June 2021

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8 Mental Health is NO JOKE

Risky Business self-care Skin care Bridging the Gap #strongerforher How do you change the morale of a group? MEET KIMBERLY STEIER OWNER OF LOCALE YLL MAGAZINE.

Ways to Make Buyers Fall in Love With Your Property

Locale Yll Magazine

Time to Bloom Press the image to watch the video of the new apple blossoms.

Last year our crabapple blossoms were beaten and froze off. We had very little apples come year end. It was like Covid had touched every aspect of our lives, even our poor apple tree. But after a long winter, and a long season of Covid, like us, the tree has not only survived, it has thrived. And somehow the blossoms seem even more beautiful this year. Take time this spring

to celebrate all those little things we used to take for granted. Now is the time.

Time for us to bloom. Kimberly Steier Editor & Owner of Locale Yll Magazine & Kimberly Kalon

written by Alecia Denis, Owner of Cherish Death and Mourning

Mental Health is NO JOKE JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE LOOKS OKAY, DOESN’T MEAN THEY ARE. In this day and age, we are truly learning about the importance of caring for our mental health. We’re talking more openly about it, and

were okay when you genuinely did not feel okay? I’m not telling you to overstep and book them for counseling, but be a listening ear, and encourage

with greater reason, are spreading awareness. With all that is going on in the world, people are grieving the loss of jobs, connection, time, and normalcy. (And of course, if they have lost a loved one, they’re grieving that loss in addition to all else). It’s cumulative and it’s heavy.

them to take the necessary steps to get the help that they need, in whatever way best fits their unique situation. They may not appreciate it immediately, but they just might thank you later.

It’s an extremely stressful and confusing time. People are spread thin, and many are nearing their breaking points, using unhealthy coping mechanisms just to be able to coast through. When they realize that the coasting isn’t working anymore, people are committing suicide. No, these are not things that we want to think or talk about, but here I am again, pushing for the conversations of the uncomfortable things that we have to acknowledge are happening. Not talking about it, doesn’t make it go away. Not talking about it allows it to build, get heavier and more uncontrollable until it’s too late. So let’s talk about it, and normalize the topic. None of us should have to suffer in silence. We need to look after our own mental health, and if someone is struggling, be the person to speak up and call them out on it. How often have you yourself told someone that you

If we as adults are struggling to cope in this abnormal time, what tools do our children have to help them through this? You’re probably thinking “not many”. They have what we have taught them, and they have our examples. Do they see us perform any kind of self-care? Start making sure that they know that you do this. Help them learn how to identify that “off” feeling when they have it, and teach them how to care for themselves in a way that offers them a little bit of peace. Help them “quiet the noise”. What works for you may be different from that of your child, but you’ll both quickly learn what things are beneficial for each of you. Self-care isn’t just counseling, although it’s a great way to acquire the tools needed to cope, especially if your mental health has deteriorated. There are small ways that don’t have to be too time-consuming, but still allow that “me time”,

that we don’t make often enough. I’m telling you that it’s important to make that time. We can better provide for others when we, ourselves are in a better state of mind.


Self Care at a Glance

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Read Meditate Exercise Have a bath Spend time in nature and put your feet in the grass Spa day (even if just at home) Declutter a room Make your bedroom a peaceful environment Apply a nice lotion after a shower Light a candle and put on your favourite song Dance Journal Build or Create

Step into a supportive role if you notice that your partner, family or friend seems to be struggling. Remember that kids can struggle too, so please don’t forget about them. Too many young people are committing suicide. Acting out can be a sign that there’s more going on. Dig deep to find the source of the issue, and if you determine that mentally they seem a little unwell, get ahead of it. Occasionally, when I notice my son is struggling, and I believe it will negatively impact his day, I give him a “mental health day”, where he stays at home from school and spends quality time with me. Do yourself the same favour. Be gracious enough to understand and appreciate that even though we’re all suffering many losses right now if your family is fed, healthy, warm, you all have a roof over your head, and have each other, these are the most important things. Ask for help if you need it, regardless of what it looks like. What’s the worst that will happen? Someone might just say they are unable to. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no, but if you do, there’s a chance they will say yes. No

