LNE May 2018

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LNE & Spa—the magazine for skin care and spa professionals May 2018




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What comes to mind when I say, “Custom Skin Care?” If you’ve never given the phrase a thought before, now is the time to start thinking about what custom skin care means to you. Personalized skin care and spa treatments are becoming the new standard in the beauty and wellness industry. Clients are more educated than ever before, and demand to know what ingredients you are choosing specially for them, and why. They want to feel that their own personal concerns are being addressed, and that you’re not just performing the protocol you did on the client before. So how can you start to incorporate customized skin care practices into your own skin care business? Our Customization Guide is a great place to start. From how to adjust your staff mindset, to elevating basic facial protocols into custom skin care masterpieces, we’ve gathered the how-to from spa directors, CEO’s and master estheticians from your favorite brands. Read closely, take notes, and jot down your shop-

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ping list. This month’s 2018 International Congress of


Esthetics and Spa in Dallas, Texas on May 6 & 7 is the perfect opportunity to cross those items off your list. I hope to see you there and hear how this month’s Customization Guide has impacted your business! All the best,

Cristina Beecham Managing Editor

bio-therapeutic.com May2018



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May volume 33 number 5

contents 6 From the Editor 98 Advertiser Index


The Customization Factor

18 Coming Clean




All About Ampoules


Custom Skin Infusion


Ampoules Photo Feature


12 Got Oxygen?

The Spa at The Joule, Dallas, TX


Prickly Pear


Building On Brazilians


In A Savasana State of Mind


Spa News


Organic and Wellness News

30 Building On Brazilians

72 Prickly Pear

Behind The Spa Door with Tony Picciano and Cherie Callahan


Interview Do’s and Don’t’s


Tradeshow Talk

40 Interview Do’s and Don’t’s




47 Customization Guide




23 Skin News


12 Got Oxygen?


Go Above and Beyond with Anita Brown


Need A Lift?


Image News

90 Need A Lift?

Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa, American Edition, (USPS 003-687) (ISSN 1043-9641) is published monthly, 12 times per year and is sold exclusively by subscription. Publisher’s Name: Jean Jacques Legrand, M.D., 3929 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, FL, 33134. Periodical postage paid at Miami, Florida, with additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa, American Edition, 3929 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, Florida 33134, United States Subscription: Annual Rate $45.00 Canada Subscription: $55.00 (American) 1st Class Postage Overseas Subscription: Two years for $140.00 (U.S.) Air Mail Postage





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USA: 800.471.0229. Worldwide: 305.443.2322. Fax: 305.443.1664. LNEonline.com email: tradeshows@LNEonline.com subscriptions@LNEonline.com Publisher Dr. Jean Jacques Legrand Chief Executive Officer Rodolphe Legrand rodolphe@LNEonline.com Managing Editor Cristina Beecham mcristina@LNEonline.com Director of Marketing Mika Diaz mika@LNEonline.com Art Director Andres Gutierrez andres@LNEonline.com Director of Sales Aché Saint ache@LNEonline.com Show Director Danni Boucher danni@lneonline.com Exhibitor Operations Manager Elizabeth Allen liz@LNEonline.com Web Developer Jose Daniel De La Rosa daniel@LNEonline.com Conference Coordinator Jacqueline Reyes jackie@LNEonline.com International Editor Michele de Lattre-Pierantoni 7 Avenue Stephane-Mallarme, 75017 Paris, France - 43 80 06 47

C ontributors Ami Mallon Cherie Callahan Christine Heathman





Clint Carnell Devon Kirk Karen Asquith Laura Martinez

Regina Tucker Robert Sachs Tony Picciano

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Got Oxygen? Help the skin perform its best with oxygenation therapy by Christine Heathman

Stopping the aging skin clock is what we all seek to achieve. Our skin will be older tomorrow than it is today and maintaining a professional age management skin protocol is the best way to keep skin cells acting younger for youthful looking skin. Knowledge has always been power. The more estheticians understand the cell, the better results from ingredients will be obtained for ultimate skin end point results.




skin Got Oxygen?

Cell Science Firstly, the cell’s main vehicle for external communication is secretion. Secretion entails the cellular discharge of chemical substances, which may include enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, or other special agents depending on cell types. Cells are under daily stress from lack of nutrients, temperature shock, DNA damage and hypoxia. All of these stressors lead to changes in gene expression patterns caused by a general shutdown and reprogramming of protein synthesis. We have to remember proteins are the workhorses of the cells. As estheticians, its imperative to understand the science behind aging skin cells. There are several factors of intrinsic and extrinsic issues compromising a youthful skin cell structure leading to aging skin cell formation with unorganized extra spaces that cannot hold nutrients, retain healthy cells, damaging DNA and causing pigment morbidity. This also includes the lack of vital oxygen. All living organisms must respond to, and defend against, environmental 14



stress that leads to these conditions. The ability to respond rapidly for a cell to make changes in the cellular environment is essential for survival. Since most cellular processes are catalyzed by proteins, it is vital for a cell to effect rapid changes in protein levels in any stress response.

Stress and Oxygen One stressor is hypotic stress. What is hypotic stress? Simply put, it is low oxygen levels in the cells that affect endothelial cellular physiology. Oxygen deprivation induces a program of cellular responses. Organisms that require oxygen respond to oxygen deficiency causing adversities within the cellular environment. Hypoxia also affects the growth of blood vessels, particularly the small capillaries. Acute hypoxia rapidly activates the endothelial cells to release inflammatory mediators and growth factors. Longer periods of hypoxia increase the expression of specific genes such as those encoding cytokines.

O2 for Skin

Oxygen is a primal nutrient. Oxygen makes energy to heal, cleanse, detoxify and restore and has become one of the most advanced treatments in skin care for aging, acne, pigmentation, rosacea and other skin conditions. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology reports oxygen levels lower than healthy skin (hypoxia) contribute to poor therapeutic remedy for aging, acne and pigmented skin. Oxygen levels directly affect skin fibroblasts and essential cells for normal barrier repair function (BRF) in any wound healing process. The primary factors affecting the stratum corneum barrier function are age, environment, diet, race and disease. Age causes decline in the ability to restore the BRF. Stress elevates glucocorticoid levels that delay barrier recovery. Winter months stiffen the stratum corneum and decrease intracellular lipid levels affecting the BRF. Oxygen is a colorless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number eight and life supporting component of the air. Oxygen

skin Got Oxygen?

forms about 20 percent of the earth’s atmosphere and is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust, mainly in the form of oxides, silicates and carbonates. Low oxygen affects endothelial cellular physiology. Oxygen deprivation impairs cell function and inhibits basal keratinocyte proliferation leading to proliferation stresses, differentiation and expression of cell-cell adhesion molecules. Hypotic stress leads also to the loss of tissue integrity impacting the ability of wounded epithelium to heal. Cellular responses to hypotic stress are dependent on cell type, maturity and environment. Low oxygen tension impacts the stem cell microenvironment. Every cell, whether stem cell or differentiated cell, have the same DNA, or genes, but a stem cell characteristic depends on signals from the microenvironment i.e., the neighboring cells that form a function.

It starts with one… Skin begins with a single cell and stem cells play an important part. One cell, dividing into two, then two into four, and four into eight until there are billions of cells, patterned and diffuse, color-coded and clear, working class and upper crust, ancient and young, defenders and helpers, all assembled into a great thriving mass called skin that is a complete immune organ. Millions of skin cells drop from the skin daily and the replication process keeps new generations in a replenishment process that repeats itself over 800 times in a life cycle of self renewal. Hypotic stress and HIF1A Gene play a significant part in facilitating cell balance. HIF-1 functions as a master regulator of cellular and systematic homeostatic response to hypoxia by activating transcription of many genes, including those involved in energy metabolism, apoptosis, and other genes whose protein products increase oxygen delivery or facilitate metabolic adaptation to hypotic stress. HIF-1 molecular function provides protein binding, enzyme

binding, signal transducer and DNA binding transcription factor. The nature of the oxygen sensor that causes the increased expression of HIF-1 is not yet fully known, but it probably requires a protein that has a heme-containing oxygen-binding site somewhat like that in hemoglobin. Within the last three to four years, evidence has accumulated to indicate that hemoglobin proteins exist widely in the plant community.

Sources of Oxygen Bio Oxygen benefits from plant sources such as the Nasturtium incorporate new and advanced natural oxygen phytonutrient active ingredients rich in arabinogalactans that have been used in medicine. These advanced botanical flower constituents are the groundbreaking power flower players in skin care. The benefits are many such as restoration of hypotic cellular stress

conditions due to lack of oxygen supply, aiding in the intracellular diffusion of oxygen, promoting skin oxygenation, improving skin radiance, expediting injured skin i.e. photo damaged, acne, pigmentation, rosacea, etc. These naturally occurring botanicals from plant phytochemical sources promote skin health by eliminating inflammation, neutralizing free radicals, toning blood vessels, improving circulation, cell function and reducing bacteria for problem plagued skin such as acne and rosacea. Constant oxygen supply to skin is essential for cutaneous cell and necessary to produce cell energy and guarantee the skin’s homeostasis. Cutaneous cells depend on the complex phenomena of oxygen diffusion. Dr. Marina Peredo, associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York notes that bio-Oxygen treatments may be the ideal and less LNEonline.com



skin Got Oxygen?

painful way to fight aging. She states “Oxygen is a necessity if you want to have healthy, youthful looking skin.� These oxygen treatments and skin care help protect and reverse damage from environmental pollutants that harm the skin such as free radicals. It is also the ultimate hydrator to help fuse nutrients into the skin and support the barrier repair function. The chemistry of botanical oxygen is a weapon against aging skin. Oxygen normalizes the induction of HIF-1A, the hypotic stress response factor. This induction, such as impaired aged human fibroblasts, is restored to a level found in younger acting skin fibroblasts. Oxygen increases the protein (cytoglobin) responsible for transporting oxygen within the fibroblasts by 56 percent and also stimulates the synthesis of cytoglobin, a cytoplasmic protein that delivers oxygen to the respiratory chain of cells.

Oxygen in the Spa Spectacular advances have been made in many ways of molecular skin care biology and are an on going process. In a spa or skin care setting, offering Bio-Oxygen treatments expands your services to manage aging skin, acne and pigmentation and is based on the premise that bio oxygen from botanical sources increases the skin cell metabolism. The synergistic benefits of providing oxygen skin care treatments and home care combine benefits of multiple compounds found in plant-based hydrosols such as peptides. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and peptides have been shown to reduce lines and wrinkles. When providing an oxygen treatment for your client, these hydrosols provide a powerful dual benefit of oxygen and peptides to help keep skin acting and looking younger. Bio-Oxygen treatments take around 45 minutes to one hour to perform and can range from a cost of $75.00




to $125.00. Versatile bio-Oxygen treatments can be blended into other applications. Many celebrities pay up to $500.00 for these popular Oxygen treatments to help stop the skin-aging clock in its tracks and swear by them. In conclusion, estheticians should acknowledge the benefits of molecular cell biology skin care offering BioOxygen plant source treatments that also mean good dollars and cents from the business side of professional skin care. Oxygen treatments and Oxygen home care are very profitable and clients love the end results and rebook. If you are currently offering exfoliation or peels, incorporating an Oxygen treatment will not only be a great add-on or solo treatment, but also the therapy

replenishes the skin due to the hydrosols from the plant sources to reduce inflammation and resuscitate aging skin cells to act younger thus producing a more youthful looking and vibrant skin with one treatment.

Christine Heathman is a licensed master esthetician, lecturer, educator, author, mentor and advocate for the esthetic industry. She is the owner and CEO of GlyMed Plus. Heathman has been a leader in research and scientific skin care and protocol development for more than 25 years. Contact her at cheathman@glymedplus.com.

