Revista de ingles (1)

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Volumen 1

INTRODUCTION This magazine is available to public in general, is very good since we speak of many things that will be in the world of the future. We will ensure the following: WILL – GOING TO – PROBABLY – DEFINITELY – MIGHT. So that readers can know more about the subject and can understand it. Hoping that this work is to your liking, we invite you to continue reading

Qualifier  Introduction  Overview  Social  Economy  Politics  Culture  Trade  Science  Technology  Environment  Education  Alimentation  People  Danger  Photo gallery


This magazine is available to public in general, is very good since we speak of many things that will be in the world of the future. We will ensure the following: WILL – GOING TO – PROBABLY – DEFINITELY – MIGHT. So that readers can know more about the subject and can understand it. Hoping that this work is to your liking, we invite you to continue reading

Social In the social aspect, in the families will be some sepations for the aument insatiable of the technology; however the specialists are going to work in the topic for to improve the situation. Changing the subject radically another important topic of the will speak; will be on entertainment with the cinema, parks, clubs, etc. For example the cinema will be better because now will have floating chairs and the movies will be in 4D even to feel that you can is in the movie. The parks the 365 days of the year to will change of station even spring the park may look like autumn. And you are going to can to take of the family, pets, friends, etc.With of the actuality. The tourist places will have better presentation since will be clean. Other thing important is the way to travel because not only can you do it through airplanes or boats but also will exist teleportation. One of the major sports will be the soccer will exist a special court where the player and the ball will be able to float.

Other sport is swimming as the pools will be differently vertically formed.

Economy The economy will to go agriculture to be based on this.


Because they saw the importance of preserving natural areas because there get what we need. We will use the money to market but now will not have much importance. Apart from agriculture, also advance technology bringing a better economy with goods like cars, houses, clothes, etc. The cars have better systems and operations that can float and move faster, the houses will be able to remodel using computerized systems and will have changes as the use of solar energy. Speaking of energy this will also be a major economic power since now all the energy will be natural as the sun. Aeolian, etc.

Although initially cost us renounce petroleum work we can achieve a great step using removable resources not only help the economy but also to ourselves and our environment.

Thanks to this slowly was renewing our environment because we damage by pollution much, but thanks to these positive changes this change.

Political Although the political campaigns and marketing has many points in common, the main difference is that the elections include a whole society, use the internet or not. Therefore, if a large number of voters is greater than 65 years it will be difficult to reach them through social networks. In addition, access to twitter only a 6% of Americans and on YouTube, although it has more users, the success of the viral campaigns tends to be quite ephemeral. What is certain is that, despite the fact that the social tools have proven to be effective, it looks very much like the social media can have a real relevance in the election of a candidate. Even so, the policy in the future no longer seek on speculation with new technologies, and will have more to do with deep integration of the social media by mass culture. In fact, now there is no politician that understands that you can carry out a campaign without a social presence

Culture The culture definitely will be a big change, all people talk about that. Many things might haver flyng Definitely the robots we started to make different kinds of materials, they could give advice to humans so they can do the same things

Probably the robots do deals with people so they can visit their country or somewhere In the future people not already participating in activities in your community, you will only see and be surprised of as technology increases because you will see that open robots and they will make all the dancing, food, figures, among many things more.

Trade Trade in the future will be based on machines with only pressing a button you can get your purchase. The Japanese make food-based machines by making sure more chemical already is not natural, reaching across the globe, came a crisis by trade since many people are going to want food and there will not be enough.





cannot be edible. They will definitely have to wait the contributions of other countries

Presidents will have to go to other countries so that they take them, with technology, there will be robots and they may be food for the population, will be fast and smart. You can do shopping by cell phone and it arrived at the agreedtime by machines conveyer

The robots offer the products of companies and people are probably interested in that.

Science Probably in the future will have great scientific advances and very important, definitely will find new questions and mysteries to solve, might in the future there are new technologies that help the science to progress, probably within a few years will be resolved unknowns and we will find answers to many things, definitely solve medical mysteries as the cure for cancer or terrible diseases. But as well as solve many aspects probably will emerge new questions to new're having trouble getting an of our changing society, We will make further trips to discover new things by that it is definitely that by more time that passes, never cease to discover new things and wonderful and might improve research previously conducted, Probably we bring to the human being to another level, we can be smarter, more agile, all thanks to the modern science and with this progress definitely will come problems, Probably we bring to the human being to another level, we can be smarter, more agile, all thanks to the modern science and with this progress definitely will come problems, Why the human being will create new virtues and you will have the opportunity to have more power than i probably will lead us to the destruction of each other in search of that power; We will go to a world unknown, You will learn new things, we will create new theories, we will exploit the human mind to the limit, we will enhance our capabilities and probably, if we are going down a good path, we come to the dream world, a world balanced, strong and kingdo

