Martyn Hobbs - Julia Starr Keddle
Be sure with
The brand new course for Secondary Schools Ma rty n Hobb s - Ju lia Sta rr Ke dd le
• Accuracy & fluency focus
• Communica tion videos • Cloud Book on dia rme -inte - S ta rr
Ke d
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Hob bs - Sta rr Ked dle
r t yn
ncy flue cy & cura c A • s focu ion icat mun m o •C s o vide ook ud B • Clo n o
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Pre -intermedi
Boo e n t ’s S t u d rk book o &W ry e n ta Elem
Pre- intermed
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St ud en t’s Bo ok & Wor kb ook
S ta rr bs -
Ke d
d le
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2 A1/A E FR
• Accuracy & fluency focus • Communication videos • Cloud Book on
- Ju l
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Ked d
Stu & W d e nt ’s ork B boo ook k I nte rm e dia te
• Ac c focu uracy & fl s uen cy •C om vid muni eos cat ion •C lou on d Boo k
RB 2
Elementary CEFR A1/A2
Pre-Intermediate CEFR B1
Cambridge English: Key (KET) Trinity ISE 0-I / GESE 3-4
Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) Trinity ISE I / GESE 5-6
• Accuracy & fluency focus
• Accuracy & fluency focus
• Communication videos
• Communication videos
SURE Hobbs - Starr Keddle
• verb be
• brush up present simple
• verb have got
• brush up present continuous vs present simple
• adverbs of frequency / how often...? / modal verb can • verb + ing • present continuous • present continuous & present simple • comparatives / superlatives • past simple • countable & uncountable • semi modal verb have to/don’t have to modal verb must/mustn’t • be going to future / present continuous for future
Student’s Book & Workbook Intermediate
• Accuracy & fluency focus • Communication videos • Cloud Book on
Hobbs - Starr Keddle
• Cloud Book on
Hobbs - Starr Keddle
• Cloud Book on
Student’s Book & Workbook
Student’s Book & Workbook
Cambridge English: First (FCE) Trinity ISE II / GESE 7-8
Martyn Hobbs - Julia Starr Keddle
Martyn Hobbs - Julia Starr Keddle
• present simple
• brush up question formation • past simple vs past continuous / brush up past simple used to/ would • zero conditional / imperative conditional • modal verb can/could/must / semi modal have to/needn’t • modal verb should / semi modal ought to • brush up comparatives & superlatives • brush up some/any/ enough • present perfect
• will
• brush up present continuous as future / be going to
• present perfect
• present & past passives
• present perfect vs past simple
• defining relative clauses • multi-word verbs • future will/may/might • first conditional • reported speech
Martyn Hobbs - Julia Starr Keddle
Intermediate CEFR B2
• tag questions
• B1 language brush up: present / past / modals / quantifiers / comparatives • brush up present perfect • present perfect continuous • brush up future • future continuous • future perfect / future perfect continuous • modals • brush up zero / first conditional • second conditional / third conditional / I wish & if only / mixed conditionals • brush up present & past passives • continuous, perfect & modal passives • past perfect / past perfect continuous • -ing form & infinitive • brush up reported statements • reported questions • tag questions development / indirect questions • causative: have something done / relative clauses development
HOW YOUR COURSE WORKS Six themed modules to take you from A1 to B2 level. SU RE EL EM EN TA RY RM EDIATE & SU RE PR E-IN TE mo dule stru ctur e
Motivating mo warm -ups
First unit
Second unit
Exam training which really work s!
Puzzles & games
CULTURE Reading & writing exam training
21st century them es
Alphab etical!
Lots of voca bulary & gram mar pr actice
SU RE IN TE RM EDIATE mo dule stru ctur e
dule Motivating mo warm -ups
First unit
Second unit
Exam training which really work s!
PAIRWORK Reading & writing exam training
WORKBOOK Lots of voca bulary & gram mar pr actice
Be sure w Heads-up grammar aiuta gli stud enti ad ling ua ac quisir e re al me nte la
Communication focus mette la co mu nicazion e e al ce ntro di og ni lezion
Brush up, move on la ling ua iniziale ad atta ad og ni livello
Accuracy utilizzar e la ling ua corr etta me nte
o far pass ar e il me ss ag gi
Natural language ricc o di ling ua ggio acce ssibile e re ale
Culture dossier
zzi di og gi sei te mi ad atti ai ra ga
terdisciplin ari ricc o di colle ga me nti in inte gr ati in og ni unità
Lively vocabulary tr ovar e le parole giuste
21st century media
da us ar e risorse digitali fa cili
Videos & documentaries & vox pops la ling ua pr en de vita
Syllabus, CEFR and competences ic e fornisce un a solida corn costruir e di abilità sulla qu ale
Exam training pr ep ar a gli stud enti io agli es am i sin dall’iniz
4 Journeys
Where were you last weekend?
Grammar • past simple of verb be • past simple positive and negative • past simple questions & answers • modal verb could
I went
to college by bike
• talking about past activities
this morning.
• talking about the past • talking about ability in the past
Vocabulary & Word expander • transport
Can you tell me where Woodlands Road is?
• travel verbs • prepositions of movement • musical instruments • musical genres • would like | by bus / on foot | all | before / after | multi-word verbs
Communication & fluency • asking & answering questions about the past • asking for & giving directions • narrating events in the past
[Bonus grammar] • past continuous
Searching for Rodriguez.
A1 / A2 A2 start A2 lower
SURE Elementary
A2 progress A2 high A2 upper
Mo dule op en er 6
Ciascun modulo comincia con la presentazione degli obiettivi delle due unità che lo costituiscono, anche attraverso immagini stimolanti, correlate agli argomenti trattati e al linguaggio.
ord r
woexpanrddeexp e x w p rd r a weox ord ande expa wonr de e pe r n dr expwordxpard ae ndxpa wor der wexpwo e wo and ex ndxpaer nd de o andrd wo xpa rd er wpaner nde woer r xp rd e er expa e r n e dw r d w a x w n ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eerowrdwordexpoardnedxer pandordeder w w p e o p wx oexpanrddeeaxnpdexenpdaneranwdoerdexr woxrpdanodreedxpeeaxxndpeandeprandwoerdeer wxorpdanodrdex e w p r d r a r de o r p e r pa r nwd w r xp e e pa weox ord ande expa wonr dweo r word exwoardnd xpa wordnderoerrd ord wo andxpa r wonde e r p e r n d r rd rd p e e nd w wo e r n rd r w expworxd pad aexndxpa word der wexpwo expeax andxpra wo er ewxp oerdxpard expand exep rw de expord a r e wo and exnd paer nd e or and d endpa er nd rd e or n exnd xp der an or r w anex wo xpa rd er wpaen rwnde woer r xwpa d e er w xpaer nwd wo er xp de der paenr wand woder wd e ord e depa eoxp rde nde expa orddeor rr word ex ordned xpan ordnderoerrd wrd we o andxpa worddeor rd er rd e orxdpand xpa rwnde pard aexndxpa r wor nder wexpwod exdpeaxpandxepra woder ewxp woerxdpoard exxparndd exep rwnder exwpoerxdpwaor xpandexper wondeordr nd paer nd de or andrd endpa er nd rd e or an exndepa er and or wo anex n d ex er and rd r er nde woer xp d er xpaer nwd w er xp de de pa r w nd wo er d e rd e depade pan wo er wo r word exwoardnd expa wordnderoerrd owrd wo andxpa r wondeord er rd eworxpan xp rwndre wodrer rd rd erd pa exer nde ex woex ord exp rd er nd rd er weox wo xpa de der wand ordr d xpeax nd pa wo r w pa rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa rd nd xpa o er ndpea er nd rd e ord n exnde pa er wand or wo anexnd exp er nd rd r nwd w er xp e de pa r w nd o er wd e rd e depaer and wor er oerr ord wo an xpa r wondeord er rd orxpan xp rwnd wo er d d wo e r de n rd r we w ex d de an o er rd exprd expa d e r de ex oxr p or pan ex r w de rd and xp nderxpanwo r w pa dean d ex de pan ord r er wand woderrd e ord ndxepade pan r wo der or er rd wo xpa exp rwnrd woder rd d w e rd nd a o e rd exp or xpa ex er w nd rdr an d exnderpand order der pan wo er w de rd Exploring your identity and knowing what you value most are very important. Our questionnaire helps you focus your ideas.
1 Tick
that are very important to you.
l5 things
being a good student my family helping people being creative music having fun a good social life adventure my girlfriend/boyfriend money helping the environment freedom getting a good job travel my friends sport making things
1 Do the questionnaire. Make a note of your answers.
ExpandEr would like
Use would like to talk about your preferences. I’d like a new bike. I’d like to write a blog.
SU RE star t
2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Compare your answers to Part 1. Ask and answer the questions in Part 2. Tell your partner about your ideas in Part 3.
3 Report to the class three things you learnt about your partner.
SURE start è una sezione ideata per motivare gli studenti, risvegliare il loro interesse e introdurre il tema del modulo mediante questionari ed esercizi stimolanti. Questa pagina ripropone le strutture linguistiche già apprese e le riattiva, estendendole a nuovi contesti, sollecitando gli studenti a esprimere le loro opinioni, a pensare alla propria realtà e a usare la lingua in modo creativo.
SURE Elementary
Sure start
2 NOW…
3 NOW… answer the questions. What are you good at? What would you like to be good at? What do you worry about? What scares you? What bores you? What world problem would you like to solve? Which person, living or dead, do you admire? What’s your dream for the future? What object, animal or thing represents you? Why?
look at your answers to the questions.
Now think of one thing you can do to get new skills, help the world, or achieve your ambitions. Make it a simple thing, e.g. start guitar lessons, talk to my family, join an environmental group.
SURE Elementary
Lively voca bulary 8
Una pratica costante, accurata e vivace del vocabolario fa sì che gli studenti trovino sempre le parole giuste e si divertano ad usarle. Il focus di SURE spazia da set lessicali, parole chiave e chunks nella sezione Word Expander fino alle espressioni usate quotidianamente dai teenagers in Small talk.
