Voice First Journal Article

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Voice First By Lois Smethurst

INTRODUCTION Giving students the option of using their voice as the first means of demonstrating their learning has never been easier or perhaps more important than it is in the current world of Web 2.0. It can be as easy as attaching a microphone to a computer and using one of the multitude of recorders that come with software, or as “new age” as sending a post to your blog with a mobile phone. Mobile technologies are evolving so rapidly that being able to articulate your thoughts quickly and with clarity will be increasingly important for everyone.

Some audio files are simply attached to an image for our blog

BERWICK LODGE PS – Audio e-Learning Program

Berwick Lodge Primary School is a large school in the Southern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne, with around 750 students. It is well equipped with a computer lab and desktop computers in the classroom. In addition, the school has it’s own Radio studio that is used to broadcast on community radio once a week. The same studio is used to record interviews and to make podcasts of students work. Audio e-learning has been a strong focus of the school for a number of years. I have always been a firm believer in the importance of students’ oral language as a crucial step in their literacy development and as the key to clarifying their thinking while learning. I also believe, as teachers, we tend to gloss over its importance, by not giving enough time in the school program for specific oral language development. For example, the Early Years Literacy Program (used in Victorian primary schools in Australia) prescribes an hour for reading and an hour for writing every school day for students in grades P -4. Where is the dedicated time for developing oral language, especially in the early years? How often do we ask students to rewrite information in their own words only to find what they have written is nonsensical or merely a rearrangement of the original text with some synonyms thrown in? It is my experience that students are reasonably good at collecting information but much poorer at making sense of it. They can travel three quarters of the distance on their inquiry-learning journey but fail to fully complete it. They struggle to use the information they have collected to reconstruct the meaning for themselves. Often they are unaware that their journey is incomplete until you ask them to paraphrase or read what they have written. Then they will agree that they are not sure what it means or that it does not make sense. Gordon Wells emphasizes the importance of speech and writing as a means

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