one should have to struggle for basic necessities, nor do I want that to be anyone’s breaking point and the cause of another suicide. Without you, your family will be facing the tragedy of losing you, on top of everything else. They might place blame on themselves, wondering if they could have prevented it. They’ll also be forced to plan your funeral while they try to grieve. Ask for help. As humans, it’s natural for us to do what we can to help others in need. Here in Lloydminster, it is no different. I have seen strangers come together, even during the divide and negativity, and they have rallied together to help people whom they have never met! I have been on both sides of this. I have helped, and I have been helped. It restores faith in humanity, and right now we can all use that. There are also resources here for those that need them. If you have trouble finding what you need, reach out to me personally. I will try to get you in touch with people and places that can help you. How to reach me: On the Cherish Death & Mourning Facebook page, by phone: 639-536-3727, or email at cherish. deathandmourning@gmail.com

SELF-CARE SKIN CARE BY NOUVEAU LASER AND AESTHETIC CENTRE In a world where we can choose to always be busy, it is incredibly important to find moments to focus on self-care. A skincare routine is a great way to practice self-care. Not only are you protecting and nourishing your skin (for the moment and also for your future), but you are also practicing self-love by taking time to honour your body and its needs.

A skincare routine can be complicated. With so many products on the market, it can be overwhelming. We recommend that a personalized routine be created with the assistance of a skincare professional, nurse or doctor. The products you use should be designed for your skin type, skin ailments and for your age. We highly recommend booking a free consultation with one of our skin experts, so that you can rest knowing the time you invest in looking after yourself and your skin will help you attain the goals you have in mind for your skin. No matter what skincare routine you choose, it is highly recommended that you incorporate an SPF to protect your skin. In Canada, the Canadian Dermatology Association recommends wearing SPF from April until September.


in the morning...

in the evening...





















Janelle Kohlman Realtor

8 ways to make buyers cfall in love with your property Are you ready to sell your home?

If, after hours of thinking, wrestling, and making copious pro/con lists, you’ve decided to put your home on the market, first of all, congratulations!

Deciding to sell is often the hardest part. So what’s next? I’m so glad you asked!

We all want people to love our home as much as we do, but especially when you are trying to sell it! While it’s impossible to please every buyers’ taste, there are several easy things you can do to make your home more appealing without spending a lot of money. Try some of these tricks and see if your showings cause buyers to swoon.

1. Check your curb appeal. Check your curb appeal. Take an honest look from the curb side. What are buyers seeing first? If your home needs to be painted or pressure washed, consider making that investment. Clean up landscaping by trimming trees and bushes, planting some fresh annuals, and laying new mulch. Clean windows, repair sagging soffit, or porch railings, and have any trip hazards on your driveway or front walk repaired. Finally, consider some attractive, yet subtle decorations for your front porch.

2. Create an inviting entryway. When buyers step inside your front door, you want them to feel welcomed. If you have a foyer or front hall, it is easier to make an attractive entryway, but even if your front door opens right into your living room, you can create the feel of an entryway with a couple of simple tricks. Clear the area of clutter things that tend to pile up at the front door, like backpacks, dog leashes, or shoes. Place a small table or bench beside the door with plants, candles, or another simple décor. A small area rug can help define the space as the entryway.

3. Let the light shine in. Take advantage of natural light as much as you can. Trimming any bushes or trees outside your windows can help immensely. Wash your windows inside and out and replace or remove any worn screens. Make sure to open blinds or curtains before all showings.

4. Add some fresh colour. Painting is an easy and inexpensive way to make an older home look new and is especially important if your current wall colour is dark or outdated. Choose a light neutral colour like a warm grey or light beige and use the same colour throughout the house. If your home tends to be dark, this will help brighten it up.

5. Let storage spaces speak for themselves. Many sellers make the mistake of waiting until they have a contract to start cleaning out closets. Cleaning out clutter is part of getting ready to show, not just getting ready to move. You want buyers to perceive that there is ample storage in the home, and this doesn’t work if every drawer, cabinet, and closet is stuffed to the gills.

6. Eliminate distractions. Streamline your decorating so your buyers see the house and not your personal belongings. Go ahead and pack up collectibles and family photos and keep decorative touches to the minimum. Too many plants, magazines, or toys distract the buyers from seeing the home as their own.

