CV Eric-Jan Pleijster

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Curriculum Vitae Name Profile

Ir. Eric-Jan Pleijster

Partner and co-founder LOLA Landscape Architects, senior Landscape architect. Eric-Jan is a specialist in landscape design and he brings imagination and passion into the research and design of complex spatial issues. With two award-winning Eo Wijers-submissions and the Delta Water Award, Eric-Jan shows that on this scale, concrete design of landscape, infrastructure and ecology can give a new dimension to spatial planning. He has wide experience with creative and interactive design processes. His approach is result- and product-oriented and he knows how to monitor the main topic in broad partnerships. Eric-Jan is active as a guest speaker and guest lecturer at workshops and design studios.

Professional experience 2012 2011 2011 2010 2007 - 2009 2006 - present 2003 - 2005 2003

Projects 2012 2012 2012 2011 - present 2011 - present 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 - 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2006 - 2007 2006 2006 2006 2004 2004

Speaker Makeblijde lecture, Houten Speaker EMILA symposium, Amsterdam Visiting professor Winterworkshop, Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam Speaker VI Natural congres, Queretaro, (MX) Visiting professor Wageningen UR Co-founder and partner LOLA landscape architects, Rotterdam Landscape architect Vista landscape and urban design, Amsterdam Student assistant Design Studio Rural Landscape, leerstoelgroep Landschapsarchitectuur, Wageningen UR Preliminary design Poelzone Noord, Gemeente Westland Development plan Swaneblake and Hitserse Kade, Gemeente Korendijk Sketch design Recreatief Netwerk Haringvliet, Natuur- en Recreatieschap Haringvliet Research Landbouwontwikkelingsgebied Gelderse Vallei, Atelier Rijksbouwmeester Masterplan Natuurstrook Het Nieuwe Water, Naaldwijk Design Research Stedenbouw Kleine Kavels Cool, Rotterdam Design Research Inpassing Horeca Noord-Aa, Gemeente Zoetermeer Research Stadsrandenatlas van de Zuidvleugel, Zuid-Holland Development plan landschap, recreatie en toerisme Grevelingen, MIRT Grevelingen Sketch design Plan Grevelingendam, GZ-H Sketch design Meijerijbaanbrug, Tilburg Research Atlas Landbouw Ontwikkelingsgebieden, Atelier Rijksbouwmeester Competition New York 5, OpenFort400 Amsterdam (1st prize) Competition Van Meer naar Delta, Delta Water Awards (1st prize) Competition Fish ’n Ships, Europan waterfront Rudkobing (DK) Competition Overhoeksche Waard, Eo Wijers prijsvraag, Deltapoort (2nd prize) Development plan Nieuwe Dordtse Biesbosch, Dordrecht Route design Verbindingsweg, Hellendoorn Masterplan Vechtpark, Gemeente Hardenberg Competition Nature is my Neighbour!, Europan 8, (PT) (1st prize) Competition Frutas Del Mar, XV Quito Pan-American Biennale of Architecture, (EC) (2nd prize) Design Research landschap, recreatie en toerisme Overijsselse Vecht, Atelier Overijssel Routedesign A12, VROM Competition Nomination International Archiprix 2004


Exhibitions and Events 2010 2010 2007 2006

Publications 2012 2011 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2002

Competition Livin’ On the Edge, zesde Eo Wijersprijsvraag (1st prize)

Heavy relic, Expositie Laag Water Zeeland, Middelburg Vredeswijk, Workshop veiligheid in ambassades, The Hague Amsterdam Airport City, Virtueel Museum Zuidas, Amsterdam Frutas del Mar, XV Pan-American Biennale of Architecture, Quito (EC)

Iedere Stad Een Eigen High Line, Archined Olifantenkooi, Architectuur NL Heavy Relic, Laag Water Zeeland Gouden Gids van mooi Nederland, Archined Modder als voorland, Blauwe Kamer magazine Platform, magazine Hoogspanningsparken, Archined magazine Stop de groene verrommeling! Blauwe Kamer magazine De beste plek, Veenman Publishers Een onafhankelijke geest, Blauwe Kamer magazine De auto als protagonist, Tuin & Landschap magazine Massa maken voor innovatief ruimtegebruik, Nova Terra magazine Blik op de weg, Rooilijn magazine

Education 1997 - 2003

Landscape architecture and planning, specialization landscape architecture Wageningen UR, cum laude

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