ICT INTEGRATED UNIT - TOYS Level 2 - Grade 1 & 2 by Lois Smethurst loisath@gmail.com
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikisdad/164584953/
ICT for Level 2 _Toys ..................................................................... 1 Tux Paint/VoiceThread/AudioTouch ................................................... 2 PART 1- Create Identity Pictures on TUX Paint .............................. 4 PART 2- PHOTOS ............................................................................ 5 PART 3- VOICETHREAD .................................................................. 5 3.1 Photos or Pictures................................................................ 5 3.2 Identities............................................................................ 6 3.3 Comments.......................................................................... 7 PART 4 AUDIOTOUCH..................................................................... 9 Part 5 Victorian Essential Learning Standards................................ 0 The following VELS can be addressed in the "Toys Inquiry Unit" with the Integrated ICT plan for "Tux Paint/VoiceThread/AudioTouch"..... 10 5.2 Information and Communications Technology Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) ................................................................................... 10 5.3 Interpersonal Development : Working in teams ..................... 10 (Recording with a buddy/coach) ............................................. 10 5.4 Thinking Processes Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) ........................... 11 5.5 Communication Level 2 (Years 1 and 2)................................ 11 Learning focus ..................................................................... 11 5.6 Design, Creativity and Technology Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) ...... 11 Part 6 Prompts for Voice & Bloom's Taxonomy ............................ 13 Educational Origami...................................................................... 13 Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Sub Categories ...................................... 13
Tux Paint/VoiceThread/AudioTouch Your Inquiry topic this term lends itself beautifully to VoiceThread so I thought we would make a couple. One of the best things about VoiceThread is that it is ideal for blogs so your students will have some work to show almost straight away. VoiceThread 1 will be just a show and tell about the toys they bring to school so you will need to take a photo of the toys (not faces of students). VoiceThread 2 will be at the end of the unit when the students show their models and tell about the parts and how they work etc... There are two links to example VTs so you have an idea of what they might look like but if you have better ideas for the VoiceThreads then please let me know. VT 1 Toys Galore
(except I think you might like to make each toy on a new page) VT 2 Magnets Voicethread
(go to the second one on the page about magnets)
These students have made a game to explain about magnets. Each student has their own page You could do exactly the same for the toys that the students make. The second VT will be easy because you will have already made all the identities (students) Now that you have the idea I put up a work flow so that you can do this in the lab or in your room. If you want microphones for your room please ask Adam (new techie) to set some up for you. I have some extras to lend.
PART 1- Create Identity Pictures on TUX Paint 1st Week- Get the students to draw an image of themselves on Tux Paint (a new program on the network).
Look for the TUX Penguin in the Programs folder The drawing tools are similar to other drawing packages but when the students click save it saves automatically into their "My Documents" in a folder called "saved". These pictures are much more user friendly for PhotoStory, Voicethread and blogs. Here is a link to a short video on how TuxPaint works. Ask students to draw themselves (head and shoulders will do). Save it and start a new file for free drawing (use the new button to avoid copying over the image that they have just done.)
Use Save and New to start another drawing.
PART 2- PHOTOS Take photos of the student's toys - no faces but you can be creative if you want to include the students holding their toy somehow. This will work better if you don't use the highest resolution on your camera because the photos have to be uploaded to the internet and smaller size photos will load more quickly. Alternately you could have the students draw their favourite toy in Tux Paint.
PART 3- VOICETHREAD 3.1 Photos or Pictures Go to the VoiceThread site, click on "Create"and Login with the details you used when you signed up. Upload your photo or photos from your computer. You can have a page for each student, or a page for a group of students, or a single page with all the toys in one photo like the example VoiceThread.
If you haven't signed up yet, and you need some help, you could use these directions How to sign up for Voicethread as an educator.
3.2 Identities Make an Identity for each student in your class. Once these are made they are in your account for any new VoiceThreads that you make- you only have to do this once!
Type the student's first name only and then browse to find their picture that they have made in Tux. It will be in "L drive" in the students folder in "saved". You will be able to see the image if you view the thumbnails. VoiceThread allocates an icon for each name so the Tux pictures can be added later if you prefer by using the edit button.
Once the identities have been made you are ready to start recording the student comments.
3.3 Comments Comments can be added in a number of ways. Method 1: In my experience it is easier to have the students record their comments with their buddy helper using another program and then to upload the comments into VoiceThread as they are finished. Method 2: You can have the students come to the computer with VoiceThread and record directly onto their identity one by one. Similar to a class Photostory.
If you are using Method one then I would use AudioTouch (which is in the programs folder) to record the audio. The students can record more than one file as VoiceThread allows more than one file on each identity. Make sure you choose the right identity for each recording. There are VoiceThread tutorials on your VoiceThread account which are well worth a look. If uploading photos and sound takes a long time then the settings on your computer may need adjusting. Once you have finished your VoiceThread let me know and I will help you put it on Grade 1/2 blog. If you want to try and put it on the blog yourself the instructions are here.
PART 4 AUDIOTOUCH AudioTouch is in the Programs Folder on the desk top of the student computers. Look for the big red recording dot.