SURE Elementary
Sm all talk
Small talk pone attenzione alle espressioni tipiche dell’interazione verbale, essenziali per una comunicazione naturale, che fa uso di frasi idiomatiche del linguaggio giovanile e riflette i processi di risemantizzazione della lingua inglese.
Unit 1
Get up & go
present simple | adverbs of frequency
talking about the present
daily routine
1a DAILY ROUTINE CD1.02 Complete the article with the words. Then listen and check. play go walk have (x2) drink dressed get up wake up shower get spend go out breakfast check
2 WARM UP Look at the article. What do you think it is about? 3 READING Read the article and complete the sentences P with the people’s names. 1 2 3 4 5 6
_______ works in the evenings. _______ likes films. _______ uses Facebook. _______ and _______ study at uni. _______ has got an e-reader. _______ does experiments.
4 Read the article again and then cover it up. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
woexpanrddeexp e x w p rd r a weox ord ande expa wonr de e pe r n dr expwordxpard ae ndxpa wor der wexpwo e wo and ex ndxpaer nd de o andrd wo xpa rd er wpaner nde woer r xp rd e er expa e r n e dw r d w a x w n ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eerowrdwordexpoardnedxer pandordeder w w p e o p wx oexpanrddeeaxnpdexenpdaneranwdoerdexr woxrpdanodreedxpeeaxxndpeandeprandwoerdeer wxorpdanodrdex e w p r d r a r de o r p e r pa r nwd w r xp e e pa weox ord ande expa wonr dweo r word exwoardnd xpa wordnderoerrd ord wo andxpa r wonde e r p e r n d r rd rd p e e nd w wo e r n rd r w expworxd pad aexndxpa word der wexpwo expeax andxpra wo er ewxp oerdxpard expand exep rw de expord a r e wo and exnd paer nd e or and d endpa er nd rd e or n exnd xp der an or r w anex wo xpa rd er wpaen rwnde woer r xwpa d e er w xpaer nwd wo er xp de der paenr wand woder wd e ord e depa x o n oe w a x d o e rd xp x r n e r n e d r d ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eeorwrdwoerdexpoardnedxer panderdeder wrrdoewx orrdd exop rdndepar nd word eer rwdoexr wo expordaenderpanwodrer pa exnd pa or er w xp o xpeax nd pa wo r wxp rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa r and xp wo de d nd paer nd de or andrd endpa er nd rd e or an exndepa er and or wo anex n d ex er and rd r er nde woer xp d er xpaer nwd w er xp de de pa r w nd wo er d e rd e depade pan wo er wo r word exwoardnd expa wordnderoerrd owrd wo andxpa r wondeord er rd eworxpan xp rwndre wodrer rd rd erd pa exer nde ex woex ord exp rd er nd rd er weox wo xpa de der wand ordr d xpeax nd pa wo r w pa rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa rd nd xpa o er ndpea er nd rd e ord n exnde pa er wand or wo anexnd exp er nd rd r nwd w er xp e de pa r w nd o er wd e rd e depaer and wor er oerr ord wo an xpa r wondeord er rd orxpan xp rwnd wo er d d wo e r de n rd r we w ex d de an o er rd exprd expa d e r de ex oxr p or pan ex r w de rd and xp nderxpanwo r w pa dean d ex de pan ord r er wand woderrd e ord ndxepade pan r wo der or er rd wo xpa exp rwnrd woder rd d w e rd nd a o e rd exp or xpa ex er w nd rdr an d exnderpand order der pan wo er woder rd
Welcome to my ...
1 Where’s Wayne from? How old is he? 2 Where’s Gabrielle from? What’s her favourite free time activity? 3 Where does Adam live? How long does it take him to get to college? 4 How old is Silvia? Where’s she from? What’s her favourite subject? 5 Where’s Ben from? What’s his main interest?
twice once es tim e thre
Use once, twice, three times, etc. to talk about frequency. I have a guitar lesson once a week. I update my Facebook page about twice a week.
SURE Pre-Intermediate
Then I’m usually late and I can never find my stuff! I 8_____ the bus to uni, but I sometimes miss it. I 9_____ classes all morning and then I often study in the afternoon. At about 4.00 p.m. I 10_____ home to get some exercise. At home I 11 _____ time with my family and chill out. We usually 12_____ dinner at about 7.30 p.m. In the evening I do coursework, 13 _____ video games, maybe I stream a film or post updates online. At the weekend, I 14 _____ with my friends.
1b SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your daily routine. What time do you get up? Do you have breakfast? How do you get to college? What do you do in the evening?
006-027_Sure_PreInt_MOD_1ok2.indd 8
Br ush up, move on 10
I 1 wake up to music on my mobile. But I hit the snooze button and go back to sleep! Eventually, I 2_____ and if I’m lucky, the bathroom is free! I have a 3 _____, brush my teeth and get 4_____. Then I have 5_____. I’m not a morning person – I just 6_____ some coffee and 7 _____ my phone. I also feed the cat – that’s my job.
Talking about the present
5 Study the rules and underline examples of the verbs in the present simple in the article.
Present simple | adverbs of frequency
★ Use the present simple to:
1 describe people and things. My life doesn’t look that exciting. 2 talk about routines, information and facts. It takes 40 minutes to drive to college.
★ Use adverbs of frequency with the present simple.
always usually often sometimes not often occasionally never We usually have dinner at about 7.30 p.m. q GRAMMAR HUB p12
SURE permette agli studenti di rafforzare la lingua che già conoscono e al contempo di imparare cose nuove. SURE Elementary comincia con uno stimolante ripasso del livello A1, mentre SURE Pre-intermediate inizia rinfrescando le conoscenze fondamentali del livello A2. Con SURE Intermediate gli studenti ripassano tutto il linguaggio base, progredendo verso il livello B2.
I’m from South Africa and I’m seventeen. What do I do? I’m a film director. Well, that’s my dream! I’m a student really. I watch films… and I make them, too. One day, I want to win an Oscar! Oh, I’m a bit like Steven Spielberg – I’ve got glasses and a beard. But he’s white, I’m black! Wayne
Where we’re from, what we do, what we like… it’s who we are! We ask you to tell us about yourselves.
Hi. I’m from the USA. I’m a bookworm and I love finding old books for my e-reader. I read in bed, on the bus, in the evening… And in my free time I study LOL . I also enjoy seeing my mates and sharing stuff on Facebook. I think I’ve got a good sense of humour! Gabrielle
I’m 19, from Brazil, and I study physics at uni. What’s a typical day? I get up late. I usually skip breakfast, but maybe I have a coffee. I chat with friends and spend a lot of time on my tablet. About twice a month we go to a dance club. I’ve got a science lab at home and I do experiments, too. I’m a bit of an inventor. Silvia
Unit 1
I live on a farm in Ireland and I’m an agriculture student. I suppose my life doesn’t look that exciting – lessons, work, sleep. And I only go out once a week. But I don’t mind. It takes 40 minutes to drive to college so I get up pretty early! I also help on my parents’ farm – in the evenings, winter and summer. Do you think it’s a hard life? I don’t, I love it. Adam
I’m a regular British guy with a regular life. I’m not short and I’m not tall. I’m OK-looking, but I certainly don’t look like a model! I get up, have breakfast and go to uni. I study and I hang out with my friends. We sometimes have a pizza together in town. I’m crazy about football. I play it, watch it and talk about it. small ta Ben lk I sup pos e
I’m cra zy abo ut… may be
7 COMPETENCE ZONE Work in pairs. Create a six question questionnaire the week about daily routine. What do you do on a typical Saturday? I usually stay in bed until eleven Ask ten classmates. o’clock. Then… Report your results to the class. Do you have a weekend job? Yes, I do. I work in a restaurant. I’m a waiter.
• a typical weekend • a typical Saturday • how often you do things during
How often do you do sport?
About three times a week. I play football, I…
Nearly half of people in the UK check their phones before breakfast.
006-027_Sure_PreInt_MOD_1ok2.indd 9
CEFR & Exam tr ai ni ng
SURE Pre-Intermediate
6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about:
24/02/14 22:21
SURE copre sistematicamente gli obiettivi funzionali del CEFR e prepara gli studenti a sostenere gli esami per le certificazioni linguistiche internazionali fin dall’inizio. Gli esercizi che appartengono alle tipologie d’esame sono segnalati con una K (Cambridge KEY), una P (Cambridge Preliminary), una F (Cambridge First) o con una T per le certificazioni Trinity.
Unit 3
The Interview
Lauren. Thanks for doing this video. It’s for a project at art school. lAUren No worries. Alex OK, let’s start the interview. Do you get up early? lAUren Yes, I do. Alex What time do you get up? lAUren It depends. On college days I get up at half past seven. Alex And at the weekend? lAUren I get up at about ten o’clock. Alex That’s late. lAUren Hey, I’m tired! I work in the evening on Friday and Saturday. Alex
Really? Where do you Becky Hi, Alex. work? Alex Hey, Becky. So, Lauren, do you and Becky share the lAUren I work at a pizzeria to housework? make some extra money. Becky No, we don’t. College is expensive. Alex I know. It’s really lAUren Yes, we do. Becky No way! I clean the expensive. OK, so do you kitchen and I clean the have breakfast? bathroom. And I do the lAUren Yes, I do. shopping. Alex What do you have? lAUren Coffee. And then more lAUren OK, OK. But I make the coffee! And cereal. I don’t pizzas! have a lot of time in the Becky That’s true! small ta morning. But coffee’s lk very important! s. end dep It s! rie wor No Alex
No way !
8a SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.
wdoe wo r w pa ex er andwo de ordr w exp ex eranr wnde ord rrd wrd e o nd pa wor errd r w e ordand pa wode ord r expord expard e er nde d exweoxr p or xpan ex er w nde rdr and xp nderxpanwo r w pa dean d ex de pan ord r ord ndxpde pa r w de and woderrd eElementary er wSURE o r or er rd wo xpa experawnrd wnoder rd d w e rd nd a o e rd exp or xpa ex er w nd rdr an d exnderpand order der pan wo er woder rd rd
What time do you... get up at the weekend? have dinner? go to bed? go to school/college? have breakfast? have lunch? get up during the week? Do you like... pizzas? animals? football? books? science? horror films? computer games? English? ice cream? tennis?
