3 minute read
1r de Batxillerat “My scar” Clàudia Reniu i Calahorro
210 “My scar” Clàudia Reniu i Calahorro / 1r de Batxillerat
Blood. Pain. Shadows. Life. Death. Darkness. I can’t move, nor remember what happened yesterday. My back hurts awfully. The last thing I remember is talking to my mother. Mostly, she talked about me being an introvert. On a day-to-day basis, I have to put up with her judgmental personality. She keeps encouraging me to make new friends but she doesn't realize that I try to. It's just that it never works out. Even though we had moved several times, the last one was unquestionably the worst. I had always struggled to make new friends but finally, I had found someone with whom I could get along with. I was devastated when I got the news that we were moving. At first, I got mad until I realized it was pointless. Suddenly, darkness blinds my mind. Keeping all my thoughts aside, I sit on the corner of my bed. I look around my room, but my eyes don't seem to cooperate, since they keep closing repeatedly. I put my feet on the floor, shivering from the temperature change. After a long time, I stand up, walking down the long corridor until I spot my tiny bathroom. I turn the lights on and look in the mirror. I’m startled, seeing these huge, heavy, and dark eye bags under my eyes. Suddenly, an unbearable pain breaks my thoughts. I lift my sleeveless shirt and see a large white bandage that covers almost half my stomach. Should I keep it on? Nevermind, I was not aware that I had already taken it off. My jaw drops when I see a red cut. It looks fresh since there is blood on the edges. However, there is still nothing, nothing else I can remember from yesterday. So I cover it again, with the same bandage, and head to the kitchen. I pour a glass of water and drink it. I was soo thirsty. I open the balcony and sit on the bench, trying to get some fresh air. While taking a deep breath, something clicks. Part of my brain activated and decided to bring back my lost memories. I was walking home after classes, the moon keeping me company. I turned right, entering a long dark street. I was alone, or at least I thought so. I was getting any good vibes. It was almost the end of the street when I sensed something behind me. I turned, seeing sha-
dows rushing towards me. I felt something cold and sharp touch my abdomen, causing a dreadful pain. I looked up to see myself holding a knife. What is happening? Am I stabbing myself? Behind her, I saw some of the most embarrassing moments of my life. When I tried to talk with a girl and end up being humiliated in front of everyone, being too insecure to leave my house... This was my last vision. I felt the ground hitting my head harshly, passing out while a tear was running down my face. Brightness. My eyes open at the feeling of water falling down my face. After a few minutes, I comprehend that I'm in my room. I rapidly take off the bedsheets, running to my tiny bathroom. I lift my shirt searching for my scar, there is nothing on my stomach. My heart starts racing, trying to find an explanation. It hits me. This was an eye-opener dream. I tried so hard to believe that it wasn't my fault for not fitting in. But it was, I was my real enemy. Suddenly, I felt a fervent appeal of peace.