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COMING CLEAN Oils, milks and gels, oh my! How to choose the right formula for your client by Cristina Beecham When it comes to cleansers today, we are lucky to have so many options. There are cleansing oils, milks, and gels. There are cleansing waters, foaming cleansers and non-foaming cleansers; scented, unscented, powder and liquid. The list goes on and on. And while having so many options is a great way to make sure each client is getting the right cleanser for their skin type and concern, the paradox of choice also rings true for estheticians everywhere. Which is the right cleanser for this client? How many cleansers do you really need? Let’s discuss different cleansing formulations and strategies to ensure a squeaky clean result without stripping or irritating the skin.




skin Coming Clean

of surface oil and debris. It also allows them to rinse clean without leaving an occlusive residue. Refrain from using cleansing oils on those with sensitive skin. Although this client might seem like the perfect candidate for a great oil cleanse, oils are often very potent and highly reactive, so it’s best to steer clear for sensitive clients.

Milky Cleansers

The Important First Step Just as breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, cleansing is a crucial step in the facial process. Improper cleansing can leave the skin unable to absorb the critical nutrients you try to deliver during the treatment. It can also leave the skin surface dry without addressing underlying oiliness or other sub-conditions. Keeping the skin soft and supple is critical. This allows oils to be able to leave the skin without getting trapped underneath or stretching the pores. Improper cleansing can be the underlying cause of dryness and dehydration, even when the client is using proper homecare serums and moisturizers that should be hydrating their skin. This is why cleansing should not be overlooked as a critical part of any skin care regimen.

Choosing The Right Formula With so many cleansers on the market, and so many skin types and conditions, it can be hard to find the right match. Let’s breakdown which cleansing formulas are right for which clients, and why:

Cleansing Oils Cleansing oils are great for three main types of clients: those who wear 20



heavy makeup and require a “doublecleanse,” those with very dry skin who need fatty ingredients like ceramides and omegas in their cleanser, and those with non-sensitive and non-reactive skin. Clients who wear heavy makeup on a daily basis or to their facial appointment benefit from oil cleansers to breakdown the layer of foundation, concealer and powder on the skin. Just as we all learned in high-school science, like dissolves like. This means that oil does a better job at breaking down the oil in makeup than does water or gel. Always follow up with a non-oil cleanser, or at the very least an exfoliating toner, to remove any oily residue and allow proper product penetration throughout the remainder of the treatment. Those suffering from dry skin often benefit from oil cleansers, as the fatty acids and nutrients in the oils can restore the lack of a lipid barrier in clients with dry skin. Be sure to reference your comedogenicity chart when choosing the right oils for your client. It is recommended to use oil cleansers that are formulated as such, rather than mixing pure carrier oils, as formulated cleansers often contain gentle cleansing agents that aid in the breakdown

Just down the cleansing spectrum from cleansing oils are cleansing milks. Cleansing milks are made from lightweight emollients and oils that are much less likely to leave a residue on the skin. Cleansing milks are great for most skin types, and can even remove lightweight makeup that most women wear during the day. These cleansers can contain an array of active ingredients. Milk cleansers with glycolic acid or salicylic acid give clients the best of both worlds. They are gentle and non-drying while still able to clean through the top layer of dead skin. Milk cleansers with AHAs and BHAs can be used on clients with oily and acne prone skin in place of a harsh, drying foaming cleanser. It is recommended to perform a double cleanse, both at home and in the treatment room, to ensure the milky cleanser has enough time to break down surface debris and cleanse the pores more deeply.

Gel Cleansers Clients with oily skin most often gravitate towards gel cleansers. They are often clear and foaming, which gives clients some misdirected confidence that the cleanser will sop up their oils and clear up their breakouts. In reality, very few, if any, skin types benefit from foaming cleansers. They are often too drying and stripping, and can backfire very quickly. However, there may still be a place for gel cleansers on the shelves of estheticians and clients alike. Nonfoaming gel cleansers leave a nice,

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skin Coming Clean

lightweight, non-oily clean feeling without stripping the skin of its protective barrier and leaving the surface hard and dry, trapping oils underneath. Gel cleansers are great carriers of active ingredients like glycolic and salicylic acids. They are easy to find and easy to use, rinsing clean with no trace. They can often breakdown makeup, however a non-foaming gel cleanser does not have the emollients necessary to break down oil-based makeup, so an additional makeup removing cleanser is recommended prior to the gel cleanser to ensure the deepest, most thorough clean.

What’s In A Cleanser? The list of emollients, surfactants and cleansing agents used in skin care products goes on and on, but here is a short list for reference when choosing the right cleanser for your clients.

Sufactants Surfactants “degrease” the skin and remove surface oil and debris. They can range from mild to irritating, so it is good practice to stay educated on popular cleansing agents. sodium lauryl sulfate cocamidopropyl betaine stearic acid oleic acid

Emollients Emollients soothe the skin and provide barrier protection that can often be stripped away by harsh detergents and cleansing agents. Although necessary, it is important to choose cleansers with non-occlusive emollients that may prevent absorption of further products. glycerin sodium PCA dimathicone lanolin

Antimicrobials These ingredients extend the shelf life of cleansers and promote the reduction 22



of surface bacteria on the skin. These may include: methylparaben polyparaben tea tree phenoxyethanol

If You Make One Retail Sale… It should be a proper cleanser. This is the skin care product clients will be most familiar with, and will use most often. It is also a product that if chosen incorrectly, can cause damage very quickly to skin’s outer surface. If your client is using a harsh, drying, foaming cleanser, any great serums or treatments you sell them simply won’t penetrate.

Keep a milky cleanser with glycolic acid in stock at all times. It works for every skin type and is great for treatments and homecare. It is generally a good idea to choose one that is fragrance free, without too many essential oils or plant extracts that might irritate more sensitive skins.

Cristina Beecham is the Managing Editor of Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa. She is also a licensed esthetician with an intense passion for the skin care industry. Cristina is your source for inspiration in progressing the gift that estheticians give their clients. Please connect with her at mcristina@lneonline.com

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BelleCôte Paris’ Black Mud Nourishing Mask with powerful cleansing, exfoliating and nourishing properties infuses the skin with moisture, vitamins, essential minerals and potent antioxidants. The mask contains healing Black Mud, harvested by hand from the Dead Sea, and rich in essential fatty acids. Black Seed Oil helps enhance a youthful appearance and instantly leaves your skin looking fresh, hydrated and radiant. Activated Charcoal absorbs toxins and provides an anti-inflammatory barrier. This gifted mask simultaneously revives the skin and activates the collagen production. The skin is left looking fresh, hydrated and radiant.



Visit LNEonline.com for more news May2018





Satin SmoothÂŽ has paired the latest waxing technology with finely milled Chakra energy gemstones. Our new formulas deliver optimal hair removal, while creating a sense of comfort, calm & confidence. The aromas, vitality & performance of mineral-infused wax will transform your salon or spa, and create an unforgettable waxing experience that connects the mind, body & spirit. www.satinsmooth.com




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A landmark spa in the epicenter of downtown Dallas


by Cristina Beecham

In a stunning subterranean setting, The Spa at the Joule is a therapeutic haven nurturing mind, body and soul. In the bustling epicenter of downtown Dallas, Texas, The Spa at the Joule offers luxurious and pampering rituals with an emphasis on personalized experiences. Inspired by geothermal therapies, The Spa features European style heat experiences that take guests through a therapeutic journey of warmth. Spa Director Virginia Acosta’s 20 years in the spa industry allows for a seamless guest experience and an overall enhanced guest experience. The Spa at the Joule features intimate, tailored services that cater to their guests’ individual needs. Their expertly trained staff offers results clients can feel and see, all while allowing them to drift away into the bliss of the spa experience.




spa Spa of the Month

SIGNATURE THERAPY At The Spa at the Joule, guests gravitate towards their Time Signature Therapy (2 hours, $295 Mon-Thurs, $310 Fri-Sun). This unique treatment concept allows clients to book a duration of time, rather than a specific treatment. Spa Director Virginia Acosta explains, “Services and products can be tailored to meet each individual’s needs. As a welcoming gesture, each Time Signature Therapy begins with a soothing foot ritual designed to restore a natural state of equilibrium.” The Time Signature Therapy is also offered in three-hour increments, allowing guests to enjoy a delicious and healthy spa lunch to further enhance the day’s wellness practices. Aligned with the spa’s focus on personalization and individual client needs, the Time Signature Therapy is a standout menu item that allows guests to place their trust in the hands of specially trained service providers who can assess and deliver a customized treatment plan.

MARKETING The Spa at the Joule is housed in The Joule Hotel in the heart of Dallas. The award-winning hotel is a “revitalized 1920’s neo-gothic landmark building set in the heart of Dallas’ central business district.” The hotel’s eye-catching art installations and clever design make it a large draw for spa clients. Spa Director Virginia Acosta explains, “The hotel is a big driver [for spa business]. We also get new business through wordof-mouth with our local clientele and press coverage on the spa. The Spa also utilizes modern marketing techniques, such as e-mail marketing and social media. Acosta states, “We send emails on new products and services to our clientele, as well as communicate regularly through social media highlighting treatments and amenities as well as provide tips from our skin care




experts.” The spa’s social media platforms include Facebook and Instagram, totaling thousands of followers. Their profiles showcase tantalizing images of the spa facilities, new product arrivals and sneak-peaks of what guests can expect during their treatments.

TRAINING The Spa at the Joule’s training program ensures all service providers are held to a high standard with equal expectations for everyone. Acosta explains that all service providers undergo their “Internal Continuing Education (ICE)” with a dedicated spa trainer. Acosta’s service providers and spa staff “dedicate three days of the week to accommodate training sessions for all departments ranging from protocols and techniques, product knowledge to customer service. We also collaborate with our retail partners to offer at

least two sessions of training per year on product lines and services.” Spa Director Acosta also hosts weekly meetings with department managers, quarterly meetings with specific departments and semiannual meetings with all spa staff members to ensure all spa operations run smoothly for a seamless guests experience year-round. For daily upkeep and expectations, Acosta sends a daily email recap to all staff members highlighting "important information from that day and what needs to be done the next day. This way we can ensure all of our staff is up to speed on everything happening around The Spa." Once a year, spa staff undergoe a formal performance review in which goals are set on an individual basis. Acosta continually works with her staff “to push them to the next level and develop a plan for success.” In their annual performance review, they “take

spa Spa of the Month

Dallas-based bath, body and candle line. His lotion, shampoo, conditioner and body wash are also available as inroom bath amenities within the hotel.” To bring even more of downtown Dallas into the Joule, they also “work with Dallas-based Candela to develop our own exclusive bath and body oils for retail, as well as all the body products in our services.”


into consideration customer retention and product sales in order to increase commissions.” Acosta also partners with vendors to host contests for employees to incentivize excellent service and retail performance.

