2 minute read
3r d’ESO “Alternative route” Xuelei Bi
“Alternative route”
Xuelei Bi / 3r d’ESO
People beg and fight. For what? For glory? For wealth? For power? Or... For an alternative route?
People say that in one’s life, there are multiple paths and choices. And people get easily swept away by those sweet and comforting words. But... Is that true...? Or is it just another white lie created by humanity? I don’t believe in that saying whatsoever. I believe there is only one single, correct path for every single person out there. They can either take it or they can go down a different path, that is either going to be a series of misfortune or a series of good fortune, molded by themselves through the hard way. I believe that once you go down a certain route, you have to either stick to it or just simply give up if you can’t. Once the path is chosen, I don’t believe that you should even take a look at the other choices you once had.
Not only that, I also don’t believe one has many choices to begin with. At the end of the day, everyone’s ending is the same. Burried in a grave and forever remained underground. At least, that’s how I’ve come to realise what life is and about. And that’s also how I’ve got to the point where I can finally feel free. I don’t believe in a lot of things and sayings, but I do believe in one thing in particular. Freedom. Ever since being put in the spotlight, everyone’s eyes have always been glued on me. Expectations were sky high, and failing was never an option. It wasn’t even a choice made by myself, yet I had to take it, wether I liked it or not.
160 If I could compare myself to something existent, I would compare myself to puppet. A puppet manipulated by others, a puppet manipulated by life. A puppet that’s too tired to fight back. All my life I’ve been a puppet, until now. Now that I’ve become reliable, I’m no longer that small little marionette that goes and comes with the flow. I’m no longer that naïve little kid, who kept thinking and cursing that life is unfair.
But even so, I’ve been molded into a person who can only go down a certain path, even if it’s a path I despise.
I never forgave the people around me, who shaped me into a different person. A person who isn’t me, a person that can never have or make its own choices.