7. Entice them ith outside space. The back yard shouldn’t be an empty space of infinite possibility, nor should it be a storage area for neglected toys. Get rid of any eyesores you’ve been avoiding dealing with, spruce up your landscaping, repair irrigation or pool issues, and create an entertaining space with a patio set, or a backyard oasis with some potted plants and a hammock.

8. ake it easy or them. Taking care of minor repairs is another step you can take to help buyers see your home as an easy and comfortable move. You want them to be mentally arranging their furniture as they walk through, not making a list of nicked woodwork, torn window screens, and leaky faucets. The less work involved, the easier it is to fall in love.

How do you change the morale of a group? written by Kimberly steier

The question which countless books, hundreds of military groups have studied, and countless organizations have spent tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars addressing.Why would this question be so important to someone like me, Kimberly Steier?

The answer is simple and complicated and originates from my childhood and continues throughout my life, and in turn, was one of the deciding factors in my decision to launch Locale Yll Magazine.

Pictured Above (L-R): The three Hanna girls: Tiffany, Amanda and Kimberly. Pictured Below: Kimberly Steier owner of Kimberly Kalon and Locale Yll Magazine.

My parents were high school sweethearts that boarded a train in Ontario when they were 18 and landed in North Battleford, known as the Crime Capital of Canada, with a mere $5 in their pockets. Although in the same country, the city and its culture couldn’t be any more foreign to them. Instead of sticking to their familiar culture, my parents took this opportunity to embrace the differences they found. As they raised their three girls, they took the time to show us that our differences are what makes us interesting. In a time where racism was palpable, my parents made a point of attending Cree and Dene classes, gave us “Aunties & Uncles” in many different races, gave us extra “Grandma & Grandpas” and took us to cultural events of all kinds, even registering us for Highland Dancing (Scottish) even though we were not Scottish by heritage. We attend Hindu events, wore saris, and fostered a relationship with a man who believed I was his daughter from a past life, despite the fact that we were also being raised as Christians. A choice that I am so thankful for, as I have to this day, a brother, that was not born nor raised by either of my parents. My parents were by no means perfect, but despite their lack of finances, they lead by example, showing how a little brainstorming, effort,

kindness, and work can bring a community together. They hosted neighbourhood “corn” roasts when they couldn’t afford the meat to BBQ but could afford to supply corn, and they volunteered at various community events, and organizations throughout my childhood and adulthood. My parents were an excellent example of what true understanding, appreciation, and how active participation in other cultures, activities and organizations within your own community can make a substantial difference. Living and raising a family in a city with such a horrendous nicknameThe Crime Capital of Canada, meant that my parents were also very aware of the crime, often victims of crime, but it was never the lesson they taught. We had neighbours that would at times almost weekly- steal our toys, and rather than get upset, our Dad would walk down the alley with us, and we would bring them home. Our parents had taught us that we could be annoyed, but anger would not fix the issue, that the children were stealing the toys because they had none of their own. Even at that young age, our parents taught us to be thankful for our blessings and to look at situations from other perspectives.

Some of my fondest memories as a kid were piling into the backseat of a little Tempo, laying across giant piles of potatoes with my sisters. Which our parents would gift instead of Christmas cards, to both friends, family and those in need. I remember

so vividly, despite how young I was, struggling even with the help of my sisters to carry those 20lb bags of potatoes up the front stairs of those we gifted them to. I also vividly remember how proud we three were to be making a difference for the families we were helping. I am so incredibly thankful that our parents, who truly at various times in our childhood could have probably used the help themselves, always made certain that when we had “good” times to share the wealth with others. As I grew up and had a family of my own, the potato tradition continued. Whenever my parents would find a “deal” on potatoes they would purchase up to 1000lbs in North Battleford and donate them to their local food bank. I then too would see if the same grocery store chain would match the price given to my parents, and I would take my children to purchase and deliver over 300 lbs of potatoes to the Olive Tree, the Salvation Army, and the Men’s Shelter. I hope those cold blustery days of delivering potatoes will remind my children when they have children of their own of how lucky we are and how thankful we are for our members of our community. I also am thankful that I was able to be a nurse for many years, to have the privilege of being able to be present at

Pictured above: My father, John Hanna delivering 1000 lbs. of potatoes to non-profits, a part of our family tradition.