EVENTS AND PROMOTIONS The Spa at the Joule uses special events and holiday-inspired promotions to bring new clients to the spa and encourage regular clients to branch out. Spa Director Virginia Acosta says, “Over the past two years, we’ve partnered with Tata Harper to host mini-facial events with their U.S. lead esthetician with great success. This year’s event was held over Valentine’s Day on the 14th and 15th offering 45-minute customized facials for two with treats and champagne. The appointment was $125 per person - redeemable towards Tata Harper purchases that day.” These events take several months to plan. Acosta explains that there are various marketing coordination required to make these special events successful. The Spa also coordinates with local vendors to bring that Dallas-feel right into the spa. Acosta explains that they “currently retail Niven Morgan, a

Great spa treatments are complimented by equally exquisite take-home products that allow clients to re-live the experience and create lasting sensory memories. The Spa at the Joule carries product lines that “are results-driven and selective with their ingredients.” Spa Director Acosta also looks at “the type of support they are willing to provide [the spa], especially in employee education and marketing.” She explains how important it is that these brands are selective and not saturated in the market so that The Joule offers something bespoke and special for clients.

massage; 18 percent body treatments; 12 percent retail Client Ratio: 60 percent female; 40 percent male

Spa Director Spotlight:

Virginia Acosta has over 20 year’s experience in the spa industry from managing to developing spa con-

Rundown The Spa at the Joule 1611 Main St. Dallas, Texas 75201 thejouledallas.com

cepts. She took on the role of Spa Director at The Spa at The Joule in 2012, where she’s focused on continuing the evolution of the service and guest experience and wellness initiatives. When not at work, she spends time with her husband and three kids.

214.261.4555 Launch: October 2013 Spa Director: Virginia Acosta

Cristina Beecham is the Managing Editor of Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa. She is

Retail Lines: Biologique Recherche, Tata Harper, Niven Morgan, Candela

also a licensed esthetician with an intense passion for the skin care industry. Cristina is your source for inspiration in progressing the gift that estheticians give their clients. Please

Spa Menu Composition: 20 percent facials; 50 percent

connect with her at mcristina@lneonline.com







BUILDING ON BRAZILIANS Why intimate waxing brings in big business and how to become an expert by Regina M. Tucker Waxing is big business for skin care professionals and many individuals are operating businesses solely on the service alone. After working for some time in the industry or graduating from esthetics school, many professionals have found their niche with waxing. From brows to the body, waxing alone is making it possible for many business owners to build and operate successfully under one premise. The continued demand allows many professionals to standout and become recognized authorities in the field. Waxing remains an in demand services and presents an opportunity to thrive and grow professionally. If you are interested in building a business solely on waxing or want to grow your existing practice, here are a few ideas on how to add to your success.




spa Building On Brazilians

CERTIFICATION BEYOND THE BASICS Precision and technical skills are two of the traits that separate a skilled waxing technician from a novice. Often times, additional training is needed to hone your individual expertise. Additional training can be used as a pivotal marketing tool to highlight to new and existing guest your commitment to being the best and working with the best our industry has to offer. Many professionals are seen throughout social media posing with notable experts in the field after attending trainings to advance their skills. This smart business move signals to potential clients your commitment to being and providing the best to them. Additional certification also prepares you for the various situations that may arise in the treatment room, from stubborn hair to tackling the male anatomy, certification beyond the basics affords you the opportunity to boast your expertise and flex your skills even more. Beyond traditional waxing, there are advanced certifications for speed waxing, brows and much more. Make the decision to train with the best and stay up to date on new advances. CREATE A WINNING MENU Your waxing menu should really lend itself to the personality of your brand. With so many businesses thriving on waxing alone today, it takes a little more to entice new guests. Take time to plan your menu and create one that includes service offerings that your audience wants and that will improve your profitability. In addition to following current trends, do your homework on the types of services individuals in your community are looking for and be sure to include them on your menu. Some ideas for additional services include make-up artistry, lash and brow services including, micro blading, lash tinting and lifting, and additional services to address problems that usually accompanying waxing i.e. ingrown hairs. By developing a clear menu, clients will 32



gain valuable insight into your brand and will likely understand and respect your position as an authority in this specialty niche. WIN WITH RETAIL Retail products that compliment your service menu make it possible for you to improve business revenue. With so many exciting offerings, retail links can be so much fun for your business. If your business is small in size, one thing to remember is that you want to work with companies that have products that you and your guest will love but that also have moderate opening order costs. You also want to inquire about monthly minimum requirements as well. Think about items that your client will need at the conclusion of their services or seasonal items that keep your retail shelves exciting and interesting for new

and existing guests. One thing to remember is that sometimes, companies are willing to relax and open smaller retail accounts for companies unable to meet minimum order requirements, especially if the company is not yet established in that particular territory. So, it doesn’t hurt to reach out to a brand that has a product you love, especially if it is one that you think your clients will love too. CREATE YOUR OWN BRANDED PRODUCT Have you ever thought about creating your own specialty product to compliment your waxing biz? If you have, you might be on the fast track to improving your profitability. Today, there are countless options for owners to create their own signature retail line to complement their existing brand

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spa Building On Brazilians

It’s the little things that stand out and create a memorable guest experience.

complacency prevent you from staying ahead and on top of your game as a waxing professional. Level the playing field with continued education, additional business classes and by examining your profitability as a business professional. Take the right steps to be the BEST in your field and the BEST in business!

Regina Tucker is a long time beauty writer for consumer and professional audiences. She is a licensed esthetician and the popular blogger behind Beautifullyyoursmetro.com the first lifestyle platform for estheticians. Her latest book is Brazilian Waxing Is Not Dead .Regina has a Master’s of Science degree in Human Resources Development and provides shares her professional insights regularly on Instagram @beautifullyyoursmetro.

SIGNATURE SERVICE Always remember to deliver service with your own signature appeal. Remember when you’re running your business it’s the little things that stand out and create a memorable guest experience. How are you creating a memorable experience for your guest? Do you offer signature tea and treats to each guest? Do you follow up services with a handwritten note? Is there a signature service that is included in each waxing service? Your signature is your true point of differentiation. It is the thing that brings guest back each month. You should decide on your service differentiators early on and embed them into the fiber of your brand. Every person that works for you or with your company should embrace your ideals. This will be the reason why clients come back month after month. This will be the reason clients choose you over the competition. It is the lifeline of your business and extends beyond traditional business standards. Remember, the details matter and will separate you from the competition. Your continued success as a business owner and specialty operator hinges on your professional growth and your continued learning in this field. Don’t let routine and 34



Say you saw it in LNE & Spa and circle #253 on reader service card

and business. You can definitely complement your waxing menu with signature products such as brow kits, ingrown hair removal products and other personalized accessories that compliment your treatment menu. Creating your own product line could be a bit of an investment in the beginning, but with a detailed success plan in place, it could mean additional revenue for your specialty practice. If you are looking to get started with your own product line and would like a less expensive option, consider stock formulations that address problems such as ingrown hair removal to get started with. Often times, stock formulations are less expensive than custom formulations and they also allow you the opportunity to have a product branded according to your specifications and company esthetic.

Industry Talk



K-BEAUTY TREND K-Beauty has become a huge trend. What are the Koreans doing to have this incredible popularity? Koreans are just passionate about anti-aging. Looking beautiful is one of their life goals! First, double cleansing. Next, exfoliation is key to help prep the skin for nutrient absorption. Then serums, which really transform the skin, not to mention the huge assortment of Korean masks...and of course sun protection. But Koreans also offer an incredible Meridian Fascia-Firming Facial. FASCIA FIRMING FACIAL Is this the first time the United States has experienced the Fascia-Firming Facial? Since I was born in Korea, I wanted to bring that concept to the United States. The trend is already here, but

Le Mieux started introducing this concept over nine years ago, before K-Beauty really hit the market. We use jade gua sha tools and our amazing hands. But more importantly, it's the knowledge and the techniques to really lift and firm the facial tissues and the muscles and fascia that lie underneath the skin. And the techniques are not just limited to the face--the strokes extend down the neck and across the décolleté, too. What makes the Korean Meridian Fascia-Firming Facial so unique? In the United States and in Europe, we focus on the lymphatic system and use our hands with techniques like tapotement or effleurage. With the Korean Meridian Fascia-Firming Facial, we work with meridian points, which are similar to acupuncture points. In order to sculpt the face, we study and understand how the muscles connect and how the fascia holds

the muscles. In this facial, we have mastered the sculpting of facial muscles and work with blood circulation and the lymphatic system; but more importantly, the meridian points. Imagine being able to use your hands and the natural lines that flow through the body, almost like an energy highway, and how you can use that to tighten and firm up that area, making it look healthy and glowing. In fact, studies from Harvard University found that there is a 400 percent increase in microcirculation within seven and a half minutes following this facial technique, which also lifts, firms, and sculpts, making clients look—and feel—years younger. Another very important part is using the right product. And that's also where Le Mieux comes in. INSIDER TIPS How can estheticians learn these techniques? We teach three different levels of Korean Meridian Fascia-Firming. It's not just the techniques. You need to understand cosmetic chemistry and what goes on beneath the surface of the skin. Just contact us, and we'll teach you how to bring Korea from 6,000 miles away, right into your own salon. We'll show you ways for your clients to experience a really amazing, addictive facial, and they'll keep coming back for more. So, don't just think of it as "K-Beauty." Let's incorporate the best of this trend and make it truly the time for "American Beauty!"

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Epillyss Freelyss Cream Wax is a gentle, low-temperature soft wax recommended for use on clients with hypersensitive skin. Antibacterial Zinc Oxide helps to protect your clients’ skin from post-depilatory reactions and is anti-inflammatory. Use this wax for face or full-body waxing with all hair types. This natural wax contains no added colors or synthetic fragrance.

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The Celluma LITE LED therapy device delivers the same powerful results as the Celluma PRO, in a more compact size. Use the Celluma LITE anywhere on the body to treat skin or pain conditions on the chest, décolleté, hands, thighs or knees. Ideal for resale to clients, too. While designed specifically for positioning over smaller areas such as elbows, wrist and knees, the Celluma LITE can be used anywhere on the body, including over the face to treat wrinkles and acne. The Celluma LITE measures 16” x 8” overall with a treatment area of 14” x 6”. FDA-Cleared and USA made.


We are “coconuts” for Fake Bake’s newest products. Coconut Flawless Tanning Serum and Coconut Exfoliating Wipes. Our serum not only has the benefits of coconuts, but also has hyaluronic acid. The Coconut Exfoliating Wipes are dual sided to prepare the skin for your sunless tan. One side works as your exfoliator and the other a cleanser, all the while leaving the perfect PH balance on the skin for your tan to look the best.

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The Silicone Wax Collar and Wax Lid from Relax and Wax are made from high quality, food grade silicone. These wax lids help keep your wax temperature consistent and the wax collars help keep your wax warmers clean. Hard wax simply peels right off the silicone and soft wax is an easy clean up when you add a little Relax and Wax citrus wax pot cleaner. One swipe and you are done!

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Visit LNEonline.com for more news 36


714.978.0080 BioPhotas.com


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Behind the Spa Door Microcurrent Business Strategy with Tony Picciano and Cherie Callahan, NeurotriSTM

BUSINESS TIPS WITH TONY 1. What inspired you to start a microcurrent business? I was inspired by estheticians asking for a better-built and better performing machine made here in the U.S.A. so I took on the challenge and did it.

2. What challenges did you face when designing and creating the treatment? The challenge was to design a device that was different from all first-generation systems currently on the mar38



ket. What is most important to you and your client is a machine that is efficient enough to give optimal performance and results. NeurotriS machines are dynamic, intelligent devices that automatically calculate the proper efficacious value based on skin type and density at the time of the treatment for each individual client.

3. How do you see this device fitting into spa menus around the country?

Our treatments are holistic, non-invasive absolute true microcurrent devices that can be considered the core of salon and spa menus. They synergize the effects of products and other modalities on any spa menu.

4. How do you differentiate your treatment from others on the market? NeurotriS introduces the only dynamic multi-channel microcurrent device on

the market that features a bio-feedback monitoring loop, optimizing signal levels based on an individual’s skin impedance at the time of treatment.

5. How are you marketing your brand?

We know that our best ambassadors for our products are satisfied customers – both the spa side and their clients. We also know the power of sharing stories and how they resonate with others, so we have a robust social media presence, where estheticians and clients can connect with us directly, ask questions, and so on.

