Convert Your Web Page to Web 2.0 and Your Staff Along with it. Table of Contents Convert Your Web Page to Web 2.0 and Your Staff Along with it............................................................... 1 Part 1: The People:.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Part 2:Community & Communication........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Part 3:The Solution:............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 What Do the Experts Say About Web2.0 Technology in Education............................................................................................... 3 BEGINNING BLOGGERS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Difficulties and Possible Solutions ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 In Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Bibliogaphy................................................................................................................................................ 8
Part 1: The People: Since discovering web2.0 (blogging, online personal learning networks, wikis) I can't help but feel all teachers should know and use these tools. I'm not sure if it is part of human nature that we have to share and bring others onboard to think the way we do because it is reaffirming or because we believe it is important and our duty to nurture our peers. I feel there is an urgency to inform teachers about the online world that at the moment they seem blissfully unaware of. So much is going on in the "webasphere" especially in education, that if teachers are not connected then I fear they are being left behind and can only provide an outdated education program. What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is not a new invention but a shift in the use and capabilities of the World Wide Web. Previously the Internet was used mostly to retrieve information but now, due to changes in the software, users can easily and without technical knowledge participate as contributors, collaborate online and have access to online software. “These concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies (the practice of catgorising content through tags).” (Stilton Studios, 2008) Teachers and students who participate in Web 2.0 have powerful tools to construct knowledge, collaborate locally and globally and to be creative (think, create and communicate).
Part 2:Community & Communication The web site at our school is professionally designed and provides lots of information for parents and prospective families about the history of the school, the curriculum it offers, newsletters, contact details etc. However the communication is directed one way- out to the community. Even then only one or two people in the school have the technical knowledge required to upload information. Putting student work on the web page for viewing is limited by the time it takes one person to do it and without any avenue for feedback, one wonders if anyone even sees it.
Smethurst, Lois LA