What time do you get up at the weekend? I get up at about 11 o’clock! Do you like pizzas? Yes, I do.
8b Report back to the class. Marco gets up at 11 o’clock at the weekend. He likes pizzas.
Vi de os & docu me ntaries & vox po ps
03/06/14 10:08
In SURE, la lingua prende vita grazie alle video-stories, che raccontano la vita quotidiana di alcuni ragazzi britannici e americani, con i quali gli studenti possono identificarsi, sentendosi fortemente motivati e facilitati nell’apprendimento.
Presentations and communication forums
SURE Elementary
Vox pops
I video Documentaries aprono una finestra su alcuni aspetti della cultura dei paesi di lingua inglese, mentre i vivaci video Vox pops sono brevi interviste che presentano diversi stili di linguaggio orale e un’ampia varietà di registri linguistici.
SURE Elementary
Heads- up gr am mar 14
Nell’apprendimento della lingua la grammatica occupa un ruolo di primo piano: per questo in SURE gli studenti vengono coinvolti attivamente sin dall’inizio, mostrando come viene applicata e quali sono le regole di utilizzo. La grammatica è contestualizzata in modo stimolante e questo
SURE Elementary
permette agli studenti di progredire e acquisire un linguaggio spontaneo, attraverso esercizi intensivi mirati a particolari strutture grammaticali, combinando attività di lettura, di ascolto, di scrittura e di speaking.
SURE Elementary
Co mm unicatio n focus 16
SURE pone la comunicazione alla base di ogni lezione con video suddivisi in presentation and communication dramas, documentaries e vox pops. Acquisire le competenze comunicative diviene facile e piacevole grazie ai materiali audio e video, ricchissimi di esercitazioni
o 4 Match questions 1-8 in exercise 3 with answers a-h. Then listen again and check. a) ____ 28 Park Road, London E1 7QX. b) ____ Of course, here you are. c) ____ It’s £30 per month for a minimum of six months. d) ____ Yes, it’s £15 per month. e) ____ Er, yes, please. I’m interested in joining the gym. f) ____ They’re on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6 to 7.30 p.m. g) ____ Jamie Holmes. h) ____ It’s
5 DVD | CD1.39 Watch/Listen and circle T (True) or F (False).
1 Jamie gets a 10% discount on pizzas. T / F 2 The gym is open four days a week. T / F 3 Lauren doesn’t want a discount on pizzas. T / F
6a You are joining a gym. Invent: M e M be r s hip f o r M Name Address Date of birth E-mail address Phone number
6b Work in pairs. You are the receptionist and a new customer at a gym. Take it in turns to apply for a gym membership. Use expressions from the Core phrases.
7 Read Culture and answer the questions. Do you go to a gym? Are you a member of any clubs?
We all know being fit is important. That’s why about 17% of UK adults are members of health and fitness clubs. About 33% of the gym members are 15-24. But guess what? Only 27% of members regularly go to the gym. They spend lots of money to join – then they stay at home and watch sport on TV! 39
2.1_SURE_ELEM_SB_Module2pp30-51v2 new.indd 39
SURE Elementary
Cculture U l t U r e Virtual exercise
23/04/14 14:37
interattive. Lingua naturale e contesti reali sono assicurati! Attraverso il glossario generativo offerto da Core phrases, gli studenti possono appropriarsi delle espressioni essenziali per le funzioni chiave e riutilizzarle regolarmente.
Skills forum
Lost in music
The 1970s were amazing years for music. Lots of bands and singers from that decade are still famous today. But sometimes talent isn’t appreciated in its own time and place. This is the story of one musician and his lost years.
Reading & speaking 1 WaRM Up look at the title and the photos. What do you think the article is about? 2 Read the article. Circle t (true) or F (False).
1 Sixto Rodriguez was very famous in the USA in the 1970s. T / F 2 He recorded two heavy metal albums. T / F 3 He sold 500,000 copies of his albums in South Africa but he didn’t know. T / F 4 Rodriguez received lots of money for the South African sales. T / F 5 Stephen and Craig found Rodriguez in South Africa. T / F 6 Rodriguez’s daughter saw their website and contacted Stephen and Craig. T / F 7 A Swedish film maker made a documentary about Rodriguez in the 1990s. T / F 8 He performed in South Africa after he met Stephen and Craig. T / F
3 Read the article again and complete the timeline. 1970–1971
Rodriguez was born
He recorded ________ albums
He become famous in 2 _____________
4 Work in groups. Discuss the story of Rodriguez. What did you think?
• What was the most surprising / moving / interesting part of the story?
• Why do you think he was popular in South Africa?
SURE Elementary
• What do you think his music is like now? • Do you like music from the 1970s?
Sk ills 18
He toured _______________ _______________
He got a degree in ______________
wx oexpanrddeexp e w p rd r a weox ord ande expa wonr de e pe r n dr expwordxpard ae ndxpa wor der wexpwo e wo and ex ndxpaer nd de o andrd wo xpa rd er wpaner nde woer r xp rd e er expa e r n e dw r d w a x w n ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eerowrdwordexpoardnedxer pandordeder w w p e o p wx oexpanrddeeaxnpdexenpdaneranwdoerdexr woxrpdanodreedxpeeaxxndpeandeprandwoerdeer wxorpdanodrdex e w p r d r a r de o r p e r pa r nwd w r xp e e pa weox ord ande expa wonr dweo r word exwoardnd xpa wordnderoerrd ord wo andxpa r wonde e r p e r n d r rd rd p e e nd w wo e r n rd r w expworxd pad aexndxpa word der wexpwo expeax andxpra wo er ewxp oerdxpard expand exep rw de expord a r e wo and exnd paer nd e or and d endpa er nd rd e or n exnd xp der an or r w anex wo xpa rd er wpaen rwnde woer r xwpa d e er w xpaer nwd wo er xp de der paenr wand woder wd e ord e depa x o n oe w a x d o e rd xp x r n e r n e d r d ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eeorwrdwoerdexpoardnedxer panderdeder wrrdoewx orrdd exop rdndepar nd word eer rwdoexr wo expordaenderpanwodrer pa exnd pa or er w xp o xpeax nd pa wo r wxp rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa r and xp wo de d nd paer nd de or andrd endpa er nd rd e or an exndepa er and or wo anex n d ex er and rd r er nde woer xp d er xpaer nwd w er xp de de pa r w nd wo er d e rd e depade pan wo er wo r word exwoardnd expa wordnderoerrd owrd wo andxpa r wondeord er rd eworxpan xp rwndre wodrer rd rd erd pa exer nde ex woex ord exp rd er nd rd er weox wo xpa de der wand ordr d xpeax nd pa wo r w pa rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa rd nd xpa o er ndpea er nd rd e ord n exnde pa er wand or wo anexnd exp er nd rd r nwd w er xp e de pa r w nd o er wd e rd e depaer and wor er oerr ord wo an xpa r wondeord er rd orxpan xp rwnd wo er d d wo e r de n rd r we w ex d de an o er rd exprd expa d e r de ex oxr p or pan ex r w de rd and xp nderxpanwo r w pa dean d ex de pan ord r er wand woderrd e ord ndxepade pan r wo der or er rd wo xpa exp rwnrd woder rd d w e rd nd a o e rd exp or xpa ex er w nd rdr an d exnderpand order de pa w e
5 Read Word expander. Underline three multi-word verbs in the article and guess what they mean. Word
lti-word ExpandEr mu s verb
Some common verbs have a verb + preposition and the meaning is different from the main verb. He eventually gave up his musical career. = He stopped his musical career.
Lo Skills forum di ogni modulo riutilizza le strutture linguistiche incontrate nel modulo in questione ed anche in quelli precedenti, proponendo nuovi risvolti del tema. Ogni modulo prevede una lezione incentrata sullo sviluppo delle quattro abilità. Le skills sono integrate per mezzo di un
Sixto Rodriguez was an American singersongwriter from an immigrant Mexican family. He lived in the car-making city of Detroit. Rodriguez recorded two folk-rock albums in 1970 and 1971, Cold Fact and Coming from Reality. He sang poetic songs about prejudice and injustice, and his producers thought he could be famous like Bob Dylan. Unfortunately, his albums didn’t sell very well in the USA, and he eventually gave up his musical career. But Rodriguez was famous in another part of the world – and he didn’t know! In South Africa, he was more popular than The Rolling Stones and his albums sold 500,000 copies. For South Africans, Rodriguez was a pop music icon and his songs were an inspiration for the anti-apartheid struggle. But his fans didn’t know where he was. Many believed he was dead. And why didn’t Rodriguez know about this success? Because he didn’t receive any money from his record sales! In the 1990s, two South African fans decided to look for Rodriguez and find out more about him. Stephen ‘Sugar’ Segerman, a record shop manager, and Craig Bartholemew-Strydom, a music journalist, created a website dedicated to him. Then, in 1997, Rodriguez’s daughter Eva saw the website and got in touch. They found out he was alive and still in Detroit. Finally Stephen and Craig met their hero. Years later, Swedish film-maker Malik Bendjelloul met the two fans. He listened to their story and in 2012
“In South Africa, he was more popular than The Rolling Stones...”
Skills forum
for Rodriguez Welcome to
Cape Town
made a documentary about their search. The film was called Searching for Sugar Man and it won an Oscar. So what did Rodriguez do in those lost years? He sang in bars, did manual work so his daughters could have an education, got involved in local politics, and in 1981 got a degree in philosophy. He also had some success as a singer in Australia and New Zealand and he toured there in 1979 and 1981. After his rediscovery in 1998, Rodriguez went to South Africa and did a sell-out concert tour to enthusiastic crowds. In 2013, after the film came out, a compilation of his songs sold well around the world. Although he is now in his 70s, Rodriguez is finally playing in the USA. It’s never too late to shine!