Well, muscle has memory. Therefore, when the esthetician performs a series of microcurrent on a client the muscle builds and remembers where and how they are to behave. Once the series is completed, the client then becomes a microcurrent client EVERY single time they come in for treatment in combination with whatever the esthetician is working on with the skin. The other reason for always starting with the microcurrent is to get the oxygen flowing to the tissues. This way every treatment that the esthetician is planning on performing is going to have better results due to the increased oxygen. The skin treatments that the esthetician has planned for the client remains the same – it’s just that microcurrent becomes an additional treatment.

3. What active ingredients do you use along with this device?


Typically, when performing the microcurrent treatment, I’m using a conductive spray or gel or sometimes a cream if the client is lipid dry. It’s best to leave the corrective serums, etc. until after the esthetician

has performed the triggering of the muscle. I sometimes use a peptide mask, attaching what we call “alligator clips” to all four corners and run the microcurrent through the mask – driving in the peptide for amazing results.

4. Do you recommend microcurrent as a long-term treatment?

I only sell microcurrent to my client if they understand that it’s ongoing. Again, why would one invest in six months of gym workouts only to stop? The muscle responds to being worked – so keep it working with and you’ll have a very happy client for as long as you work together.

5. What type of feedback do you get from your microcurrent clients?

One word. WOW! No kidding – that is the one word they say every time! I sit them up and get them a mirror and “WOW!” comes out of their mouth. Long-term, my clients experience stronger, more radiant skin. The color and tone are impacted as well because of the increased oxygen during the treatment.

1. What’s your favorite part about performing microcurrent treatments?

It’s oxygen that is the food for the skin – and gets the ‘factory’ working properly. When I start my treatment, I begin with the oxygen setting and begin to see the skin come alive! It’s similar to when someone goes on a run.

2. How do you incorporate these treatments into a full facial protocol?

I always start clients with a microcurrent series. Think of a gym experience. You wouldn’t think of beginning your goal of getting your body into shape by going to the gym once a month, right. LNEonline.com








DON'T’S Asking the right questions matters when looking for a perfect fit

Have you ever given thought as to the questions you ask a potential employee during an interview? As a small business owner, it can be both stressful and intimidating to conduct an interview. What questions should you ask? How much information do you give out about yourself and your business? Are you allowed to do a working interview without paying the interviewee? It can be daunting.

by Charles Read and Devon Kirk




business Interview Do’s and Don't’s

During every job interview, there is certain information you are looking to obtain through friendly banter with the potential candidate. However, some questions you may be currently asking interviewees could come across as a little too friendly and may be perceived as potential discrimination. On a federal level, there are many areas of which you want to steer clear: Race, color, national origin, sex, and religion (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); Age (Age Discrimination in Employment Act); Disability (Americans with Disabilities Act); Results of genetic testing (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act). In addition to the characteristics protected under federal laws, various states and local jurisdictions add other characteristics protected by law. Such characteristics include but are not limited to: • "sexual orientation, • gender identity, • service in the military, • veteran status, • ancestry, • arrest record, • marital status, and • whether someone is a victim of domestic violence.”1

INTERVIEW BEST PRACTICES Read the resume before the interview. It’s important to be prepared and know with whom you are speaking. Schedule the same amount of time for each candidate. It will keep you on track and focused on the questions you want to ask. Ask the same questions to every candidate to avoid discrimination issues. Create a word document with each question and space to write their answers underneath each question. Consistency among interviews saves you headaches and time.




Do not write on the resume. Notes that are vague or ambiguous could be misconstrued. Limit small talk. You may inadvertently ask a question that the candidate may view as discriminatory. If you include a test in your interview, be sure to have a printed activity sheet and ensure the test is the same for every candidate. Remember to use some soft skills. The interviewee is nervous. Show some empathy and understanding. After all, we’ve all been there.

THE WORKING INTERVIEW Avoid working interviews unless you plan on paying for their time. “According to the U.S. Department of Labor, being employed is defined as "to suffer or permit to work." Even though they are doing work for a very short time and on a trial basis, it's still real work. Federal and state laws may state that they have to get paid, but that

doesn't mean it will be equal to the salary they would get when they are actually hired. Minimum wage is all that is required by law. If they work more than 8 hours during that day, they are also be entitled to overtime pay.2 Be sure the candidate is aware that it is a working interview and the amount of time that she will be required to perform.

FIVE INTERVIEW LANDMINES TO AVOID As a business owner, you are so busy with your daily tasks of running and managing your business; it’s easy to forget to prepare for your interviews. Monster.com breaks them down for us and provides ways to avoid them: 1. “Fail to define a clear picture of the job requirements. a. Do you have a clear picture in your mind of the performance you want to see from the position you are filling? 2. Fail to create a scorecard for the interview.

business Interview Do’s and Don't’s

a. List the key accomplishments and skills you want in the person you hire and score each interviewees skills from 1-5. 3. Fail to ask open-ended, accomplishment-oriented questions. a. If you had to walk into an interview right now, with zero preparation, could you ask good interview questions and learn everything necessary to make a judgment about the candidate? 4. Fail to listen. a. In most interview situations, you should be asking open-ended questions, listening, asking a follow-up question, listening, and then repeating the process.”3

COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS In every interview, there are common sense and very common questions that almost every interviewer asks. 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Tell me about your top strength and weakness.

3. What would you consider your greatest career accomplishment? 4. Why did you leave your last position? 5. Tell me why you applied for this position? 6. Why do you want to work for us? 7. What are your career goals? 8. Why should I hire you? 9. What are your salary expectations? 10. Do you have any questions for me?

TEN INTERVIEW QUESTION NO-NO’S Common sense tells us that we can’t ask questions about marriage, children, illegal activity, religious or political affiliation, credit history, or social affiliations. However, simply rewording a question can make it askable. Here are ten re-written interview questions that you can ask without getting into trouble for discrimination. 1. NO: "ARE YOU A U.S. CITIZEN?" While this may seem like a seemingly straightforward question to de-

cide workplace eligibility, it is strictly hands-off. YES: "ARE YOU AUTHORIZED TO WORK IN THE U.S.?" 2. NO: "HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED HERE?" Familiarity with a city or town may be important to the job that which you are hiring. However, it is important not to ask an interviewee about their residency. Ask directly about their current situation. They can always volunteer more information later. YES: "WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS? DO YOU HAVE ANY ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED?" 3. NO: "WHAT RELIGION DO YOU PRACTICE?" You may want to find out about an interviewees religion to determine their weekend availability, but it is important you do not ask this question. Y E S : " W H AT D AY S A R E Y O U AVAILABLE TO WORK?"

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Science Beyond Beauty


business Interview Do’s and Don't’s

4. NO: "DO YOU BELONG TO A CLUB OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATION?" This particular question could be too revealing of political or religious affiliation or activity. Also, this question has little or no relevance to a job candidate's abilities or qualifications. However, if you want to ask this question, it is important to focus the wording on work. YES: "ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A PROFESSIONAL OR TRADE GROUP THAT IS RELEVANT TO OUR INDUSTRY?" 5. NO: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" While this may seem like a seemingly harmless question, it is quite loaded. Asking about an interviewee's age can ultimately set you up for discrimination based on age. YES: "ARE YOU OVER THE AGE OF 18?" 6. NO: "HOW MUCH LONGER DO YOU PLAN TO WORK BEFORE YOU RETIRE?" Once again, this type of question leaves you vulnerable to discrimination allegations later on down the road. While you may not want to hire someone who is planning on retiring in a few years, you cannot dismiss an interviewee for these reasons alone. YES: "WHAT ARE YOUR LONG-TERM CAREER GOALS?" 7. NO: "DO YOU PLAN TO HAVE OR CURRENTLY HAVE CHILDREN?" It is clear that with this question the concern is any family obligations that may interfere with work hours. Get straight to the point of work schedules and availability. YES: "ARE YOU AVAILABLE TO WORK OVERTIME ON OCCASION? CAN YOU TRAVEL?" 8. NO: "WHO IS YOUR CLOSEST RELATIVE TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY?" Although this question is not completely off-putting, you are assuming the 44



interviewee's personal life. YES: "IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, WHO SHOULD WE NOTIFY?" 9 . N O : " H O W FA R I S Y O U R COMMUTE?" Although hiring an employee who lives close by may be convenient, you cannot choose candidates based on their location. YES: "ARE YOU ABLE TO GET TO WORK AT 8 A.M.?"

ment their answers, and be consistent in each interview. Finally, do not interview alone. If possible, have another person interview with you. That way, there will never be an opportunity for a he-said-she-said situation if you are ever charged with discrimination.

Sources: 1 . h t t p : / / w w w. h r h e r o . c o m / h l / a r t i -

10. NO: "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SUPERVISING MEN/WOMEN?" This question, although it may seem like a valid concern, is not acceptable. The candidate may not have any issues working with the opposite or same sex, and you'll seem crass for even bringing it up. YES: "TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE MANAGING TEAMS."


Many interviewers take a cavalier attitude towards interviewing. After all, they’ll never see them again if they aren’t hired. You never know how a candidate will feel after leaving the interview and what actions they may or may not take as a result of how they felt they were treated during the interview. Ask the right questions, docu-

authors of Crafting a Successful Beauty

ployees-dont-let-applications-interviewstrigger-legal-woes/ 2 https://woman.thenest.com/supposedpaid-working-interview-9296.html 3.https://hiring.monster.com/hr/hr-bestpractices/recruiting-hiring-advice/interviewing-candidates/interview-preparation.aspx

Charles Read and Devon Kirk are coBusiness: The secrets of business critical to a salons success. Read is CEO of GetPayroll, a 26-year nationwide payroll services company for small business owners. Kirk is a former day spa owner and current Director of Sales, Marketing and Public Relations at GetPayroll. Lear more at www.getpayroll.com/book.








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When attending the classes, ask well thought-out questions that benefit the whole room. The speakers tend to have a lot of ground to cover in a restricted amount of time. So, if you get hung up on one point, just write your question down and circle back with them at the end of the class or visit them at their booth when there is less of a time crunch.

-Briana McKee, Texas (A)estheticians Circle Plan your classes, plan your floor time. Take classes that offer certificates and take the show floor back to front. You will have more time with the reps as well as a less hectic time navigating. Pack water, a muffin and napkins in your purse.

-Nikki Evirs, Vibes Speciality Salon A trade show is the perfect place to light your beauty biz soul on fire! I love having the opportunity to see, feel, touch, and smell all the amazing products and tools designed to help our clients look and feel beautiful.

-Lori Crete, The Beauty Biz Club While you can learn pretty much anything on the internet, nothing beats a hands-on, face-to-face educational experience. This is why all esthetic professionals need to attend their local industry trade show on an annual basis.

-Denise Ryan, Celluma There’s no better opportunity than a trade show to connect with skin care professionals, share knowledge, and just generally take the pulse of the industry. To get the most out of the experience, take advantage of the product demonstrations and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Exhibitors love to talk about their products.

-James Fulton, III., Vivant Skin Care Tradeshows are a unique moment to interact with professionals and tell them about our new products and our brand story. We spend a lot of time and resources on our booth and we make sure to follow up with attendees after the show to keep the conversation going

-Dana Marie D’Eliseo, Image Skincare





Guide LNEonline.com









Anticipate client needs and ask the right questions for a customized spa experience by Laura Martinez I’m sure you’ve experienced in one way or the other, that moment when changes are in need. Whether it's during a spa opening, a transitional operation or at a well-established spa location, the reasons can be different and usually also require a change of the spa menu. These changes call for a refresh of your spa standards and procedures. The reasons may vary based on demographics, economy or cultural reorganization. But ultimately, these changes need to occur in order to achieve better customer service experiences as well as a positive revenue outcome.