the bedside of both births, and deaths. To have the opportunity to hear after a lifetime of living, what issues one found important and what was truly valued. It was the stories that were shared that truly fascinated me, touched my heart, and changed the way I viewed life. I was only 19 when I had recognized that in the end, all that anyone has is the contents of a nightstand in a hospital and the arms of their loved ones. Now anyone who has had a loved one that works in healthcare, or any industry where you have high stress, and little staff realizes that the working conditions and morale can be anything but ideal. It can be utterly exhausting and disheartening when you have a group of people who do not get along. At one point I worked with an amazing small group of women, who sadly did not get along at all. But how the issue was solved was so incredibly simple. Although we had always put on a pot of coffee for the oncoming shift, we starting bringing a crockpot and having breakfast for us to all share, while having reported. Next thing you know, people were volunteering to bring bread the next day, and soon small amounts of cooperation, led to having a room full of people who were now starting to care about one another.

Pictured abobe: My children following our family tradition by donating potatoes to non-profits in Lloydminster.

Throughout my life, I have always been a passionate reader and writer. I had some experience writing for publications and found that the traditional way of reporting, or writing for magazines was “whitewashed” and left so many peopleof all ages, genders, and races not represented. I wanted to know “everyone’s” opinions, not just the ones that I was “allowed” to write about. One time I had interviewed school-aged children about what they were looking forward to doing on school break, as I remembered the joy in the elderly reading about children in the long-term facility I used to work at. I realized that the grandparents and parents of these children would save this article, cherish it for years to come. That the children would be excited and proud to be in a newspaper, and that would give them something to share. I was professionally given an earful about how that would be the last time I ever interview children, that this was not the platform for that. I understood their professional position, but could also see there wasn’t a platform that would allow for not only children but for anyone that did not fit into the “whitewashed” mold that most publications have heartbreakingly become. I really enjoyed writing and reporting, and yet didn’t know how to solve the problem, so I continued to write for a short while, but this issue continued to

Pictured above: My parents, children, and neice and nephew prior to delivering “Christmas” to a family in need during the holidays. A tradition that we have done for decades.

Can you guess which one is Kimberly Steier, who was interviewed extensively on the day of photograph for being overweight, and for being a good example of what models should be? Answer is located on the bottom of the next page.

and I chose to quit writing professionally. My experiences modelling internationally both in Europe and North America were also contributing factors. When I was 28, I created a secret bucket list. It included items that were big and small, logical and fanciful. “Walk the runway in Paris” was one of the outlandish ones, but at 30 years old, I did just that. I was praised for being “overweight” which was skinny in every sense of the word. I was interviewed all over the French media and was praised for showing up, being “old”, having natural breasts, and having some meat on my bones. Little did I know that my presence would start conversations that would in turn help change the legislature in France surrounding the use of models, and their body mass index. In 2017, France created laws with the aim of fight eating disorders and inaccessible ideals of beauty. The fines of up to 75,000 Euros and up to six months in prison helped back the fight. These laws helped change the culture of what is seen as beautiful. My presence which I thought was insignificant, helped spark conversations, that in turn helped create that change. Just over a year after my well-received trip to Paris Fashion Week, my thyroid had decided that it no longer wanted to work, and no matter how much I tried, I was left with a muffin top that I knew would no longer be viewed as acceptable in the world of fashion. I had intentions of cancelling a work trip to New York Fashion Week because I knew I would once again be viewed as someone that did not fit in. It was the wise

words of my then 13-year-old daughter that changed everything “Girls like me, need to see women like you, in places like that.” So, I swallowed my pride, and went for the experience, and hoped to make my daughter proud. The experience was not what I had hoped for, in short, it was devastating, dehumanizing, and gave me a small insight into the challenges that any person with extra weight must go through. I had the most despicable things said about me, to me, even being told that my best look was when my face was away from the camera. I was treated like I was scum, not worthy of being present, removed from publications, and just genuinely treated like I was a waste of time. It took months to recuperate, and years to gain my confidence back. Why does this matter? Years later I can see how my limited one-time experience can rock my world, how incredibly difficult the journey is for those that can not change their size, image, sex, race, or any other factor. That if I could help one person realize that their beauty comes from the inside and that I value what they bring into the world, that I would be making a difference. This is where my company name originates from. My last name is not Kalon, but Kalonwhich means Beauty that is more than skin deep, is so dearly important to me, that I wanted to be reminded of my vision every day. That I could create a business that helped that struggle, that I could photograph people, of all kinds, and show them how I see and value them.

