INFALLIBILITY AND THE POPULATION PROBLEM Stephen D. Mumford DrPH An address to The Population Strategy Meeting IV Barbara Jordan Conference Center Kaiser Family Foundation Washington, DC October 4, 2010 “The only way to solve the problem of contraception is to solve the problem of Infallibility”. —Hans Küng, Catholic theologian
INTRODUCTION I have been asked to speak about what the Catholic Church has been saying and doing in its opposition to family planning. I want to be clear from the outset that I am talking about the Vatican hierarchy and not the Catholic laity. As many of you know, studies show that American Catholic women use contraception and abortion at slightly higher rates than non-Catholic women. My research has been devoted to the Vatican’s thwarting of population initiatives, including contraceptive development. Unfortunately, I have documented that modern threats to the institutional survival of the Church drive Vatican behavior, which has condemned millions to live in poverty by denying them access to resources that could help them lift themselves out of destitution. Arthur Westing, former director of the United Nations Environment Program project on Peace, Security and Environment recently shared a profound observation: “Inexplicably [emphasis mine] and inexcusably, recommendations by the United States, the United Nations and independent research groups essentially never include—and certainly never stress—population as a contributing factor to global warming.” For me, the reason long ago ceased to be inexplicable, and I would like to discuss my journey with you today. I will be covering a great deal of territory, drawing from the work of numerous historians, many of them Catholic themselves. I will illustrate how the Vatican has shown itself to be in opposition to population concerns, and that the doctrine of papal infallibility underlies their behavior. I must ask you to bear with me as I describe a complicated sequence of historical events that leads us to this conclusion. Everything I am offering today is documented, and has been meticulously referenced in this book, a copy of which is available to you free of charge GENESIS OF MY FOCUS. I would like to begin by saying why the focus of my career in the population field has been somewhat different from others in this field. During a military tour of duty in Korea in 1969 and 1970, I witnessed, for 13 months, the mass migration of the rural population into tent slums in Seoul, at a rate of 100,000 people per month. The population had outgrown the capacity of their traditional family farms to support them, undermining their security. As I traveled throughout Asia during this period, I saw that other countries were having the same experience. This led to my decision, upon my return to the States, to prepare myself for a career in population studies. In 1970, I enrolled as a graduate student at the University of Texas School of Public Health to pursue this career path. I had the good fortune of having as my advisor, Milton Siegel, who was just finishing his 24year career at the World Health Organization as an Assistant Director General. Professor Siegel made a statement to me that changed my life. He said that if I wanted to be a serious student of population, I | Page 1 of 7