2 minute read

Daniel: Guardian Angel of Movement

ever takes off her gardening gear. Faith wants to show you how to follow the natural energy in your cells, soul, and planet. She wants to help you shift away from the fast track and onto the life track. This doesn’t mean you won’t have any more dead houseplants, like the dead tree staring me down in the corner of my office. But it does mean you will have a better understanding of why some things go from seed to sapling to blooming plant and others do not. Faith will show you another path to fulfillment, one that is not about stuff and status but about trust, confidence, and harmony. Faith, myself, and the fae all hope you find your flow in the pages of her chapter. We hope you take time to follow the steps and allow yourself to sink into the satisfaction of becoming a grower, not a collector.

Daniel: Guardian Angel of Movement

I met Daniel in a year where I felt stuck, not only in my life like nothing was happening and there was nowhere to go, but also when I had a frozen shoulder—my physical body was literally stuck! The year was 2018, and I was just coming off a year that felt heavy, blocked, and stagnant. In my mind, I was feeling as though I had little control in getting things moving again. My internal stress was so bad that it froze my shoulder into place; my left arm became totally useless. I could not use it to wash myself, and getting dressed was incredibly hard. Life in general became very difficult. I don’t like difficulty, nor am I someone who likes to feel limited, so I set about researching how to undo the damage to my body and spirit. Enter the guardian Daniel.

Through Daniel, I was able to get my arm and mind working correctly again in about sixty days. It wasn’t easy, and learning to focus on movement and keeping things moving was a complete shift for me. For the most part, movement comes naturally to young people. As we age, however, we tend to become a little more still and find more excuses not to move, not only regarding physical activity but also including things such as jobs, relationships, where we live, travel, and more. It was through Daniel I learned how all those pieces came together, how when one part of life grinds to a halt, the rest of the pieces can only self-sustain for so long before they start slowing down. The same is true for when things start to pick up and gain momentum. Ever since Daniel has been in my life, I have been very mindful about movement and making sure I am constantly keeping momentum going in my life.

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