2 minute read
Jana: Guardian Angel of Doorways
others, but for the scope of this book, that is pretty much all you need to know. So make a cuppa, get comfy, and let me introduce your new guardian angels.
Jana: Guardian Angel of Doorways
When Jana first appeared to me, which was very early on a chilly February morning, she (and yes, this angel did present herself as female) introduced herself by saying “Hi. My name is Jana, and I am your guardian angel of the door.” I just stared at her through my yet-to-be-caffeinated eyeballs and replied, “Huh?” She went on to further explain, to which I replied “Oh, are you the reason I can never remember why I entered a room?” She rolled her eyes hard. I took that as a no; apparently those were not the sort of doorway she was referring to. Jana is the guardian angel of opportunity portals, things we humans tend to refer to as doorways. Think of the expression “when one door closes, another opens”— that’s Jana. She watches over the opening and closing of doors as well as making some doors visible and others invisible. I must admit that I think she is more of a superhero than an angel. I mean, what a cool job!
We humans are always finishing and beginning new cycles. We finish something and the door closes; we start something else and another door opens. Jana explained that because every being in the universe is in a constant state of beginnings and endings, many doors are always appearing and disappearing. Jana is one of the few angels that deals with us humans. She also explained that she loves the saying “opportunity knocks,” as she feels it explains what she does well. When your intent and your path merge a doorway, sometimes a selection of doorways appear but you can only go through one of them—the one that your guardian angel knocks on. Jana explained that for the most part, we don’t hear the knock with our ears; instead it is a knowing or a pull or tug in the direction our guardian angel feels is the next right step for us.
Jana also pointed out that we don’t always walk through the door we are pulled toward. There can be lots and lots of different reasons why we may ignore the angel’s knock, the biggest being fear, as we aren’t so great with the unknown. The angels are okay if we ignore them; they totally understand, and Jana said she is often on standby to offer a door again when the time feels more aligned. She told me an opportunity never goes away—it just waits until the conditions line up again, but she also added not to worry if they do not. There are always plenty of other doors and opportunities. I asked her if she thought now was a