NSSM 200, the Vatican, and the World Population Explosion by Stephen D. Mumford DrPH. From: The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 1995 On March 30, 1995, Pope John Paul II made public his encyclical letter entitled Evangelicum Vitae, which assailed both abortion and contraception, in the strongest terms, charging that they are crimes which no human law can claim to legitimize and condemned even democratic decisions which did not conform to his concept of what constituted morality. This encyclical was the most sweeping attack on measures designed to save planet earth from the impact of the ongoing population explosion currently taking place in the poorest countries of the world. If followed it would effectively condemn the planet to deforestation, desertification and eventual ecological disaster. Sadly, the fact is that even prior to this latest ruling, the Vatican had already blocked one of the most conscientious efforts to slow down the slide toward worldwide disaster which has been increasingly evident to informed observers for several decades: this was the Vatican’s success in blocking an American policy decision to combat this threat which dated from Richard Nixon’s presidency, but was never put into effect. In 1992, President Richard M. Nixon reasserted his long-held belief that overpopulation gravely threatens world peace and stability. In his book, Seize the Moment (Simon & Schuster, 1992), he ranks assistance in population growth control as the most important effort the United States can undertake to promote peace and stability—and, thus, protect U.S. security. He goes on to say: We must help break the link between spiraling population growth and poverty…. Where they have been tried, family planning programs have largely worked…. Many pro-life advocates…contend that to condone abortion even implicitly is morally unconscionable. Their view is morally shortsighted…if we provide funds for birth control…we will prevent the conception of millions of babies who would be doomed to the devastation of poverty in the underdeveloped world. President Nixon did not have the grim lessons of Somalia and Rwanda when he wrote this book. However, he undoubtedly foresaw disasters of this kind more than 25 years ago. From his first days in the Oval Office, he understood the grave dangers of high rates of population growth—more than any other president. He responded appropriately when he perceived that the American people and their way of life were gravely threatened. In 1974, the President requested the authoritative interagency study that came to be known as NSSM 200—National Security Study Memorandum 200. In order to effectively examine the content and fate of NSSM 200, we need to backtrack a bit to “the Rockefeller Commission.” In 1969, seven months into his first term, in a rare move for a president, Nixon delivered his Special Message to the Congress.1 The message set forth a far-reaching commitment to limiting population growth. It set in motion a broad range of government activities, both domestic and international. It called for creation of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, of which John D. Rockefeller 3rd was named Chairman. Other government activities initiated by the message included: (1) Increased research on birth control methods of all kinds and on the sociology of population growth; (2) Expanded programs to train more http://www.population-security.org/journal-spes.htm | Page 1 of 17