Customization Guide

A natural questioning and curious attitude is a quality we should look for, and hire.

spective. The “servanthood” attitude must be represented in every guest interaction.

During this transitional process, I've continued to hear the buzzwords customization and personalization. They have been repeated over and over during my career in the spa industry. What do they mean? I could not help but ask myself: Are we using these words correctly? Are we applying the concept properly? Let’s talk about the words’ meaning first. I found several definitions, and one, in particular, coming from a marketing point-of-view, that helped me to clear my thoughts and ignited a conversation about enhanced spa experiences: Customization and personalization are two different words and have separate meanings. Customization: According to MerriamWebster, is “a method of changing something to fit the needs or requirements of a person, business, etc.” Customization can come in many forms, from fast food restaurants that encourage customers to design their own 50



foodstuff, to online stores that allow visitors to design their own clothing. Personalization: This term “is a far more complex practice and is achieved when a system tailors an experience based on a consumer’s previous behaviors. For example, Amazon personalizes its homepage for each user based on that user’s previous searches, views, and purchases.”

CURIOSITY: A natural questioning and curios attitude is a quality we should look for, and hire. Without curious employees that ask questions and have the guest’s best interest in mind, we can’t retrieve the information to build customization. Employees who are engaged are the most critical part of a customizable guest process. KNOW YOUR GUEST: To embrace the curious team, the implementation of good practices and standards that are intended to retrieve guest information before, during and after the guest interaction will allow the team to create customization. Two of my favorite best practices are:

Because of the more technology-oriented practices that are involved with personalization, the spa industry tends to customize rather than personalize. Here are a few characteristics to consider when customizing spa experiences:

1. Key questions during the reservation and service consultation: Ask, and we shall receive! Incorporating questions as an introduction to the guest interaction will provide the opportunity to get to know your guest. For example:

GUEST-CENTRIC SPA CULTURE: As we all know, it all starts with our team members. Hire people with a servant attitude, and they will innately make it about the guest, not about themselves. Delivering a custom spa experience for your guest will only be possible when operating a facility from a guest’s per-

• What is the reason for your spa visit today? • Are you celebrating anything in particular during your spa visit? • I heard you saying you experience massage therapy often, would you like to share with us what your preferences are for a massage?

Customization Guide • Is this your first time undergoing a spa treatment? • How much time do you have to experience our spa today? • When was the last time you received a facial service? 2. Add Notes+Read Notes: whether your location is servicing frequent or transient guests, profile notes are one of the essential tools to open up the floor to get to know your guest. But these records are not helpful if we don’t read them consistently. Reading notes prior any guest arrival should be added to all consistent practices in your spa. Similarly, adding notes to guest profiles once we've learned about them during their spa visit will invite the customization task for all future appointments. FLEXIBILITY: Your team should know the difference between a standard and a procedure. A standard is a non-negotiable and consistent spa practice, while a procedure may allow flexibility to create customization. Guests may need to often modify a service based on specific needs. Without significantly affecting the business, we must permit this flexibility within our spa team to customize a guest experience.

tices to incorporate into your spa team activities. These can stimulate creative juices and allow your staff to WOW your spa guests. Creating customized spa experiences can demand extensive time and dedication, as well as determined contact with the guests to be able to get to know their preferences and their expectations. The employees involved in offering customized service must possess ownership and all tools needed for such purpose. While this sounds like a lot of work, and indeed it is, the awareness in anticipating guest needs, creating memorable experiences, and going above and beyond, should always be a part of our daily practice, and a clear expectation for each of our spa team members. From the level of service quality to the positive effect on guest retention rates and brand loyalty, customized services can offer numerous benefits to your spa business. Customization will lead to building guest loyalty that then automatically will result in long-term revenue stability and growth in the spa. After researching whether we are genuinely incorporating customization or personalization among the spa expe-

riences, I came to the personal conclusion that it is about creating a healthy culture among a team that is caring, passionate and can be held accountable for creating unique and memorable experiences for all spa guests. Incorporating customization or personalization will always lead to positive results, which in turn motivates better guest experience and strengthens a spa’s competitive advantage in their local marketplace. After all this work, isn’t it time for your spa to build that long-term success you are looking for? Go on, get to know your spa guests!

Souces: Customization vs Personalization - abtasty.com. https:// www.abtasty.com/blog/ customization-vs-personalization/

Laura Martinez: is a spa leader with 17 years in the luxury spa industry. Laura’s diverse markets’ experience has made her an expert in adapting, embracing changes and identifying spa’s guest service strategies to take teams to the next level.

ADAPTABILITY: Adaptability is a significant factor to be considered when creating new services. The spa menu should ensure that the list of services can offer an acceptable range of versatility within the spa treatments to allow modification to each guest. CREATIVITY: A significant element of service customization is to provide something unique, or something that can be offered differently. This action requires a passionate employee that is always on top of his/ her game, and that truly enjoys anticipating guest needs. Providing on-going education, creating opportunities to learn new trends, and time for market research can be some excellent pracLNEonline.com







Masking Become an expert mixologist by personalizing your back bar mask combinations by Ami Mallon Being bespoke is on the rise. Creatively concocted everything is increasing in popularity. People, by nature, are always attracted to articles and concepts that are specific to themselves (think monograms and birthstones). These goods and services are tailored specifically to an individual, the way that an app on one’s cell phone is specific to that person’s lifestyle. Looking at one’s phone can provide insight into an individual’s life. They may use a step tracker app, or various social media applications. Applications even exist that are specific to the healthcare provider one uses. In an effort to provide a more personal experience, websites boasting clothing pieces (and full wardrobes) that can be ordered online just by giving style preferences and measurements have also been growing at a speedy pace. There is a rapid expansion of customization in food, fashion, technology… and now beauty. No two skins should be treated the same. Color-adapting cosmetics, custom foundations and curated lip colors have been on the market for quite some time. Is this the future for skin care as well? And why wouldn’t it be? It just makes sense.




Customization Guide

DIFFERENT FROM THE INSIDE OUT Customizable skin care really stems from the belief that we are all truly different and unique individuals, and thus our skin and bodies need different things too. Our genetic background and heritage, nutrition, and exercise frequency all play a role in how our bodies tolerate things like sun exposure, and the extrinsic and intrinsic factors of aging. The environments that we are exposed to also play a large role in the amount of toxins we face every day, which can wreak havoc on our skin. Skin sensitivities often arise from inflammation in the body due to the toxins in our everyday lives. Unique issues like food allergies and even emotions can factor in to skin and body health as well. So why would every person’s skin care regimen (or the products and ingredients their body needs) be the same? The short answer is… they’re not. SMART AND SAVVY Today’s consumer in skin and beauty is becoming more and more knowledgeable and ingredient savvy. This means that not only are they more familiar with how to read an ingredient deck, but they also know more specifically what 54



their skin and body needs, and they are not afraid to be particular with the products that they purchase. Partner with a skin care company that really takes on this philosophy and gears it toward a specific skin care regimen based on a person’s skin conditions and skin concerns. Brands like this treat clients holistically through wellness supplements, serums, masks and a unique approach to skin ingredient additives. MULTI-MASKING With the popularity of sheet masks and concepts like multi-masking and even body masking, a treatment mask is no longer just a service provided to spa goers in a dimly lit room under a mag lamp. Instead, masks have been on the forefront when it comes to beauty for the last few years, even retail beauty. The reason? Masks give the opportunity to target specific conditions, which is a must when it comes to skin care customization. What is multi-masking? The use of multiple masks on different areas of the face at the same time in order to treat multiple skin concerns and skin conditions at once (think multitasking

Masks give the opportunity to target specific conditions. but for your face). Multi-masking is essentially receiving many different skin treatments at the same time. Masks also can provide a more spa like experience for consumers at home. This creates a whole new level of opportunity for the skin care professional, as our clients are more in tune with the idea of enhancing their skin care regime and are really spending more time on what matters, treating specific concerns in their skin. Masks may also open the door for more discussion about customization both at the spa and at home while the client is still in the treatment room. As most masks are left on the skin for a period of time, introducing key ingredients to the skin can help to enhance the service during this time as well.

Customization Guide Leading professional skin care lines offer different types of enhancers as back bar products for the esthetician. These allow the skin care professional to cocktail every protocol for clients’ needs and increase the level of the actives or add concentrates to address specific concerns of the skin. These powders put the professional in charge of the back bar treatment and supply the ability to create cocktail blends that act quickly for supercharged results. Powder blended enhancers are a “blend” of concentrates of specialized ingredients to address specific skin concerns. Look for active powders that are individual ingredient actives. CUSTOMIZATION HOW-TO Both are used in the same way. Powders may be incorporated into the regimen by use in any serums, masks or professional back bar treatment. One scoop of the powders may be combined with the base product either in a small bowl or in a hand before being applied to

the skin. Multiple powders may be used throughout a treatment, but check manufacture recommendations for mixing. This way, an extra added bit of amino acids, niacinamide or willow herb have been made simple and convenient for today’s skin care professional with various different options for product enhancement. Some key ingredient players in the customization game: L-Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic Acid is one of the best hydrators as it is able to hold 1000x its weight in water. Thus being hydrating without being too heavy. L-Hyaluronic powder will deliver moisture to every level of the epidermis and assist with wound repair and collagen production. Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid, D-Alpha Tocopherol, L-Glutathione): A powerful antioxidant blend, this combination will protect the skin from free radicals

and environmental damage. Improve collagen production and decrease hyperpigmentation in the skin. Calming Blend (Aloe, Zinc Oxide, Copper Gluconate, Willow Herb): This blend significantly reduces redness and irritation utilizing soothing botanicals to boost skin repair and calm inflammation. Niacinamide: An extremely versatile ingredient, niacinamide will benefit every aspect of the skin by increasing the blood flow and therefore food and nutrient supply to the skin while providing antibacterial properties. It is clear that customization is key to the future of skin care, but ultimately it is up to the professional to really determine the best regimen for the client based on skin concern or condition. This idea of preference vs. need in skin care helps to identify the esthetician as being “the expert.” That said, clients need that initial and in-depth skin consultation with a professional who can help a client to identify skin needs and work within the parameters of preferences. This allows the professional to target specific skin issues, but also to cater to preferences like texture and scent in products. The goal being to provide the client with not only the best all-around service, but also the custom products and regimen that will benefit their skin, body and well being most.

Ami Mallon is a licensed esthetician and makeup artist. She has worked closely with top spas, medical spas, dermatologists and plastic surgeons. A former Director of Education, she now serves as the Global Corporate Educator for Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare. Mallon educates her clients, creatively and professionally.




All About





Why these concentrated serums can treat any skin condition by Karen Asquith

If we look at the definition of an ampoule, the dictionary states: “(med) a small glass vessel in which liquids for injection are hermetically sealed.” As estheticians, we are generally not administering injections, unless we have a degree in a medical discipline such as nursing that qualifies us to do so. We do, however, apply products to the skin and it seems the term “ampoules” is trending once again in reference to the “concentrated serums” we use in our skin care treatments.




