Barcelona Turisme Presentation with Jordi William Carnes

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Barcelona as a tourism and business des1na1on

Guiri Business – 10 October 2015

Contents 1 Barcelona, a very a=rac1ve city 2 Tourist ac1vity 3 Tourism posi1oning 4 Barcelona, city of business 5 Final thoughts


Barcelona, a very a=rac1ve city

The city of Barcelona Popula1on 1,6 million

Metropolitan Area pop. 4,8 million

101,4 km2 surface area

A diverse, welcoming city Over 262,000 foreigners live in Barcelona: 17.3% of the popula1on The largest group are italians, with 25,707 people in 2015

Pakistanis are next, with 19,414, followed by the Chinese, at 17,487 people The French are the fourth largest group with 13,281 people living in Barcelona Source: Municipal Regula1on Office. Barcelona City Hall

Pleasant street life •  •  •

A compact historic centre Mild climate, open-­‐air terraces all year round Walks along the seafront and beaches

Cultural ac1vi1es •  •  •  •

3 concert halls, 66 museums, 39 theatres Picasso Museum and Na1onal Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) 80 music and theatre fes1vals and seasons Trend-­‐seUng fes1vals: Primavera Sound, SONAR

Major spor1ng events Barcelona hosts top interna1onal spor1ng events Main compe11ons include:

Premier League Football

Champions League Matches

Formula 1 Grand Prix

Final Top 14 Rugby at Camp Nou -­‐ 24 June 2016

We all make Barcelona What would Barcelona be without: A good pizza, even be=er pasta and a delicious 1ramisu

German beer or an Irish pint?

Oysters, patés and cheeses in a cosy bistro

We do business with the world

2 Tourist ac1vity

Total number of visitors to Barcelona

27,000,000 visitors

50% visit the city in a day The other 50% are tourists who stay overnight 56% of overnight stays is in hotels 44% is in other accommoda1on

Tourists in hotels and overnight stays

Sources: Barcelona Tourist Board (from 2010 onwards, with the Barcelona Hotel Associa1on)

Airport and cruise passengers Interna1onal tourists mainly in the city through the airport and the Port of Barcelona

•  •  •  •

Barcelona Airport: 37,559,044 passangers in 2014 Increase 2013/2014: 2,348,309 passengers Barcelona is the top cruise port in Europe and fourth in the world In 2014, ther were 2,364,292 cruise passengers Source: AENA and Port of Barcelona

Interna1onal and holiday tourists in hotels Interna1onal and holiday tourism con1nues to grow

•  Barcelona is the 6th city in the world in intern1onal tourism expenditure. It is behind London, New York, Paris, Seoul and Singapore.

•  •  •

The number of interna1onal tourists in hotel in 2014 was 6,256,934 Increase 2013/2014: 202,546 new interna1onal tourists The number of holiday tourists to the city in 2014 reached 4,134,344 Increase 2013/2014: 303,030 tourists vaca1on Source: Barcelona Tourist Board, Idescat and INE hotel occupancy survey

Mee1ng tourism Barcelona hosted some 2,000 professional mee1ngs in 2014

•  •  •  •

Over 580,000 delegates chose Barcelona in 2014 Barcelona hosts more than 270 conferences a year, including the Mobile World Congress In the period 2015-­‐2021, 225 new congresses have already been confirmed in the city The European Cardiology Congress in 2017 will bring together 30,500 delegates Source: Barcelona Tourist Board (congresses, conven1ons, incen1ves and mee1ngs/seminars/courses with at least 40 delegates who stay at least one night)

3 Tourism posi1oning

Tourism in European ci1es Total volume of overnight stays: Barcelona in the 'Top 5’


Total overnight stays in 2014

% varia1on 2014/2013








































4.3 Source: European Marke1ng Benchmarking Report

Brand of ci1es The Barcelona brand is one of the most pres1gious in the world, and the upshot of a long-­‐standing commitment to interna1onalisa1on, innova1on and technology in the city

