FOOTBALL AS MEDICINE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROMOTION FEATURE / MARCOS AGOSTINHO, PETER KRUSTRUP & DANIEL PARNELL Football as a competitive sport literally moves hundreds of millions of people around the world: players, coaches, referees, leaders, supporters, and more. However, there is another football: the schoolyard football, the neighborhood indoor football, the summertime beach football and the good ‘ol football match with friends. It’s the so-called “recreational” football that offers fun and pleasure. And health! The first studies of recreational football appeared around 2003 in Denmark [1]. Today we know that recreational football brings broad spectrum health benefits that are transversal to both men and women, of different ages and social strata, in healthy and chronically ill people, with or without previous experience in the sport [2]. This type of football has no formal or structured form of competition and it consists of pair-based exercises and
small-sided drills. It is characterized by being an intermittent physical effort of moderate to vigorous intensity with each training session leading to a considerable amount of energy expenditure and an effective combination of cardiovascular, metabolic and musculoskeletal fitness training. However, the perceived effort of the participants tends to be inferior to other equally intense activities, like strength training, running or even interval training. This may be due to a greater playful aspect of this type of football and also to the effect of the interaction between the participants, being that it is a collective modality. These aspects are very important in an active behavior that is intended to perpetuate throughout one’s lifespan. Playing football in a recreational manner can positively influence all dimensions of health: it improves physical, mental and social well-being. Regular practice of 60 minutes, 2 times a week is enough to get broadspectrum effects for adult participants