Technology Definitely the human imagination has no limits, and the same has been the propelling in the creation of new technologies, in the future we will generate new artifacts, we will create new advanced technologies. With the incredible time many ideas probably found its production in the present, as the submarine from Jules Verne or helicopters of Leonardo da Vinci. We will do an exercise in technology foresight we can anticipate the technological innovations that must occur in the future probably close, in fields as diverse as nanotechnology, information technology, cognitive science, robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, health, energy innovation or materials science. Finally there are those who will be in graphic form the possible developments in the time of this set of technologies. The technology will become something of which we will rely on more than what now, Probably we will create machines that will replaced human labor, Humans will be almost all of its activities through technology, definitely we will change our whole way of life, We are going to here you will find comfort in both the technology of the future, will rejoice for further benefits, is probably until we get to build new aircraft or transport with which we will discover new worlds and new things, we will definitely be more wisely, we will have a strong connection with the technology and definitely there will be a huge progress in world, might in the future we will have robots employees, we will ask them to carry out the tasks home, will be responsible for the children, organize our things, maintain clean home and will be so obedient and probably more effective than a human, We will build machines that they will probably help us to perform tasks impossible for the human being, definitely are immersed in the deepest part of the ocean, come out to l space in search of new worlds, will enter and cross the earth's crust to know more of it, in order, we'll get our hands on a very powerful weapon, We will stop aging, disease cure him by killing him off, we will be stronger, we will probably have robots to our service, we care, may react to any situation, be intelligent, and definitely usher in an era of machines

Environment In the future you probably forgot our world changed negatively, First we will talk about the weather, the climate will change to very high degrees, probably all humans will use gas masks, because definitely harmful gases will arise for the human, probably the layer of ozone will be thinner and the ultraviolet rays pass through the ozone layer and will be very harmful to the human skin, and probably doesn't for that reason we won t get out of our homes, only in cases required, definitely we will become dependent beings artificial gas in order to survive because due to the toxic gases created by the contamination probably no human body support the air toxic of the future, In a matter of the pollution, the human being definitely wasted natural resources as much as you can, will pollution the oceans, will destroy our ecosystems, probably end up with the thick and lush forest of the world and a natural imbalance

Education Here there will be great changes since schools will have classrooms remodeled for example the blackboard will be the four walls of the classroom, each student will have their own electronic tablets, even the schools themselves will be of various forms such as spherical. School transportation like the floater cars and will be able travel faster. Teachers remain people because otherwise the population decay and we possibly would become even more sedentary humans. Also will continue recreational activities for students as this will explode even more potential and in the future would bring their ideas to improve it. There will be special room where classes will be given for example history and here it will be able to teleport to the past recreating the whole story. Besides the moyoria classes will be given by holograms where students interact with figures, operations, etc.

Alimentation This issue is a bit more delicate because for contaminants and various damages to the ecosystem especially land, we will obligate powder eat processed foods like astronauts, this take us a little work to get used. However with the help of technology will be possible to make this type of food ome people unfortunately to affect them because our body is not to get used this type of food.

After already better at the field again will eat fruits and vegetables directly from the earth. In terms of food of animal origin will continue podruciendose but for now be played but for a while also artificially as in the case of sausages and sausage. The products of animal origin also affected since they also consume local products such as maize and therefore its production floor.

People In the future probably people will be very different to how we know them now, Definitely the society will no longer the same, due to the changes that we and all the events which will happen, Physically we will change or little, due to the fact that the food will change by the drought or natural destruction, we will be fed with artificial food and grow much, we will be very high beings and strong, probably we will be returning in the very pale by that due to global warming does not get us out of our homes for safety and our skin will not obscure shades of. Might in the future in a matter of ethics and moral change, probably we will definitely be cold, dry, little sociable because of the dependency to the new technology, Definitely we acquire new priorities and tastes, Probably in the future there will be low and scarce natural resources that sustain our life on earth, So definitely we will fight to have these resources at our disposal, but in spite of the lack of resources, definitely enjoy cutting edge technology, And due to the fact that everything changes, definitely we acquire new tastes by new activities or artifacts, We will create new sports and pastimes that definitely engage into the life of the future, We will create new fashions and the we will continue, probably the human being you will lose your common sense and humanity, but will acquire new features and develop new activities

Danger Probably enter meteorites to the atmosphere and will destroy our society



It will be the first dog singing robot

The first car that definitelytravel to space

We are going to go to the end of football thanks to Jhonny

Gerardo King mighttravel to the magical society


The first woman that will be operated by robots

It will be the first cell magic

They going to go into space for the first time in machines

They will be the first cell card


The car mighttravel only

Probablythe first radio that she plays alone

Themightbe President

Definitelythe first machines that they handle by itself alone


Carlos should definitely be an entrepreneur

It will be the dream of a company

First robots that will walk as a human

Will aver lens magic very soon

CREDI SHEET: Publishers

 Tania Zenteno Santacruz  Analía Estrada Jiménez  Lizeth Ramírez López

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