Source: The Guardian. May 2014. Saffron Brand Consultants

4 Barcelona, city of business

The economy of Barcelona

Barcelona: Economic Engine •  •  •  •

GDP of €62 billion (2010)

Diversified economy: tourism, industry, services, health care, cultural industries, educa1on, art and entertainment, innova1on and crea1vity

Number of companies: 169,777 (2013) Number of jobs: 970,825 (2013) The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona is the 6th largest conurba1on in Europe in terms of popula1on and 5th in terms of industrial occupa1on

Sources: IDESCAT, INE and the City Council of Barcelona

Economic impact of tourism in Barcelona Tourism generates EUR 13,400 million a year and 37 million a day 120,000 jobs 10/12% of the GDP of the city

Breakdown according to expenditure Transport 3% Leisure and culture 13%

Other 10 Accomoda 1on 32%

Shopping 18% Gastronom y 25%

Source: Barcelona City Hall

Tourism, an opportunity generator •  •

Tourism is a lever for entrepreneurship and start-­‐ups The Barcelona Tourist Board receives 130 requests each year from businesses and entrepreneurs with products to be marketed throug consor1um sales systems

Turisme de Barcelona gives business to 800 companies and sells some 200 city tourism products

Tourism generates a broad spectrum of jobs at differing skill levels, from waiters and shop assistants to creators, promoters, team managers, directors, and so on

Diversity of origin is also widespread in this sector

Barcelona: Infraestructure

Transport infrastructure: port, airport, high-­‐speed train

Barcelona: Southern Europe's largest logis1cs hub

Home port for the leading cruise ship companies in the Mediterranean

Barcelona: Strategic Projects •  •  •  •

The Fira de Barcelona holds over 70 trade shows at various intervals, which bring together 30,000 companies and receive 2.5 million visitors. 15 of the shows are leading interna1onal events The 22@BCN project has transformed 200 hectares of industrial land in Poblenou into an innova1ve produc1ve district featuring 5 clusters of companies from the Media, ICT, TecMed, Energy and Design industries. Barcelona is an innova1ve city... Smart City Home to technological conven1ons (Microsoc, Cisco, SAP…)

Catalonia, Spain’s Economic Engine

1.5 Catalonia's economy grew by 1.5% in 2014, the largest increase since the crisis began in 2008

1.9 The 4th quarter of 2014 closed with a year-­‐on-­‐year GDP growth of 1.9% (the 5th successive quarter of year-­‐on-­‐ year growth)

60 25.1 32k 2014 marked a highpoint for Catalan exports for the 4th consecu1ve year, breaking the €60 billion mark

Catalonia is Spain's biggest exporter, represen1ng 25.1% of all exports

Industry is the sector which generated the most jobs in 2014, employing 32,000 more people than in 2013

Catalonia, Spain’s Economic Engine •  Since the 1st quarter of 2013, Catalonia's industrial GDP has increased in 8 consecu1ve quarters •  Research: Catalonia ranks fourth among all European regions in terms of number of Proof of Concept grants received from the European Research Council •  In February 2015, retail sales con1nued their upward trend •  Traffic at the Port of Barcelona increased by 9%: 10% in container traffic, 9% in solid cargoes in bulk, 21% in liquid cargoes in bulk •  The Barcelona Airport welcomed 37.5 million travellers, 6.7% more than the previous year


Final thoughts

Quality of life and business opportuni1es Barcelona is an agrac1ve city for tourists and a pleasant place to live

•  The 1992 Olympic Games put Barcelona on the map •  Since then, Barcelona's tourism and economy has risen steadily •  We work to make Barcelona agrac1ve for tourists, without ever overlooking its residents

•  We work to improve quality of life in Barcelona •  To do so, we need to create jobs, business opportuni1es, a solid

cultural offer, and harness the city's benefits such as the weather and the sea

Welcome to Barcelona










Thank you very much @BarcelonaTurism

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