Customization Guide

INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED I recall when I was a student esthetician and in my early years of skin care, the traditional packaging of uni-dose ampoules was commonly used and was available for both the professional and homecare use. These individually dosed glass vials kept the ingredients protected from air, and many were tinted glass that also protected the contents from light. Although it seems convenient, this type of packaging does have some drawbacks, especially for those that do not like to follow instructions. I can recall some of the estheticians not using a cloth, as recommended, to break off the top of the vial, resulting in them fleeing in search of a band-aid for their wounded hand. The other concern was around fragments of glass entering the vial and reaching the clients skin during application. Many companies switched to specially designed plastic ampoules that had a nozzle type top. You simply snipped off the top with a pair of scissors to expel the concentrated serum onto the skin. The plastic also has some restrictions, as certain ingredients, such as pure essential oils, and are not compatible with a plastic housing, making glass the only option. Other alternatives now used are larger multiple application glass bottles and air-backless containers. The benefits of the larger bottles is the customizing that can be done, as it allows you to use several different concentrated serums on the skin, thus treating each specific condition that the skin is presenting. As these are generally a pump top container, and many are tinted glass if the ingredients render it necessary, the contents are well preserved. Whatever packaging they come in, they are all one in the same, which is a formulation packed with highly concentrated ingredients to provide the skin with a powerhouse treatment. 58



TREATING SKIN WITH AMPOULES Ampoules are formulated to treat many skin conditions; from oily, acneic skin to loss of skin tone and wrinkles, making them suitable for all ages. I liken it to the difference between an aspirin and morphine. Perhaps when we are younger, if we do not have any pronounced skin conditions to deal with, we would not be required to regularly use an ampoule. As our skin matures however (the polite way to say “ages”), we should be using these concentrated formulations more regularly.

AMPOULES FOR OILY SKIN To treat oily, acne-prone skin, there are several things to consider. First we want to minimize the oil secretions to give more of a mattified complexion. Lipoamino acids & cinnamon extract have an anti-seborrheic activity, therefore are often used in oily skin ampoules. Probiotics applied to the skin form a protective shield that prevents harmful pimple-causing bacteria

from reaching the skin, aggravating the immune system and triggering inflammation. Studies show that they also strengthen the skin’s immune response, so there’s less redness and swelling during the healing process. Other ingredients that can minimize acne breakouts are those that stimulate oxygen consumption in the skin. Now, here’s where it can be tricky. We all know that the singlet oxygen is a free radical, so how can we ensure that the oxygen will be beneficial and not harmful? There are some ingredients, such as the dermal respiratory factor, a Lactobacillus Ferment, that actually stimulates cellular metabolism and increases cellular respiration. This is a great benefit to acneic skin, as the propioni bacteria is anerobic, therefore it is unable to sustain itself in the presence of oxygen.

AMPOULES FOR DRY SKIN Dry skin requires an infusion of lipids and often moisturizing actives as the compromised barrier increases the TEWL (trans epidermal water loss) creat-

Customization Guide

the estrogen diminishes during menopause, skin deterioration results. Look for ampoules that contain ingredients targeting components in the skin that specifically assist with the structural integrity. For example, the dermal fibroblasts are the cells within the dermis layer of skin which are responsible for generating connective tissue and allowing the skin to recover from injury, so look for ingredients that will target senescent fibroblasts.

ing dehydration. There are many lipids that can restore dry skin. Ceramides are beneficial, as they are part of the lipid barrier and also part of the skin’s defence system. Argan oil, rich in the fatty acids omega 3-6-9 and natural tocopherols will nourish the skin, help to restore the hydro-lipidic film and strengthen the cutaneous barrier. As these lipids will reduce the TEWL, we also need to give the skin hydrating actives to eliminate the dehydration. Hyaluronic acid, in both medium and low molecular weights, is beneficial, as it brings moisture to the upper and lower layers of the skin. Dehydration is not specific to dry skin. All skin types can suffer from dehydration, therefore it is always beneficial to ensure your ampoules contain one or more moisturizing actives to keep the skin plump and quenched.

AMPOULES FOR MATURE SKIN Mature skin has many requirements, and the wonderful thing about am-

poules is that we can intensely treat expression lines, fine lines and wrinkles, and loss of skin tone. Generally, we would focus on one condition at a time if we want to garner the best results, switching from one formulation to another throughout the year. Expression lines are usually the first to appear on the skin, as we tend to mimic the same expressions on a daily basis. Neurotransmitter peptides such as argireline and myoxinol provide a myorelaxing action to reduce the appearance of expression lines and wrinkles making them the first choice to topically address this concern. If we treat in order of priority, next would be the lines and wrinkles that are appearing from aging caused by, but not limited to, free radical damage, glycation, stress, and solar elastosis to name a few. Formulations containing combinations of peptides have various actions: carrier peptides assist to bring trace elements, such as copper, to the skin to boost collagen synthesis; enzyme inhibitor peptides assist to block the damaging enzymes (MMP’s) that break down collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid; and signal peptides, so named as they “signal” the production of proteins in the skin, such as elastin and collagen. Retinol and vitamins C and E are also great youth-restoring ingredients. Unfortunately for women, skin aging is often accelerated with the hormonal disruptions of menopause. Estrogen plays a role in the structural integrity of the connective tissues, therefore when

ONE AT A TIME There are so many ingredients we now have to combat the various degrees of skin aging. We really need to help our clients navigate through the maze and realize that we cannot treat everything simultaneously. We need to use ampoules correctly and for the proper timeline to achieve the desired results. An ampoule is normally used morning and/or evening for one month as an intensive cure, applied after the skin has been cleansed and exfoliated. Applying the treating mist or toner prior to the ampoule is a good habit, as the moisture on the skin will allow a better absorption of the active ingredients in the ampoule. Whatever packaging type you choose, the concentrated ingredients contained in single or multiple dosed ampoule are more than worth the investment to complete your daily skin care regime and keep your clients looking refreshed.

Karen Asquith is an honored member of the Stanford International “Who’s Who” of business executive professionals. Currently she is the national director of education for G.M. Collin Skin Care, where she provides skin care training programs and guidance for an international staff. Asquith is a frequent guest lecturer at skin care industry forums throughout North America.







Custom Skin Infusion Build upon the basic facial with customizable treatment add-ons with Clint Carnell Customization. It’s the keyword on every esthetician’s mind this year, as bespoke beauty and skin care is gaining in popularity. Our clients today are more educated than ever before, and they often come to us thinking they know exactly their skin type, and what type of facial will suit them. While their assessment of their own skin may or may not be accurate, they are correct in knowing that they need something specially tailored for them. The serum and exfoliant that suites their best friend may not be the best choice for them. Everyone’s skin is different, and being equipped to handle these varying concerns is vital to staying up-to-par in the professional skin care world.




Customization Guide

oily, sensitive, acne-prone, pigmented and other skin types. This standard protocol should always be in your back pocket and at the top of your treatment menu and should be the inspiration from which all other facial add-ons and protocols are created.

Q: What are the benefits of customizing protocols for clients?

A: Customization is becoming more and more popular with consumers. We offer a customizable protocol to address specific concerns and enhance overall results. Our tailored treatments improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, congested skin, and brown spots.

Build Upon the Basics

Customization Questions Answered So how do you stock a product, an ingredient, a protocol for every possible client type? Filling your back bar with 20 different serums, acids and masks can get expensive. You may not use everything up before the expiration date, and your shelves might start collecting dust as unused products go to waste, or are given away to family and friends. Before you start filling your shopping list with dozens of products to create a customizable treatment menu, consider another option: building on the basics. Having a good foundation is the best place to start when adding customizable options to your facials. A solid base of cleansing, exfoliating and hydrating can be personalized with very few added ingredients or devices. We asked Hydrafacial CEO, Clint Carnell, why customizable treatment options are so critical to today’s modern client, and how estheticians should approach creating a more flexible, diverse treatment plan.




Why Customization? Allowing clients the luxury of having a tailored treatment for their specific concerns gives them an experience they can’t get anywhere else. As an esthetician, taking the time to explain to your client the benefits of your basic facial and why you are choosing specific add-ons for their skin is a personal and professional touch that makes the client feel special and well cared for.

Once you’ve mastered your signature, universal facial protocol, the creativity of customization comes into play when choosing how to build upon basic treatments to achieve the client’s personal skin goals.

Q: How can you build upon this protocol for every skin type?

A: During their consultation, the cli-

all faces – no matter the skin type - that can be easily customized to address specific skin care concerns. HydraFacial is a universally beneficial treatment.

ent can find a specialized protocol that will work best for them. Our Signature HydraFacial treatment addresses all skin types. The multi-step treatment cleanses, extracts, and hydrates to get rid of impurities and dead skin cells while at the same time quenching skin with vital nutrients. The client has the option to add a Booster super serum to customize the treatment – targeting specific concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, and brown spots.

A Good Place to Start

Formula for Success

The first step towards customization is a basic facial for all skin types that can be easily adjusted to cater towards dry,

Establishing your basic routine of cleansing, exfoliating and hydrating allows you to choose serums and

Q: What was your inspiration for creat-

ing customizable treatment protocols?

A: We wanted to create a treatment for

LIQUID LASH LOVE Care for your lashes, brows and lids like never before with New Micellar Water Lash Wash. This oil-free, 3-in-1 cleanser gently and effectively removes makeup while conditioning and hydrating skin, leaving a fresh, clean feel that’s free of residue. Ophthalmologist Reviewed / Dermatologist Reviewed / Hypoallergenic Non-irritating / Oil-free / Safe for use with Lash Extensions To inquire about becoming a RevitaLash Cosmetics reseller, please call (877) 909-5274 ETERNALLY PINK RevitaLash® Cosmetics honors the courage and strength of our Co-Founder, Gayle Brinkenhoff, and that of women everywhere by supporting breast cancer awareness, research and education initiatives year-round, not just in October. This is our Eternally Pink Pledge. ©2018 Athena Cosmetics, Inc. Say you saw it in LNE & Spa and circle #346 on reader service card

Customization Guide boosters that will give the client the results they are looking for. Choose ingredients that will enhance the client's skin while treating existing concerns. Treatment customization also allows you to create a long-term treatment plan that will change in intensity over time to give your clients their own version of perfect skin.

Q: Is there a formula for creating customized treatments?

A: Focus on the benefits. What does the client want to get out of their treatment? Our Signature HydraFacial will help restore and rejuvenate skin health. Work with your client to create an ongoing plan for their skin, incorporating boosters and specialized protocols to enhance their results over time.

Save Room on Your Shelf Stocking your salon and spa with several different lines and dozens of cleansers, exfoliants, and hydrating products can get costly and disorganized, quickly. With so many different brand relationships to maintain, it can be difficult to stay current on new education. You also run the risk of mixing different formulations that may not work best together.

Q: How can you customize treatments without buying hundreds of different products?

A: No matter the skin type, everyone

needs to cleanse, extract, and hydrate to achieve healthy skin. That’s why these steps are the foundation of our Signature HydraFacial treatment. After the client has a perfect base, the customization happens. Now, they can choose a super serum to achieve targeted results.

Choose Wisely By sticking with one line of customizable products, you can ensure the quality of your client’s treatment while still 64



having every available treatment option and ingredient. You can confidently mix products and formulas without worrying about reactions or undesired results. Do more with less by curating only the most potent, active ingredient addons to amp-up your signature, universal facial. Choose advanced ingredients like stem cells, acid blends, and peptides that will deliver results deep into the skin’s layers.

understands they are getting a one-ofa-kind, just-for-them service. This feeling of individuality justifies the cost of upgraded serums and boosters. Customization is not only great for results, but it’s great for business as well. Be sure to list clearly on your menu the concept behind your custom facial treatment, and outline the various addons so your client feels confident when it comes time to pay the bill.

Q: Why did you choose the specif-

Q: How does customization raise profits

ic ingredients available to customize treatments?

A: Our ingredients are packed with

vital nutrients like antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid to create an instantly gratifying glow. We have also partnered with the best-of-the-best in skin care. These partnerships bring powerful performing ingredients into the mix. Our patented technology takes the products to the next level.

and increase business success?

A: The boosters elevate the service

and allow the business to specialize the treatment for various skincare concerns – leading to increased business success.

