design during master degree 01

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Liu Jing Industrial Design Engineering

1 Linking 'Future Learning' 6 members + 1 director 2012.09-2012.11 with SAP

interaction design with topic of 'Future Learning' 7 weeks of the process


RESEARCH Whole design begins with the research, we divide us six students into three groups to do research in three aspects.

As this is the first time for us to do experience design, the first step for us is to search some definition and cases of UX design to help us know more about the process. From the cases we found we know some principles of the design.These cases are also useful for us to do research of competing goods analysis. This design is going to accord with the topic of "future learning", so we are going to do some research on the news and theories on the topic.

1 week 2 person in one small group 3 aspects of research

Online Research

In order to know how people do and think about 'learning'.The two members of our group provide us with some psychology class. We learn about three keywords: "Behaviourism","Cognitivism" and "Constructivism". Behaviourism focuses on one particular view of learning: a change in external behaviour achieved through a large amount of repetition of desired actions, the reward of good habits and the discouragement of bad habits. Within the behaviourist view of learning, the "teacher" is the dominant person in the classroom and takes complete control, evaluation of learning comes from the teacher who decides what is right or wrong. Cognitive theories claim that memory structures determine how information is


Psychology Class

perceived, processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten.The goal of teaching is to help learners acquire things and its characteristics, make the outside objective things (knowledge and its structure) into its internal cognitive structure. Constructivism is a category of learning theory in which emphasis is placed on the agency and prior "knowing" and experience of the learner, and often on the social and cultural determinants of the learning process.


We analyze the topic "future learning" from two aspects: future and learning. In future, better technology will surely improve the ways learners acquire konwledge, thoughs of learners themselves will put more emphasies on the process. Social and cultural will make the whole environment be an open place for learners to share. Learning is not only to acquire knowledge, but also to construct an internal system by learners. Problem solving comes from analysis and experience formed by themselves. We notice the process of learning including reviewing and finishing, also with the interaction.


Theme Exploration

interaction design with topic of 'Future Learning' 7 weeks of the process


CONCEPT Next we come into the concept, starting from more research on users and brainstorming. Actually, these two significant steps are taken all the time along the process.

2 weeks 4 keywords 2 main functions

We put our focus on the students who are still in the universities. This time, each member find one or two users to interview, we conclude some findings from our interviewers, these findings help us set up our persona:a 21 student who are still in university, he/she has interests in APP and other webs, he/ she also wants to improve his/her ability of software for some reason. User research tell us some things:firstly, users are still willing to play the main role in the future learning;secondly, users who want to learn something seriously are ready to know more in relation with the software they want to learn; thirdly, users may acquire knowledge more easily from a system than a point.

User Research

After user research, we have a brainstorming by which we come out some ideas from external factors to internal factors.


We put forward some ideas like setting goals, competition and cooperation mode, reminding and strengthen internal motivation etc. Four keywords are concluded:personalized, systematic, support and connected. Personalized: product should know user what the user like and what he need. Systematic: not a ponit but a system, help user learn to put the knowledge into practise. Support: user is still be the main role during the learning process, the role of product will be an assistant who is going to support user's learning. Connected: the software maybe connected with the habbits user have, the knowledge is connected with each other, when user need to find one, the connected will be found also.

Under the guidance of our director, we set a goal for our design: our product will be an assistant of users when they are learning a certain kind of software in system. We want our design to help users construct their own structure when they make notes. Next, we draw two main functions of the product:firstly, we offer blankboard and template for users to record some notes when they learn; secondly, when users want to review what they have learnt, they can search or scan to find answers they want when they have problems, in this way learners can solve problems by themselves which will make users feel different. Users can make their notes in different forms:words,videos or sounds etc. Also templates we provide are many kinds:timeline,charpter,color,etc.



Keywords personalized




Information Architecture Assistant of Software Learner





template notebook


interaction design with topic of 'Future Learning' 7 weeks of the process



2 weeks more than 10 users




Each member of our group pick up one or two users to do the test with the product prototype. Through observation of users' whole process and some expression, we conclude some significant problems that needed to be solved.

User Test

"It is not as easy to use as writing notes on paper, also switching tool is a little inconvenient?" "Select one templet then record, or choose to record first then choose one templet to edit the recorded?" "Maybe there is little chance for me to use all the templets provided, it may cost time to make a choice." "Disorder maybe a problem when I do a lot of notes on the blank board." "There definitely will be some deviation among different users when they face the same system." "The positions of the search box and search results are not feeling well."