1997 (April)
1997 (September)
Craig and ___________ created Great Rodriguez Hunt website
________ wrote ‘Rodriguez is my father! I’m serious!’
Rodriguez did a concert tour of 7 _______________
A film-maker made a 8 _______________
The film won an 9 __________
Listening & writing
Who Where When How old Who with Opinion
My first gig Sylvie
7 COMpetenCe ZOne Write about a musician, P band or singer that you admire. Find out information on the internet. Make a note of: • Name • Date of birth • Nationality • Life events • Music genre • Important albums • Why you like them
✜ ACTION POINT Using the Internet When you do research on the Internet, don’t copy chunks of text. Read the articles and make notes of the information. Then use your own words to write your text.
collegamento tematico tra un brano di reading e un’attività di listening (comprensione), seguiti da esercizi di speaking e writing (produzione). Le tipologie degli esercizi proposti sono funzionali alla preparazione per le certificazioni internazionali sin dalle prime unità.
SURE Elementary
ord r
er awndeworder
6 CD2.37 listen to people talking about their P first concerts and make notes.
SURE Elementary
Accuracy 20
Centrale nel linguaggio è l’accuratezza, data dalla scelta di parole appropriate da utilizzare nella frase. Gli studenti hanno la possibilità di acquisire tale accuratezza formale grazie a questo focus, che fornisce spunti per ripassare e consolidare tutte le strutture già apprese e per affinare precisione e correttezza - un must per la preparazione agli esami, che trova in SURE un prezioso alleato.
SURE Elementary
Bo nus Gr am mar
Una didattica su misura per gli studenti dei livelli Elementary e Pre-intermediate: le sezioni Bonus Grammar riflettono gli argomenti grammaticali a cui gli insegnanti hanno mostrato di tenere maggiormente.
SURE Elementary
Flue nc y 22
Comunicare in inglese è una sfida. Sezioni di Focus on Fluency stimolanti e coinvolgenti aiutano lo studente ad acquisire una naturale fluidità, facendolo sentire sempre più sicuro e consapevole delle proprie capacità comunicative. Questa sezione fa leva sulla capacità di comunicare liberamente
usando le strutture linguistiche note, per sperimentare in maniera spontanea. Lo studente trova esercizi di ascolto e lettura, può attingere dalle Core Phrases, che offrono espressioni utili per interagire, e può mettere in atto attività a coppie o in gruppo, per apprendere la lingua in modo naturale.
SURE Elementary
Check your progress Language
I can now talk about the past
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple. 1 _______________ (they / enjoy) their visit to London last year. 2 _______________ (I / wash) my hair before college this morning. 3 _______________ (he / buy) his train ticket yesterday. 4 _______________ (we / go) to the station by taxi because we were late. 5 _______________ (you / get) the bus to work yesterday?
2 Choose the correct answer. 1 There __________ no trains at the station this morning. A did B were C had D made 2 How long did the journey to Rome _____________? A take B took C taking D takes 3 I __________ to London this time. I came by train. A don’t fly B ‘m not flying C didn’t fly D flew 4 When Jack was a child, he ___________ play the piano. A can’t B couldn’t C don’t D wasn’t 5 ______________ you speak English before you started this class? A Were B Do C Can D Could __ | 10
I can now talk about transport & musical instruments
3 Find the words to complete the table. TRANSPORT
omeoikbrt ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
__ | 10
Communication I can now ask for & give directions
4 Complete the dialogues with the correct words. wrong way first right near here that’s great tell me SARAh Excuse me. Is the station 1____________? MAN The station? I’m afraid you’re going the 2___________. SARAh Oh no! Can you 3 ______________ where it is? MAN Go straight on and take the 4___________. You can’t
miss it! SARAh OK, 5_____________. Thank you very much.
on the
right into
say that
TOM Excuse me. How do I
get to
_______ the Ritz Cinema?
WOMAN Turn left and then turn 7 _________ Castle Street.
Go 8 ___________ Castle Street for about 100 metres. The cinema is 9 ___________ left. TOM Can you 10 ___________ again, please? WOMAN Of course. Turn left and then… __ | 10
Writing I can now write about the past 5 Write a paragraph about a visit to a place. Write about T 80 words.
● ●
SURE Elementary
● ●
● ●
__ | 10
ToTal: __ | 40
At the end of Module 4, I've made progress in A2 skills.
Ch eck yo ur pr ogress 24
Where did you go? How did you travel? Who were you with? What was the weather like? What did you see/do? What happened?
Alla fine del modulo si trova un test, Check your progress, che consente agli studenti di verificare in modo informale i propri progressi. Il test si articola in quattro sezioni, ciascuna segnalata con un livello CEFR specifico, che permette agli studenti di acquisire consapevolezza del proprio livello di competenza linguistica.
t ou l il ch & ss re st ed to e m Ti
of the
iles sand m f a thou p. Lao Tzu o y e n r The jou s with one ste the begin ey, not e journ Anderson th n o s g Focu nation. Gre desti
The Virtual Choir
What’s got four wheels
This is an amazing community of more than 5000 singers, but they don’t sing together. Each singer sings in a YouTube video. Then the choir leader puts all the videos together and there is the sound of a beautiful choir.
and a trunk?
The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra The people in this orchestra never carry their instruments with them. They go to the market on the day of a concert and they buy vegetables. Lots of vegetables! Then they make flutes, violins, trumpets and drums from the vegetables.
ne? Is It a pln a Competition
Can you guess the forms of transpo
2 3
It rhymes with ‘pot’ and it travels
on water. In London it’s black, in New York City it’s yellow. It rhymes with ‘train’, but it flies in the sky.
It’s got wheels, but it isn’t a car. It flies, but it hasn’t got wings.
This is the favourite form of transpor t for Nairo Quintana, Bradley Wiggins and Eddy Merckx.
Mystery Word
a flying plate of food…
Find the mystery word!
No, it's The Birdma
nd. It happens every summer in Worthing, Engla They ines. People make their own flying mach jump off the pier and into the sea. These are my favourites.
l h
p c
a huge brown hedgehog… Hey! It’s a flying competition, not a skiing competition!
t in a Mini.
Brainteaser answer: An elephan
Pi nb oard
Pinboard è una sezione unica, che troverete solo su SURE: si presenta come un momento di svago per gli studenti, per rilassarsi e divertirsi con la lingua inglese. Nessun esercizio o attività complessa, solo puzzles, parole crociate, questionari, fatti curiosi, battute, aforismi, citazioni e notizie bizzarre. In poche parole… puro spasso!
SURE Elementary
amazing Musicians!
Cuullttuurree The new young Americans Identity
Fact file Do the math!
1a Work in pairs. Think of reasons why people emigrate. Add your ideas to the list. religious or ethnic persecution to follow friends and family natural disasters
The US population in figures
The USA has a total resident population of 317,274,000. It’s the biggest population in the world.
1b Discuss the questions.
1 Can you think of any countries that have large immigrant minorities? 2 Which of the reasons in exercise 1a have caused migration to or from your country? 3 What problems do immigrants face in a new country?
About 40.5 million foreign-born people live in the US. In 1960, 5% of Americans were foreign born. In 2011, there were %. % of foreign-born people Fifty years ago, came from Europe. Today, only 12% are European.
2a CD3.29 Read and try to complete the factfile with these figures. Then listen and check.
In 2010, 11.7 million immigrants came from Mexico, million came from China, 1.8 million came from India and the same number from the Philippines.
wx oexpanrddeexp e w p rd r a weox ord ande expa wonr de e p e r n d r expwordxpard ae ndxpa wor der wexpwo e wo and ex ndxpaer nd de o andrd wo xpa rd er wpaner nde woer r xp rd e er expa e r n e dw r d w a x w n ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eerowrdwordexpoardnedxer pandordeder w w exp ord pa exnd pa ord er w xp o expex nd pa wo er wxp ord r w e o and exnd paer nd e or and d eandpa e nd rd or an e wo xpa rd er wpaen rwnde woer r xwpa d e er w xpaer nwd rw er exp de de xpa x o n oe o w a x r n e r n e d r d ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eeorwrdwoerdexpoardnedxer panderdeder wrrdoeworrd exordndepand worddeer wo w exp ord pa exnd pa ord er w xp o xpeax nd pa wo r wxp rdxpad e pan exp rw e xp rd a r w e o and exnd paer nd e or and d endpa er nd rd e or n exnd xp der an or r w anex wo xpa rd er wpaen rwnde woer r xwpa d e er w xpaer nwd wo er xp de der paenr wand woder wd e ord e depa x o n oe w a x d o e rd xp x r n e r n e d r d ewx oxrdpa dex der wxpand ord eeorwrdwoerdexpoardnedxer panderdeder wrrdoewx orrdd exop rdndepar nd word eer rwdoexr wo expordaenderpanwodrer pa exnd pa or er w xp o xpeax nd pa wo r wxp rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa r and xp wo de d nd paer nd de or andrd endpa er nd rd e or an exndepa er and or wo anex n d ex er and rd r er nde woer xp d er xpaer nwd w er xp de de pa r w nd wo er d e rd e depade pan wo er wo r word exwoardnd expa wordnderoerrd owrd wo andxpa r wondeord er rd eworxpan xp rwndre wodrer rd rd erd pa exer nde ex woex ord exp rd er nd rd er weox wo xpa de der wand ordr d xpeax nd pa wo r w pa rdpa ex and exp w er xp rdpa rd nd xpa o er ndpea er nd rd e ord n exnde pa er wand or wo anexnd exp er nd rd r nwd w er xp e de pa r w nd o er wd e rd e depaer and wor er oerr ord wo an xpa r wondeord er rd orxpan xp rwnd wo er d d wo e r de n rd r we w ex d de an o er rd exprd expa d e r de ex oxr p or pan ex r w de rd and xp nderxpanwo r w pa dean d ex de pan ord r er wand woderrd e ord ndxepade pan r wo der or er rd wo xpa exp rwnrd woder rd d w e rd nd a o e rd exp or xpa ex er w nd rdr an d exnderpand order der pan wo er woder rd
The largest group of new immigrants to the US are Asians. About 430,000 Asian immigrants arrived in 2010 compared to 370,000 of Hispanic origin. There are now million Asians – 6% of the population.
