800 SHOW 800 秀
800 Show The new place for leisure, events and creativity in Jing’an District.
800秀 在静安区诞生了 一个崭新的休闲、活动与创意集中地
introduction 介绍 introduction
800 Show Creative Park, a 20,000 sqm former steel factory in the heart of Jing’An District, Shanghai, encompasses 15 buildings built over the span of 50 years. These include the dominant 120m long factory hall with its ornate wooden roof/beam structure, colonial-type villas dating back to the 1920-30s, and office buildings built in the 1960-70s which are completely surrounded by a blend of highrises and Shikumen houses. Each building was renovated with designs highlighting the individuality of original construction. The park was renamed “800 Show”, a clever combination of the street number on Changde Road, which happens to be a lucky Chinese number, and the Chinese character “秀” (xiu) in honor of the shows and performances the park will host. As an emblematic complex, this park can be identified as a ‘place with face’, a place for leisure and rest and a ‘place with pause’. Traditionally, local creative parks served one function, namely creative industry office space. In this proposal, the logon team put forward the idea to combine inter-related usages completely centered around the rapidly growing creative industry.
位于上海市静安区心腹地带,前身为钢铁厂的20000平 方米用地现已变身为800秀创意园,其中伫立的十五幢 建筑物年龄跨越五十载之久。其中最具代表性的是一 栋身长120米,拥有精致华丽的木质顶梁结构的工厂长 廊,另外建于上世纪二、三十年间的殖民风格的别墅以 及六、七十年代间的办公建筑也别有特色,四周错落地 环绕着高层建筑及石窟门房屋。每一栋建筑的翻新设 计都是为凸显其原有个性和特色。园区的新名字“800 秀”,既巧妙地结合了其地址常德路的门牌号(恰巧这 个数字是中国的传统幸运数), “秀”字也寓意着该处 是今后承办各大盛世的秀场。有着复杂象征意义的园区 不仅有动(活动场所)也有静(休闲、休息场所),传统 意义上的创意园往往仅有一个功能,那便是创意办公空 间。但是在800秀企划案中,罗昂建筑设计的团队提出 在围绕快速发展的创意产业前提下,充分结合使用相互 有关联的功能。
Left: 800 Show in Jing’an District. April 2009 左图:静安区800秀,2009年4月
800 Show facts
location: Jing’an district, Shanghai, China
usage/functions: multifunctional office, event, leisure, boutique commerce
service: urban planning, architectural/landscape /interior design
work phase: feasibility study, PD, SD, DD, CD, site service, quality control
site area / gfa / FAR:
Shanghai downtown
800 Show
1.5ha / 22,000sq.m / 1.47 investment: 100,000,000 RMB N
项目地址: 中国,上海,静安
使用/功能: 多功能办公,活动,休闲,精品商业
服务内容: 城市规划,建筑/景观/室内设计
工作阶段: 可行性研究,概念/方案/扩出/施工图设计,现场服务,质量控制
基地面积/建筑面积/容积率: 1.5公顷/22,000平方米/1.47
投资额: 100,000,000人民币
Left: Newly designed wall of the parking lot. September 2009. 左图:改造后车库的立面设计,2009年9月
concept 概念 A place
800 Show was designed for the people of Jing’an to be a place to work, a place for leisure and a place to host events. It is a true place that redefines its neighborhood and contributes to improving the quality of urban life.
800秀的设计是为静安区的大众提供工作、休闲和举办 活动的场所。它重新定义了周边环境,并切实有助于提 高该地的城市生活质量。
Multifunctional 800 Show was designed as a multifunctional space that could maximize the usage of the site and its architectural characteristics. The former production hall in the center of the site now serves as an event hall. The plaza around the three buildings north of the new event hall will be used as a leisure zone. The buildings in the southeast, nestled deeper in the site, offer versatile office spaces for the booming creative industry. These three 800 Show zones work well together, perfectly complementing one another, as they combine three essential functions of urban life: work, culture and leisure.
Upholding invaluable character
800秀的设计把场地功能及建筑特点最大化,使其成为 一个多功能空间。位于场地中央的原生产长廊现被用为 秀场长廊,其北边围绕三栋建筑的广场现为休闲区。场 地内东南面的建筑为急速发展的创意产业提供了多样 化的办公空间。以上三个功能区域紧密地联合在一起, 完善彼此,它们结合了城市生活中最核心的三种功能元 素:工作、文化及休闲。
保留可贵的特点 800秀的设计自始至终都充分尊重建筑原由风貌。概念 便是保留老建筑特点并恰当地融入新增个性元素。尊 重地对场地新、旧元素进行融合成为贯穿整个设计阶 段的主导原则,孕育出了既非感性又不易忘却的、新旧 重叠的建筑物。
The 800 Show design was carried out with respect for the preexisting. The concept was to work with the old buildings to preserve their character, and carefully integrate any new additions. The respectful and honest interaction with the legacy of the site was the leading principle in the design process and resulted in an architecture, which is neither sentimental nor oblivious, but integrates the past in the present.