According to the problems users come up with, we put forward some optimization:

Product Optimization

1. We provide a certain templet when new notebook is created, but also allow users to set up a new blank board on which they can first take all the notes before arrange those notes. 2. During the learning process, users may record many scatter knowledge and not all notes have certain order, so disorder is acceptable. As long as notes are with the appropriate label, the logical results will de constructed by our product. 3. Difference in understanding the symbol system is surely existed among different people, our system is designed for the most.

4. The positions of the search box and the search results are adjusted according to users' requirements. 5. Change the original tool bar into a translucent, activate new one includes icons with more strong sense of direction.

interaction design with topic of 'Future Learning' 7 weeks of the process

PRODUCT 2 weeks 1 long story more than 25 pages


Our story starts with a student named Xiaoqiang who wants to be a professor in 'Photoshop', by an chance he gets to know the software(Linking). So he creates a new Linker to have a try.


Xiaoqiang not only has a blank board for him to write down notes, also has the surround tool bar with which notes can be attached with tags(text/emotion/voice).

When one note is already done, Xiaoqiang choose first to insert a template, which can help him construct the knowledge to remember it more easily. In this case, he picks "Org Chart".

After the template has been choosen, notes taken by him are orgnized immediately. At the same time, Xiaoqiang inserts a remark where he thinks is very important.

When all the related notes have been done, Xiaoqiang click the "Link" button on the left top, he make those small notes into one bigger note. In this way, when he wants to see one of the bigger note, he will also learn other small notes.

We catch the point of human centered learning according to the topic of "future learning". Our product is an assistant of software learner, what will help users construct their knowledge by themselves when they take notes. Record and answer are the two main functions of "Linking", putting an emphasize on the connections among notes. As the logo of "Linking" (an octopus)shows, knowledge can be more easily understood when they are connected.

Product Description

One month later, Xiaoqiang wants to review what notes he has already taken. So he again opens the "Linking" , he can see all the notes on the blank board but not in order.

The view can be changed, there are more choices for him:timeline/chpater/ task/lesson/color/star level tree. All these different views are related with the structure and tags he has made before.

There is another important suitation: Xiaoqiang wants to find out one note he took one month ago when he needs to use it. The search tool bar will work at this moment, he can type the time and some other tags he remember with the note. Search results are in different views, what's more, connected notes can also be shown when it is necessary. Xiaoqiang can also click the "Learn more" button to get more results from other users' notes.


For example, he changes to the view of "Star level tree". There is a tree of different balls with stars on them, the numbers of stars obviously show how important the notes are.When you click one ball, you will see all the notes with that level importance.

2 Unlimited 'Collective Dream' 3 members + 1 director 2012.10-2012.12 with ASUS

trends research with topic of 'Collective Dream' 5 weeks of the process


INFORMATION COLLECTION This project with ASUS is made for identifying future design possibilities together, there are 3 subjects provided:"collective dream", "creative revolution", "renovated tradition".

1 week 3 videos more than 30 news

We choose the subject "collective dream", this time we try another method to start our design process. As there are only 3 members of our group, we decide to search as many news as possible each one before we gather them all together. In the end, we get more than 30 news about the subject, after reviewing all them, we find some connections among the news.

News Research

We divide them into five kinds, just like five circles in the right picture shows, each circle stands one kind of connection among people, the arrows show how one give to the other one etc.

Besides those news, we also do some research on the related psychology, we find three videos to show the conection in the society. The following four screenshots display the keywords mentioned in those videos. Four keywords are: Reciprocity, Altruism, Justice, Empathy. These findings are according to the expriments have done among orangutans, the results just show how the action of one in the group will change the other one in the group. 1. When one knows there maybe a benefit, he is likely to help the others to get what they all want.

In conclution, we summary the theory foundation of "collective dream". We take the upper building as the news and trends we find, and the below two pillars are psychology that actually exists.

Psychology Research

2. As one has a choice to let others get some benefits, actions of the others will have effects on him. 3. If people get treated unfairly, they are always likely to rebel against it. 4. Maybe all people have the experience that when others are despaired, we are eager to comfort them.

