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Chapter One: The Realm of the Guardians
Chapter One
the realm of the GuardIans
ll meetings start in the same place: with an introduction. Seeing as this book is your meet-and-greet with these twelve new angels, we should spend a bit of time introducing each of them and giving you the opportunity to get to know them a little better before diving into working with them for the next year. But before we do just that, let’s talk a little bit about the realm of guardians. Oftentimes when I am asked about the archangels, I describe them as the band of angels that pushes us to raise our awareness, expand our vibrational energy, and constantly uplevel our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. In many respects, the archangels belong to ascension energy. The guardians are very different, as they are grounded, practical, and more interested in assisting us in navigating the muck of human experience.
Say you want to bring more love into your life. The archangels would like us to think about love as energy; they would want us to become one with love’s vibrational energy and embody it rather than look for it in the external world. The guardians, however, want to help you find love in the material world. They would give you practical assistance, steps, and instructions for attracting a romantic partner into your life. Do you see the difference? Theory vs Practice. That is one of the key differences between these two bands of angels. There are