Type principles submission boards

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OUGD603 - Brief 6: Typography Principles


Emily Lodge


Audience & Tone of Voice


The brief is to create a publication based around the subject of the principles of typography.

The publication is created to aid those who are starting a Graphic Design course. The principles of typography is a subject learnt immediately, and a simple and direct aid would be useful.

One printed and bound publication

It is a large and important subject, with a lot of information to take in. A publication which is simple and easy to read and navigate is something that is not available.

The tone of voice is direct, simple and educational. This is enforced through the simplicity of the design.

OUGD603 - Brief 6: Typography Principles

Subject Research As the subject is so large, a wide range of research had to be collected and narrowed down to what was immediately important. Broad and specfic information needed to be taken into account, from the classifications of type to kerning.


Emily Lodge

OUGD603 - Brief 6: Typography Principles

Perfect Binding

Binding Research Binding the publication was something to take into consideration immediately when designing. There is a wide variety of binding methods that could be used. The type of binding alters the way pages work together and how many pages must be included. I did all four of the binding methods to decide on which was best for this book.


Japanese Binding

Emily Lodge

Coptic Binding

Screw Binding

OUGD603 - Brief 6: Typography Principles


Emily Lodge

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Design & Layout The design and layout of the publication is as important as the information being communicated. With the idea of being simple and direct, the elements on each page are consistent, with six layout variations to accommodate the variety of information.

Typography is very simple, using the Regular and Semi-bold variations of the typeface ‘Cabin’. A 90% black was used with blue to accent/highlight the vector imagery created.

OUGD603 - Brief 6: Typography Principles

Finished Publication The finished publication is a 72 page, Coptic bound book. Information is split into sections to break it down into manageable sizes. Measurements: 180x240mm Stock: GF Smith Colorplan Bright White, 120gsm


Emily Lodge

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