Immigrants earn $240 billion a year, pay $90 billion in taxes and receive $ billion in welfare.
2b Work in groups. Discuss the question. Do any of the facts surprise you?
% of the world’s refugee Less than population gets to the US.
3 Read Word Expander and find examples in the factfile. Word
ols & ExpandEr symbtio ns frac
% per cent
3.7 three point seven
= + – x ÷ equals | plus | minus | times | divided by
¾ 1⁄3 2⁄5 a half | three quarters | ½ a third | two fifths
4 Read the article and make notes about each person where possible. name nationality languages reason for moving to the USA ambition what they study city where they live
so c
l stud ia
SURE_Pre-Int_Culture m.indd 150
Cultur e dossier an d CLIL 26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$ £ € dollar | pound | euro
s ie
SURE Pre-Intermediate
5 Read the article on page 151 and write the names.
__________ found speaking English difficult at first. __________ is happy most of the time. __________ came to the US at the age of ten. __________’s parents set up their own business. __________ wants to help the whole community. __________ misses friends and the countryside. __________ has professional parents. __________ changed courses at college.
CLEAR CLIL TOPICS 24/02/14 17:02
Questa è una sezione di approfondimento che esplora sei temi: heritage (patrimonio culturale), identity (identità), rituals (riti sociali), entertainment (spettacoli e svaghi), society (società), icons (icone). Il dossier offre agli studenti la possibilità di esplorare tematiche globali e, nel contempo, sviluppare capacità di pensiero
The USA is a nation of immigrants and, in recent decades, new immigrants have started coming from different parts of the world. And they are changing the face of the nation. So let’s meet some of the new young Americans. My parents came to New York for economic reasons when I was in elementary school. They worked very hard and now they own a drugstore. Academic achievement is the most important thing for my parents. They wanted me to study business and economics, but I love art! I tried business for a year, but it was terrible. So now I’m studying art and my parents are OK with it. These days, I only speak Korean with my grandmother. If you don’t think in Korean, you don’t think in the Korean way. Me? I think in English! I’m an American. And a Korean.
I live in Los Angeles. My neighborhood reminds me of Mexico. A lot of people play soccer in the street, and they speak Spanish so that’s easy for me! I speak Spanish at home, too. My parents came here from Mexico. They moved in difficult circumstances and life was very tough at first. But now they're American citizens and they're doing very well! I’m still in school. It’s good and my classmates are great. I’m studying hard. I want to have a profession and help the whole community, not just the Hispanic community. We’re all human beings, you know?
S unny, 21
I’m from Kenya. My parents moved to the US to get a better life. This is my third year here. Am I happy? 75% of the time. I mean, this is a great country. I live in an apartment in Dallas. It’s an amazing modern city! But I miss my friends, and the countryside and wildlife in Kenya – especially in the fall. And I sometimes have problems at college. Some people are ignorant and they don’t understand diversity. Diversity is great! I think that, in America, with hard work you can make your dreams come true. I want to become a judge. Sure, that’s a difficult ambition. But I want to make a difference.
My parents came here to New Jersey when I was ten. They worked hard back home, but they were poor. They wanted to live the American Dream and change their lives. And they did! My dad is a truck driver here and my mom is a nurse. I definitely have a better life here than in Albania. Speaking English was difficult for me at first, but now it’s natural. I like the way Americans do things, and the way they dress, think and talk. Sometimes I wake up and I think, ‘Wow! This is the USA! I’m living the dream!’
Elira, 18
My dad’s a college professor, teaching medicine. My mom’s a school principal. They met in India and came here for the great opportunities. I was only one at the time! Now I’m studying physics and math at college in Chicago. My mother misses her family a lot. I think she wants to go back to India. Do I want to stay here for the rest of my life? To be honest, I don’t know. The world is a big place! But this is a great country. You can succeed here with hard work. And that’s so cool!
A jit, 20
Nao mi, 1 7
6 Read the article again. Who talks about these things? Write the numbers 1–5.
language problems
the desire for a better life better jobs meeting people from their cutlure missing home the image of their community good schools
Cult ure CapSUle
7 COMPETENCE ZONE Make a poster or slide presentation about immigration to your country.
the importance of education
the importance of hard work the American Dream
D avid, 19
getting citizenship their ambitions
Use the Internet to find facts about: the history of immigration to your country the main immigrant communities any recent changes Give your presentation to the class.
SURE_Pre-Int_Culture m.indd 151
critico e competenze chiave. Dalla scienza alla tecnologia, dalla musica all'arte, SURE aiuta gli insegnanti e gli studenti ad allenarsi per il CLIL, dando loro l'opportunità di sviluppare abilità interdisciplinari, attraverso le varie attività che si trovano sia all’interno di ogni modulo sia nella sezione Culture.
SURE Pre-Intermediate
ulture Cdossier
Five american StorieS
24/02/14 17:02
SURE In depth grammar la gr am matica ch e serve B2 agli stud enti di livello
Lexical awareness s’ fo cus sulle ‘collo cation le e sulla sc elta delle paro
Active communication o re ale, per interazioni in te mp nella vita re ale
Active skills
attività inte gr ative zion e sulle abilità in og ni le
Issues & topics
gu e’ attr averso pr evie ne la ‘to pic fati nu ove e intrig anti attività e pr os pettive
Brush up, move on ud enti gi à co nosc on o evid enzi a ciò ch e gli st dere e cosa stan no per ap pr en
First Certificate preparation
am e pr ep ar azio ne al nu ovo es Ca mbridg e First
Grammar reference tica un a sintesi della gr am ma ch e serve al livello B2
Culture & literature & CLIL
og ni lezion e, ap pr occio inte gr ato in a e vide o co n br ani di letter atur
Viewpoints videos
zioni person e re ali, co nversa re ali, ling ua re ale
Online resources
citazio ni ex tr a un a vasta ga mm a di eser li es am i e solida pr ep ar azio ne ag
module Grammar • past perfect • past perfect continuous
• verb + infinitive / -ing form • reported speech: statements, questions & imperatives • reporting verbs
Functions • narrate effectively • use verbs accurately • report what people say • report using verbs
Vocabulary, Word expander & Phrasal verb
• careers • thinking skills | feelings & mood reporting verbs • as • by • any • get • phrasal verb go
Communication & fluency • job interviews • talking about books
SURE Intermediate
B2 lower B2 progress B2 progress B2 progress B2 upper
Di scussion -led mo dule op en er 30
Con le sue vivaci pagine di apertura SURE Intermediate si immerge direttamente nell’argomento attraverso citazioni, questionari, discussioni, preparando gli studenti al modulo che stanno per cominciare.
Sure start
A Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ConfuCius, philosopher
B If it falls to your lot to be a street sweeper, go on out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures; sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music; sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Martin luther King Jr, aCtivist
C I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. JeroMe K. JeroMe, writer
D In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are
needed: They must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it. John rusKin, art CritiC
E The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. pearl s. BuCK, writer
1a Read the quotes and do the tasks. 1 2 3 4
Find three verbs related to artistic work. Find a phrase that means so. Find two abstract nouns with a positive meaning. Define the difference between the nouns job and work.
1b Choose the quote you like best. Learn it by heart! 2 Work in groups. Look at the photos and discuss the questions for each job. What do they do? | Where do they work? | What is a typical day like? | What training or qualifications do they need? | What qualities do they need? | What are the best and worst aspects of their jobs?
3a Choose a job from the photos. Make notes about: where you work | what a typical day is like | what your colleagues are like | what sort of hours you work | how you got your job | what you like / don’t like about it
3b Work in pairs. Take turns to be a journalist for a student magazine. Interview your partner about their job. Ask questions like: Where do you work? What’s a typical day like?
having long holidays | doing rewarding work | making a difference | doing varied work | having my achievements recognised | having regular hours | helping people | being well-known in the community | earning a high salary | being creative | enjoying my job | being part of a successful team | having a good boss or manager | being my own boss | having lots of free time | having friendly colleagues | getting promoted
4b Work in groups. Compare your opinions. Then report any interesting ideas to the class.
SURE Intermediate
4a Think about your attitude to work. Choose the three most and the three least important criteria for you.
L'approccio issue-led dell’apertura modulo aiuta gli studenti ad esprimersi in lingua inglese sentendosi subito a proprio agio.
Unit 11
Vocabulary builder
very important | quite important | not very important | not important
let something fall from your hand a polite way of saying ‘old’ the date or time you have to do something by accompany people somewhere go through traffic lights illegally an exchange of news with a friend
confirm information | ask for agreement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
You didn’t drop it, ___ ___? You’ve bought a ticket, ___ ___? All politicians are the same, ___ ___? Someone else will help, ___ ___? And it might hurt, ___ ___? Councils never listen, ___ ___? Everyone does it, ___ ___? It’s a free country, ___ ___? You can walk to the shops, ___ ___?
6b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. • How are these questions formed? • Why do we use this sort of question? • How do you confirm information in questions in your language?
2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
7a SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss which five c) answers in the questionnaire are the most thoughtless.
• What makes someone a good neighbour? • What makes someone a good politician? • What makes someone a good citizen of the world?
I think that it’s terrible not to get up for an old person on a bus. I know what you mean, but isn’t it worse to jump the lights? That could kill someone! I see your point, but if there’s no one around, surely it’s not such a bad a thing to do. Do we agree that talking on a train isn’t that serious?
Understanding 3 WARM UP Look at the photos and guess what topics will be in the questionnaire. 4a READING Do the questionnaire. Be as honest as possible. Then check your score. 4b SPEAKING Work in pairs. Compare your answers to the questionnaire. Did you put the same answers?