Left: Masterplan of 800 Show
Leisure Area 休闲空间
800 Show Event Hall 800秀秀场长廊
Creative Office Area 创业办公空间
place making 场地制造 Place making In order to create a place with a unique face for Jing’an by means of architectural design, the former manufacturing hall was resized and given a strong image. First, the 120 meter long building was reduced by 10 meters. Thus the plaza evolved, giving the new facade of the hall adequate space to display its full effect. A new, majestic glass façade was mounted onto the existing structure, allowing passers-by to peer inside the hall. All these measures worked towards smooth integration of the revived hall into the new, vibrant street life of Jing’an District. In addition, the emblematic street façade of 800 Show is an outstanding example for place branding.
场地制造 通过建筑设计的手法,为了给静安区创建一处具有独特 身份的新地标,原厂房的尺寸均被调整,并赋予了震撼 的外表。首先,原120米长的长廊建筑被削减10米,如此 以来广场也得以演变,为长廊的留出更充裕的空间来展 示其新立面效果。原有结构上攀爬着全新的大面积玻璃 幕墙,使过往路人想要一窥究竟。所有的手法都是为了 更好地让翻新的长廊建筑自然地融入到静安区的活力 街景中去。此外,800秀极具象征性的沿街立面是打造 地方品牌的卓著例子。
Above: The event hall before the renovation. November 2007 Left: The facade of the event hall in September 2009 上图:秀场长廊改造之前,2007年11月 左图:秀场长廊的入口立面,2009年9月
800 Show event hall 800秀秀场长廊 The 800 Show Event Hall
The former manufacturing hall now serves as an event hall. Its design highlights the original qualities of the building: in particular the spacious dimensions and the unique wooden roof structure. The combination of these features created a place with a unique post-industrial atmosphere. The majestic glass façade opens the inside to the street and the city. State of the art event technology such as floor heating, a high-end sound system and advanced lighting controls were carefully integrated in the renovation process so the 800 Show Event Hall could be a perfectly suitable location for fashion shows, exhibitions and cultural events.
原生产长廊现用为秀场长廊。设计上突出表现了建筑的 原由品质:尤其是其开阔的空间尺度和独特的木屋顶结 构。这些特点得以相结合,创造了一个具有后工业特殊 氛围的场地。大面积的玻璃幕墙使华丽的内部曝露于 街道及整个城市面前。 翻新全程慎重地采用了如地热供暖、高端影响系统及 先进的照明控制等用于艺术活动的科技技术,800秀秀 场长廊将完全胜任举办时装展、其他展览和艺术文化活 动。
Above: Section of the event hall. Left: The event hall before the renovation. November 2007. Right: Event hall during the Rebirth@800 Show. September 2009 上图:秀场长廊剖面 左图:秀场长廊改造之前,2009年11月 右图:重生@800秀开幕会在秀场长廊举行,2009年9月
leisure plaza 休闲广场 The leisure plaza
North of the event hall is the leisure plaza, connected to the 800 Show Event Hall and directly accessible from Chang De Road yet withdrawn from the busy street. Benefitting from its location, the plaza becomes a place for pause and will serve in the future as a leisure area with restaurants and cafes. An ensemble of three buildings frames the plaza: the former canteen, the former foundry and an old villa, built in the 1920s. Renovation of these buildings was done with due respect to their original character and correlatively modern elements were integrated harmoniously. The leisure plaza is directly connected to the event hall and can be used by event coordinators as an annex outside event space.
休闲广场位于秀场长廊的北面,并与其相接,可直接由 常德路进入却又闹中取静。鉴于其良好的地理位置,广 场区域将开发餐厅和咖啡厅,是人们休息、娱乐的好去 处。周围三栋建筑将广场围合起来,它们分别是原职工 食堂,原铸造车间及一幢建于上世纪20年代的老别墅。 在充分尊重其原有个性特点的前提下,三栋建筑得以翻 新,并被恰当地赋予了现代元素。与秀场长廊直接相连 的休闲广场还可被秀场活动协调企划人用为室外附加 秀场。
Left: The leisure villa by night. September 2009. Above: The villa and the former foundry before renovation. October 2009. 左图:休闲广场夜景,2009年9月 上图:老别墅与原铸造车间改造之前,2009年11月
Rebirth@800 Show, Sepetember 11th 2009. 重生@800秀开幕会,2009年9月11日
leisure space 休闲空间 leisure space
The interior of the former foundry is dominated by a void that cuts through all three floors and ends in a skylight. This void unites all three floors and melts them into one space, which makes the former foundry the perfect location for a restaurant or a club. The industrial feel of the place is created by visible beams and ‘industrial materials’ such as concrete, steel and glass.