A few months before Covid 19 was announced, we opened the doors to our little store, Kimberly Kalon Marketing and Photography. Little were we prepared for the pandemic, and all that it would bring with it. During our days at home, when we were uncertain of the future of our new business, and concerned about the health and wellbeing of people around the world, before there was any kind of re-opening plans, or even talks of vaccines, I spent a lot of time reading. Reading was how I found a way of escaping the tragedy and uncertainty. And as I am sure a lot of you may have found, during the thick of Covid the reporting, social media, the news, became so overwhelmingly negative, that positivity was so hard to find. This lack of positive articles, that were not focused on the crisis, brought the issues that I tried to ignore, tried to push down, right back to the front. No one was talking about the amazing things that were still present, the people who were still working hard, or the people who were making a difference. I could no longer ignore that issue that I had spent years trying to bury. I knew deep down that I was going to have to become what was needed to make a difference. I had the tools, the knowledge, the platform, and the ability to be the change I wanted to see. I wanted to know the stories, I wanted to read, watch and learn from people of all kinds, and wanted to share them with not only my children but with anyone that had space in their hearts and their minds to learn. There is so much to learn and so much to share right in our own backyard. I wanted to see people

that would not normally be found on the cover of publications, be celebrated and featured on the front where they belong. Even though I didn’t have the answers or the money to make all the issues better, I could do what I could do, to share the stories, the voices of people in our community. That I could help change the way our city and its citizens view themselves, by giving them a place to share their stories, and start conversations by creating Locale Yll Magazine. We chose to name it Locale Yll because we wanted to focus on everything “Local” in our “e” electronic Magazine, and “Yll” is the Airport Code of Lloydminster. We are proud to live, contribute and raise our children in the multicultural city of Lloydminster, and we hope to offer our magazine to other “landing spots” shortly, to help other communities like our own focus on their own unique strengths.

How do you change the morale of a group? The answer is simple and complicated. You give them space to share, learn and care for one another. Simple conversations make not only groups but the world a better place. And I hope that you find that this magazine, gives you not only food for thought, but helps you join conversations in places you never thought of before.

Pictured Above: Kimberly Steier during New York Fashion Week. Video on the Left: Courtesy of On-Site Signs during the installation of Kimberly Kalon’s Signage. On the previous page: Kimberly Steier is pictured second on the left.

Lloydminster & District SPCA

Photography By: Kimberly Kalon

Why Fostering Cats will change your life Kitten season is just around the corner and in order to give these babies the best chance of success, we need foster families to help us care for them. Keeping young kittens in our shelter with ill animals entering care daily puts them at a significant risk of contracting an illness that their immune systems are not developed enough to fight off. Saving the lives of kittens will change you forever. Make a difference in the lives of these 4 legged beauties.

What you get:

What We Ask For:

-ADORABLE kittens (with or without mom, depending)

-The designated foster parent must be 18+, however we absolutely encourage families with children of all ages to join!

-All supplies included! Food, litter, toys, treats will all be provided -Guidance and ongoing support from our shelter staff throughout -Kitten lives greatly improved, or even saved, because of YOU

-A quiet, separate space in your home to keep your fosters for an observation period away from other pets. This can be a bathroom, bedroom, but must be able to have all spaces disinfected (ie. not carpet flooring) -A minimum 1-hour daily time commitment to feeding, cleaning, and socializing your foster animals -All resident animals in the home to be fully up to date on vaccines unless forgoing vaccines recommended by a licensed vet. This is for the

safety of your own pets, as there is a risk of contracting a preventable illness from a foster animal if unvaccinated.

Sounds like something you’re interested in? Please submit a foster application today on our website and then our Operations Manager, Zoe Gray, will contact you and walk you through the process!! We can’t wait to hear from you! Apply Now!

Meet Alison, Our

Kennel Attendant Alison has been working hard as one of our valued Kennel Attendant’s at the Lloydminster & District SPCA for over 3 years. She shares with us what she loves about her job as well as what she wishes the public knew about our local SPCA.

“I absolutely love being able to work with animals every day, they make the good days better and the bad days more manageable! I enjoy being a part of every animals life that comes through the door whether that is making them feel comfortable till their owners arrive or helping to keep them healthy and happy until they get adopted.”