SURE Intermediate
1b Decide if each point in the leaflet is:
concerning think about doing it | a book about politics | don’t care about it nearby there’s no one about approximately it takes about half an hour q LANGUAGE REFERENCE p000
6a Complete the questions from the questionnaire.
votes in elections and is active in their community obeys the law and respects authority contributes to society, performs civic duties and pays taxes helps other people, volunteers or gives to charity knows about their country’s history and culture shows consideration to others and respects their rights has self-discipline and behaves respectfully is responsible and protects the environment and property is tolerant or respectful of those who are different is active and involved when they think something is wrong uses their skills to make a better community
Word ExpandEr
ask questions to confirm information | ask for agreement | ask questions indirectly
how tO…
A good citizen
1 2 3 4 5 6
verbs vote obey respect adjectives active responsible abstract nouns community law authority
• • • • • • • • • • •
question review: tag questions | negative questions | indirect questions
5 Find words or phrases in the questionnaire that mean:
1a CITIZENSHIP Read the leaflet and add words to the lists of verbs, adjectives and abstract nouns related to citizenship.
7b Share your ideas with the class. 8 WRITING Write a comment about what you think makes a good citizen. Use a maximum of 140 characters (the limit for a Twitter message). THE 4 O’CLOCK DEBATE What is a good citizen? I think a good citizen is someone who respects others and participates in society. True, but he or she also respects the environment. Personally, I think that’s the most important thing. Marina Azar @azar/fabris
Active pr esentations 32
Ogni presentation consiste in una lezione basata su più abilità, che proietta gli studenti nel pieno degli argomenti linguistici. Le at tività guidano gli studenti dalla comprensione all’interpretazione e all’elaborazione personale, fondamentali per lo sviluppo della lingua al livello B2.
SURE Intermediate
Unit 11
Temi ricchi di contenuti offrono stimolanti punti di partenza per lezioni CLIL e progetti.
Unit 1 Grammar Hub BrUsh up
Present simple
1 Study the rules. Present simple ★ Use the present simple to talk about daily life, describe
people and things, express preferences and give information. I get up very early on weekdays. ★ We often use adverbs of frequency such as always, usually, sometimes with the present simple. Alf usually plays tennis on Wednesday afternoons. Present continuous ★ Use the present continuous to talk about activities
that are happening at the time of speaking, or about temporary routines and habits. Rae can’t talk now – she’s working on her project. I’m drinking a lot of coffee these days. Stative verbs ★ Stative verbs describe states, not actions. We do not
usually use them in the continuous form. I understand what you are saying. ★ Some verbs can be stative or active, depending on the meaning. We’re having a great time. They both have red hair. q Language referenCe p258
2 Complete each sentence with a present simple and a present continuous form of the verb in brackets. 1 I __________ a really fantastic holiday here in Italy. Our flat __________ a super balcony with a view of the sea. (have) 2 Today we __________ different types of pizza. Mmm… this one – Napolitana – __________ wonderful. (taste) 3 I __________ these two bags are beautiful. I __________ of buying both of them! (think) 4 Dan __________ to his parents right now. He usually __________ to them on the phone on Friday mornings. (speak) 5 Nina __________ at the latest film listings. The film about deep sea divers __________ really exciting! (look) 5 Max _________ a blog about his life at college. He ________ it now. (write)
SURE Intermediate
be used to + -ing | get used to + -ing 4 Study the rules.
Present simple | present continuous
MOvE on
3 Work in pairs. Talk about things you're doing now that you don't usually do. I usually get the bus to college, but this month I'm cycling because the weather is nice.
★ Use be used to + -ing to say that something is familiar
and is now routine. I am used to going to college on foot. ★ Use get used to + -ing to talk about the process of something becoming familiar. I didn’t find it easy to get up early, but I got used to it eventually. ★ Don’t confuse be used to + -ing with used to + base form. I used to walk to school when I was a child. = past habit / state that doesn’t happen now It’s a long way, but I’m used to walking to school. = an activity that is now familiar or routine q Language referenCe p258
5 CD1.10 Complete the comments with the phrases. Then listen and check. can’t get used to drinking | get used to living | get used to speaking | ’m getting used to it | ’m not used to driving | ’m used to having There are thousands of overseas students living in the UK. How easy is it to adapt to life in this country?
Anya, from Holland: A lot of people can’t stand the weather, but I don’t mind it. It rains quite a lot in Holland, so I ___________ a raincoat or an umbrella with me all the time. Pedro, from Mexico: I didn’t like the food at first, but I _______________ now. In fact, I really love fish and chips! Paula, from Spain: I’m scared of driving over here because I ____________ on the left. In my country we drive on the right. Fabienne, from France: You drink such a lot of tea here! Tea’s OK, I suppose, but I ______________ tea with milk in it. Marilena, from Portugal: It was hard to _______________ English all day. At first it was really tiring. Kostas, from Greece: I had to _______________ far away from my family, but it’s fun sharing a flat with friends.
6 SPeaKIng Work in pairs. Imagine you are in these situations and answer the questions. • What things are you used to doing? • What things are you getting used to doing? • What things can’t you get used to doing? You’re You’re doing a You’re new job living on living in a new Your own town
You’re StaYing in another it’S a countrY for a new term few weekS after the holidaYS
I’m used to getting up early so that isn’t a problem. I’m getting used to the new computer systems at work. I can’t get used to working in a very small office.
Gr am mar br ush up → move on 34
Un elemento chiave per l’apprendimento della lingua al livello B2 è quello di lavorare sulle basi linguistiche che lo studente possiede per sviluppare una solida conoscenza del sistema grammaticale.
10 WrITIng use the prompts to compare Sami, Kim and Lara. Write at least three sentences about each activity.
Comparatives & superlatives 7 Study the rules. Present simple ★ To make comparatives, add -er to one-syllable adjectives
and some two-syllable adjectives. Put more / less in front of adjectives with two syllables or more. hotter larger more interesting ★ To make superlatives, add -est to one-syllable adjectives and some two-syllable adjectives. Put the most / the least in front of adjectives with two syllables or more. the oldest building the most expensive restaurant ★ Use (not) as … as to talk about the differences between two things. Food in my country isn’t as spicy as it is here. ★ Use fewer / the fewest (+ countable noun) and less / the least (+ uncountable noun) to compare quantities. There are fewer cars on the road. I have less free time this year. ★ Remember to use than in a comparative sentence. This sports centre is smaller than my local one. q Language reference p258
8 complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective or quantifier in brackets. add other words, such as the, than and as, if necessary. 1 My life in London is much _______ than in Hull. (good) 2 I don’t think this restaurant is _______ _______ _______ the one we went to last week. (good) 3 We fancy going swimming this weekend. Which is _______ _______ beach in this area? (clean) 4 Trams are _______ _______ any other form of public transport here. (fast) 5 There are _______ cycle lanes here than in any other part of the city. (few) 6 London Aquatics Centre has _______ _______ swimming pool in East London. (big)
driving skills morning alarm time healthy eating survey maths marks 100 metres race
6.00 a.m.
6.30 a.m.
7.30 a.m.
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
silver medal
gold medal
4th place
1 drive / carefully 2 get up / early 3 eat / healthily
Unit 1
BrUsh up —> MOvE on
4 do / well 5 run / fast
Sami drives the most carefully of them all. Kim drives more carefully than Lara. Kim doesn’t drive as carefully as Sami.
Modifying adjectives & adverbs 11 Study the rules. ★ Use modifiers (much / a lot / a great deal / far / slightly / not much / a bit) to change the meaning of comparatives. Mina is much more friendly this year. This apple is slightly sweeter than that one. q Language reference p258
12 SPeaKIng Work in pairs. Make comparative sentences about the topics. use the prompts and your own ideas.
9 Study the rules. ★ Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the adjective. quick ➞ quickly excited ➞ excitedly ★ When comparing with adverbs ending in -ly, use more than / the most, as for long adjectives. You eat more quickly than your brother. ★ For short irregular adverbs, such as fast or hard, add -er + than, or the + -est, as for short adjectives. He works harder than me. She runs the fastest in her class. ★ Use as + adverb + as to compare actions, in a similar way to adjectives. Billy writes as carefully as his brother. q Language reference p258
I think spaghetti bolognese is much tastier than risotto. 1 much / tasty 5 slightly / expensive 2 a lot / interesting 6 not much / cheap 3 a great deal / patient 7 a bit / dangerous 4 far / easy 8 much / comfortable
SURE Intermediate
Adverbial comparisons
Con chiare sezioni Brush up, Move on SURE Intermediate permette agli studenti di ripassare le strutture che conoscono ed esplorare nuovi orizzonti grammaticali. Un ripasso costante, infatti, aumenta la possibilità di apprendimento e memorizzazione.
Unit 1 Word Hub Friendship 1a PERSONALITY 1 Choose the six most important and the three least important qualities in a friend.
has a good sense of humour has similar interests is from a similar background can be trusted with secrets is a good listener is close in age
flexible modest calm hard-working generous unselfish loyal talkative warm adventurous caring patient open-minded funny organised friendly reliable polite honest
1b SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss some of your ideas. Then share them with the class. I think a friend should have similar interests. I don’t agree. You can be quite different and still be friends.
2a PERSONALITY 2 Match the adjectives in list C with opposite or near opposite adjectives in list B. Use a dictionary if necessary. mean ➝ generous cold ➝ warm excitable ➝ calm
mean cold excitable selfish uncaring impatient disloyal disorganised serious unfriendly narrow-minded unreliable lazy dishonest inflexible rude arrogant unadventurous quiet
Word ExpandEr
1 2 3 4
dis- + organised un- + caring im- + patient in- + flexible
disorganised uncaring impatient inflexible
3a APPEARANCE Work in pairs. Put the words in the best category. Some words can go in more than one category. Add any other words you can think of.
green glasses thin chubby long beard slender hazel dreadlocks short skinny wavy plump curly heart-shaped tall piercing clean-shaven tattoos tied back moustache fat stud blue small round well-built slim sideburns blonde black brown pierced ears bald big medium length fringe beard almond-shaped average build face
SURE Intermediate
2b Put the adjectives with prefixes in lists B and C in the correct group in Word Expander.
body| build
2c Can you think of other words that have these prefixes? They can be adjectives, nouns or verbs. disadvantage untidy impersonal inactive
3b SPEAKING Work in pairs. One student describes someone in the class, the other student guesses who it is.