原铸造车间的室内挑高中空中庭贯穿三层楼直达天窗, 它把三层楼有机地联系起来成为一个共有的空间,这 个特点使得该车间成为餐厅或会所俱乐部的绝佳之处。 暴露在外的横梁以及带有工业色彩的材料,如混凝土、 钢和玻璃,为建筑内部创造了强烈的工业感。
The dominant building of the leisure plaza is the former villa, which was built in the 1920s and now creates contrast within the building ensemble of the leisure plaza. Many original details, like the mosaic floor and the fireplace were preserved in the process of renovation. The interior displays wooden floors and wooden stairs, which contribute to the cozy character of the building.
休闲广场上占有主导席位的建筑还属建于上世纪20年代 的这栋老别墅,它与广场整体形成了鲜明的对比。翻新 过程中,建筑内的许多原有细节,如地面铺设的马赛克 和壁炉等都得以保留。室内的木地板及木楼梯为建筑增 添了舒适的情怀。 原职工食堂建筑的一楼现变为小型咖啡店和商店,而二 层的开阔空间做工作室最适合不过。
The first floor of the former canteen offers space for small cafés and shops, whereas the second floor is a spacious open room - a perfect location for a studio.
Right: The void in the former foundry during construction. April 2009. Left: Second floor of the former canteen. July 2009. 右图:在施工期间的原铸造车间跳空中庭,2009年9月 左图:改造后原职工食堂二层,2009年7月
creative office buildings 创意办公 creative office buildings
Southeast of the event hall is the zone for creative offices. This zone is surrounded by old Shikumen houses; giving creative people working in the 800 Show creative park a view onto rooftops and courtyards, displaying the traditional life of Shanghai. The office zone is dominated by two tall and imposing buildings, which frame an ensemble of four small scale buildings. The design of the creative office park took advantage of the building labyrinth arrangement: A variety of narrow lanes, broader streets and passageways create a unique experience of spaces, which will be an inspiration to the creative people working there.
创艺产业办公空间位于800秀秀场长廊的东南面。该区 域被一群石窟门老房屋所围绕,在800秀工作的创意人 员可看到它们的屋顶及庭院,看到上海传统生活的生动 画面。该办公区由两栋包围4幢小型建筑的高大建筑所 主导,这样的迷宫式的排布给创意办公区的设计提供了 良好的条件:交错的宽街窄巷及通道创造了一种独特的 空间感,将成为在此工作的创意界人士的灵感来源。
Right: The two dominating blocks before the renovation. October 2007. Left: The two dominating office blocks of the office area. September 2009. 右图:改造前两栋主要办公楼,2007年10月 左图:改造后两栋主要办公楼,2009年9月
creative office space 创意办公空间 Creative office space The boom of the creative industry in China in recent years led to a growing demand for creative office space in downtown Shanghai. The two dominating buildings in the office zone of 800 Show offer the type of space much desired by creative companies: industrial chic generated by visible beams, generous windows, raw materials and open space. The two buildings are connected by a new tower made of glass and steel, which in essence is a traffic nodule where elevators and staircase converge. This new construction is a remarkable example of industrial and postmodern architectural fusion within a reutilization project. Roof gardens were built on top of the buildings, providing space for relaxation to the creative people working there.
创意办公空间 近几年来中国的创意产业迅猛发展,于是对位于上海市 区心腹地带的创意办公空间需求也随之递增。800秀办 公区里的两栋主要建筑风格和空间类型迎合创意产业 公司的审美和使用需求:裸露的横梁,大扇的窗户,毛 原材料的使用及开敞空间营造了冷俊的工业气息。两栋 建筑物之间新建了一个钢结构的玻璃连接塔,成为重要 的垂直交通要道,这是翻新项目中把旧工业建筑和后现 代建筑成功结合的典范。屋顶花园为在此工作的人员提 供了工作之余的休息放松场地。
Top Left: Creative Office Space. September 2009. Above: Early sketch of the new tower. January 2008. Right: Staircase in the new tower. August 2009. 左上图:改造后创意办公室空间,2009年8月 上图:早期两栋办公楼之间的玻璃连接塔草图,2008年1月 右图:改造后玻璃连接塔中的楼梯,2009年8月
spatial diversity 空间多样性 Spatial diversity Four small scale buildings are situated in the middle of the creative office zone and framed by the two dominant buildings. Together they form a strong contrast to the massive office blocks and create thereby an inspiring dynamic with different dimensions, forms and spaces. The four central buildings are a treasure of spatial diversity and ornamental details. They are grouped around a small courtyard, covered with glass in order to create an appealing place in the middle of the arrangement. The roof gardens on the top existed in the original design. Steel staircases were then added to enhance the connectivity of the buildings.