“I wish more people knew how much of our own personal time we put into our SPCA. We may spend our nights thinking of different ways to fundraise money, finding new ways to involve our community, searching for new enrichment ideas for our animals and most importantly taking care and loving the fosters we bring into our homes like they are our very own.”

Lloydminster community Youth Centre

Red Shirt Leaders The ‘Red Shirts’ at the Lloydminster Community Youth Centre are a distinguished group of youth who are leaders at the centre, and we want to offer them some well-deserved recognition!

These youth have been showing leadership by facilitating games and activities for others while also generating great ideas. They have also been helping with tasks around the Centre – next time you are in our neighborhood, check out the fantas-

tic spring clean-up our current crew did around our property. We are so proud of these young leaders and thankful they choose to share their talents, ideas, and excitement with us!

Building Our Community… Supporting Our Youth!

Follow LCYC On Facebook

Lloydminster interval society

Bridging the Gap written by The Lloydminster Interval Society We are thrilled to announce that our shelter expansion project, Bridging The Gap, is complete!

In 2018, we had to turn away 1,819 women and children because we did not have the space to accommodate them.

office space and a small kitchen. The next phase consisted of renovating the space in the shelter into welcoming bedrooms and change the two washrooms into full bathrooms with bathtubs. New flooring and paint in the basement were also part of this renovation phase.

The final phase included increasing We desperately wanted to help beour staffing compliment to prepare for cause we knew that these women were additional clients in the shelter and left in an unsafe situation, potentially furnishing the updated bedrooms. Once with their lives in danger. Our goal was, this was completed, we would be ready and still is, to build a new shelter but the to open the renovated basement and crisis we, and women were dealing with accommodate 33 people in our emertold us that we had to do something gency shelter. – FAST. We had to figure out a way to ‘bridge the gap.’ Although we have not been able to operate at our full capacity of 33 people In November 2019, we launched our due to COVID-19, we have been able to first capital campaign and turned to our keep 21 beds open. Without the excommunity for help. We wanted to be pansion, we would be operating at less able to say, “Yes we have room here. than half of that. You and your children will be safe here.” Today, we are so proud to be able to To recognize those who made the exsay that! Because of our generous pansion possible, we had new signage donors, our existing shelter received created which also helps to create a 12 more beds, which means safety for calming feeling throughout the buildmore women and children. ing. The donor wall is a vibrant castle in the playroom that features a seek and This project was completed in phases. find for the children to enjoy. Phase 1 was to move the administration staff and offices off site (from the existA special thank you to the ing shelter basement) to a vacant area entire community for the in our Youth Centre building. The area continued support! was renovated to accommodate for


Together we can be

#strongerforher time to lace up your shoes and walk, bike or run to support our local interval home society. It’s time to lace up your running shoes for the Lloydminster Interval Home Society’s 2nd Annual virtual 5K – Stronger For Her Powered by Bioclean Disaster Services! Participants can choose their time and route between June 9-13, 2021 when they walk, run, or bike and show their support for the cause!

Prizes, sourced by local businesses, will be awarded to top fundraisers in 3 categories: individual, small team (5 or less), and large team (6 or more). Stronger For Her hoodies and crewnecks are available for anyone to purchase even if you don’t participate! Be sure to check them out on the website!

All participants registered before May 26th will receive a T-shirt and grab bag! All proceeds benefit the LloydSign up today by registering on this link.

minster Interval Home Society’s programs and services in an effort to end family violence and support those in need.

You can sign up as a team or individually and start your fundrais- Special thanks to our generous ing page that you can customize event sponsors: Bioclean Disaster and share with friends and family! Services, Synergy Credit Union, Grindin’ Gears, New Lloydminster Nissan, Smileworks Dental Group, and Can-Do Auto & Lube.

The Diner offers perfectly crafted eggs benedict. On sunday mornings they offer 5 types: traditional, salmon, steak and eggs, florentine, and blackstone, all served with a side of breakfast potatoes.

Restaurant Review

The Diner

Elenee maria Young and Kimberly steier share their thoughts on dining at the locally owned restaurant- THE DINER.