Word Hu b 36
Costruire una consapevolezza lessicale è essenziale per il livello Intermediate: senza questa gli studenti non posso fare progressi. Oltre alle sezioni Word builder e Word expander, ogni Unit di SURE dedica una doppia pagina allo sviluppo lessicale.
4a LISTENING CD0.00 Number the photos of Imogen’s friends in the order you hear the descriptions. There is one extra photo.
2 1
E VERYD AY idioms
My friend and I get on like a house on fire! We’re such good mates. My neighbour’s such a busybody. She knows about everyone’s private life.
I’m not keen on Ellie. She’s a know-all. She’s a walking Wikipedia!
You’re a dark horse! I didn’t know you played in a band. Alex is so two-faced. He told me he didn’t like Sam, but I saw them in town together.
Beth loves hanging out, dancing and having a laugh. She’s always the life and soul of the party. My friend Poppy is a down-to-earth sort of person. She isn’t at all romantic or idealistic.
5 Read the sentences and match the idioms in bold with the definitions.
1 dishonest because you say one thing to someone’s face and another behind their back 2 secretive about yourself 3 practical and realistic 4 be incredibly in tune with each other 5 lively, outgoing and the centre of attention 6 annoying because you think you know everything 7 overcurious about other people’s business
6 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Describe someone you know. Ask and answer questions to keep the conversation going. Talk about appearance and personality.
1 What negative characteristics does Eric have? What are his positive ones? 2 What two special qualities does Lisa have? How is she different from Imogen? 3 What did Theo look like a year ago? What sort of personality does he have? 4 What qualities does Sophia have? Why does Imogen think she is glamorous? 5 How does Lola wear her hair? What qualities does she have?
7 WRITING Write about your best friend. Use the ideas below. • Describe your best friend in three sentences. • Write about when and where you met and how you became friends. • How would your best friend describe you? • What are the good things he or she would say? • What are the bad things? • Write five activities that perfectly describe you and your best friend. For example, Sharing music on my phone with an earphone each.
SURE Intermediate
4b Listen to each description again and answer the questions.
In questa sezione il vocabolario viene contestualizzato a seconda delle tematiche, e sono comprese collocations, word building, selezioni di parole nel giusto contesto, idiomi di uso comune e phrasal verbs.
Focus on exams USE • Focus OF on ENGLISH exams •• Focus Focus on on exams exams •USE Focus OF on E PART 1: Multiple-choice Cloze 1 WARM UP Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. • What does the photo show? • What might be interesting about a holiday here?
2a Scan the holiday advert and find out...
where the holiday is | what kind of holiday it is | how long the holiday is.
Multiple-choice cloze
Always read through the whole text quickly before you start choosing the answers, in order to get a general idea of what it is about. The word you choose needs to fit the meaning of the whole sentence, not just the words immediately before and after the gap.
2b Choose the correct words to complete the advert. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a) arrogant b) adventurous c) unadventurous d) inflexible a) experience b) ordeal c) idea d) awareness a) tightest b) furthest c) flattest d) highest a) slender b) hostile c) popular d) generous a) taken b) got c) grown d) worked a) skill b) knowledge c) technique d) achievement a) acquires b) involves c) develops d) faces a) fit b) hard c) cold d) mean
2c Answer the questions.
Thorung La on the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. At 5416 metres, Thorung La is one of the 3___ mountain passes in the world. Offering spectacular high mountain scenery and a wealth of cultural interest as well as exciting climbing, this is one of our most 4___ tours. All groups are led by experienced English-speaking Nepali guides who have 5___ up locally and have expert 6___ of these mountains. Group size: 1-10 people.
Trek length: 15 days.
*This trek is physically challenging and 7___ extended periods climbing at high altitudes. Participants should be healthy, enthusiastic and 8___, and need to be used to long-distance trekking over rough terrain.
Thanks to our guide!
3a Look quickly at the comment Thanks to our guide! and answer the questions. • Who has written this comment? • Was the experience enjoyable?
3b Choose the correct words to complete the text.
SURE Intermediate
Are you an 1___ young adult aged 18-30 looking for an unforgettable 2___? Join one of our groups trekking over
Please contact us for more detailed information.
1 What kind of people is this holiday suitable for? 2 What enjoyment does the trek offer? 3 Who looks after the hikers? 4 What difficulties are there?
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
a) account b) introduction c) crossing d) challenge a) tackle b) measure c) make d) meet a) provide b) achieve c) build d) succeed a) winning b) growing c) tempting d) gruelling a) did b) made c) got d) set a) struggle b) difficulty c) hardship d) demand a) mild b) modest c) patient d) careless a) proposed b) impressed c) realised d) required a) support b) help c) attention d) aid a) everybody b) anybody c) nobody d) all
3c Answer the questions. 1 Why did the writer decide to join the trek? 2 What difficulties did the writer experience? 3 What was the guide like? 4 Do you think the writer was a suitable person for this trek?
I have been climbing mountains as an amateur in the UK for years but I was looking for a new 9___. When I saw the advert for the Thorung La mountain pass climb in Nepal I knew this was it! It would be a difficult climb, but I really wanted to 10___ it. You never 11___ anything if you don’t try, right? I don’t say it was a bad decision, but it was a 12___ climb. The path was icy and slippery and a lot steeper than I had imagined, so we 13___ very slow progress up the mountain. As we climbed higher, the air started to get thinner and it became quite a 14___ to breathe. I had a bad cold so I had to stop every few metres to blow my nose. Luckily, our guide, Kumar, was very 15___, and helped and encouraged us up to the top. Later I 16___ that not all guides were so helpful. On the way down we came across a collapsed trekker from another group whose guide was nowhere to be seen! Kumar stopped to give him first 17___ and called the mountain rescue team to come and fetch him off the mountain. Thanks to our guide Kumar, 18___ in our group made it safely back to base. People now take extra care on this trek after severe snowstorms and avalanches killed more than 40 climbers on the mountain in October 2014. Jake Oswald
3d Would you like to go on the Himalaya trek? Why/Why not?
Focus on exam s 38
Innanzitutto, con la particolare enfasi in Fluency and Accuracy, SURE Intermediate prepara concretamente gli studenti ad ottenere le certificazioni linguistiche internazionali. Inoltre in tutto il corso sono presenti esercizi strutturati sulle tipologie d’esame. Per una preparazione intensiva, SURE Intermediate
ENGLISH n exams •• Focus Focus on on exams •USE Focus OF on ENGLISH exams • • Focus on exams PART 2: OPEN CLOZE
4a Work in pairs. What facts do you know about: mountain heights? | mountain living conditions?
Open cloze
Always read through the whole text to try to get a general understanding before you fill in the gaps. This will help you to find the missing words.
4b Complete the text with one word in each gap.
Did you know? the Himalayas 4___ growing higher, at a rate of about six centimetres per year, as the Indian Tectonic Plate moves under the Eurasian Plate. This means that 5___ the last 26,000 years, the Himalayas 6___ risen about 1.5 kilometres. Mountain living conditions can 7___ harsh. Anyone who has 8___ climbing or skiing knows that weather conditions in the mountains change 9___ rapidly.
Sudden storms are common and in a 10___ hours, temperatures can drop 11___ over 20°C to below freezing. Obstacles 12___ as rocks, glaciers and forests can also make travel 13___ difficult or dangerous to undertake regularly. As a result, people 14___ live surrounded by mountains may feel a 15___ isolated from the world around them.
Word formation
Always read the whole text first to get an idea of the general meaning. Then look carefully at the words before and after each gap to work out what kind of word is needed – a noun, adjective, verb, adverb. You may need to add prefixes or suffixes, or make internal changes to the word given. You may need a plural or a negative.
5 Complete the text with the correct form of the word in capitals at the end of the line. MY FRIEND ELLIE This is a 1___ of my best friend Ellie. Ellie is a kind, caring person who is 100% 2___ – you know you can count on her to be there for you when you need something. She’s a really 3___ person – she never minds giving up her time to help you even when she’s very busy. She’s also a really good 4___, and I think that’s why she is so good at giving 5___. Also, you can have a really good 6___ with her on almost any subject. Some people say that our 7___ reflects our character. In some ways that’s true for Ellie – for example people say her 8___ is obvious from her high forehead. In other ways it’s not true at all, though. For example, she often looks a bit untidy, which might suggest she’s a 9___ person, but actually she isn’t at all. As for clothes, her taste is like mine. She likes trendy, 10___ clothes, but she isn’t afraid to look different.
Key word transformations
Think of what different grammatical structure or expression is needed in the second sentence to give the same meaning as the first. Look carefully at the words before and after the gap, and the word in capitals, to decide details like what the verb tense should be and whether it is singular or plural.
6 Complete the second sentence with two to five words so that it means the same as the first. Use the word given in capitals. 1 The last time I saw Vikram was in January. I have _________ January. 2 Rae has thrown her old school books away. Rae has _________ her old school books. 3 The butter in the fridge is almost finished. There _________ butter in the fridge. 4 It isn’t necessary for Daisy to go to every class. Daisy _________ to every class. 5 Mr Thomson is the history teacher. You know his daughter. Mr Thomson, _________ the history teacher. 6 We came here at 9 a.m. and an hour later, we’re still waiting for Tessie. We _________ for Tessie for an hour. 7 Ollie cycles to work every day so he doesn’t mind it any more. Ollie has _________ to work. 8 All my previous bikes were slower than this one. This is _________ ever had.
SURE Intermediate
ountains cover about a fifth of the Earth’s land surface, while some very high mountains are actually at the bottom of the sea. Hawaii, 1___ example, is at the top of a volcanic mountain in the Pacific Ocean – more 2___ half the mountain is below water. Measured above sea level, 3___ highest mountain in the world is Everest, in the Himalayas, at 8848 metres. But in fact
offre 24 pagine (8 pagine ogni due moduli - Reading, Listening, Use of English e Writing) appositamente mirate all’esercitazione per sostenere l’esame per il nuovo First Certificate. Come se ciò non bastasse, esercizi extra, suggerimenti e ulteriori aiuti sono disponibili all’interno del Workbook e online.