Theory Foundation

Through news, we find the trends that people are getting more connected and always willing to help others to make common dreams be true. When one helps another one achieve the goal, the helper always get a benefit from it which makes two sides happy. On the other side, psychology research tells us all the 30 news and facts are from the human nature. Reciprocity and Empathy are the foundation which make the helpeach-other thing happen. Reciprocity


trends research with topic of 'Collective Dream' 5 weeks of the process


IMPLICATION With the theory and research results, we come up with a story we think can express the subject well. In other words, this story implicates one prototype. It is a supposed story about 100 miners at one mine, while 75 miners work at a time when 25 miners have their rests. The stream bread miners get are the things which will make help-each-other happen. Although the story maybe get out of the truth, the foundation of the story make sense. As the structure in the story shows, rich miners can donate their bread to those poor miners who need those bread to stay alive, when their states exchange, poor miners who gets rich now will donate this time. In this case, people will have mutual benefit, everyone can be a hero, people will get into a group.

2 weeks 1 story 1 prototype











trends research with topic of 'Collective Dream' 5 weeks of the process


DESIGN 2 weeks 1 information structure 1 system

Information Structure

"Share Wifi" system has two sides: the applicant and the owner. The applicant can apply for it when they find near wifi available, after the owner approves, both sides will benefit.The two sides can have mutual benefits by mutual rent or money, which accords with the subject "Collective Dream".

System Interface After the information structure has been done, we design the system interface which includes APP and software. The right picture shows how the APP works on the interface, as the below one displays how the software works on the computer.





3 Jia 'China Box' 1 member 2012.12-2013.01 on purple clay teapot

service system design with purple clay material 4 weeks of the process


RESEARCH This project is to focus on purple clay material for the younger to show the chinese culture what we think can stand china. The first step is to collect some things into a box called "China Box" , all the things should go with the same theme. I put five things into five envelopes which are packaged by a small box which looks like a drawer. These five things are the connections between me and the family: a small box of mooncake, a pair of sleeve, a ticket, a red bean and a bag of cream. All these are telling the stories of family happen actually in China, chinese people love their famliy and mostly have strong relationship with their family. I name the box "Jia" which word in chinese means family, the envelopes and drawer form make the significance of "family" apparent.

1 week 1 china box 1 article

China Box


Next I write an article about the china box "Jia", my instructor wants me to come up with the concept through the article. As a result, I try to clear something out before doing the article, like who will buy the product, when will the user enjoy and what will be the product and etc. As the right picture of the article shows, I put highligth on the special words to emphsize something important. All the highlight words display four keywords: a traveller, the Mid-Autumn Festival, alone and scented tea.


A traveller means a young person travelling or residing in a place far away from home. The Mid-Autumn Festival means a special day for whole family being together. The time of enjoy this day for a traveller is mostly alone. Scented tea is what I choose for the young traveller.


算⼀算,这已经是第⼋个年头,每当这个时候,都会回味那些珍藏的过往,就像是特意⽤ 来与⽉光作伴!


意在嘴⾓蔓延,那是拥有者的幸福吧! 回忆⾥,有时他会嫌弃我太过年轻和⽆知,对我的想法摇头或是质疑;有时他⼜在⼀旁默 默地伸出援⼿,对我说永远可以靠在他的背上,我爱他!⽽另⼀个回忆⾥的她,总是在电 话的那头嘘寒问暖,从她那⾥总能得到第⼀⼿的天⽓预报;总是在特定的时间⾥能收到她 的快件,包裹着满满的⼲粮,还有溢出的爱意,我也爱她!能拥有他们,怎能说不幸福呢? 夜开始变得安静了,⽉光悄悄地吻过那壶⽔,拥抱那杯⾥漾开的漂浮的茶。就在这⼀刻, 思绪触动了⼼底最最柔软的⾓落,我闻到了阳光的味道。也许是那淡幽的清茶,在静静地 品茗中才有了那份牵挂! 茶在清淡,⽽情在深浓。时光如流⽔逝去,叫⼈有抓不住的神伤,⽽回忆⾥的那些珍贵画 ⾯⼜像是提前准备的⼀剂良⽅,让⼼⾥好过了⼀些。 第⼀年的这个时候,他意外地出现在了窗前,留下了⼀些吃的和⼀句话,那时⼼⾥有着阵 阵翻涌的酸楚,不知道是为了什么,只记得久久才得以平复;第⼆年和第⼀年没有什么不 同,也是那个时刻,也是那个窗前,只是感情⾥更多了甜份;第三年的⼀切开始变得不⼀ 样,就算是⽉光也像是多了⼀层雾的朦胧和不定,不过他还是来了,还是说了那⼀句话, 只是带来了更多的吃的,我抑制住眼眶⾥的泪⽔对着他笑了笑;第四年,⽣活的轨迹⾛向 回想起那句话,随之⽽来的就是挥之不去的感动;第五年,第六年,以后的每⼀年,都像 是约定好的,在那天我总是能在喧闹中找到⼀份独处的温暖和快乐! 回忆随着茶⾹起伏,升腾的雾⽓让⼈感觉似曾相识: ⼋年前的这个时刻,我还和他们在⼀起围着⼀张圆桌,谈笑着那⽇的某⼈某事,吃喝着满 桌的熟悉味道,享受着不易察觉的⼩⼩幸福。热⽓⾥,他们都微笑着,倾听着,⼜微笑着, ⼜倾听着。已经不记得那时的我在说着什么,但热⽓⾥的微笑还是那么清晰!或许这个时 刻,他们正在那个圆桌旁诉说着在外的⼈呢! 杯⾥的茶有点凉了,但⼼还是暖的。那句在中秋约定的话,在嘴边随着茶味停留着——“在 外要好好照顾⾃⼰”。没有诗情,更加没有画意,但像是烙印在了⼼底,实实在在!茶会 凉,茶会淡,但他们给的那份温暖,那份牵挂却是永远的! 想举杯,却发现已经空了,端起壶,还是温热的,再续⼀杯吧! (刘婧)

