Brand Guidelines
Brand Guidelines
About ‘Fonte De Vita’ is a luxury Italian Bakery and Café located in London, UK. It specialises in rustic and classical Italian bread and baked goods. The translation of ‘Font De Vita’ is ‘Source Of Life’, which is a common reference to bread throughout historic and religious texts. This name is a hommage to the strong religious roots present in Italy.
Colour The branding for Fonte De Vita uses four colours. No other colours should be used at any time unless tones of these.
C=25 M=25 Y=61 K=0 R=196 G=179 B=121 #c4b379
C=46 M=63 Y=62 K=50 R=88 G=63 B=57 #583f39
C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 R=35 G=31 B=32 #231f20
C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=0 R=255 G=255 B=255 #ffffff
Grid System The grid system for documents must be followed at all times for complete cohesion across all media. The outer margin of the document must be 5mm. For larger documents this must be double to 10mm. Following this, there is an inner margin of 4mm on all sides. This is in place for appropriate spacing in bound documents. It is not necessary to follow this margin unless in a bound document.
The number of columns and rows must always be an even number. The grid must always try create squares between each column and row. The gutters must be at least 4mm. Between text columns the gutter must be at least 8mm. The bleed must be at least 3mm on all documents.
Logo The logo is a simplified image of a piece of wheat and the typographic name. The primary logo is both the symbol and typography working together. The secondary logo is just the symbol. The logos can be in four colours, and can overlay as shown on the opposite page.
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
Do 1. Use the logo in any of the four colours. 2. Overlay the logo over images as specified on the previous page. 3.Use the symbol on its own when a smaller size is needed.
Don’t 1. Skew the logo.
6. Rotate the logo.
2. Put any sort of effect on the logo.
7. Change the logo to an unspecified colour.
3. Lay the logo over an image of the same colour.
8. Flip the logo.
4. Add anything to the logo.
9. Colour in the background of the logo.
5. Enclose the logo in a space.
10. Warp the logo.
Size The sizing of the logo must be followed at all times. This is specified so the branding stays consistent, and all printed and web elements are correct and consistent.
The width of the primary logo must not be any smaller than 30mm. The width of the secondary logo must not be any smaller than 10mm. Both logos must have a margin of at least 4mm.
Placement Consistent placement across all media is key to a cohensive brand. The primary logo is constructed in a central, horizontal format. The secondary logo is constructed in a square format.
The primary logo must be horizontally central on all media.
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
The secondary logo is to be used in any corner of the media, or the centre, top centre or bottom centre.
Typography The typeface family to be used across the branding is Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk. This is the only typeface that must be used across all media.
Headings may appear in any of the four colours.
Headings and sub-headings appear in Medium weight.
Body copy leading must be size + 3pt.
Heading leading must be size + 5pt. Headings must be at least 4pt larger than body copy. Sub-headings must be at least 2 pt larger than body copy.
Body copy must appear in Light weight.
Body copy must be at least 4pt smaller than headings. Body copy must be in either black or white. It should not appear in the gold or brown.
Imagery Imagery must appear only in the specified colour types. Photographic imagery can be manipulated/edited to fit the media if needed. Images may appear in full colour, greyscale, gold monotone and brown monotone.
Opacity can be changed to suit the media. Darker or lighter filters can be applied if needed. These must be white or black filters only.