空间多样性 创意办公区中部有四幢小型建筑,由其他两栋主建筑所 构筑。它们与大规模的办公大楼形成鲜明对比,在不同 层面、形式和空间上形成了多元化的动感。该四幢中心 建筑是空间多样性和装饰细节的珍宝。它们围绕着一个 小庭院,身披玻璃,为的是在这中央地带建立一处具有 吸引力的空间。屋顶花园在原设计中就曾出现过。为了 更好地连接各建筑,设计中额外加入了钢楼梯。
Top Right: Steel staircase leading to roof garden. September 2009 Left: Office area overview at night. September 2009 右上图:改造后通向屋顶花园的钢梯,2009年9月 左图:办公区域夜景,2009年9月
Rebirth@800Show 重生@800秀 Opening
The near completion of 800 Show was celebrated with the Rebirth@800Show, a once in a lifetime “art meets architecture” event that took place in September 2009. Thirteen famous artists from all over China came together to exhibit artworks in the newly refurbished spaces of 800 Show. Among the artists were Alan Chan, Yang Yongliang and Hu Jieming. The exhibition was opened on Septmeber 11th with a big VIP event, where artists, architects and politicians came together. The Shanghai International Creative Week will be held in 800 Show in October 2009. The site also is an official site of the Expo 2010.
800秀完工之初举行了盛大的800秀“重生”活动,这是 一场于2009年9月举行, “艺术与建筑”为主题的晚会。 来自中国各地的十三名知名艺术家聚集于此,在800秀 的翻新空间里展示了他们精彩的艺术作品。其中包括 陈幼坚、杨永粱及胡介民等。该展会由9月11日举办的 贵宾晚会打开帷幕,艺术家、建筑师和政界人士均受邀 参加。在2009年10月将在800秀场地举办上海国际创意 周,此外,该场地还将作为2010年世博会的官方用地。
Right: Artwork of Yang Yongliang in 800 Show in September 2009 右图:艺术家杨泳梁的作品在800秀展出,2009年9月
background of creative industries 创意产业背景 Background of creative industries
As the producer of knowledge, ideas and innovation, the creative industry plays a key role in today’s economy. Governments across the world, including the Chinese, are making great efforts to create an environment in which the creative industry can flourish. Shanghai, aiming to become Asia’s top creative city, has been central to this boom. To this day, more than 200 creative industry parks can be found in the city. Typically located in disused industrial buildings – and thereby preserving relics from the past – creative parks are havens for the young, future-oriented creative industry. As of right now, Shanghai lifestyle is transforming from an industrial into a post-industrial metropolis. The creative parks are a clear indication of this transformation, and the social effect on locals will be tremendous. Among the creative parks in Shanghai, special status is given to 800 Show because of its central location and its design that preserves and emphasizes the original character of each of the 15 buildings, but also adds select modern elements. The main 800 Show Event Hall, which was recently opened onto the street, invites people to experience and participate in a new urban area and lifestyle.
作为知识、理念及创新意识的创造者,创意产业在当今 经济中扮演着举足轻重的角色。世界各国政府,包括中 国政府在内,都在积极地为其创建良好的发展环境。为 成为亚洲首席创意城市的上海,则是创意产业的欣欣中 心。直至今日,已有超过200个创意产业园在上海市落 户。由于大多位于废弃工业建筑中,保留了过往时代的 元素,创意园成为年轻一代面向未来的创意产业的天 堂。当下,上海生活方式正从工业大都市向后工业大都 市过渡。创意园不仅是这个过渡时期的清晰指向,且对 地方的社会影响也将是不可估量的。 位于上海市的创意园中,由于其位于心腹地带的中心位 置,和保留、突出15栋建筑物各自原有风貌特点并结合 现代元素的设计,800秀被赋予了特殊的身份。最近刚 对外开放的主建筑秀场长廊对大众敞开怀抱,让每个 人都有机会感受并参与到一个新兴的城市生活方式中 来。
Left: View on the creative office area. September 2009 左图:改造后创意办公区域,2009年9月
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A logon representative would be very happy to talk to you regarding your project or any question you may have about our company. Here are some ways you can get in touch with us:
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邮箱:marketing@logon-architecture.com 电话: +86. 21. 62 71 32 07 传真: +86. 21. 62 71 54 79
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罗昂建筑设计咨询有限公司 定西路727号 上海映巷创意工场4号楼3A 200052 中国,上海
Visit us on our website: www.logon-architecture.com www.rebirth800.com
www.logon-architecture.com www.rebirth800.com