You can see a screencast to help you get started: AudioTouch - How to
Part 5 Victorian Essential Learning Standards The following VELS can be addressed in the "Toys Inquiry Unit" with the Integrated ICT plan for "Tux Paint/VoiceThread/AudioTouch" Toys & VoiceThread - VELS - spreadsheet 5.1 English - Speaking and Listening At Level 2, students listen to and produce spoken texts that deal with familiar ideas and information. They demonstrate, usually in informal situations, that they are able to speak clearly using simple utterances and basic vocabulary. They organise spoken texts using simple features to signal beginnings and endings. They vary volume and intonation patterns to add emphasis. After listening to short live or recorded presentations, they recall some of the main ideas and information presented. They listen to others and respond appropriately to what has been said. http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/discipline/english/level2.html
5.2 Information and Communications Technology Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) As students work towards the achievement of Level 2 standards in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), they use ICT to acquire new knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum and to create and present information in meaningful ways. Students begin to explore contemporary ways of communicating ideas and information by composing and sending simple electronic messages such as emails. (in this case VoiceThread) • use of manipulation techniques to create graphics for a specific purpose or audience; for example, drawing a clown on a child’s Get Well card (self portrait in Tux Paint for VoiceThread identity, drawing the model of the toy that they will make) http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/interdisciplinary/ict/level2.html
5.3 Interpersonal Development : Working in teams (Recording with a buddy/coach)
At Level 2, students work in teams in assigned roles, stay on task and complete structured activities within set timeframes. They share resources fairly. With teacher support, they describe their contribution to the activities of the team. http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/personal/development/level2.html
5.4 Thinking Processes Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) Students develop their skills in making accurate observations about people and events, and they begin to use a variety of means to record their observations. They develop their own explanations for the observations they make and learn to question the accuracy of other people’s explanations. They begin to understand that people are more likely to believe an explanation if evidence or reasons are provided. Students practise ordering and sequencing their ideas. They begin to classify concepts, objects and ideas using given criteria and describe, compare and contrast these classifications. They use a variety of thinking tools (in this case ICT) to assist with recognising patterns in surrounding events and objects. http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/interdisciplinary/thinking/level2.html
5.5 Communication Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) Learning focus
Students regularly make short oral presentations to small groups or the whole class on specified topics across the curriculum and on personal experiences beyond school. With guidance, students develop an understanding of basic communication conventions and practise strategies for improving their presentations with a particular focus on making themselves understood; for example, by varying volume and pace and making eye contact with the audience. http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/interdisciplinary/communication/level2.html
5.6 Design, Creativity and Technology Level 2 (Years 1 and 2) As students work towards the achievement of Level 3 standards in Design, Creativity and Technology, they come to understand that people use creative, imaginative and inventive thinking to help them meet human needs and wants. They enquire about and question their world, offering ideas and suggestions based upon their experience of working with materials/ingredients and systems components. They investigate what products and systems can do, how they work, and why they are the way they are. They play with and manipulate materials/ingredients, think about, discuss and describe their characteristics and properties (using terms such as strong, hard, stretchy and sweet) and why they are suitable for use in products and systems. In response to simple design briefs, students develop basic design ideas based on their experiences of working with materials/ingredients and components. They talk about their design ideas and thought processes and start to represent these visually by using models, pictures and words. They consider that more than one solution may be possible and begin to give reasons for changes in their thinking. Students begin to recognise relationships between individuals and communities, and products, processes and systems; for example, a transport system. Responding to openended design tasks, students develop imaginative and practical design solutions to problems, needs and opportunities; for example, making a simple decorated bag for carrying personal items, modelling playground equipment, or making pots to grow herbs for use in a food product. Students follow a set of instructions and may begin to contribute to planning the main steps to make a product. They explain what they are making and which tools and equipment they are using. They safely use tools and equipment to separate, assemble, join and combine everyday materials/ingredients and systems components in a variety of ways.
Students consider whether their design solutions work and are appropriate for the purpose for which they were designed. With guidance from the teacher and feedback from peers, they reflect on how they designed and made their products. http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/interdisciplinary/design/level2.html
Part 6 Prompts for Voice & Bloom's Taxonomy What can the student's presentation tell you about their thinking? The following information about Bloom's revised Taxonomy is from Andrew Churches "Educational Origami" wiki
6.1 Educational Origami
Drawing 1. Bloom's Taxonomy
Drawing 2. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
6.2 Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Sub Categories Each of the categories or elements has a number of key verbs associated with it Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) • Remembering - Recognising, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding • Understanding - Interpreting, Summarising, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying • Applying - Implementing, carrying out, using, executing • Analysing - Comparing, organising, deconstructing, Attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating
• Evaluating - Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, Experimenting, judging, testing, Detecting, Monitoring • Creating - designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making
Prompting the students with questions will help reveal their thinking skills and understanding of the topic. By using similar prompts at the end of the topic you should be able to compare the student's knowledge at the beginning and at the end of the Inquiry Topic. Below are some sample questions to be used at your discretion. Alternatively you could analyse the information that the student freely offers in their speech and match their commentary to the Bloom's categories. REMEMBERING Useful Verbs
Sample Questions
Tell me the name of your toy.
Describe your toy. Can you tell me what it is made ?
Useful Verbs
UNDERSTANDING Sample Questions
Can you tell how it works?
Can you tell me what sort of games you can play with this toy?
Can you describe how it moves?
Useful Verbs
APPLYING Sample Questions
What other toys do you know that are like this toy?
What are the instructions for using your toy? ANALYSING
Useful Verbs
Sample Questions
Can you compare your toy with ...?
What is the problem/advantage...?
Can you tell me some other toys that have ......(wheels, stuffing, )
Useful Verbs
EVALUATING Sample Questions
What changes would you recommend?
What is your favourite type of toy and why?
Useful Verbs
CREATING Sample Questions
What toy will/did you invent?
What were some of the design features?
Imagine/create http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/Dalton.htm