Journeys How digital is your life?
VIEWPOINTS SURE Intermediate Student’s Book presenta Viewpoints – brevi filmati con giovani come protagonisti che esprimono le loro opinioni in conversazioni fresche e spontanee.
SURE Intermediate
Viewpoints offre agli studenti un’oppor tunità unica di avvicinarsi all’inglese in tempo reale e con gli accenti della lingua viva.
Gli studenti vengono invitati a riflettere sugli aspetti caratteristici della lingua inglese parlata naturalmente, come ad esempio la ripetizione, l’esitazione, le strategie di correzione, l’essere d’accordo e il non esserlo e le tecniche di facilitazione. Viewpoints aiuta gli studenti a passare dallo stato di osservatori a quello di protagonisti, concentrandosi sulle abilità e le strategie fondamentali del livello B2. Alla fine della lezione video gli studenti potranno filmare le loro brevi conversazioni.
Alcune delle domande dei 6 V i e w p o i n t s : 1 How digital is your life? Mo d ule 2 Holidays - planning ahead
M o d ul e
or free spirit?
M o d ul e
3 Do celebrities have
M o d ul e
4 How green are you
M o d ul e
5 What qualities should
M o d ul e
6 Vegetarianism - a lifestyle choice
the right to a private life?
when nobody is looking?
a good boss have?
or a moral choice?
PLUS MORE VIDEO ON for self-study • Viewpoints More conversations for online work • Vlogs Lots of monologues filmed in video blog style + interactive activities + downloadable cuorksheets
Communication forum
4 CD0.00 Listen to the conversations between Dan, Felix and Laura and make notes. What does each person want? Do their housemates agree?
5 Work in pairs. Imagine you are one of the housemates. Take turns to make requests. Before you begin, note down some things you want to ask. Use ideas from exercise 4 SURE Intermediate Student’s Book and Core phrases. Try to use the correct intonation.
presenta una ricca varietà di temi di Civiltà
turn up the central heating (it’s cold!) e CLIL integrati in tutto il corso. borrow a phone (your mobile battery is flat)
Eccone alcuni:
Socialising CULTURE:
6a CD0.00 Listen to a conversation at a house party. What do • vita quotidiana • arte moderna you learn about Dan and Beth? Make notes. negli Stati Uniti • inquinamento
• come spendono degli oceani 6b Listen again and tick the expressions you hear in Core i loro soldi phrases, Asking for clarification. • l’intelligenza gli studenti britannici Scenario
degli animali
• la scienza nei film • profili di di fantascienza 7 Work in groups. Imagine you are at a party. Find out imprenditori about other people at the party. Remember to introduce • British TV americani yourself and other people. Use the ideas below, or your • diritti umani • l’entroterra own ideas. Try to keep your conversations going! • educazione civica australiano Ask about... • comprensione turismohome trav films holidays elinterculturale / college job• il nel Regno Unito experiences free time music likes and dislikes • British humour
LITERATURE Estratti dai classici della letteratura inglese e Americana, nello Student's Book.
CULTURE BOXES 8 Read Culture and discuss the questions. • •
con informazioni e curiosità culturali dal Where do students tend to live in your country? mondo anglofono, integrati a tematiche What criteria would you put first if you were looking for CLIL. accommodation?
NOVITÀ Literary shorts VIDEOS
Cculture U l tU r e
• 3 interessanti documentari sui retroscena della letteratura: le vite degli autori, i loro contesti storici e background culturali... racconti accattivanti capaci di stimolare l'interesse degli studenti.
Student accommodation
• 3 reading di noti testi letterari realizzati creativamente con musica e immagini.
students in the uk live in a range of accommodation. about 20% live at home with their parents, while another 20% live in rooms and apartments owned by the university or college. however, 30% live in private rented flats or houses which they usually share with other students, renting a room while sharing communal living spaces. accommodation is expensive and students spend between £11,000 and £13,000 a year just on the rent, while agencies charge additional fees for finding the accommodation. students needs vary widely, but the top criteria they use when house hunting are the cost of rent, location and convenience, condition, size and appearance.
SURE Intermediate
• Interactive activities • Downloadable worksheets
• Student’s Book & Workbook (con codice di accesso a SURE CLOUD su Helbling e-zone)
• Teacher's Book + 3 Class Audio CDs + Interactive Book for Whiteboards (con codice di accesso a SURE CLOUD su Helbling e-zone) • Test & Resources (Testbook + Testbuilder CD-ROM)
• Cloud Book Con ascolti e video-stories (contenente le Wordlists dello Student's Book in versione interattiva).
• DVD worksheets (per le video-stories)
• E-reader Con 3 storie illustrate interattive per ogni livello e registrazioni audio.
• BES/DSA worksheets
• Online Training Attività interattive in modalità self-study.
• Wordlists
• Extra worksheets di grammatica, vocabolario e comunicazione • Answer Keys
· Listening for Communication & Exams · Pronunciation · Video activities · BES/DSA activities · Extra Practice (attività del Cyber Homework in versione interattiva self-study.) • Cyber Homework Attività interattive per la classe virtuale. • Projects su tematiche di civiltà e CLIL.
TEACHER'S BOOK + 3 CLASS AUDIO CDS + INTERACTIVE BOOK FOR WHITEBOARDS DVD-ROM Scritta dai noti autori Terry Prosser e Sarah Seven la Guida Insegnante presenta una vasta gamma di idee pratiche e di suggerimenti utili ad un'ottimale pianificazione delle lezioni. È corredata da 3 Class Audio CD che offrono oltre 3 ore di ascolti. L' I n t e r a c t i v e B o o k f o r W h i t e b oa r d s DV D - RO M comprende le video-stories, vox pops, documentaries e, in SURE Intermediate, Viewpoints e Literary shorts.
TEST & RESOURCES (TESTBOOK + TESTBUILDER CD-ROM) Il Testbuilder CD-ROM in versione editabile risponde alle esigenze reali dei docenti, con l'offerta di test sia di tipo Basic che di livello più elevato Progress Plus e Exam Test. Contiene oltre due ore di ascolti.
SURE cloud? SURE comprende e integra un ventaglio di contenuti sia cartacei che digitali. Questa varietà di elementi è riunita in un’unica semplice soluzione: SURE CLOUD. SURE CLOUD è il tuo Student’s Book & Workbook con in più un’intera piattaforma ricchissima di attività e risorse didattiche.
Come funziona? Nello Student's Book & Workbook si trova il codice personale, che permetterà di accedere a tutte le risorse e attività disponibili per ogni livello di SURE. Basterà poi andare su, registrarsi (o semplicemente utilizzare il login, se si è già registrati per un altro prodotto Helbling) e inserire il codice personale.
Che cosa trovo online, accedendo come studente? SURE CLOUD include: • Cloud Book La versione interattiva del tuo Student’s Book & Workbook, dalla quale potrai accedere a tutti gli audio e alle video stories con un semplice click o al tocco dello schermo, svolgere le attività, ricevere il feedback e aggiungere le tue note.
• E-reader Tre racconti inediti per ciascun livello, magnificamente illustrati. • Online Training Risorse ed attività interattive per la modalità di accesso “studente individuale”. Comprende: · Ascolti per gli esami · Ascolti per la comunicazione · Pronuncia · Video activities (per documentari e vox pops) · Tutti gli esercizi del Cyber Homework in modalità self-study · Attività per BES/DSA
Cloud Book
Online Training
Cyber Homework
Site notice I About us I Contact
• Cyber Homework Attività interattive assegnate da un insegnante a una classe virtuale. Allo scadere della data fissata dall’insegnante vengono forniti i risultati e il feedback. Questa area comprende anche i Culture & CLIL Projects su tematiche sociali e di civiltà, nell’ambito dei quali è possibile creare collegamenti ad altre risorse come siti web e files e condividerli con l’insegnante e la classe
Posso accedere da tutti i miei dispositivi? Certo! SURE CLOUD è compatibile con Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android e Linux.
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SURE è uno strumento di lavoro efficace in classe
Secondaria di Secondo Grado che si rivolge agli studenti nativi digitali di oggi.
e crea al contempo le basi per un apprendimento autonomo anche fuori dalla scuola.
SURE offre contenuti coinvolgenti e aggiornati,
SURE garantisce una partenza adeguata per ciascun livello: il sillabo prevede un ripasso approfondito del livello precedente, apportando stimolanti elementi di novità.
integrati nell’ambito di un sillabo grammaticale in linea con il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento e con gli esami Cambridge English (Key, Preliminary e First) e Trinity (ISE 0, I e II).
SURE è il risultato di una vasta ricerca svolta grazie al continuo contatto con docenti e studenti.
• Heads-up grammar
sostiene gli studenti nell’acquisizione della lingua
• Communication focus
colloca la comunicazione al centro della lezione
SURE CLOUD • Cloud Book • Online Training • Cyber Homework
• Brush up, move on
per costruire su basi già acquisite
• Accuracy
w w
per il consolidamento delle strutture
• Fluency
per la fluidità della comunicazione
• Natural language
linguaggio accessibile e al tempo stesso autentico
• Culture dossier
sei tematiche per la classe di oggi
sezione ricca di tematiche e ambiti disciplinari
• Lively vocabulary per trovare le parole giuste • 21st century media
risorse digitali facili da usare
• Videos & documentaries & vox pops
per portare in classe la lingua viva
• Syllabus, CEF and competences
una solida struttura di riferimento basata sulle skills
• Exam training
prepara gli studenti agli esami fin dall’inizio HELBLING COMMUNITY
ISBN 978-88-6289-028-1
distribuito da: Loescher Editore Via Vittorio Amedeo II, 18 10121 Torino Tel. + Fax +
9 788862 890281
communication made easy
BLOG BLOG Helbling Languages 100 Clements Road London SE16 4DG - UK
SURE è il nuovo corso in tre livelli per la Scuola