Clint Carnell is CEO of The HydraFacial Company. His leadership and entrepreneurial drive have led to numerous high profile successes in the medical device

Give Business A Boost

and consumer healthcare fields. His development of Thermage, Fraxel & Clear

Customizable treatments designed for client’s individual needs allow for easy add-ons and up-charges. The client

+ Brilliant brands have literally changed the face of aesthetic medicine. With HydraFacial, Clint is at it again!

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1. Babor, All Woman Project x Babor - Hydra Plus Active Fluid • awpxbabor.com 2. Bella Schneider Beauty, Diamond Ampoules • bellaschneiderbeauty.com 3. Bio France Lab, Collagen-Elastin Ampoule • biofrancelab.com 4. Ante Age by Cellese, Microchanneling Solution - Brightening, Anti-Aging and Clarifying • anteage.com 5. Sothys, Brightening Essential Ampoules • sothys.com








Big results sometimes come in the smallest packages...


6. Lisse, Real Hydrogen Exigent Repair Ampoule • lisseskinhealer.com 7. Wilma Schumann, Soothing Serum • wilmaschumann.com 8. Dr. Temt Skin Care, Retinal Ampules • drtemt.com 9. KeraCell, Smoothing Treatment Capsules with Argireline • keracell.com 10. Bio Therapeutic, Collagen & Elastin Ampoules • bio-therapeutic.com




1 2





1. Hyalogic, Vitamin C+ Beauty Boost • hyalogic.com 2. Clinical Resolution, MTS Solutions - Vital W • clinicalresolution.com 3. Dr. Grandel, Cell Repair • grandel.de 4. Lam Professional Skin Care , Collagen Ampoules • lamskin.com 5. Saian, Collagen Ampoules • saian.net 6. Circ Cell, 10% Vitamin C Ampoules • circcell.com 68



These advanced delivery active ingredients penetrate the skin to inspire a change!






7. Leim, Sayonara Ampoules • leim.net 8. DermAware, Pigment Control Kit • dermaware.com 9. Nature Pure, Bright-n-Clear Skin Refining Serum • naturepure.com 10. Shyance Gold, Aha Ampoule Set • shyancegold.com 11. Doctor Babor, Glow Booster Bi-Phase Ampoules • babor.com





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Prickly Pear - say that ten times fast. Aside from being just a tongue-twister, Prickly Pear extract is the latest skin care ingredient jewel being harvestsedby skin care manufactures. The anti-aging oil extract of this desert cactus plant offers an all natural fountain of youth. With brightening and nourishing properties, this barren-desert plant offers all but barren results. Find out why Prickly Pear is the latest oasis of skin care for the driest of desert skins.




organic & wellness Prickly Pear

a key nutrient in treating inflammatory conditions such as eczema, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. Prickly Pear’s potent antioxidant capabilities make it essential to any holistic brightening treatment. One of the less popularly known plant oils, Prickly Pear contains a higher antioxidant count than many more popular oils such as argan oil. Prickly Pear oil reduced fine lines, prevents signs of aging such as wrinkles, and brightens under eyes with its high vitamin K potency. Vitamin K is a natural skin brightener, making this oil ideal of under eye facial treatments. The cactus seed oil is also packed with zinc, an ingredient that reduces redness and inflammation. Zinc is useful in the calming of acne skin and can also decrease oil production. Zinc is a popular nutritional supplement for those with acne, including hormonal variations.




Historical Significance:

The Prickly Pear cactus, or Barbary fig, is native only to the Americas, but it has been introduced and farmed in other global regions. A member of the cactus family, the plant grows with flat, rounded arms and spines. This hairlike spikes, called glochids, can easily penetrate skin and protect the plant from desert animals. When looking at this bright, fruited cactus, it is no wonder where it gets its name. The Prickly Pear cactus presents a berry colored fruit with seeds. The fruit can be eaten and is popular in many countries outside the U.S. From the fruit, however, the seeds hold the most prized skin care properties. The fruits of Prickly Pears are edible and sold in stores under the name "tuna." Prickly pear branches (the pads) are also cooked and eaten as a vegetable. They, too, are sold in stores under the name "Nopalito."

Prickly Pear oil, as it is native to the Americas, was used by the Aztecs to treat wounds and burns. In traditional Mexican medicine, Prickly Pear is also used to treat ailments such as high cholesterol. It has also been used for the painting of community places of worship. Native American cultures also used the desert cactus to make a treatment syrup that would treat whooping cough and asthma.

Prickly Pear Seed Oil, like many plant oils, contains a variety of fatty acids. This particular seed oil is high in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that is proven to support the skin barrier, increase skin’s moisture content, prevent trans epidermal water loss, and lighten pigmentation. The combination of linoleic acid and vitamin K in this oil make it ideal for those with dark circles, sun damaged, pigmentation, or dull, dry complexions. The oil from the Prickly Pear cactus also contains a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate cell turnover and new skin cell production.


Fatty Acid Breakdown:

In the dry brush of the desert, the Prickly Pear’s oil is ripe with skin loving vitamins. The seeds of this fruiting cactus are rich with vitamin E, a natural and potent antioxidant that is common in many fruit and vegetable oils. Vitamin E helps neutralize free radicals in the skin and prevent cell damage. It is also

60 percent linoleic acid: Linoleic acid is an Omega-6 fatty acid that strengthens the skin barrier, allowing it to retain moisture and protect the skin from inflammation.



20 percent oleic acid: Oleic acid is an Omega-9 fatty acid that seals moisture

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organic & wellness Prickly Pear in the skin. Note that oleic acid can be comedogenic, so pure Prickly Pear oil should be used sparingly on acneic skin types. 15 percent palmitic acid: Palmitic acid is high in antioxidants that help in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema. Palmitic acid is naturally occurring in our skin, but like many beneficial skin building blocks, it become sless available as we age. The benefits of Prickly Pear seed oil are far reaching. Like many plant oils, Prickly Pear oil is nourishing and moisturizing, providing a protective layer to seal moisture into the skin. Some added benefits that are unique to this oil include:

Say you saw it in LNE & Spa and circle #165 on reader service card

• Skin brightening • Pore tightening • Reduction in appearance of fine lines and wrinkles




• Reduction in pigmentation of age spots, sun spots, and acne scars • Even skin tone

PROFESSIONAL PRICKLY PEAR TREATMENTS When purchasing Prickly Pear extract for use in professional treatments, it is important to monitor the quality and sources of this organic product. Be sure to choose unrefined oil, as it retains higher amounts of the oil’s beneficial nutrients than its refined and processed counterparts. Always be aware of the source’s farming habits and refinement processes. Prickly Pear oil, extracted from the seed of the Prickly Pear cactus fruit, can be added to facial oils and serums for professional treatment. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can be applied after a chemical peel to reduce redness and inflammation, and

support further skin brightening. After thoroughly removing the peel from the client’s skin with copious amounts of water, Prickly Pear oil can be applied on its own, or by adding three to four drops to your post-treatment serums and creams. Take advantage of Prickly Pear oil’s antioxidant and brightening super powers and give your signature Brightening Facial a boost! Take your clients through a desert dream by adding two to three drops of organic Prickly Pear oil to your brightening serum and facial cream. You can also add eight to 10 drops of the oil to pre-mixed hydrating masks, or a tablespoon of Prickly Pear powder extract to rubber or clay masks before mixing. Prickly Pear oil is also highly emollient due to its fatty acid content and makes a great addition to massage oils or creams to amp up body treatments intended for lightening and brightening.


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Encourage peaceful relaxation while inspiring daily wellness practices for your client by Robert Sachs

As wellness practitioners, the goal of our treatments is for people to come off of the table or out of the chair in a relaxed and joyful state of mind and body. Bliss may be a by-product feeling in this process. But, more important from our perspective is that they leave the spa to go out and meet people and whatever events they may next face with greater clarity, kindness, and ease. An essential aspect of every treatment to accomplish this is for people to be able to naturally enter into a more restful state of being. Some may think of this as falling asleep. But, really, it is more like the savasana process of yoga.




organic & wellness Restful Sleep In The Spa

A Restful Pose Translated literally, savasana is known as the “corpse” pose. It is the one pose that many people who do what I would call “gym yoga” don’t do. When it comes to this part of a class, many achievement-driven folk get up to go work on weights, etc. They don’t see the point. But, in truth, savasana is the most important pose of the class. It is about integrating fully all the other postures you have done. Thus not only is it restful, it ensures that the next time you do yoga, you will do all the other postures that much better. So, achievement driven folks, take note! Doing nothing does something good. Savasana is, therefore, not taking a nap. It is mindful, resting awareness. In the context of a treatment, and although a client may occasionally drift off to sleep, it is far better that they stay in this alpha and theta-brainwave rich trance state than snore away in zzz-land. Of course, to think that being in a more trance-like state is more restful than unconscious, zonked-out sleep may not make sense to many clients unfamiliar with the full array of benefits from yoga and savasana. But the path to deep sleep is only beneficial if there is a sustained amount of alpha brainwave activity in the process. Biofeedback, autogenic training, and other relaxation processes learned in a clinical setting can help a client to cultivate a sustained level of alpha brainwaves. In fact, twenty minutes of doing so is the equivalent to getting eight hours of sleep. And one could say that the yogic pose savasana is the grandmother of these alpha brainwave rich clinical practices.

Supporting a Restful State From the tradition of Ayurveda, to support a client to be in such a state while receiving a treatment will vary in approach. Ayurvedic practices are centered on three basic energies of our




bodies; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Rather than elaborate on these too much, I shall explain them in the context of how they are approached to enhance the restorative and integrative rest a client can experience in a well-considered treatment. Service providers should also focus on ambience and quality of touch.

Vata For a client who is more Vata in their constitution or daily condition (characteristics may include a more ectomorphic body type, dryness in skin and hair, popping or more aching joints, difficulties with sleeping, easily distracted state of mind, also older clients in general), the treatment room

should have a subdued, warm quality. The music to play in the background is non-descript, perhaps new age-y, but may include flutes, harps, strings or piano-like instruments. The massage or instrument strokes you employ should be warming, rhythmic, and consistent. Keep speech to a minimum; just gentle prompters if they need to move, etc. Focus on encouraging them to take deeper, slower breaths to help them settle.

Pitta For a client with more Pitta characteristics (a more mesomorphic stature, more type-A, driven, skin that easily burns or reacts to product, thinning or early graying hair, more intense and specific

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organic & wellness Restful Sleep In The Spa in their speech and mannerisms), you want to slow them down and cool them off. A room, therefore, that has an airy quality, diffuse dim lighting, with music being more classical in nature. These people like precise massage and want to feel your confidence. The strokes should not only include well-directed friction and kneading, but also strokes that feel like the release of a compression are as significant as the compression itself. Your approach is to engage them and lull them into a state of surrender. Directing them to pay attention to body sensation as you work – like in autogenic relaxation exercises or what some yoga teachers do as part of savasana – can help them as they can focus on something specific, then let go. For both, the characteristically Vata or Pitta type clients, a periodic dropping off into sleep is okay. Most of us are sleep-deficient and, at the same time, are not familiar with methods to get into deep rest without falling asleep. To learn such is invaluable. But, it does take practice.

