M.T.R / Monthly Technical Report / Offices - March 2015

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Category A Market Trends

In the above charts, we compare the current month with the previous December


Office Real Estate Division | Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | Zona Norte: 4719-9000


Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Stock and Vacancy Stock propios) Stock- Vacancia - VacancyA+ A+(m² (own sqm)

Composition of Vacancy Vacancy A+ Distribution

Office Real Estate Division | Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | Zona Norte: 4719-9000


Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Vacancy Evolution |Anual Evoluci贸n de la Vacancia

Vacancy Evolution | Monthly Evoluci贸n de la Vacancia

Office Real Estate Division | Capital Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Federal: 4114-1000 | Zona Area: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Stock A+ y A+ Green Stock A +/ A+ Green Composition, in Buenos Aires City (Built and under construction)

Stock A +/ A+ Green Composition, in Northern Area (Built and under construction)

Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Stock A + planning stage ( Buildings under construction*) Distribution of Stock in planning stage A + (Capital Federal)

Distribution of Stock in planning stage A + (Zona Norte)

Sup. Total: 150.695 m²

Sup. Total: 11,300 m²

Stock A + planning stage (Buildings in the planning stage) Distribution of Stock in planning stage A + (Capital Federal) )

Sup. Total: 119.140 m²

Distribution of Stock in planning stage A + (Zona Norte)

Sup. total: 75,669 m²

Graphic Analysis In the first two graphics, we analyze the composition of the stock in planning stage, which is under construction at the moment. In the second two graphics, we see those buildings which already have a plan. Although in some cases they do have a starting date of construction, this is dated after the closing of this edition. Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Absorption A+ Buenos Aires City Absorción A+ Capital Federal 2001-2014

Absorption A+ 2014

Graphic Analysis During 2014, we observed a negative net absorption, both for Capital Federal and Zona Norte. This means that the new available meters incorporated during the analyzed period is bigger than the absorbed by the market. Note: new available meters in Capital Federal: Belgrano Office with 30.000 m². New available meters in Zona Norte: Nodus with 13.976 m², Solís 1330 with 5.230 m², Bureau Park with 10.500 m²

Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Profitability A+


Profitability Evolution A+ Capital Federal (before taxes)

Profitability Evolution A+ Northern Area (before taxes)

Analysis of graphics In both graphs we observe a sharp drop in profitability in 2013 compared with previous years. This is because there is a gap between the official dollar rate (rental amounts are expressed in this currency) and the dollar notes, in which properties are appraised for sale.

Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015


Maintenance average value in A+ buildings of Capital Federal and Zona Norte (per m²)

Capital Federal Sample: Juana Manso 909/1069, Arias 3751, Bouchard 547, L.N.Alem 518,Cecilia Grierson 355, L.N. Alem 855, Ing. Butty 240, San Martin 344.

Zona Norte Sample: Av. Del Libertador 77, EcheverrĂ­a 4150, Alberdi 431, Cazadores de Coquimbo 2865, Av. Del Libertador 174, Edison 2659.

Note: * Values by July 2014

Maintenance value evolution (averages in U$S)

OfficeOffice Real Estate Division | Downtown: | Northern 4719-9000 Real Estate Division | Capital4114-1000 Federal: 4114-1000 | Area: Zona Norte: 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Lease value at foreign countries, per city (U$S/m²)

Costo instalación oficinas Argentina

Fuente: Índice CONTRACT workplaces Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Our team

Mariana Stange | Directora

Pablo Papad贸pulos| Broker Senior

Eduardo Gibelli|Broker - S. Lomas

M.Silvina Lascano|Broker Of. Central

Gabriela Avalle|Broker S. Lomas

Guillermo Gallino|Broker Of. Central

Eleonora Lefevre|Broker Senior

Francisco Spini|Broker Of.Central

Felipe Ramos|Broker Of. Central

Mariano Costa | Broker Of Central

Joaqu铆n Vidiri|Broker Of. Central

Gisela Arditi l Asistente

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MAYO 2013



Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

MAYO 2014

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Office Real Estate Market of Buenos Aires City (CABA) and Northern Area (NA) Monthly Technical Report - March 2015

Directorio Luis José Ramos, Chairman Diego J. Cazes, General Director Office Real Estate Division Mariana Stange

Industries Division Ricardo Costa Chiappe Pablo Vivot Business Premises Division Miguel Grehan Juan José Ramos Residential Division Sucursal Recoleta, Dina Crusizio Sucursal Lomas de San Isidro, Harry Marples Sucursal Acassuso, Juan Pablo Figueroa Alcorta Sucursal Nordelta , Soledad Ramos Fields Division Juan José Madero (Jr.) Hoteles Division Noel Verger Appraisals Division Eduardo Pereira Marketing Pablo Benegas Systems Facundo Hidalgo

Office Real Estate Division | Downtown: 4114-1000 | Northern Capital Federal: 4114-1000 | ZonaArea: Norte:4719-9000 4719-9000

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