The Diner is our go-to breakfast joint on Monday mornings with the family! As our only real day-off in a week, we end up way too busy to maneuver lunch these days. Breakfast is the only real option and what better place to have a great breakfast than our neighbors across the street! The best, and most obvious way to judge a breakfast joint is to try their eggs! They are always on point. We are a family of “over medium” and they get them right every. single. time. They also have a plethora of sweet menu items like pancakes and bubble waffles, which is great for the kids (or the adults like me who actually hate eggs – don’t @ me). Their service is always amazing and it feels like you’re in a best-friend’s kitchen. I would highly recommend The Diner for all times of the day, but especially for their breakfast!

The Diner also offers an incredible selection of five styles of Bubble Waffles on Saturdays. Pictured on the Right: the Bubble Strawberry Blast.

~ Elenee Maria Young

GlutenFree Goodness!

Gluten-Free meals even come complete with Gluten-Free Croutons! An option that is valued by customers with dietary restrictions.

Burgers are handcrafted, and a real work of art. No premade burgers at this Diner!

Gluten-Free selections are hard to find in restaurants, let alone ones that are prepared in an area that is designated and safe for those that are Celiac, or for individuals that have issues with gluten. These medical issues often make it difficult to socialize or to travel. It often leads to being unable to eat out or even dine in. Discovering the Diner’s amazing selection of handcrafted dishes that are not only gluten-free but also prepared in a designated gluten-free space was a game changer for me. They offer gluten-free versions of the majority of their menu. They offer the largest amount of gluten-free options that I have found in years. Not being limited to salad, or soup was liberating. Personally, I also find they carry the best gluten-free buns I have tasted to date. They are exactly like a “regular bun”- no cake like taste, and not crumbly like most. Their gluten items range from traditional sandwiches and western items, to their reknown chinese menu items as well. Not to mention: they are one of the only places I have found that offer a wide selection of gluten-free desserts.

~Kimberly Steier

Spiro’s Family Restaurant

Spiro’s Family was pleased with their experience with Dragons’ Den Canada

Risky Business Elenee Marie Young shares about their recent experience auditioning for Dragon’s Den Canada. Let’s talk about taking risks. They generally always present themselves as exciting and invigorating but they almost always come with a side of extra-crispy fear. Fear of the unknown, the unexpected, the unpopular, and the roads untraveled. Spiro’s Family Restaurant has been serving Lloydminster for over 55 years.

We’ve grown up with negative associations of fear, and although fear spends

most of its time in the red zone, fear can also be the source of motivation that propels someone into the next steps of greatness. Fear, although uncomfortable, is also a sure sign of life. If you’re alive and breathing, you’re scared of something – all the more reason to push past the fear and, in the words of Queen Elsa, into the unknoooooooown!

Spiro’s Family Restaurant

you? Made you feel inferior or small? What happened after you pushed past that fear? That action is called “taking a risk” – and it can absolutely add some zest to your life! In 2021, I decided that I wanted to pursue something that my family has been dreaming of for decades, but the timing and resources weren’t always in their best interest. I decided that I was going to take our humble little sauce business to the next level. This meant investing in more equipment, going back to school (again!!!) for some digital marketing insight, reaching out to higher-ups, and reaching within myself for the guts to make this happen. The business grew and in the matter of just one month, we exceeded our projections and actually totally crushed it. That was wild, and it made me look into next steps – or more risks – I could take to take this one step higher. I filled out an application for Dragon’s Den Canada, knowing that only a small percentage of businesses and concepts get a call back, and a few days later, we got the call back.

We weren’t really ready for this, to be honest, and we needed to actually sit down and figure this all out. What were we even asking for from the Dragons? What is this business worth? Where do we see ourselves in a year? 3 years? 5 years? Holy dyna, what have I done?! But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I wasn’t about to blow it on nerves! We spent Sunday night crunching numbers (all thanks to our amazing banker-friend) and we were ready to face the producers on Monday morning. The whole experience went really good. We were so happy with the overall outcome and although we won’t know if we made it on the show yet, I feel like having a good, solid grasp on the future of the Secret Sauce and Greek Dressing was well worth the experience. The best business always has some kind of risk involved, and when you wake up every morning and decide to put your best foot forward and face the challenges and risks head-on, you’re well on your way to growth. Remember, dead things don’t grow.

Kilted Customs

tint time

Written By Cam Anderson Owner of Kilted Customs

Window tinting (film) is more than teenagers trying to make their vehicles look good! Tint can be applied to more than just your car, and can be used for more than just blocking the sun!