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Kapha For the Kapha types (characterized by a more endomorphic body type, people with denser bones and structures, thicker, perhaps even damp/clammy skin, may feel cold to the touch, have thick hair, and may feel sluggish or generally more congested), however, sleep is NOT where you want them to go. Kapha dominated folk tend to be naturally sedentary, who see watching ESPN as a form of exercise. Thus, they need stimulation. The ambience of your space should be brighter, but slightly warm, as they can feel cold. The music could be a light jazz; something more upbeat. Your strokes need to be warming, stimulating, and varied. The goal is to keep your client inquisitively engaged. To lead your clients into states of deeper relaxation than they normally get has many benefits. First off, they’ll love it and thank you for getting them there. But more importantly, the en-

couragement to become attuned to their alpha and theta brainwave states is an invaluable step in their learning how to more effectively rest any time during their day and enter into sleep. With sleeplessness and insomnia being some of the most reported daily symptoms of clients, to encourage a savasana state of mind can help your client begin a journey of deeper rest and contentment – a great place to start from if you want your life to be richer, more fulfilling, and nurturing, for both yourself and others.

Robert Sachs is a counselor, licensed massage therapist and educator. He is the author of "Tibetan Ayurveda: Health Secrets From the Roof of the World" and coauthor with Melanie Sachs of Ayurvedic Spa. Visit Sachs’ website at DiamondWayAyurveda.com, email him at ayurveda8@earthlink.net, call him at 866.303.3321 or phone/fax him at 805.543.9291.

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Wellness educator and counselor, Robert Sachs, has released his new book titled, "Start Your Day With A Good Night's Sleep: A Guide for Rest, Relaxation, and Blissful Sleep." This intriguing and enlightening read is a great source of knowledge for both clients and service providers. The book is availalbe on Amazon, or as a signed copy on on Diamond Way Ayurveda's website, below.

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with Makeup Advice from Anita Brown, Elan Makeup Studios, Dallas, TX

What is the best part about working with makeup services in the spa industry?

What is the most difficult part about offering makeup services in your facility?

I love meeting new faces and getting to know all about them or seeing former clients return for services. The best part about my job is seeing an extremely happy client after I am done making them feel beautiful.

Since our studio is named Elan Makeup Studio, it is easy to sell the product. Most clients do not realize we offer different services, I think that is the biggest struggle for us as a studio.

When did you decide to implement makeup services to your spa menu? I have always had makeup services to my menu, this is how I started in the industry. I offer several services, which is why clients love booking with our studio because they can get several services done on the same visit.




Which of your makeup services has the most success? Airbrush makeup and lash services. We use water-based airbrush makeup that is long lasting and weightless. It is wonderful for our clients because we have warmer weather and it helps control the oil and stay through the heat and humidity.

What kind of special makeup treatment/specials do you offer? Please explain. We offer regular makeup, airbrush makeup, private makeup lessons and we also have an Academy for professional certification.

MAKEUP AREA Please describe your makeup area. We have carpeted tiles around our area for comfort when standing. They can be easily cleaned with a steam cleaner if needed.

How much space is dedicated to each different section of your spa? We have our stations, which take up 60 percent of our studio, a small retail area which takes five percent, one treatment room which takes 10 percent and the rest is our meeting/waiting area.

What prompted you to choose the size/design for each specific area? I worked with what was already there, I wanted more of an open space, so clients wouldn’t feel secluded.

ity. You must remember that we are in the customer service industry and all of these are key to being successful.

How do you keep members of your staff incentivized? I believe that communicating with employees is key. I am constantly brainstorming with each person to find new ideas to market or build the business. I feel that if they have a little part in making the studio successful, then they will want to continue to work with me.

MARKETING How do you promote your makeup services? Word of mouth, mailers, social media

Please describe your methods of promotion.

last few years. A natural colored eye with a dark thin eyeliner and minimal lash is popular with our clients. Brows are less defined; cheeks and lips are neutral pinks/bronzy colors.

How do you perform consultations? We have an area to meet with clients before each session to discuss the specifics of what they are wanting. We ask all the necessary questions needed to make sure we give them exactly what they are paying us for.

Do you have rituals or methods of creating positive energy for your studio? I truly believe that first impressions go a long way. Therefore, we keep our work areas spotless, have our stations stocked with the necessary disposables or products needed and always have a positive attitude with the client. We make sure they feel comfortable the moment clients walk in.


Clients can upgrade services through the artist. If the client does upgrade, this goes directly to the artist as an extra bonus.

How do you select your employees/makeup artists?

How do you use social media/ email platforms for promotion?

Most of my employees have been with my studio for over 10 years now. I am very lucky to have a dedicated group of ladies. They all went through my academy and they were trained by the studio and now teach current students.

Facebook promotions do get our name out there; Instagram helps us show off our work and we use email to connect with former/current clients.

What advice would you pass along to other spa owners or those thinking or just starting to offer these specific services in their spa?


What specific qualities do you look for in a member of your staff?

What trends are you currently seeing in the industry?

Being a business owner is hard, remember if you don’t work you don’t get paid! If you are opening or building your business, start small. The clients will come if you market correctly, maybe not overnight, but I promise they will come.

Commitment and passion, honesty and integrity, creativity and accountabil-

Of course, contouring and highlighting are still popular; however clients are not requesting it as often as they were the







Lash lifts and perms are the new gravitydefying must have lash treatment on the menu by Jaclyn Peresetsky

In the career of esthetics, there are so many avenues to go down and services to specialize in. Lashes have always been a facial feature that women and men are willing to invest in to showcase their eyes. With the need for lush lashes, there has become a need for lash artists who specialize in services that enhance eyelashes such as extensions, tinting, perming, and most recently, lifting. With a wide variety of services now available for eyelash enhancement, we need to be up to date on the newest service dominating social media known as the Lash Lift. The fast-paced beauty industry seems to be responding to a vast number of people requesting services that enhance the natural eyelash. Many of us beauty veterans are familiar with the eyelash perm, and now this service has seems to have gotten a “lift.� The new Lash Lift service is one of the hottest trends taking social media by storm.




image Need A Lift?

WHAT IS A LASH PERM? The lash perm service results in lashes being semi-permanently curled for weeks. Lash Perms use cylindrical rods to roll the lashes around followed by application of solutions to lock in the curl. This service is recommended for clients who have long eyelashes, as the process will reduce the lash length and give them lift and a beautiful curl. Individuals who have wide, open eyes and a lot of lid space look great with this intensive curl as well. The downside is a lash perm can make the wrong type of lashes look and feel shorter.

Lash Perm protocol

1. It is always best to ask your client to come to their appointment with mascara-free lashes. To get maximum penetration of the products, it’s im-




portant not to use an eye makeup remover that has oils or other moisturizing ingredients. 2. Consult with your client to decide on the amount of curl he or she desires and choose the appropriate rod. Cover lower lashes with a gel pad for protection. If your client has super straight lashes, you can pre-prepare the lashes by applying the perm solution for five minutes to soften the lash cuticle, which helps them wind around the roller without excessive glue. 3. Brush the lashes, and then apply the appropriate size of roller to the lid with adhesive (the adhesive is similar to lash strip adhesive) or some manufacturers provide super sticky rods that stick to the lid easily. When applying each roller, you want to pre-bend or flex it in the shape of the eyelid so it

lays with the lid’s natural curve. 4. Roll the lashes around the rod with an applicator stick using the least amount of adhesive as possible to give optimal solution penetration. It is important to make sure the lashes don’t group together or cross, so carefully roll them one by one. 5. Apply the perm solution to the rolled lashes using the applicator without creating too much friction so lashes do not pop off the rods. If they do, you will need to take the time to re-adhere them as your curl will be ruined with a few lashes sticking straight out and the others nicely curled. * Make sure to not apply it at the very tip of the lash, so it won’t over process causing the lashes to appear frizzy or fried. If this should happen, your client needs to wait at least four weeks before

image Need A Lift?

doing any other lash service. This will give the damaged lashes a chance to shed naturally. 6. The perm solution will process for 12-15 minutes. You can place a plastic wrap sheet folded in the shape of an eye mask gently over the eyes to help penetration and boost the process. Apply an eye pillow on top to help lashes stay in place. 7. Remove eye pillow and plastic wrap, and gently wipe of any excess perm solution with cotton swabs. Apply the perm neutralizer to process for 15 minutes to lock the curl into place. 8. Wipe with dry, followed by wet cotton swabs. Gently unwind the roller by rocking back and forth to allow the lashes to loosen then release from the roller. 9. The service is complete and now you can follow with the lash tint protocol to darken the lashes if the client chooses.

*Remember at the end of the service to remind your client to avoid getting them wet for 24 hours.

Lash Lift

A Lash Lift lifts each individual lash from the lash base with the help of gently curved silicone form or shield that the lashes are adhered to while a solution penetrates them to lock the lift in place. The silicone is like the shape of a “speed bump” and comes in a variety of sizes: small, medium or large, making it suitable for all lash lengths. The best size is typically determined by the lash artist at the time of the consult. The Lash Lift “opens up” the eyes and gives the appearance of longer lashes without the need for extensions. A lash tint is recommended with the Lash Lift so you are not only changing the shape and lift of the lash, but you are darkening the lash color. This is

a great way to make your client’s eye color pop since the eye color naturally becomes more of the focus. The lift basically takes the same amount of time as a perm (a standard 45 minutes) and should last an additional few weeks versus the perm and doesn’t take a lot of commitment on the client’s part as compared to the frequent visits required to maintain eyelash extensions. The lash lift is a great alternative for the busy, no fuss client who wants to enhance their lashes but not feel troubled by the lash fill appointments.

Lash Lift Protocol

1. It is always best to ask your client to come to their appointment with mascara-free lashes. To get maximum penetration of the products, it’s important not to use an eye makeup remover that has oils or other moisturizing ingredients.




image Need A Lift?

2. Consult with your client to decide on the amount of lift he or she desires and choose the appropriate size of shield. Cover lower lashes with a gel pad. 3. Prepare lashes by brushing them straight down. Use glue provided in your Lash Lift kit and attach the silicone shield at the bottom of the lid, as close to the lash line as possible. You need to get very close to the lash line, as that is the key to getting a nice lift. 4. Using the same glue, apply the glue to the silicone shield. Use the micro swabs to ensure the lashes are not touching and are perfectly straight and into position when lifting then up around the silicone shield. How the lashes are adhered are how they will remain after the lash lift service, so be very detailed. 5. Apply the perm solution with a brush, or micro-swabs, carefully coating each lash. Let the solution process for 12-15 minutes. (Fine lash hair- 12 minutes, coarse lashes- 15 minutes) 6. Remove all remaining solution with cotton swabs. Apply blue setting solu-




tion with fresh micro-swabs and ensure each lash is evenly coated. Process again for 12-15 minutes, and then remove the remainder of the setting solution. Now is the time you would tint. I recommend applying a fresh lower gel pad, then continuing with the tinting process. 7. Once tint is removed completely, gently lift the silicone shield, using a nourishing lotion with a cotton swab provided by manufacturer. Brush the lashes out, then fan them to fluff up the damp lashes. Voila, the lashes are lifted. *Almost all lash lifting processes end with a nourishing oil to add moisture and maintain the health and integrity of the lashes. I also recommend that you sell your client a lash conditioner for daily use under mascara or at night to nourish the lashes. The better condition the lashes are, the longer the lash lift will stay. *Remind your client to not use water on them for 24 hours and they will enjoy their newly lifted lashes! Spas and salons across the country are

seeing and hearing about the lash enhancing services and are quickly adding the new Lash Lift service to their menu to be current as well as pick up the additional service revenue. Offering these services takes minimal investment and minimal training time. Show your clients some lash love and offer a promotion for your new service. You will see automatic re-bookings and increased new client traffic. The lash trend will only enhance your business and your lashes!

Jaclyn Peresetsky is not only the owner of Skin Perfect Spas in Ohio and Florida, but she is also a noted color expert, makeup artist, master esthetician, author and speaker. Her multiple books, cosmetic and skin care lines, and training courses allow other beauty pros to learn and add more services combining art and science to become leading beauty experts.

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