-hwéh that even now, after some time, ye revived the concern over me, although ye felt it, but ye lacked the opportunity. Not that I speak in terms of my poverty, for I have learned to be contented in whatever sort of circumstances I am. Though I know to be humble, I also understand to abound! In everything and within all, I am initiated both to be stuffed even being famished, and to abound even being deficient! I am strong for all things within the Anointed Who fortifies me. Offerings ¶ Moreover ye done well, to have shared for my oppression. But understand ye also, O Philippoçíym, that at the beginning of the Glad Tidings,

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when I exited from Makedonía, not even one convocation communicated with me about the issue of giving and receiving, except ye alone! Because even in Thessaloníke ye sent for my needs also once, even two times! It is not that I crave the donation! Instead I crave that the fruit should abound unto your account. But I have all I need and abound; I am full, having received from ’Epaphróditus the things from you: a scent of a sweet fragrance, an acceptable offering, well pleasing to Yâ-hwéh. Also my mighty Ones will fill up all your needs according to His riches in the praise by the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`. [MattithYâ´huw 11: 25-30] So for Yâ-hwéh our Father be the praise for the ages of the ages, ’âmë´n (certainly). 25

To the Philippoçíym




Final greetings ¶ Bid peace to every pure one in the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`. The brothers with me bid you peace. The pure ones all bid you peace, but especially those from the household of the Kæ´sar! The favor of our Sovereign Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed is with you all, ’âmë´n (Certainly). To the Philippoçíym, written from Róma, through ’Epaphróditus.


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