Automotive Tint:

that tint will help prevent the interior from fading, keeping it looking new longer and of course it makes it look cool!

The most common place window tint used is on vehicle windows. Every province has different tint laws for where and how dark you are allowed and varying reasons on why it is illegal. Before getting your car windows tinted, check what your provincial laws allow! A lot of vehicles come from the factory with the rear windows tinted. Did you know that factory tint or privacy glass does not offer any heat or UV protection. Adding window film will cut the cancer causing Uv rays, keep your vehicle cooler and reduce the risk of injury from shattered glass in the event of an accident. Modern high quality automotive window films can cut UVA rays by 99% and heat by 96%. With ratings like that it’s no wonder window film is backed and recommended by the Cancer Society and the EPA. Cancer statistics say you are 72% more likely to get cancer on the left side of your body than the right. By cutting the heat from the sun the air conditioning doesn’t have to work as hard to cool the interior, reducing the load on the engine, reducing emissions, and fuel consumption. With all

There are a few things to think about and know when getting your windows tinted. The biggest thing is checking your local laws as you can be made to peel the tint or get a fine. How dark do you want to go? Tint ranges from 5% (limo) to 70% which is almost clear. Most factory glass ranges from 15-20%. These percentages are based on the visible light transmission (VLT), the higher the number the lighter the tint. When you get the windows tint some bubbles and contamination is normal and most will go away as the tint cures. You won’t be able to roll the windows down for 3-5 days depending on the time of year. If you roll the windows down before the tint is cured it will peel off. The last thing is to use a tint safe glass cleaner! An ammonia based window cleaner will damage the tint and can cause damage to the interior and exterior of the vehicle! An ammonia based window cleaner can have a high alkaline content that will damage many surfaces on your vehicle if left and not neutralized

Security film: Security and privacy go hand in hand. Window film can stop the nosy neighbor from spying on you and stop the burglar from getting in. Security film makes the glass almost impenetrable which will cause the perpetrator to move on to the next house. The glass will break but film will slow them from getting through. Security film comes in the same shades as regular residential film keeping things looking uniform.

Residential/ Commercial: Flat glass tint has a lot of the same benefits as automotive but shouldn’t be used on a car and vise versa. There are many reasons to tint your home or business, privacy, security, energy savings, decor and to add curb appeal. Window film has been used on museums and art galleries to prevent UV rays fading the art work or other artfacts. You may not have expensive art work but you will have furniture, cabinets and flooring that can fade. When it comes to energy savings, in the summer it cuts the heat keeping your home cooler but also reflects the heat back into the room in the winter time keeping the room warmer. As with auto tint flat glass comes in many different shades and styles ranging from blackout to frosted, mirrored to clear adding character to a room or that unique look from the street! You can put a frosted film on a bathroom window to give you privacy while you are in the shower or an office/ boardroom to keep your meetings private. The mirrored film allows you to see out and enjoy the beautiful day but anyone looking in will only see their reflection.

As you can see the benefits of window tint (film) are many and the places they can be used are endless. There is always your obvious, home and auto but what about your cabin, shop, boat, or camper, if it’s glass, plexiglass or lexan we can tint it.

The Confidence Gap As a mom recently expressed, "the results are heartbreaking."

Kids Self-Esteem Statistics

From: Jack Canfield http://adventurestoawesome.com/hot-topics/kids-self-esteem-statistics/

Studies indicate 80% of kids in first grade score very high on a self-esteem or confidence assessment. By grade 5 that number drops to 20%. By the time a child graduates the number is down to 5%.

100 90 80 70 60 50 For many of us we begin to "pick up the 40 pieces" later in life, between the ages of 30-40. This leaves us with about 30 years of 30 what we refer to as "The Confidence Gap." 20 10 We teach kids the skills to fill the gap and 0

change that trajectory, at 10, not 40.


20% 5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grade Level

There is another way.

Watch the video at the link below to learn more! Watch Now

We are Dani & Delaina, two teachers, committed to helping every child we can with everything we can. Our science and play based programs provide children with the tools they need to grow up confident and connected. We tackle huge concepts (like resilience, self-worth, boundaries and motivation) and teach kids not only what these are, but HOW to grow them. A portion of our profits go to children in need.

Dami + Delaina PARENTS



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