2 minute read
Faith: Guardian Angel of Growth
you need might be right under your nose, so don’t overlook it in favor of focusing on fancy clothes and even fancier dreams. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting nice things; Willow is more than happy to help you manifest your millions. More importantly, she wants you to learn how to manage and maintain that energy so you can see that the millions you dream of might actually have been right in front of your face this whole time.
Faith: Guardian Angel of Growth
I would like to tell you I met this angel while walking in an ancient woodland or hiking a pilgrimage trail, but no such thing happened. In fact, I first met Faith more than ten years ago while standing in front of a dead houseplant. Like many people who claim they have no green thumbs, I have killed many houseplants over the years. (Succulents are my nemesis to this day.) As I lamented yet another plant I had failed to keep alive, Faith appeared. She was decked out in full gardening gear, which seemed over the top considering we were inside. But that’s Faith, ever the ray of sunshine on a stormy day. She wasn’t alone, either— it appeared that she had brought some faerie friends with her. Wherever Faith is, you can be assured fae magic is nearby.
Guardian Faith embodies an energy we all talk about yet few of us know how to really use. Growing a life, growing as a human, and growing our soul are not easy tasks. We make mistakes and end up with a collection of dead houseplants along the way, metaphorically speaking. Growth requires a very systematic process, one that has plenty of room for flexibility and exploration but that also requires you to travel through every step one at a time. That last part, “one at a time,” is one that we in our modernized, fast-moving society tend to screw up. Our world seems to spin on the axis of capitalistic pursuits; in it there is no time, energy, and too many dead houseplants. We carry around devices that give us instant access to almost anything and allows others to have constant access to us. The whole idea of slowing down and focusing on a plan, process, or system is just not keeping pace with the world of Instagram influencers and TikTokers, both of which may not exist in five years’ time.
Most people call to Faith when life slaps them in the face—only in those times do most people start thinking about growing, creating, sustaining, and maintaining. Faith wants to remind you that you don’t have to wait until life gets bad to slip into her energy. She is always available, and I am not sure she