Emotion Experience

Home Feeling

Purchase Channels

Festival Customs


Marketing Channel

Association Memory




Tea Set

Scented Tea

Application Scene

Functional Experience


Product Semantic

Festival Atmosphere

service system design with purple clay material 4 weeks of the process


CONCEPT In the second part of the design process, this time we first put forward our own concept, then others will give us their suggestion which will help improve our concept.

About the article, I have done research on the four key words and come up with more key point on each key word. Around the key point, I suggest one concept: the teacup equals the traveller as the teapot equals the family which the traveller belongs to. The concept of form is the tolerance and warm which is a certain kind of experience family gives us. Product is one of two parts in which one belongs to the other one, the teacup can be taken from the teapot but also can be one part of the teapot.

2 weeks some sketches 1 concept added with another

Concept Teapot


During this discussion, we have a fun exchange: we sit around a table, then everyone tells his/her own concept to the next person in clockwise, so that each person will know the upper's concept, in the end, each one will need to add the upper's concept into his/her own concept.(the addition does not need to be the same but should be similar)


The concept of my upper is: Concise appearance, Taste and Smell and View the tea. And my concept is: Tolerance and warm experience. In order to add the upper's concept, I select the concept of "the View of the tea", I decide to achieve it from choosing appropriate material. So I suggest that there can be two different materials of the product, of which can be transparent so that traveller can see how the tea water moves between teapot and teacup. The transparent part can be the whole teacup or the teapot lid etc.

View Tea

tolerance and warm

tolerance and warm

system design system design

Original Concept

Final Concept

different materials two parts of teaset

two parts of teaset

co-design More Research

service system design with purple clay material 4 weeks of the process


SERVICE SYSTEM "Jia" contains a whole system which considers the almost whole process of the product, the system includes product, package and service. There are two main parts of the product, when it is not in use, two parts are just in one whole circle shape which is corresponding with the meaning of being together at the Mid-Autumn Festival. But when user want to have a tea, the teacup should be removed from the teapot, at the same time, the handle of the teapot shows and user obviously know how to use the product. Two parts also have different materials: teapot is made of one kind of purple clay whose color is light white, teacup is made of glass through which user can enjoy the view of tea.The appropriate size is designed according to the kind of scented tea I choose.

1 week 1 service system


In this design, package is specially designed for the special user and special tea I choose. It contains three parts: savery for tea, savery for teapot and a salver. All these three parts are made of wood which aims to make user feel warmful like the experience family gives. There is a small tool being setted on the salver, and it is used to calculate the quantity of tea needed, according to the research, one share of the teapot means one share of the tool is suitable.



When I do the user research, I find that more young person get used to go shopping on the internet. I decide to sell this product through this way on the special day, what's more important, social internet can promote "Jia". In this way, it may become an event design which will only work during the festival when people have the strongest family thinking. Service in this design also gives user opportunity to make his/her family signet on the package for free. This service is support for the festival atmosphere which can also attract more user. User will have his/her special product and special experience after he/she takes a part in design.



Email: +86-15821067776

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